Recent Stories

Star Trip

by: Daddy_C Last updated Apr 10, 2021

Harry makes a wish and winds up with a completely different reality.

'Scaled Down'

by: skywavesage Last updated Dec 2, 2016

A washed-up pianist tries to masquerade as a child prodigy. Final chapter uploaded. Feedback & comments always welcome, more stories and captions at


by: sumner Last updated Nov 19, 2016

A strange curse opens the door to vendettas on Halloween. [all parts added, apologies for the wait]

The Boy in the Mask

by: Neverlander Last updated Nov 8, 2016

On Halloween night, a small boy in bright red and yellow clown suit and a strangely realistic demon mask wanders from house to house looking for something other than candy. (Includes mild language)

Forever Miles

by: Neverlander Last updated Nov 6, 2016

When a shapeshifting actor is discovered, he has to make a hard choice if he wants to hold on to his success. (Contains mild language and elements of AP, although AR is a more important element.)

Ageless Dark

by: Reina Watt Last updated Oct 29, 2016

In the dark age is not seen, in the light age is all too clear

Get younger and join the fun!

by: vended Last updated Apr 1, 2021

[Part II and III added] Peter had the lowest expectation for Halloween this year, but that was before his little sister's plan took shape, and changed his own.

The Special Teacher

by: Bfboy Last updated Oct 20, 2016

Ethan takes a job as a relief teacher at a special school, thinking it will just be a brief stint before he can return to the city and a proper school. But he might end up spending more time there than expected. Set in the Ngatea satellite town in the Parkdale Universe. Story Complete.

Parents Childish Halloween Party

by: Steven Last updated Oct 15, 2016

While their kids are out having parties, three couples have their own party through the ages.

Teddy Bear, by EgARednu Sphinx and Tabula Rasa

by: OldStories Last updated Oct 10, 2016

A college student gives his abusive father an unusual gift for Father's Day.

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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