Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Back Collection

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 26, 2024

Chapter 15
Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Back Stories,

First Time Stories: Mike Thorsten, “Little” Leaguer

Mike Thorsten (9/2033): “Going to the park with my kids for the first time after my return home from the hospital, I didn’t expect my middle son to play keep away with the baseball!  Even with a running start, I couldn’t reach it.  He thought it was hilarious! 

“My three boys and I had played baseball together for years.  It was certainly a different feeling for me to return, smaller than the two oldest and only a little bigger than the youngest.  My first game with them like this was humbling, to say the least.  My throws were too short, I couldn’t hit half the pitches and the ball hurt like everything when I tried to catch it.  

For the remainder of this article, please visit:  TFTA--First Time Stories - Mike Thorsten (mediafire.com)  (Download)



End Chapter 15

Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Back Collection

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 26, 2024


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