Vacations End.

by: Andie | Complete Story | Last updated Nov 27, 2010

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Downstairs Daniel was unloading arms full of grocery bags onto the dining room table. He had disposable diapers, bottles, bibs, baby food, wipes, and more baby lotion and powder. There was also powdered milk and some baby biscuits in another bag. Daniel noticed Christopher entering into the room and asked how Andrea was doing.

“She is asleep upstairs; I have her gated in the spare room next to my lab. I took her up there so I could test some of my serum to see if there was any way to reverse the effects. ”

“Did you test it on her!?”

“NO!!! I tested it on my dog, I had no other choice.”

“What happened?”

“Sally, my dog, is now a puppy in both mind and body. The chemicals, from what I can tell, did not allow another component to alter the mental composition, and instead changed the bodies’ composition. It was almost as though the body changed to match what the mind wanted.”

“In other words there is no way to get her back?”

“It doesn’t seem likely. I will continue testing on what serum I have and call the lab to have them test it as well, but I don’t know if there is any hope.”

Daniel wiped tears from his eyes and finished putting the groceries away. As he did so, there was a faint crying from upstairs, and so he put down the last of the groceries and proceeded to follow Christopher up to where Andrea had been sleeping at. As they walked through the laboratory, Daniel took notice of the vials of serum that were still lying on the counter. He also walked in front of Sally, who was now no more than a small puppy, maybe 8-10 weeks old. Daniel looked into the room at Andrea who was now lying on her back on the floor crying up at Christopher as he walked in. Christopher walked over to her, knelt down, and sat her upright. The minute he let go of her, she fell backwards once more. A whispered, oh no, came from Christopher’s mouth.

“What!?” Daniel exclaimed.

“I think she has regressed further mentally.”

“How do you know?”

“Until now she has been able to hold herself upright, and now, even though she is wide awake, she cannot seem to do it.”

“Oh God. What are we going to do? Is she going to regress every day, what will happen if she continues, there will be nothing left!” Daniel was getting overwhelmed and frightened all at once.

“No, it was only the remnants of the serum in her system; it was finishing its job. She shouldn’t regress any farther though. I would put her mentally at about 4 or 5 months right now.”

“Then why can she not hold her own weight to sit up, especially if she hasn’t regressed physically.” Christopher said in calming tones, trying to reassure him.

“That is because the mind works in combination with the body in order to handle those tasks. It is almost as if she hasn’t grasped the concept of how to sit upright yet, even though her body has the ability to do so.”

Once again Daniel was overwhelmed. This time he sat down in the middle of the floor and watched Andrea as she rolled over onto her stomach. She giggled at him and tried reaching out towards him, which caught her off balance and she fell forward. Despite the slight pain she must have felt from hitting her chin on the hard flooring, she did not cry, she tried again to accomplish her goal. It was then that the air was filled with a foul smell. Daniel, being the closest, smelled it first and looked up to Christopher in despair. Christopher turned and went to go gather the needed supplies. He returned just as Daniel had finished pulling the soiled diaper from Andrea. As he did, the young woman lay exploring her fingers in her mouth, babbling incoherently to anyone who listened. She did not seem to be upset with Daniel any further.

“Daniel, I believe I don’t think she was ever upset. It may have been residual emotions leftover from before she regressed mentally. Now that the serums have completed the transformation, she no longer recalls any of what happened, or what was said.”

“Do you mean between her and I, or between you two when you drove away. Just what did happen between you two in the car before the accident?” Daniel inquired.

Christopher recalled the events in the car and related them to Daniel best he could. What came of the discussion was a realization for Daniel that Andrea had indeed felt for him, the way he had felt for her. She simply didn’t see herself, as he saw her. It was in that momentary epiphany that Daniel understood what he must do. He would take care of Andrea because she knew in his heart that he loved her unconditionally. The only problem to this was that he couldn’t do it in her current form without help. He had two choices, and he was unsure of which was the right one to make for her sake.

While he thought over his important decision, he continued changing Andrea. He took out the baby wipes and wiped her down gently, although they were cold which made Andrea shiver, cry softly, and kick her feet. Daniel shushed the mentally young woman, and in response she looked up at him wide eyed for the duration of her diaper change. Daniel took out some baby powder and applied it. Then he pulled out the diapers that he had brought home. He looked at them knowing that she would be in them for the foreseeable future. He picked up Andrea’s legs and elevated her just high enough so that he could move the diaper into place beneath her. He positioned it properly then brought it up between her legs, securely fastening the tapes on both sides so that it fit snuggly. As he did this, he looked back to Andrea’s eyes which had not looked away from him since he had shushed her. She looked at him and to Daniel it was almost as though she looked at him with clarity of her predicament. It seemed that she knew and understood what had happened, and through her clarity she wanted him to understand that she was ok with whatever he decided. In the instant that Daniel saw this, it was just as quickly gone; leaving in its place a gurgling young woman, mentally regressed for the foreseeable future. He knew what he needed to do.



End Chapter 10

Vacations End.

by: Andie | Complete Story | Last updated Nov 27, 2010


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