Dania's Diaper Adventures

by: malom_shlasters | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 28, 2011

Chapter 6
Dania in Diaperwonderland

Chapter Description: DIAPERWONDERLAND SAGA PART II Dania meets a rabbit girl and travels to Diaperwonderland

Miss Dania had left the castle in the morning and walked all day, heading beyond the Ural Forest. By the dusk, Dania had gone deep into the forest; the Ural forests were well-known because of the strange spectres, feys and monsters that used to appear there in the full moon nights. But that night wasn’t a full moon one; it was a new moon night, and Dania didn’t know what to expect.

Tired, she was looking for a quiet safe place, to rest there until the next morning, when she was going to continue the travel. Between the bushes, Dania looked a curious stone circle, about 10’ radius, that seemed free from ivy and branches. That place attracted her too much, so she decided entering the circle. As she entered, she gazed a strange animal shadow, hopping from one to another bush. Dania thought it was maybe a monster, so she hold thigh her sword and got closer to see what was there, in the bushes. But as Dania step next to the bushes, she saw a pair of animal feet, quickly dashing to hide between the weeds. So, Dania walked silently, and holding the sword over her head, she jumped right to the bush and cut it down with a swing, screaming: “SHOW TO ME, MONSTER”.

But what Dania saw was surprising: the creature hidden between the weed wasn’t a monster (or was it?). What Dania looked under the moonlight was a kind of enormous, humanoid rabbit. Strangely, that creature was wearing a pretty yellow plain dress, with flower motives; the creature was also holding in its paw a little basket full with berries and nuts. Dania couldn’t say anything, looking the creature, who was lying in the ground, covering its head with the paws, trembling terribly scared.

Dania started to whisper the creature: “calm down, calm. I won’t hurt you”, but the big bunny seemed not understanding her words. Dania suddenly remembered she had studied Lagomorph language, so she tried to speak in that idiom, repeating the same message. The creature’s ears seemed to be no more in alert, and the creature started to get up, saying in Lagomorph: “who are you? And how do you know my language?” Dania answered: “I’m a princess. I have studied all the magical creature languages; and I’m a justice paladin. I won’t hurt you… Creature”.

As the big bunny woke up, Dania could look it thoroughly: It wasn’t “it”; it was “her”. Dania recognized the pronounced feminine curves of a woman about 25-30 years old. But the female body was covered with lightly grey flushy fur. The bunny feet seemed just like the ones of a bunny pyjama: no fingers, just a plain platform. And the paws of the bunny girl weren’t human hands, or bunny paws either: there were just like mittens: only a little thumb and the rest of the fingers were fused into a big one. Strangely, below the paw Dania could glimpse finger silhouettes (was she a girl with a pyjama?). The whole bunny girl body was covered with soft plush, but the most strange of all was her head: it was covered by the fur, and over the head were surging a pair of big bunny ears, but in the place for the face there was something like an oval hole, from the what was leaning out a beautiful woman’s face, according to the age suggested by the body. Bunny woman’s face was totally gorgeous: soft white skin, big round, expressive, black eyes with slim brows and large eyelashes, a sharp soft chin, ruddy spongy cheeks, and full, precious soft bright lips.

- What..? What are you? Is that a pyjama? – asked Dania, hypnotized by the bunny woman beauty.

- Py-what? I don’t know what are you talking about, little princess. – Said the bunny woman, kindly.

- I mean… what are you wearing… on your body? – corrected Dania.

- This...? - Started to say the bunny, pulling the tip of her dress’s skirt, and twisting around, showing all her physical attributes. – This is my spring dress, little prince.

Dania couldn’t help stand totally charmed by that display of body prettiness, looking that pair of shapely beautiful legs, and those perfect buttocks (over the dress, but clearly watched). Dania looked the little bunny was leaning out down the dress.

- Is that a… a tail? – Asked Dania.

- If you want to check… You can – said the bunny woman, vowing to show Dania her tushy, while blinking an eye.

Dania got her eyes closer, inspecting the rabbit tail: she found it was clearly of plush, but suddenly… It moved! Dania turned back, surprised. The bunny woman was shaking her tail from one to another side, while giggling and covering her mouth with a paw.

- How can you do that? – asked Dania. – How can you…? – mumbled Dania, still surprised.

