
by: Garvug | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 14, 2024

Chapter 4

Emma sat down at Jack’s bedside and placed a gym bag on the floor.

“Doctor, can I talk to Jack in private?” Emma asked.

“Sure, I’ll give you both some time.” Doctor Palmer replied.

Jack glanced nervously at the gym bag. When Emma had told Jack that she was going to purchase him some new clothes, he had been looking forward to wearing clothes that actually fit him. But when he thought about it, he realized that the only clothes that would actually fit him would be from the children’s section.

When Doctor Palmer left the room, Emma picked up the gym bag and placed it on the edge of Jack’s bed.

“I’ve been shopping, I tried to get you some clothes that you’ll like, but there wasn’t much choice.” Emma explained.

She stood up and unzipped the gym bag, then rummaged around inside.

“What do you think of these?” she queried, pulling out a small pair of denim jeans.

Jack was pleasantly surprised, the jeans had an elastic waist, but other than that they looked very similar to his old jeans.

“They’re okay.” Jack replied.

“I’ve got you some plain shirts as well, look,” she continued, as she held up a navy blue t-shirt.

So far, so good, he thought.

“I tried to get you some plain pajamas as well, but I could only find ones with prints on them,” she revealed, reaching into the gym bag.

Emma pulled out a pajama top and held it up in front of him, it was brightly colored and adorned with pictures of dinosaurs. Jack shook his head in disapproval.

“Sorry, I couldn’t get anything better,” she apologized, “we also need to talk about how we’re going to get you home.” she added.

“You’re driving me home right?” Jack asked.

Emma cleared her throat and then bit her lip, before pausing for a few moments to consider her response.

“Yeah, won’t fit in a normal car seat,” she observed, “what if I crash or if I get stopped by the police?” she continued.

Jack knew where the conversation was going and he didn’t like it.

“Umm, you mean?” he murmured.

“I bought you a car seat that you’ll fit in, you know...for safety,” she explained.

Jack blushed. He didn’t like the idea of using a child’s car seat, but he knew that it made sense. He had never trusted Emma’s driving and he had no intention of dying in a traffic accident.

“I think I’m going to get dressed now,” he announced.

Emma nodded her head and moved the gym bag closer to him. Jack slid to the edge of his bed and peered down over the side.

“Let me help you get down” Emma suggested.

Jack sighed and nodded his head. He perched on the edge of the bed, dangling his legs over the side. Emma placed her hands under his armpits and lifted him carefully down onto the floor. When his feet touched the ground he was standing only inches away from her, looking directly at her thighs. He felt overwhelmed by the sheer size of her. He took a step back from her and decided that he needed privacy.

“Can you look away whilst I get dressed?” he asked.

Emma lifted the gym bag onto the floor and then walked to the opposite side of the room, Jack looked across at her to make sure that she wasn’t looking at him. Then he pulled the tiny hospital gown off of his body and let it drop to the floor. He was now only wearing a soaking wet diaper, which he had been anxious to hide from Emma. He fumbled awkwardly with the tapes and tried to remove the diaper, eventually it slid to the floor and landed on top of his discarded gown.

Jack looked down at his crotch and stared anxiously at his genitals, his penis was small and hairless. He didn’t want Emma to see it, but he didn’t know long he would be able to hide it from her.

He took a pair of jeans out of the gym bag and attempted to put them on, after several attempts he managed to pull them up around his waist. But when he tried to put on a t-shirt he had difficulty maneuvering his arms through the sleeves and he struggled for a few minutes with the t-shirt stuck over his head.

“Let me help you with that.” Emma offered.

“Okay.” Jack muttered.

He couldn’t see her properly, as the t-shirt was obscuring his vision. But he could feel her fingers on his arms, guiding them into the sleeves and then pulling the t-shirt down over his body. He could now see that she was kneeling down in front of him and although she was still taller than him, he felt less intimidated.

“I bought you some shoes and socks as well, can I help you put them on?” she asked.

Jack frowned and nodded his head. He sat down on the floor whilst she slid the socks onto his feet, he squirmed slightly when he felt her fingers wrapped around his whole foot, her hands were huge. She slid the shoes onto his feet and secured the Velcro straps, then Jack breathed a sigh of relief.

“All done,” she announced.

Emma glanced at the discarded diaper on the floor and wondered how long he would need to wear them for. Jack noticed where she was looking and he guessed what she had seen.

“Do you need to keep wearing those?” she quizzed.

Jack blushed and looked down at his feet.

“I’m going to try using the toilet again,” he mumbled.

“Well I’ve bought some just in case, hopefully you won’t need them,” she replied.

Jack got to his feet and walked gingerly across the room, he still felt unsteady on his feet. Then the door creaked open and Doctor Palmer stepped back into the room.

“Are you two okay?” he asked.

“Doctor, I think we’re ready to leave, if that’s okay?” Emma replied.

