Don't Change MY reality

by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 14, 2011

Chapter 3
Don't Change MY reality Chapter 3

Chapter Description: This is part 3 of 4 now, Theres just too much left to still fit into the story to make it only 3 parts so expect the conclusion in the next couple of days

Kaitlyn sat in the playpen for what seemed like an eternity before a daycare worker noticed that she was crying. The worker threaded her arms through the bars of the playpen and softly stroked Kaitlyn’s hair.

“Aww sweetie, what’s the matter”

Kaitlyn hadn’t even noticed the worker and jumped in alarm at the sudden contact, She rubbed her eyes vigorously trying to hide the fact that she had been crying.

“Are you soggy already?”

Kaitlyn blushed and shook her head her agitation getting worse. She wouldn’t be able to explain to the worker that only yesterday she had been on the cusp of leaving high school and now she was god knows how many months away from graduating to kindergarten.

She tried to rack her brain for a plausible excuse as to why she was crying.

“Are you sleepy?”

Kaitlyn shook her head again and noticed something that was actually bothering her. Her teeth. It wasn’t why she was crying but her mouth ached as if she was experiencing teething problems. She pointed at her mouth and was about to say that her teeth were aching when the worker’s face lit up with realisation. She leant over the playpen edge and picked up a chew ring and handed it to Kaitlyn.

“Your teeth are hurting huh sweetie. Chew on this and it’ll help. You poor thing”

The woman ruffled Kaitlyn’s hair as Kaitlyn gingerly took the teething ring. How many other teenagers had randomly chewed on this. She looked at it as the worker continued to study Kaitlyn.

“Go on. It’ll be all right. You’ll see what I mean”

Kaitlyn, guessed that the worker wouldn’t leave her in peace until she chewed on it, so she stuck it in her mouth and bit down. Surprisingly it did ease the ache in her teeth. Kaitlyn hadn’t expected such an instant relief. She looked at the teething ring in disbelief for a second and then popped it back in her mouth, chewing on it thoughtfully. The worker pushed herself back up to her feet and wandered away content that her task had been done.

Kaitlyn sat in the pen, her dark green eyes studying some of the other teenagers running around the room playing. She had to find a way out of the situation. She noticed that girl she had been trying to talk to all morning,running around with two of her friends. Suddenly one of her friends ran into a teenage boy who was strapped into a baby walker. Even from here Kaitlyn could hear the winded girl shouting abuse at the boy. It was quickly ended when a daycare worker frogmarched the girl into the naughty corner. Kaitlyn felt herself blushing for the poor girl. How humiliating must it be, being punished like a little kid. Although Kaitlyn surmised that of course for everyone here, except herself, this was all normal. Kaitlyn watched the brown haired girl suddenly reach into her teddy bear and pull some sort of device out of her toy.

Kaitlyn squinted. What was that? She couldn’t see it very clearly due to the distance and pulled herself up into a standing position to try and get a better look. She could see the girl talking into what looked like a Dictaphone. Why would someone who was at an infant level have a voice recorder? That made no sense.

Suddenly the girl and her two friends vanished. Kaitlyn squealed in surprise and fell backwards onto her padded behind.

Those three had just disappeared! She searched the room and was confused when she noticed all three of the girls back in a playpen not far from where Kaitlyn herself was. She wanted a better look so went to pull herself back up into her standing position and was halfway through doing so when her knees buckled. She fell into a heap on the playpen floor.

Her heart pounded in her chest, the noise deafening her in her panic, as she was already coming to the conclusion of what had just happened. She got to her hands and knees and tried to push herself up to her feet. With extreme concentration she found herself standing for a split second before she suddenly felt disorientated and collapsed again.

She had lost the ability to stand, to walk, to run. She saw the brown haired girl toddling around in an oversized baby walker. So the girl had lost the ability to walk as well? That was oddly suspicious. Did it have something to do with that device? Loathing the fact that she now had no choice but to crawl she shuffled her way over to the edge of the playpen and was about to call out when a worker came over and hoisted Kaitlyn out of the pen.

“Hey!” Kaitlyn squealed. She wasn’t used to being manhandled like this and it went against all the personal boundaries she had gotten so used to, in being a young adult. The worker simply ignored her, draped Kaitlyn over one shoulder and stuck two fingers down the back of her now exposed disposable diaper.

“Ooh looks like Kait is still dry I see. How about you go for a spin in your walker. You always enjoy that don’t you sweetie. You seem so grumpy today”

Kaitlyn couldn’t find any words, she simply blushed several shades of crimson and stuttered syllables, embarrassed beyond belief that she had just had her diaper checked. At least she had been dry. She would have probably bawled the place down if she had discovered she had been wet without even realising it.

