
by: Garvug | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 14, 2024

Chapter 16

Jack was lying on the floor in front of his crib, he kept his eyes closed and tried to remain motionless. He thought that if he could make it appear as though he had fallen whilst climbing out of his crib then Emma would be forced to summon medical help. It was a last ditch attempt to escape, his final roll of the dice.

His diaper, which was soaked from a heavy wetting, rubbed uncomfortably against his inner thighs. He felt the urge to move in order to alleviate the discomfort but he had to remain perfectly still, he even tried to control his breathing so that it was as shallow as possible.

He heard the sound of footsteps in the corridor, a few moments later this was followed by the sound of a door creaking open.

“Well, I guess it’s gonna be easier to change your diaper this way,” remarked Emma.

He listened to her fumbling around in the room and then heard the sound of rustling plastic. He decided that if he continued to stay motionless then he might be able convince her that he was injured.

“Let’s get your pajama bottoms off first,” she continued.

He could feel her pulling at the waistband of his pajamas and sliding them down his legs. Then a few moments later he felt her fingers on his hips as she unfastened the tapes of the soiled diaper.

“You’re soaked this morning,” she observed.

Emma lifted Jack’s legs up into the air and then removed the diaper from his body. When she released his legs he allowed them to flop back onto the floor, as though he was unconscious. But he didn’t get the reaction that he was hoping for, she seemed completely unperturbed. A few moments later she raised his legs into the air again and then slid a fresh diaper underneath him. As she secured the diaper around his waist and fastened the tapes, he continued to feign injury.

“Get up Jack, I know that you threw yourself on the floor,” accused Emma.

He wondered whether she was just guessing, so he decided to remain still and test her reaction.

“Jack, I’ve installed a hidden camera in the room,” she revealed, “I know you’re not hurt,” she added.

Jack sighed and then rose to his feet. He had thought that his plan might work, but he hadn’t counted on the possibility of a hidden camera.

“I know that yesterday was hard for you,” she acknowledged, “but it will get easier,” she reassured.

He bent down to pick up his pajama bottoms, which had been discarded on the floor.

“Leave those for now,” she ordered, “mommy will change you into some new clothes later,” she added.

Emma picked up the pajama bottoms and tossed them into a laundry basket, then beckoned him to move towards her.

“Follow me,” she instructed.

Jack traipsed behind Emma and followed her into the living room, then she sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to her.

“Let’s have a cuddle,” she suggested, “it will make you feel better,” she added.

Despite the warmth in her voice, he knew that she wasn’t giving him an option. He remembered the last time that they had cuddled on the couch and how he had begrudgingly enjoyed it. Her touch was like an addictive drug, it felt good but he knew that it would destroy him.

Jack climbed onto the couch next to Emma and then crawled into her lap. She wrapped her arms arounds him and then cradled him, pulling him closer to her body. The tension in his muscles seemed to melt away and for a moment he felt relaxed.

“I’ve got something for you,” she announced, “it might help you calm down” she added.

Emma reached down to her side and retrieved something from the coffee table, but Jack couldn’t see what it was. She moved her hand towards his face and Jack saw that she was holding a pacifier, he recoiled in disgust.

“I don’t want it,” he protested.

“Just try it, you might like it,” she urged.

He opened his mouth and felt the silicone nipple slide onto his tongue.

“Try sucking it, you’ll like it,” she prompted.

He closed his mouth and held the nipple between his teeth, but he refused to suck it. It was the only way that he could defy her, an impotent attempt to maintain some semblance of control over his life.

“There’s no point focusing on the negatives, try to look on the bright side,” she suggested.

Emma caressed Jack’s hair, the soft strands slipped through her fingers as she traced her hand gently over his head. With each stroke, a sense of tenderness and warmth enveloped him.

“No more work, you won’t have to pay the bills, I’ll take care of everything for us,” she continued.

He thought about what she was saying. It wasn’t that he enjoyed working, but it provided him with a sense of dignity and self respect that he would no longer have as a baby. He wanted to be able to live on his own and take care of himself. He thought that there was a word to describe what he wanted, the desire to look after himself, but he couldn’t remember what that word was.

“You wont have to worry about anything again, I’ll feed you and change you,” she went on.

To Jack’s surprise and disgust, he realized that he had started to suck on the pacifier. He hadn’t even been thinking about it, it had happened without him even realizing.

“You can play with your toys and watch cartoons, no responsibilities,” she added.

She rubbed his back softly, her fingers gliding across his spine with a gentle and soothing touch. He gazed at her breasts and for a moment he caught himself thinking about what her nipples would feel like on his tongue. Then he quickly dismissed the thought and chastised himself for even contemplating it.

“You just need to stop fighting me and let go of your old life,” she insisted.

He thought about his old life, about a woman that he had once known. He could remember her gazing at him, her deep hazel eyes were filled with desire, he had embraced her. He could still picture her face, but to his horror he couldn’t remember her name. All he knew for certain was that she was the woman who had got him into trouble with Emma.

“I’ll go make us some breakfast,” she chirped, “you’ll feel better once you’ve had something to eat,” she added.

Jack crawled out of Emma’s lap and onto the seat next to her, then she rose to her feet and stretched her arms. Once Emma had left the room Jack waited for a few moments and then pulled the pacifier out of his mouth, he stared at it in revulsion. Despite his best efforts, he hadn’t even been able to resist sucking it.

Jack climbed down from the couch and searched for a place where he could hide the pacifier, hoping that Emma wouldn’t be able to find it. He decided that an empty vase that was stood on the floor in the corner of the room would make a good hiding place. He tiptoed over to the vase and then looked over his shoulder to make sure that he wasn’t being watched, before dropping the pacifier into the container.



End Chapter 16


by: Garvug | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 14, 2024


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vended · Nov 1, 2022

A good read overall. I liked the realistic approach at the start. To be honest, I was a bit bummed to see it go along the trope of the "wife who discover the ARed guy had an affair and turn mad", but the slow mental AR made it worth it. Very neat to witness over the chapters! The sideplot with the babysitter was a good way to add tension mid-story as well. The end made me wonder why we ended up never hearing more about the Doctor or even the mother who's mentioned near the beginning, both character who I expected to see more, but it concluded in a satisfacting way. Thanks for the read!

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