- How do you guess? – said the rabbit. And aiming to her butt with her eyes, told Dania: - Would you want to take a look?

A little blush, but more curious, Dania lifted the bunny woman’s skirt, and what she look was amazing: in the ending part of the spinal tap, there was surging the rabbit’s tale, totally stick to the bunny’s buddy. As the bunny woman was shaking her tail, the spinal was moving a little too, just like it was stuck to the tail. Dania started to think maybe that wasn’t a pyjama, and when she looked down further, she saw something even amazing: there were the bunny’s pair of buttocks, spread, but the plush was so tight, covering totally them, even the inner parts of the butt. Looking more deeply, Dania could look just between the buttocks there was a suggested anus, covered by the plush, yet inaccessible. Dania turn upside down her head to see the frontal part, while the bunny woman was lovely swaying her hips. Dania didn’t found visible genitals: only a plain surface, covered with fur between the legs of the bunny girl. Dania felt tempted to touch the bunny woman’s pubis, but she thought it would be so rude.

- Have you finished? – asked the bunny woman, turning her eyes around, without stop shaking her hips and tail.

- Uhm. Yes. That’s all – said Dania, returning the skirt back to its place. – but, I think I’m a little confused, you…

- Fabbie. That’s my name. – gently answered the bunny woman, getting up.

- Ok. My name is Dania – introduced herself. – And I’m sure I’m a human, but… What are you?

- I’m a lagomorph, of course, said Fabbie, moving away from the stone circle, and sitting on a broken log, crossing the legs.

Dania followed her, and asked:

- But, I think you don’t live near here, do you? – asked Dania. – what are you doing here?

The rabbit woman extended her legs and explained:

- I live in the Wonderdiaperland, as you’ll know. –Told Dania, patiently. – But I had to transport to your dimension because I need food to feed my children. And your world’s food is very nutritive and tasty. Look. – Said Fabbie, showing Dania her basket full of different berries.

- Yes, but. How did you transported to this world? – asked Dania.

- How do you think? I’ve passed through this dimensional portal. – answered Fabbie, indicating the Stone Circle.

- Oh… Yes. – Said Dania. Dania was starting to feel more and more attractive by the bunny girl’s personality; not just her body, her words were too much charming.

- And, what are you doing here, princess Dania? – asked Fabbie, holding Dania’s cheeks with her paws. Dania felt her fur’s softness, so warm, just like velvet mittens. – This forest is dangerous, and you must take care, there are a lot of monsters here, my little baby.

Those words finished totally charming Dania: She was truly in love with that gentle furry woman. Dania hold down her sword and vowed her head, introducing it between the legs of the bunny woman. Dania felt in her face all the softness of her fur, and rubbed her cheeks on it, feeling warm; the bunny woman surprised, but she didn’t move. Quickly, Dania turn up her head and started to introduce it in Fabbie’s dress, feeling more and more comfortable the fur’s warmness.

Dania was right between that silk dress and the bunny girl’s naked body; luckily, the dress was as baggy to permit Dania and the bunny woman share it. Fabbie was still surprised, but instead scaring, she embraced Dania into the dress, without saying a word. Dania ascended to Fabbie’s breasts and rubbed her face against them, softly exerting pressure with her lips, just like kissing them; Fabbie continued embracing Dania, whose most part of the body was inside the dress, and over the dress caressed her forehead. Finally, Dania’s head popped out from the dress neckline and Dania, with all her body inside Fabbie’s dress, reclined her head against Fabbie’s chest, feeling the warmness of her velvet fur.

Fabbie, who was caressing Dania’s cheeks, and tickling Dania’s hair with her soft paws, told her:

- Oh, little girl. I know you must feel so cold, wearing only that diaper. – and Fabbie softly tapped Dania’s diaper with her paw.

- Mmmh, - said Dania, ecstasied. – I’m a little cold, finished, closing her eyes and rubbing a little more her face against.

Fabbie stood there, hugging Dania over the dress, by about 5 minutes. After that, she said:

- Uhm. Dania. I’m sorry, little princess. But I have to go; my children are waiting to be fed.

Dania woke up and saw Fabbie’s eyes, from below:

- Yes. I know you must go. But, I like you too much.

Fabbie seemed to be surprised by a second, but then she changed her face to the most lovely expression Dania had ever seen.

