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Long Day

by: Mr. D Last updated Oct 5, 2016

Previously titled, "Enzyme", this story has been edited and tweaked a little bit. Andrew gets caught cheating by his jealous wife. He never realized just how far she could go to get payback.


by: Mr. D Last updated Oct 5, 2016

Andrew's wife Iris catches him cheating on her. Iris is a biological researcher who uses her experiments on him as payback.

Regressing Lots

by: Septimus Last updated Sep 27, 2016

A lonely lawyer accidentally tampers with supernatural power, enchanting dice that make her younger with each throw.

The Chronathalon

by: ChronoEclipse Last updated Sep 22, 2016

An Olympic AP event! 20 women compete in a race that takes a lifetime to compete.

'The Playmate'

by: skywavesage Last updated Sep 9, 2016

An unhappy young man impulsively agrees to meet with an online friend. Added final chapter. Feedback & comments always welcome, you can find my other stories and photo captions at


by: light Last updated Aug 29, 2016

Do You Really Mean It?

by: Neverlander Last updated Aug 25, 2016

While taking his nephew to the park, Joseph learns the hard way not to say things he doesn't really mean. Warnings update: There are no warnings for this G-rated piece. It was an unfortunate mislabeling which I should have should have caught sooner.

Intentional Accidents

by: kARth Last updated Aug 25, 2016

*FOURTH Chapter is up.* 18-year-old Victoria's life is a mess. Senior year has brought nothing but heartbreak and drama. She misses the simple days of childhood, when everything was fun and responsibility was just a big word. But suddenly Victoria rediscovers a childish means to end her anxiety problems, and she's certainly willing to try.

Population Control

by: Tommy04 Last updated Aug 9, 2016

You've never read a story like this before...

Inner Child

by: mad0charles Last updated Aug 2, 2016

After a traumatic experience, a couple goes to a special support group to help them.

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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