Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Back Collection

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 26, 2024

Chapter 19
Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Stories, First Time in Academia

Chapter Description: Here are selections from a collection of personal recollections by AR-Adults from their first time back into various situations in their lives.

TFTA—First Time Stories, First Time in academia

As I was preparing my book of AR-Adult ‘First Time’ stories, I realized that I needed to include my own experience in the collection.  I have not been immune to the same feelings of insecurity, hope and joy that tend to permeate the return of AR-Adults to society.  Within family, work and social settings, all have had to negotiate new and interesting territories to resume their places in life.

When I contracted the Age Regression Virus, in 2058, I had been holding onto a hope that it had passed me by.  I was a senior member of the Anthropology Department at West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV.  At the age of 52, I was even well into retirement planning.


For the remainder of this article, please visit:  TFTA--First Time--Academia (mediafire.com)  (Download)



End Chapter 19

Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Back Collection

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 26, 2024


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