- Oh, my little one. That’s so kind from you. I think you’re a very pretty girl too, and I really like you. – Saying that, Fabbie embraced tight Dania’s head and kissed her in the brow.

After 10 seconds, Fabbie said:

- I have an idea, little princess. Why don’t you come with me, I invite you to my home.

With her eyes shining, Dania asked:

- Are you serious? That would be great.

- Yes. I’m serious, Dania. – answered Fabbie, genlty. – My world is so beautiful, and I think you won’t have a chance like this in your life again. So, what do you say?

- I’d be pleased!! – said Dania, nearly shouting, and jumping inside Fabbie’s dress. – I want to go with you!

The two girls laughed gladly, and hugged, hopping with their butts in the log. Then, Fabbie got up and Dania squeezed out from the dress.

- Are you ready? – asked Fabbie. – I will open the portal right now!

Dania took her sword, and saw as Fabbie was gracefully dancing, coiling on each stone, that was then filling with light. Once all the stones were lighted, the whole circle filled with luminous energy, lightning all around. Fabbie jumped out of the circle and picked up her basket. Dania met her, and Fabbie said:

- So, I have to embrace you to enter. Can you carry my basket.

- Yes, I think I can. – said Dania, and then, worried, asked. – Is that OK if I carry my sword too?

- Uhm… Yes, I don’t see a problem. – Answered Fabbie.

Fabbie then embraced Dania then, and jumped into the circle.

The first thing Dania looked was a great luminous space, that was almost blinding her, and she had to cover her eyes with a hand, and then closing them.

- Don’t be afraid, Dania. I’m embracing you; we’ll come very soon, and I’ll tell you when you can open your eyes again. – Said Fabbie, holding tightly her partner.

After one minute, Fabbie ordered Dania to open the eyes, and Dania could see they were rapidly sliding down on a kind of wooden helter-skelter.

- Whooo. – Here we go, Dania. – Said Fabbie, enjoying the trip.

Dania was excited too, and the two both laughed as they passed through the curves and spins of the tunnel.

After two minutes more, Fabbie announced:

- Dania, now hold tight. We’ll land soon.

10 seconds after, Dania could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Fabbie placed her feet right to the front, and Dania could see as they went out of the tunnel a panoramic view of the Wonderdiaperland: It was brightly, colourful world, with cotton clouds of all the colors; there were a lot of rainbows in the sky, next to a shiny gentle sun. The land was covered of the greenest grass Dania had seen in her whole life. There were strange winged sheeps and dogs and unicorns running in the skies. Beautiful bridges, castles, caves and statues were scattered around; forests, meadows and plains, all of them full with beautiful fauna and flora, represented the general view of that wonderland. Beyond the horizon, Dania saw the arctic lands, and far beyond, only a little cloud of darkness.

As the two travellers were precipitating to the ground, Dania could watch they were landing between a forest, then in a green, at the end in a garden aside a house roof. There would have precipitate a kilometre after the exit of the tunnel when Fabbie landed, stomping heavily in the ground with her feet, but without suffering any damage. After the dust dissipated, Fabbie asked our princess:

- Dania, are you OK?

- Yes, I think so – coughed Dania. – And the basket is well too.

Dania could see a strange house nailed in the ground; it was a kind of mix between a human normal house and a rabbit burrow, but it was very pretty as well; the walls seemed of a colour just like the soil, and the consistence was like the chocolate cake, and the roof was decorated like a strawberry pink cake. The garden where the girls had landed was full of vegetables: shiny onions, bright lettuces and purple cucumbers.

- Oh… is this your garden? – asked Dania.

- Yes, I addressed it. – asked Fabbie, loosening Dania. – I like the vegetables, but the human world fruits are tastier. – And indicating the house. – And this is my home. Come on, let’s enter.

The lobby of the home was so nice, and when the girls entered, Fabbie took off her dress and put it on the hanger. Dania could look more thoroughly Fabbie’s body: it was not thin, but well built. At fact, it was totally covered by fur; erogenous organs weren’t visible (if there were); that explained why Dania couldn’t find Fabbie’s nipples when kissing her boobs. Fabbie’s body was precious, from any point of view.

- I don’t use to wear any cloth when I’m at home. – Fabbie explained Dania. – would you like to take off your diaper?

- Eh...? No, thanks – answered Dania. – I feel safer wearing always my diaper.

- Ok. – answered Fabbie. – Follow me.

