Mystical Tour

by: conicteam | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 5, 2011

Chapter 2
The Old man who thinks he's a courier

Chapter Description: Reminding you of a classic Beatles' film yet?

Chapter 2: The old man who thinks he’s a courier

"Good Afternoon passengers! My name is Jenny Winter, and I’ll will be your courier today," said the female courier cheerfully.

"Good Afternoon Miss Winters, miss winters, miss winters, miss winters," The passengers replied.

As the bus pulled away from the stop, some people fell asleep, including Connor. He kept leaning on Knuckles due to the movements of the bus, but Knuckles just pushed him away. Tails and Sonic were busy chatting with eachother about the events they participated in recently.

"They had another Michael Jackson tribute concert," Tails asked Sonic. He nodded and replied, "It was funny that I saw an old man who had a similar profile to Michael, and when he spoke to me, it sounded like him. In fact, the wrinkles on his skin seemed fake!"

Tails was shocked. He asked Sonic if he thought Michael was actually alive, and Sonic said that it’s possible.

"More possible than Paul being dead and being replaced,"he added.

In the seat in front of them, an old male fox was sitting quietly. He had to be atleast over 53. His attire was very formal, even by British standards. His glasses were round and the frame was thick. He had an emotionles scowl on his face that lead people to wonder what he was thinking.

Tails was so perplexed by the old fox that he asked the assistant courrier who he was. The male courier replied, "Oh don’t mind Mr. Bloodvessle. He’s a little crazy and keeps to himself. Funny thing is, he thinks he is the courrier."

Tails looked at the old man, and then the assistant courier.

"You’re kidding right," Tails asked confusingly. The male courier shook his head and replied, "I’m not kidding. As funny as it sounds, he thinks he’s the courier. Last time he thought he was the driver." The male courrer chuckled and sat back in his seat which was all the way in the front right.

Mr. Bloodvessle had his eyes set on Tails’s Aunt Margret. The old fox was facinated by her glimmering crystal blue eyes. Being a perverted old man, however, he had his eyes staring at her chest. He calmly went up to the mic and grabbed it.

"Hello. I am Mr. Bloodvessle and I will be your courier today. I hope you enjoy yourselves within the British limits." Mr. Bloodvessle said calmly with an almost emotionles voice. Margret looked at the calm face of Mr. Bloodvessle and gazed into his deep brown eyes as she drifted into a dream.

In her dream, Margret was on a date with Mr. Bloodvessle. She and him were walking in a garden filled with all sorts of flowers and trees. They were having a groovy time! At the dream’s conclusion, they were having a romantic dinner.

As the bus was nearing it’s first stop, Tails walked over to Margret and shook her to try and wake her.

"Auntie! Wake up!" He shouted.

Margret wke up a little wearily and a little agitated since he interupted her dream.

" Why’d you have to do that Tails? I was having the best dream of my life," Margret snapped at him.

"We’re almost at our first stop," Tails stated.

The bus stopped at what looked like a military base.



End Chapter 2

Mystical Tour

by: conicteam | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 5, 2011


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