The Dark Influence

by: diapercheck | Story In Progress | Last updated Jul 8, 2024

Chapter 5
5: OMG You Guys, A Friend Shows Up!

Laying down the changing pad on the grass, followed by her stinky baby, Chloe put her phone on a tripod she brought with her. Was she really going to be filming a diaper change? John thought.


“Alright BakerFamfans, today I’m doing a tutorial about how to change a diaper. So here we have baby John, who’s got stinky pants,” clearly this was meant for a laugh, but John remained steadfast.


Chloe continued, “So the first thing you’re going to want to do is make sure you have all your supplies. I got my changing pad, my baby,” she winked at him, “my powder, wipes, butt paste, and of course the diaper. Now here, we see baby John has a shirt and pants. If your baby’s in a onesie, you can snap it over their shoulder so it doesn’t get in the way, but for pants, make sure to yank them off,” she pulled them off in one swift motion like back at the house, placing them to the side, ”The reason for this is you want to make sure your baby’s clothes don’t get ruined if they pee everywhere or it gets caught in the shuffle of the change.”


John looked down at himself again, this time seeing his diaper with the blue line like when he wet himself, but now it sagged somewhat visibly.


“Okay, once you have you’re ready to go, you open the diaper like this,” John looked away as he heard the scratching of the Velcro tabs.


“Oh potatoes, it’s everywhere!” Chloe exclaimed with a fake fervor reserved for influencers, “Try and get as much as you can with the clean parts of the diaper, though in this case there’s not much to, because little man destroyed this thing.” John blushed at her joke.


She picked up the package of wipes next, “Next, you want to use your wipes, clean up your baby, making sure to get any sort of crevices in there, you don’t wanna give your kid a sore bum.” She quipped, wiping the scene. John really hated this part.


“Next, you’ll want to get your powder, make sure to get it all around there to dry up any wipe residue, this will help prevent diaper rash,” it was at this point a shadow appeared on John. He looked to his left to see a silhouette of a woman. The sun blocked out who it was, but that mystery was solved quick.


“Chloe!” The woman said with exuberance, kneeling down to get on her and John’s level.


Chloe stopped recording. “Emily! How are you?” giving her a hug.


John gulped. Emily? The same Emily who he had gone to college with? The same Emily he worked with and saw almost every day? The one he was now half naked in front of? That Emily?


“I’m great! Who’s this little guy?” Emily motioned to John, who was covering his eyes.


“Oh, this is little John,” Chloe said happily. How could she? She’d blown his cover!


“Oh so the powder worked?” Emily said. John’s insides went cold.



End Chapter 5

The Dark Influence

by: diapercheck | Story In Progress | Last updated Jul 8, 2024


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