Kaitlyn was lowered into a baby walker, similar to the girl that she had been trying to talk to all day. She looked over and noticed the girl was toddling precariously close to Kaitlyn’s sister Beth, who was playing on the floor with some overly large playing cards. From this distance Kaitlyn couldn’t hear what was said between the two of them but Beth seemed to scramble to gather all the playing cards up and her body language suggested that she was in a huff. Maybe Beth could help.

Unsteadily Kaitlyn tottered towards Beth as the brown haired girl was plucked out of her walker and carried off by a worker.

“BETH!” She yelled as she got closer.

Beth’s head snapped up and a surprised grin softened her glare. Beth got to her feet and walked over to Kaitlyn.

“Oooh Katie, look at you, almost walking by yourself. Mom is going to be super proud!”

Kaitlyn hid her blush behind her hands, she couldn’t be distracted now. She needed to find out if Beth knew anything.

“Beth...that girl...”

“I will push you okay. We can go on an adventure together!” Beth giggled as she started pushing Kaitlyn’s baby walker from behind.

“No. Beth. I don’t want...”

“Look, you be the pony and I will be the rider okay? We will go over to the dress up corner”

“Beth! Look just answer my quest...” Kaitlyn was getting frustrated. She just wanted her sister to stop for one second but she was being as hyperactive as any preschooler would be, and Kaitlyn was trying desperately not to lose her patience.

“Awww Katie’s cranky!” Beth chided as she stopped pushing her teenage baby sister around the room and walked round to the front of the walker. “Is it cause you have a stinky bum?” She asked innocently. “It’s okay I will get a daycare worker to change you kay. She said helpfully without any hint of mockery.

Kaitlyn was about to protest, that she had only been checked a few moments ago when the smell actually hit her.

“I...I...Didn’t. It wasn’t me...I wouldn’t...” she stuttered over her words feeling several mixed emotions. Fear, self loathing, confusion, anger, pity, disgust. How could she. She hadn’t even noticed. She had been so focused on getting some answers that she just hadn’t realised it was even happening. She buried her head in her hands and cried. Large infantile sounding wails.

A worker bustled over quite quickly at Beth’s insistence. Kaitlyn barely heard Beth explaining the situation, not that Beth needed to. The aroma was well and truly permeating the air around Kaitlyn and her baby walker.

Kaitlyn made the mistake of peeking through her hands right up at the worker so simply looked down at her with a sympathetic smile.

“Awww poor baby Katie I’ll get you all snug and dry little one. Don’t you worry!”

“Can I help? Can I?” Beth jumped up and down clapping her hands.

The worker nodded as she plucked Kaitlyn out of the baby walker

“Of course you can Beth. That’s what good big sisters do. Isn’t it?”

Kaitlyn was being carried over to a changing table and she squirmed in the daycare workers grip. She didn’t want her diaper changed. Even though she reeked, she couldn’t bare the thought of her older sister helping her, seeing her in such a humiliating mess and she continued to cry.

“No. it’s okay. I can do it! I’ll do it!” She pleaded with the worker who just chuckled good naturedly.

“It’s okay Katie, I’m trained to keep you children comfy and dry. It’s my job. You’re much too little to change your own messy diapers. You silly girl” She laid Kaitlyn down on the table and instantly Kaitlyn pushed herself into a sitting position and slipped herself off the table ready to make a run for it. The worker wasn’t quite prepared for this, and equally in her rush to get away Kaitlyn had completely forgotten that she couldn’t actually walk. Kaitlyn simply ended up in a heap on the floor. Landing heavily on her messy filled diaper. She cringed as she felt the mess splatter across her butt, and let out a long loud wail.

Shocked by Kaitlyn’s speed the worker gathered the teenager up and popped her back onto the changing table in a sitting position. Checking the teenager over for cuts and scrapes.

“oh ooooh You silly thing. What were you trying to do?” the worker was worried, but after a thorough examine found that Kaitlyn hadn’t actually injured herself. It was probably more from the shock of falling that had caused the teenager to cry so much.

“Katie! Katie don’t cry” her sister stood at the table side and stroked Kaitlyn’s hair.