As Dania crossed the house, following Fabbie, she founded it very warm and lovely, full with strange non-human and animal devices.

- Dania, I will have to bother you a little. – confessed Fabbie. – I need to feed my children. Would you help me?

- Oh, that would be a pleasure. – answered Dania, interested.

- Ok, thanks a lot, Dania. – said Fabbie, then. – Let’s go to the babies’ room.

When Dania entered, she could look a playpen where there were a dozen of babies, seemingly humans.

- Wow, Fabbie. – said Dania, amazed. – Are all these your children?

- Yes. They are all mine. – said Fabbie. – Six boys and six girls. They are only a month years old.

Dania felt even more amazed, because the babies seemed to be at least 1-year-old.

- Come on. – said Fabbie. – Got near to them. They are very calm.

When Dania got near, she was able to see the babies were totally naked, and they were just like human babies, except for the presence of bunny ears, and paws and feet full of soft light grey fur. At difference with Fabbie, those babies were almost free from fur, so Dania could see their genitals, buttocks and other erogenous zones. The babies were almost bald, but grey hair was growing up in their head, just next to the ears. Dania could see those babies were extremely cute and cute and gorgeous, so she couldn’t resist the temptation of holding one of them on her arms. Dania lifted one of them (a boy), and felt his soft skin and fur, even softer than Fabbie’. Dania turned around it to see his spongy buttocks and was able to see a little furry tail growing from his coxis. Dania hugged the baby and rocked him on her arms, caressing his pretty face.

- Oh, Fabbie. – exclaimed Dania, so glad and excited. – They are so beautiful.

- Thanks, Dania. – said Fabbie, proudly. – I’m raising them with all my love. Oh, Dania. ¿Can you help me diapering the kids?

- Yes, I will.

Fabbie brought a basket full of diapers, and together they diapered the kids. While Dania was playing with the babies, Fabbie started to put the babies in double carts, and wrapped them in soft and warm blankets.

- Dania, can you help me to take them to the kitchen? – said Fabbie. – It is in the next room.

Transporting the babies, they entered to the kitchen: it was a rustic kitchen with a mud oven, a large table with baby sits and a lot of cooking instruments. Dania noticed the oven was hot.

- Is there something in the oven? – asked to Fabbie, while they were sitting the babies.

- Yes. I left there a cake before going out. – answered. – It will be ready in 5 minutes. Now, help me to dress the babies with their bibbis. – said Fabbie, giggling.

Dania helped dressing the babies, and Fabbie put on the cooking gloves and aprom, and proceeded to take out the cake. It was a really great carrot cake with raisins; Fabbie took a knife and cut it in 14 pieces, exactly.

- Dania, can you bring the berries basket? – proposed Fabbie. – They will be the cherrie in the top of the cake. – admitted, giggling a little and blinking an eye.

When Dania had returned with the berries, Fabbie had served the pieces of cake in little babies’ pink plates. Dania helped Fabbie to scatter the berries in the pieces of cake, when Fabbie asked:

- Oh, my dear. I’m sorry for bothering you as much but, would you help me to feed the babies? They aren’t as big to eat by themselves.

Dania accepted and took a fork, and started to feed a bunny girl. The dinner was funny and gorgeous, and Dania was charmed with the lovely family. It took about an hour feeding all the babies, but at the end our heroines were tired but very happy.

- Ok, now it’s our time to eat. – said Fabbie, taking out from a shelf a big plate of boiled vegetables. – I have carrot juice and milk too, if you want to drink something.

Dania was thankful and together they ate all the plate, and a piece of the cake as a dessert. Dania hadn’t drunk her carrot juice, when Fabbie said:

- Oh, I think we have to give the babies their baby bottle.

Fabbie then took out a basket full of hot bottles full with milk, and together they feed the babies with the nutritious milk. After that, Fabbie offered:

- Would you like a bottle, my baby? I can give you one.

Dania accepted and then Fabbie sat her on her legs and started to feed her with the baby bottle. Combined with Fabbie’s caresses and lovely words, Dania couldn’t help closing her eyes and started to feel sleepy. But when the bottle had emptied, Fabbie told her:

- Sorry, my baby. But the babies are so sleepy too, and I have to take them to their cradles. – As she was getting up and taking of the cooking clothes.

