Neverland, by Libra

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 6, 2017

A youth resort has to face the aftermath of being made public.

Chapter 1
Part 1 - Introduction

Chapter Description: By Libra


By Libra

Part 1 - Introduction

In a future not far away from now, in a world very much like our own. In a resort that is in the middle of a desert, within a room that overlooks the beautiful pools and sun tanning area with one-way looking glass.

"Sir?" asked a female assistant with a cautious tone.

"Yes?" came Peter’s voice from behind a tall gray chair with its back to her. Peter was looking over the pools with the moonlight shining over them. Only the soft lights around the pools could be seen in the darkness below.

"More messages from different newspapers and reporters." She said with weary voice.

"More of the same?" he asked already guessing the answer.

"Yes. They want an interview with you, and now want the possibility of a tour of the resort, sir" She said, wishing she could see his face.

"Very well," Peter said, now turning his chair around to talk with her face to face. The face of an 18-year-old teen with a worried expression now smiled weakly at her.

"Sir?" she asked not sure if he was joking.

"It was a matter of time, before words would get out. Now half of the world knows we can make people younger and tomorrow the rest of the world will know." He explained.

"What do have in mind, sir?" She asked, feeling she was overstepping her boundary a bit.

"Press conference first of course. Then we must take things slowly. Within a week we will have a mob of people outside our walls. I trust you to make the necessary security arrangements and get people we know we can trust. " Peter said now with a grin.

"Of course, sir" She said, showing her relief on her face.

TV stations were airing the story almost every hour now and newspapers were selling out everywhere. At first almost no one believed the story, but as every source of media told the same story over and over, people believed soon after. There was a general feeling of excitement and curiosity now among people in small groups. The subject was the same "The 2nd Chance Resort".

Mostly the question of how they did it was asked. Soon rumors and grand stories were told among these groups. Details were vague on the resort. Only thing certain was that there was a place now where they could make anyone young again.

The story had come out that a woman whose name was still unknown to the public had visited the resort to receive the special treatment it offer. While staying there she was de-aged younger than she wanted to be. It was still unclear on whose fault it was, but the general rumor was it was her fault.

Few details were known about her except for that she was a 34-year-old woman before she went and was a 14-year-old girl now. After losing her case in a private court session, she soon after broke her contract of silence and told every media person she could contact with the help of her husband. The exact location was unknown but it was somewhere in Nevada.

"Sleep well, sir?" Miss Parker asked between answering her ringing phone. All lines on the phone were now lit up. All morning she sat at her desk answering questions with general response of no comment at this time.

"A few hours, how soon can we setup the press conference?" Peter asked as he stopped in front of her desk while he was on his way to his office.

"The reporters can be here on Wednesday and security has been stepped up." She said with a smile.

"Good! Also if you get a chance send out a memo to the staff to prepare." Peter said with a smirk as she gave a evil look at her ringing phone.

"OK." She said.

"Oh, remind me to give you a raise for the extra work you’re doing." Peter smiled as he continued his walk into this office.

"Thank you, sir" Miss Parker said with a bigger smile as she laid her hand on her phone.

"Hire more people to answer phones and letters if you need to. You have my permission." Peter said as he shut the door to his office.

Peter’s office was quiet and looked like an office with every modern wonder one could desire. Morning sun’s light was now starting to come in through windows just right of his desk. On the wall in front of the latter was a large flat screen TV. Plants were sitting in corners by the large window.

Peter was quick to sit and began planning what he was going to say at the press conference. Ideas came to him as he started writing his statement to the media.

Over the next few days the office part of The 2nd Chance Resort was a busy one. Letters from everywhere poured in. Despite there being more assistants to take phone calls, the phones seemed never to cease ringing.

Local and federal government already knew about the resort and its secret long before words had gotten out. Thanks to a few useful contacts within each they got great amount of support. Local law enforcement did have to call in state cops to help with the crowds of people that were now in the small town. Most people followed the media as they traveled to Starlight, Nevada. If there had been fewer tourists and more reporters they would have noticed that there were no senior citizens in Starlight at all.

Reporters had little problems has they entered the resort on Wednesday, thanks to the extra security and law enforcement. Soon the large meeting room was nearly packed with reporters, cameramen, and journalists.

The room grew quiet as Miss Parker entered the room with Peter right behind her. Most kept their eyes on Miss Parker thinking that Peter was her assistant, not knowing that Peter was just being a gentleman by opening the door for her. Resort security was already in position.

Few reporters were not surprised as the young teen took the main seat where most the mics were placed.

"Welcome all! My name is Peter and I am one of the owners of The 2nd Chance Resort. It is true that we here have found a way of make people younger. "

Instantly the room echoed with the sounds of everyone asking questions. Trying to make their own voice sound louder than the person next to them, Peter only smiled as he raised his hands asking for silence again.

"To answer the main question on how we do it, it is in the water that comes from a well within an underground spring. The water combined with a few other ingredients causes it to have a youthening effect on the body. I cannot say what the other ingredients are, but I assure you they are perfectly safe. " Peter stated to the group.

"How long have you been making people younger?" asked a reporter in the back.

"Nearly 80 years now. My family started this resort when I was a kid and please I have to ask you to raise your hand if you want to ask a question." Peter said raising his head a bit to get a better look at the reporter.

Light chuckles were heard as some thought it was funny hearing this from a person who looked like he should be in school right now.

"Yes" Peter said, nodding to a journalist in the front row.

"How much money does this resort make a year?" He asked with his keypad and pen ready.

"We don’t actually make money or charge for membership to the resort. This resort is supported by the donations of its members and visitors." Peter grinned as he thought he shot down a tough question.

"What is done with that money?" The journalist asked with a follow-up question.

"Expenses and cost of running the resort are taken out first then most of the money is donated to local funds and charities. We also help local people with our funds by providing state of the art healthcare and computers systems to the schools." Peter smiled as the journalist looked a little disappointed.

"Yes, you in the back." Peter said now pointing to a young woman in the middle.

"A previous member of yours was made younger than she wanted. Was she at fault or was it the resort?" She asked with a false warm smile.

"Yes, that would be Mrs Homes and she was at fault. Somehow Mrs Homes found out where we kept the small bottles of youth mixture. She broke in and took an extra bottle than the one she was given, then later tried to sue us for everything. This matter was settled in a private court. You have to talk to our lawyers for anymore information." Peter said moving his head side to side letting every camera catch his face. Then he pointed his hand to another reporter.

"Is there a chance we can take a tour of the resort?" He asked nearly bouncing on his feet.

"We can take one now if you like." Peter said gesturing to the door.



End Chapter 1

Neverland, by Libra

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 6, 2017


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