“It’s okay sister. You can play again soon, once your bum isn’t stinky any more” Beth giggled. Her reassurances didn’t seem to have an impact on Kaitlyn as the worker unfastened the dirty diaper and began clearing Kaitlyn up. This was all just such a shock for the teenager. Why was this happening to her? It wasn’t fair, she’d done nothing to anyone to deserve such humiliating experiences. Beth began playing with Kaitlyn’s toes, making the teenager squirm and let out a small giggle. The worker looked up from her cleaning task and smiled.

“There. That’s much better. We like happy girls here. Not sad grumpy ones.”

Beth encouraged by the small giggle attacked Kaitlyn’s feet more energetically and Kaitlyn squealed and tried to get away, but the worker had buckled her onto the changing table so as not to repeat the little fall. Kaitlyn was helpless to get away and as she giggled and squirmed the worker managed to pull the soiled diaper out from under the teenager and with a liberal dusting of powder she slid a fresh disposable underneath and taped up the sides.

“All done! That wasn’t so bad now was it. Your mommy is going to be so proud of you for going poopoos.” the worker said with a smile.

Kaitlyn just panted heavily from the exertion of laughing so much, she was red in the face and the workers comment topped up her blush quite nicely. She looked down at her heavily padded crotch and let out a loud sigh. Nothing seemed to be going her way. She seemed completely helpless. It appeared that everyone here was bigger and could do what they wanted with her, and that made her feel insignificant. It made her feel scared.

“Well. It’s about time for your dindins little lady.” the worker said. “Thank you Beth for helping me with your sister. I’ll make sure to tell your mom what a good little helper you’ve been. You can go back to play now” Beth puffed out her chest and skipped off as Kaitlyn was unbuckled from the table and picked up. She lay her head on the workers shoulder. Feeling pretty exhausted by the days events.

The worker carried her through into a large expansive kitchen and threaded the teenager into an oversized high chair before Kaitlyn had realised what was even happening. She groaned as the worker clicked the dinner tray into place effectively trapping the babyfied teenager in. Kaitlyn put her elbows on the table and put her head in her hands. She had a feeling she wasn’t about to be getting any adult looking food. The fact that she couldn’t walk and couldn’t keep her pants dry meant it was likely going to be baby food. She was not disappointed in her assumption when the worker moved a seat close to the high chair and sat down, holding a bowl of light brown mush.

Kaitlyn clamped her mouth shut as a spoonful was brought close to her lips and she shook her head. She wasn’t eating it. Not a snowballs chance in hell. Her stomach grumbled and she glared down at it, accusing it of selling out on her. She couldn’t eat baby food. She just couldn’t. A sandwich, even cut up small would be preferable, or some soup, but not baby food. Her stomach grumbled louder and the worker pushed the spoon closer but Kaitlyn folded her arms and glared at the worker. The worker put down the spoon.

“My my. We are little miss grumpypants today aren’t we? Where’s the happy bubbly Katie that we all know huh? You must be really teething badly” Kaitlyn ignored the comments.

“Just one mouthful sweetie. And I’ll let you out. You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to.” Without hesitation Kaitlyn opened her mouth. If one spoonful would get her out of this high chair then that was a deal she was prepared to make. The spoonful went in, Kaitlyn’s mouth clamped down and she swallowed. She expected to hate it, to find it revolting, but despite her intentions she was actually loathed to admit that she really quite liked the stuff. Her stomach rumbled the loudest yet as the worker began to move away with the bowl.

“WAIT!” Kaitlyn hadn’t meant to sound desperate, but she realised her voice had sounded a little too eager. The worker looked expectantly at the diapered teenager as the girl mumbled something into the high chair feeding tray.

“I’m sorry sweetie? I didn’t quite hear you.”

Kaitlyn was blushing as she clutched at her short dress, hot tears were prickling her eyes.

“Can....Can I have...some more. Please?”

The worker positively beamed back and settled back down in the chair.

“There I knew you would like your tasty numnums.” the worker spooned another two mouthfuls in and Kaitlyn gladly gulped them down then made a grab for the spoon.

“I can feed myself thank you.” She said rather curtly. The worker handed her the spoon and got up to walk over to a fridge. Kaitlyn felt glad that she was able to feed herself and she plunged the spoon into the goop, almost knocking the bowl clean off the high chair tray. She looked alarmed for a second then giggled. “err...clumsy me” She muttered under her breath, then slowly she tried to move a spoonful of the mixture to her mouth. By the time the spoon was at her mouth the spoon was near enough empty. Spatters of the food were all over the feeding tray. She glared at the spoon. It couldn’t be her, there must be something wrong with the utensil. She tried again and again the spoon dropped all the food. This was supposed to be simple, why was it proving so difficult.