Dania helped Fabbie to put the babies on the carts and take them to the baby room, where they deposited the sleepy babies in cradles by couples (a boy and a girl in each one). After that, Fabbie sat in the middle, rocking the chairs swiftly and singing a beautiful lullaby. Dania was totally abstracted, listening the song, and followed her until it finished, and the babies got slept. Fabbie kissed their children’s brows and whispered them lovely words, and after that they went out of the room and turned off the lights, leaving the ambient totally peaceful.

- Thanks a lot for helping me take care of the babies, I’m sorry for bothering as much. – said Fabbie, solemnly. – Oh, I think you must be tired, and it is too late; we have to go bed.

- Fabbie… - said Dania, suddenly. - Why your husband doesn’t help you with the kids?

- Oh… that’s… - hesitated Fabbie, darkening her face a little. – That’s because… My husband is working. – finished, not totally convinced.

- Ah, ok. – Said Dania, doubtful.

Fabbie inhalated deep, extended her arms, sighed and told Dania:

- Would you like to take a shower before go sleeping?

- Oh, yes, I would love it, said Dania. – And I think I have to poo before. – confesed, blushing a little.

- Why don’t you poo in your diaper? – asked Fabbie.

- Oh, this is a knight diaper. – explained Dania. – I must have it as clean as I can. I must use it as less as necessary. – finished, blushing a little more.

- Ok, Dania. I’ll take you to the bathroom. – Follow me.

After the corridor, they came to a perfumed pretty room, and Fabbie showed Dania the toilet (what was just like a human one).

- Well, do what you have to do. – Said Fabbie, nearly closing the door.

- Oh, Fabbie, wait. – Said Dania, stopping her friend. – I think I can’t… I can’t take off my diaper. – Said, struggling to untie the tapes.

- Oh, let me help you – said Fabbie, and quickly untied the tapes and pulled down Dania’s diaper. – That’s all. Wasn’t too difficult.

Dania remembered that was a magical diaper, and her mother told her only powerfully magical monsters would be able to separate it from her. So, Dania stood thinking.

- Ok, problem solved. – Said Fabbie, smiling. – Now, DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO.- Finished, theatrally remarking each word. And went out closing the door.

Once Dania had finished pooing, she looked for the sanitary paper to clean her ass, but she could only find a little stick with a ring attached. Without knowing what to do or how to use it, she called Fabbie again.

- Fabby!

- Have you finished? – asked the bunny woman, behind the door.

- Yes, but… I think I have a problem. Can you come in?

When Fabbie entered the bathroom, she watched Dania sat on the toilet with the diaper down, analyzing the strange stick.

- Is this for cleaning? – asked Dania.

- Of course is it for cleaning! – answered Fabbie, surprised.

- Oh, I just don’t know how to use it – explained Dania. – in my world we use paper sheets.

- Oh, let me teach you – said Fabbie, squatting down on front of the sat Dania. And taking the stick she showed:

- Look. You must twist this ring. – Said Fabbie, doing that. By the sides of the stick appeared slowly soft cotton tassels. – And then, you must… Can you bow?

Dania got up from the toilet and bowed, showing Fabbie her ass. Fabbie spread a little more Dania’s buttocks using her palm and ordered:

- Look here-. Dania turned her head to see Fabby on front of her ass, holding the stick in a hand. – You must introduce the stick in the anus. See? – Continued Fabby, introducing slowly the stick in the middle of Dania’s buttocks.

Dania felt a chill when Fabbie started, but when she felt the soft cotton tassels massaging the walls of her anus, she founded that quite comfortable.

- Now, rub it fine in the ass. – said Fabbie, shaking it carefully. – And once you have finished, twist again the ring and the cotton will be expelled.

As Fabbie did that, the cotton tassels popped out from the stick, and fell in the waste basket.

- An that’s all. Did you understand? – asked Fabbie.

Touching her butt, Dania felt fresh and clean.

- Yes. Thanks. This is great. – said Dania, smiling.

- Now… Do you know how to use the shower? – asked Fabbie.

- Er… I think, but… I don’t know how the showers of your world are. – answered Dania.

- Ok. Let me show you. – said Fabbie, opening a curtain and showing Dania the shower.

More than a shower, that seemed to be a machine or a musical instrument, made out of rustic materials, like mud, woody sticks and some living animals. In the middle of the complex device there was a place for the person who would shower, and in the ceiling there was something like a ball or a pineapple, with some holes in the surface. Dania contemplated the machine, fascinated.