“You’re free to go Jack, but we need you back here on Tuesday the 27th so that we can monitor your progress. If you start to feel unwell or you have any concerns, please contact me.” Doctor Palmer advised.

They both thanked the Doctor and then began to make their way slowly out of the building. Jack walked carefully, making sure that he didn’t trip or slip on any surfaces. It was the first time that he had left the building since the accident and the world as he now saw it still felt unfamiliar to him. As they strolled through the parking lot he stared at a pick up truck and marveled at it’s tires which were now as tall as him.

When they reached the car Emma opened the door and pointed to the back seat.

“Sorry, I know this can’t be easy,” she remarked.

Jack climbed into the back of the car and saw that a children’s car seat was waiting for him. He clambered onto the seat next to it and stared at it in disbelief, it would fit him perfectly. Reluctantly, he crawled into the car seat and slumped backwards. His feet were now slightly elevated and he felt like he was sat in a recliner. He pulled the straps down over his shoulders and attempted to buckle himself in, but the buckle would not latch.

“Here, let me give you a hand.” Emma offered.

As she bent down and reached into the car, Jack could feel her warm breath on his face. She took hold of the shoulder straps and the buckle between his legs, then effortlessly snapped it shut.

Jack wondered whether his fingers would be strong enough to undo the buckle if he needed to, but he guessed that he would probably need Emma’s help to get out of the seat. He watched as she sat down in the drivers seat and fastened her own seatbelt. Before the accident he had always preferred to drive the car himself when they were going somewhere together, but now he couldn’t even fasten his own seatbelt.

As they travelled home his mind began to wander and he started to feel drowsy. He resented the fact that his car seat was so comfortable and he certainly didn’t want to fall asleep in it. He tried to focus his mind so that he could fight the urge to close his eyes.

“Jack, we’re home.” Emma announced.

He woke up with a start. The passenger door was open and Emma was stood outside of the car peering down at him. He remembered that they had been driving home and he realized that he must have fallen asleep. He fumbled with the buckle on his seatbelt and tried to unfasten it, but his fingers weren’t strong enough. Emma reached into the car and using one hand she swiftly popped open the buckle.

“Do you need a hand climbing out?” she asked.

Jack shook his head and climbed out of the car seat, before carefully lowering himself down onto the floor of the vehicle. Then he clambered out of the passenger door and hopped down onto the ground.

“Are you tired? You can go to bed if you want.” Emma suggested.

“No, I’m okay,” he insisted. But only seconds after the words had left his mouth he found himself yawning.

He stared upwards at the front door of their house, the whole place looked very different from his new vantage point. Before the accident he had thought that their modest two bedroom home was rather cramped, but now it appeared enormous. Emma unlocked the door and Jack stepped into the hallway, then he looked around in awe. The ceiling seemed to be impossibly far above him and it reminded him of being inside of a warehouse. Everything was the same, but different.

When he entered the living room he was amazed by the size of the television, he recalled that he had been considering buying a larger one, but now the length of their modest TV exceeded his height. He spent the next ten minutes walking from room to room, gawking at the scale of everything.

When he reached the bedroom, he stopped to look at the bed and yawned. It was lower than the hospital bed that he had been sleeping in and he thought that he would be able to climb into it without assistance. Emma followed him into the room.

“Shall I make us some dinner?” she queried.

“What time is it?” he enquired.

“Six o’clock.” she replied, as she looked at her phone.

Jack looked longingly at the bed.

“I think I’m going to go to bed after all, it’s been a long day,” he said.

“Okay, you get some rest. Let me know if you need any help when you need to go to the toilet.” Emma replied.

Jack shuddered. Now that he thought about it, he realized that he might not be able to climb onto the toilet by himself.

“Alright,” he mumbled.

Jack pulled himself onto the bed and rolled over. He snuggled into the covers and he thought that they felt softer than they used to do.

“Goodnight.” Emma whispered.

“Night,” he replied.

The next time he woke up it was pitch black inside of the room. He could hear Emma snoring quietly beside him and he could feel the heat radiating off of her body. He rolled over and moved closer to her, before reaching out to place his hand on her shoulder. She was lying on her side and facing away from him, when he stretched out his legs his toes brushed up against her lower back.

Her skin was warm to the touch, but touching her didn’t elicit the same emotional response in him that it used to do. He used to love to grab hold of her and push his body up against hers, but now he felt emptiness. He used to get an erection when he touched Emma, but now he felt nothing.

He knew that he wouldn’t be able to be intimate with her ever again, but he was more troubled by the fact that he no longer had a desire to be intimate with her. When he remembered the times that he had made love to her, the memories seemed to have lost their meaning. He no longer wanted to have sex and the idea of putting his penis inside of somebody else felt vaguely disturbing.

Jack removed his hand from her shoulder and moved further away from her. He rolled over and drifted off to sleep.



End Chapter 4


by: Garvug | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 14, 2024


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