The lives of Jeremy Parker and Stacey Brass

by: | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 15, 2009

Chapter 8
Back to normal?

Chapter Description: Back to normal?

"Just hold still. This won’t hurt a all." As the needle pierces her neck she screams "AHHH!!!" "Get the straps off of her, the paralysis should take effect immediatly." "What have you done to me?!" She screamed. "The cells in your body are undergoing a chemical reaction with Codename: Spread-24. You shouldn’t even be able to speak. But nevermind that. Nurse get the second surrenge." It was a 3 pronged triangular tipped surrenge that went over the already peirced side of her neck. "This should extract the Barvose Formula in your genome that we used the first shot to manifest." Then the white coated men put her on a stretcher. After her got done with the second injection he said "Nurse please escort her to her room." .

It was only a female nurse taking her into her room. When they were on the way, Stacey realized she could still move and she saw that the nurse systematically would turn her head every time she sneezed. She had a bad cold so Stacey was in luck. She waited for her chance and sure enough the nurse sneezed and Stacey scratched the girls face then jumped off the stretcher and ran down the hall. She saw 2 large men coming through the doorway in front of her, so she took a turn into a laundry room. The door looked rather large but she paid no attention to that. She saw a large laundry shoot and went down it into a lab coat rack she saw a keyring in one of the lab coats and took it.

Just as she thought, it came in useful. The door leading out of the laundry room needed a key and she searched very frantically for it, seeing how was being chased in all. She found the key and popped open the door. Then she came across a fence. She squeezed through the barbed wire and got cut up pretty badly. Her pants got caught up on the barbed wire and came off. She fell into a waste chamber. It smelled horrible and was VERY dark. She felt a breeze though, her panties fell off too. She thought they just got cought up in the fence. She saw an exit through a pipe in what appeared to be the center of the room.

She jumpped down the center and found a sewer system that she followed until she found an open drain and climbed up. She realized that she was near the water treatment facility. She saw the road leading to the highway and ran there but before she knew it she collapsed. She then was picked up and put into a car. "I forgot about Stacey." She heard from what sounded like a familiar voice. "What?"

She shot up out of bed and tried to stand up. Too dizzy, she fell back down. Her clothes were horrendiously outstretched. She said "Jeremy what’s going on!?" "You’re uhh... big again." Said Jeremy. "What!" she looked down and she noticed she was in her real body. "What did you do?" Asked Stacey. "Well some girl gave me a box with a surrenge in it full of some liquid." Replied Jeremy. "I need to change." Said Stacey, blushing bright red. "How do you feel?" Asked Jeremy. "My skin feels tight but that’s probably normal." Said Stacey. Jeremy called Ashley. "Hey Ash, could you bring over some clothes for Stacey?" "Uhh why, doesn’t she wear smaller... oh is she better, or normal, or whatever?" Asked Ashley. "Yea, she’s better. I’ll explain more when you get here"

Ashley brought Stacey Some clothes. Stacey changed from her small child’s nighttime gown into a t-shirt and some jeans. "I forgot it’s almost time for school." Said Jeremy. Stacey was about to go with him but Jeremy said "Rest today. I’ll fill you in on anything you miss." Jeremy left the house and Ashley went with him. Stacey turned on the TV and another news report was on. "Well it appears that we have found some pretty peculiar information pertaining to the Mission People’s case. The local authorities, still baffled by the numbers of people dissapearing from ages 14 - 20, discovered some details behind the kidnappings. Take if from here Tom." "Alright Julian. We have recently discovered that the criminals would lure the people in by using the following method: Have a small child ask for a favor, blindly following them to and unregistered vehicle then simply, well, taking them via force in a iscolated place."

"We have to stop them." Thought Stacey. "But who was that girl. and what did they mean Barvose Formula? What did they do to me, and how long do I have before I revert back, or will I even revert back at all. I’m so confused." Just as Stacey was about to breakdown, Grandmah walked into the room and said, "Hey you’re back to normal." "Yea. It feels good to be back in my regular body." said Stacey.

"Okay so what I’m hearing is that your girl, Stacey, got fucked up something fearce then she just turned into a kid, like how?" Asked Justin. "Nah man I really don’t know. I looked for like 6 hours then just gave up and found some kid on the side of the road on my way home. She convinced me she was Stacey." Replied Jeremy. "She okay now?" Asked Justin. "Yea, but I dunno. Let’s see how things go. I’m hoping she stays in her older form at least till I get home. Shit’s real crazy though." Said Jeremy. "Alright class. What is the prime dervivate of ....."

Later that day after school Jeremy came in the house expecting Stacey to be there, but, she wasn’t. "Stacey!?" Jeremy yelled, trying to see if she was in another room. To no avail. Jeremy got his keys and left with a sigh.



End Chapter 8

The lives of Jeremy Parker and Stacey Brass

by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 15, 2009


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