- Would you shower with the diaper on? – asked Fabbie.

- Um… No, of course not. – Said Dania, taking of the diaper, and delivering it to Fabbie.

- Ok – said Fabbie, examining the diaper. – It is still clean. I will store it. – Said, folding the diaper and putting it into a basket. – And have a pair of flip-flops. You could slip and break your head. – joked Fabbie, and handled Dania a pair of resin flip-flops.

- Oh, Fabbie. – Said Dania, doubtful, putting on the flip-flops. – This machine is so complex. I think I wouldn’t know how to use it.

- OK, Dania. I will teach you how. – Said Fabbie. And indicating the middle, ordered Dania. Get in.

Dania got in the middle of the machine, and Fabbie started to pull some roots, that were doing like levers, and Dania heard sound of running water over the ceiling.

- I put the water to run. Now, are you allergic to the peppermint? – asked Fabbie.

- No, I think I’m not. – answered Dania. – I like it.

- Ok. So I will use the peppermint shampoo. – Explained Fabbie, taking a bottle from a shelf. – And the apple soap.

- Oh, Fabbie. – trembled Dania. – I’m feeling so cold. Can you use the hot water?

- Yes, I will. – said Fabbie. – Soon the water will drop over your head, and I’ll teach you how adjust the temperature.

After Fabbie said that, the ball-pineapple started to squeeze water squirts on Dania head. They were warm, but Dania felt still so cold.

- Are you still cold? – asked Fabbie. – Just roll this button. – taught, indicating Dania a button that seemed made out of marble.

Dania rolled the button and steam came out from the walls of the bathroom. The steam started to react with the pineapple ball and it shrinked a little, throwing hot and more potent squirts. Dania felt the water was just in the temperature and started washing her body with the water.

- Now you feel more comfortable. Don’t you? – said Fabbie, kindly - I’ll help you to wash your body. You can entertain yourself with the controls. You look?

Dania saw all around her head there were a lot of different colourful buttons and levers, and she felt a lot of curiosity about them. Dania pressed three buttons and a sweet string melody started to fill the room. Dania was excited and funny, so she kept trying with the controls. Fabbie squatted down and started to rub Dania’s body with the soap.

- Do you like music? – asked Fabbie, rubbing Dania’s buttocks.

- Oh, yes – answered Dania, fascinated. – This is wonderful.

Dania pulled a lever and a lot of colourful bubbles came out from the walls, spreading through all the shower room, while Fabbie was lifting one by one Dania’s feet and rubbing her soles and between her toes.

Then, Dania pulled a feather duster that was surging from the wall, and a bird’s voice started to accompany the melody. Meanwhile, Fabbie was rubbing Dania’s armpits with a sponge, giggling about Dania’s innocent funny.

- Oh, Dania. I’ve almost finished with your body. Can you rinse your head with the shampoo? – asked Fabbie, giving Dania the shampoo bottle.

Dania started to rinse, while Fabbie was washing so well her butt. To finish, Fabbie rinsed Dania’s beautiful face with soap and water, taking care of Dania’s eyes wouldn’t be irritated by the soap.

Finally, Fabbie pushed back the roots and the water stopped flowing and all the music and effects finished. The bunny woman took a towel and wrapped Dania, drying up her bottom. Then, still wrapping her in the towel, Fabbie lifted Dania and kissed her in the cheek.

- Did you like your shower? – Asked Fabbie, sure she was getting a positive answer.

- Yes, Fabbie. Thank you. – Answered Dania, with her eyes shining. – It’s the most wonderful experience I’ve had in my whole life.

- OK. I’m glad to listen it. – Finished Fabbie, carrying Dania out of the shower and closing the curtains again.

Out of the shower, Fabbie finished drying up Dania’s feet and hair, and then said:

- Well, now you smell so good. – Said Fabbie, sniffing at Dania’s neck and forehead. - Ok. I think is time to go to the bed.

- Oh, Fabbie. – Said Dania. – I’m sorry, but I always sleep with my diaper on.

- Ok. Than I’ll bring you your diaper. – Said Fabbie, opening the basket again.

Dania received the diaper, unfolded it and stared at. Then, blushing, she said:

- Fabbie. I’m sorry for bothering, but… I haven’t learned how to diaper myself. Can you?... – asked, delivering Fabbie the diaper.

Listening at that, Fabbie sighed and then smiled innocently:

- Dania. That shouldn’t be asked. Of course I’ll help you to put on your diaper. Just lie down in the changing table. – ordered, indicating a cottoned table on front of them.

Dania lied down on the table mouth down and spread their legs a little, while Fabbie went for the powder and ointment. Than the bunny woman lifted Dania’s legs a little and put the diaper below them. After that, she applied the rice powders in Dania’s buttocks and greased between them with herbal ointments, finishing tapping Dania’s butt gently. Dania giggled a little and so did Fabbie. Then Fabbie adjusted Dania’s diaper to her hips perfectly.

- Done. Now, you can get up, Dania. – Announced Fabbie.

Dania got up and was conduced by the hand of Fabbie to the sleeping room.

- You’ll sleep with me in my bed. – said Fabbie.

Fabbie’s bed was made out of straw, covered with cotton, and it had a pair of pillows and a pink blanket. It seemed so comfortable. A dim light was turned on. Fabbie picked up the cover and Dania hurried to get in; so did Fabbie and the two tucked up to sleep, lying mouth down and looking each one the eyes of the other.

- I’m a little tired, Dania. – said Fabbie. – But I’d be more tired if you haven’t come to help me.

- No. – Said Dania. – I’m the one who must thank you, because you permitted me coming with you to your beautiful home.

Fabbie giggled and told:

- And you must wait until tomorrow. You’ll be able to take a walk by my land. You’ll love it. – finished, and turned around, showing her back to Dania. – Now, good nights.

But the shower had energized Dania, and after trying to sleep about 5 minutes, she thought about making a little mischief. Fabbie was still awake, so Dania got her hands down the blanket and suddenly lifted Fabbie’s bunny tail and spanked her twice in her unprotected buttocks.

- Hee hee. – giggled Dania.

Fabbie liked the joke, so she turned around giggling too and told Dania, smiling:

- Oh, it seems you still like to play.

And quickly Fabbie hopped like a rabbit, still inside the blanket, to reach Dania’s back. Then, Fabbie grappled Dania and bended her arm, taking care for doesn’t hurting her friend.

- Noo, hee hee. – giggled Dania. – let me escape.

- No, I won’t. – answered Fabbie, giggling too. – You started the game, so you must endure.

Saying that, Fabbie introduced a thumb in Dania’s diaper and pulled it down until it reached Dania’s thighs, leaving Dania’s buttocks totally bare. Then, Fabbie spanked three times Dania’s butt with her paw.

- Do you surrender? – asked Fabbie, laughing. – Won’t you?

Dania was laughing, trying to escape from that funny punishment, and she managed to squeeze out of Fabbie’s arms and then counterattacked with another spanking.

After a while, enjoying a lot the game, the girls were rolling around under the blanket, spanking, grappling and tickling each other, like two intimate sisters.

Exhausted but too satisfied with the game, the two girls hugged under the blanket. Dania rested her head in her friend’s chest, and she started to caress her neck. Dania felt so pleased and kissed Fabbie’s chest. With her other arm, tied around Dania’s back, started to tickle her back slightly. Dania opened her eyes and giggled a little, looking at her friend’s lovely eyes. Fabbie’s hand got a little down, tickling, then caressing Dania’s low back. Calmed down by Fabbie’s velvet hands, Dania was starting to feel relaxed and sleepy. Fabbie started to caress Dania’s buttocks, and then passed her hand by Dania’s perineum; Dania sighed a little upset, but Fabbie calmed her down by kissing her brow.

Finally, Fabbie’s hand reached Dania’s vulva. At first, Dania felt a little excited and had a chill, but then, by the rhythm of Fabbie’s paw movings, she could know Fabbie’s caresses had another intentions. With that friend’s warm love sensation in her genitals, Dania totally stood relaxed by Fabbie’s caresses, and started to fell asleep. A little before losing in Morpheu’s lands, Dania felt Fabbie was pulling up Dania’s diaper again, and felt her love kiss in her cheek. Turning off the lights, Fabbie told her sleeping friend:

- Good nights, sweet princess.



End Chapter 6

Dania's Diaper Adventures

by: malom_shlasters | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 28, 2011


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