“Here, let me help you sweetie” the worker gently spoke as she extracted the spoon from the teenagers baby food covered hands. And effortlessly gathered some food onto the spoon and spooned it into Kaitlyn’s mouth. Kaitlyn felt defeated but at least she was getting the food IN her, rather than ON her now. With the bowl empty, the worker put a bottle of formula on the feeding tray and ruffled Kaitlyn’s hair.

“Who was a hungry baby huh. Drink up your baba and then it’s nap time young lady!” The worker was in bright spirits now that Kaitlyn had finished her dinner. Kaitlyn picked up the bottle and looked at it suspiciously, remembering the laxatives in the juice she had drunk earlier. She took a tentative suck and found that the formula was also to her liking, she began to suckle fairly rapidly as the brown haired girl was carried in along with her two friends, all three of them were strapped into high chairs too. Kaitlyn smiled shyly at the three who all watched her briefly as she suckled nosily on the bottle teat.

She looked over at the brown haired girl when the girl began to fuss cause her teddy bear had been removed from her in order so that she could be fed. Kaitlyn looked at the teddy bear and her eyes widened. She caught the smallest glimpse of that strange voice recorder peeking out from a pocket in the plush toy.

Kaitlyn pulled the bottle from her mouth to ask if she could see the teddy bear, and suddenly hiccuped. She clasped her hands over her mouth shocked by the sudden hiccup. She hiccuped again and for a third time before she found herself being lifted out of the high chair

“Uh-oh! Looks like someone has some windy-pops. Here I’ll make that better for you. The daycare worker chimed in a perky manner as she draped a towel over her shoulder and then popping Kaitlyn over her shoulder, the daycare worker began patting the teenager’s back and rubbing it in large circular motions. Kaitlyn continued to hiccup.

The worker persevered, suddenly Kaitlyn was aware that her pants had become rather warm and she heard the worker chuckle. “Oh, have we just had an accident! I only changed you ten minutes ago you soggy little thing” Kaitlyn wanted to cry but the pain from the trapped wind was making it hard to concentrate on anything else, and as the worker simply jiggled the diapered teenager up and down, continuing with the patting motion Kaitlyn unexpectedly belched and threw milk up all over the workers shoulder. This was the final straw for Kaitlyn and she burst into loud tears.

“Oh, someone is certainly a cranky one today, definitely time for your nappy time Missy” The worker removed the soiled towel and threw it into the laundry and she carried Kaitlyn out of the kitchen, the teenager still sobbing.

“Lets get soggy baby all nice and dry in a fresh diapee shall we? Then you can nap. Hmmm? Won’t that be nice?” The worker cooed returning to the changing table they had used only 10 minutes previously.

“I’m not tired!” Kaitlyn wailed. “I’m not a baby! I’m a young adult. This shouldn’t be happening to me. I’m supposed to be going to college!” She was sick of it all, just shouting all her pent up feeling out into the main room really helped and her angry crying lessened in intensity. The worker simply smiled at the teenager as she was lowered back onto the changing table and strapped in quickly.

“Katie. What a vivid imagination, don’t be in such a hurry to grow up. There’s plenty of time for boys and school, enjoy being a kid okay, you only get to be one once.”

Kaitlyn shook her head and was about to dispute that fact for she was living evidence to the contrary, when the daycare worker popped a pacifier in her mouth. Kaitlyn automatically began to suckle on it and she felt the fight flee from her tired and stressed body as the worker peeled back her sodden diaper, cleaned and powdered the teenager and put her in a thick nap time diaper. Kaitlyn moaned in additional despair. This diaper was about three times thicker than the previous one had been and it really made her legs bow out. Even if she hadn’t lost the ability to walk she doubted she’d be able to with this amount of padding between her legs.

The worker carried her over to a crib and lowered her in. Kaitlyn didn’t resist, what was the point. She was pretty much doomed and most of the fight seemed to have left her, also the fact that her eyelids were getting incredibly heavy and she thought that perhaps a nap would be a good idea, better yet when she woke up perhaps it would transpire that all of this had been some hideous nightmare.

She snuggled under the blanket sucking the pacifier thoughtfully as the worker switched on a cot mobile above Kaitlyn’s head. Little toy ponies slowly rotated round in circles playing twinkle twinkle little star. Kaitlyn found herself dozing, but she could hear other teenagers being put into nearby cots. She didn’t open her eyes, she was floating on a sea of comfort, succumbing to the days stresses.

Kaitlyn heard soft words spoken but she had slipped so far off into dreamland that she didn’t understand the words as she heard them. She didn’t even recognise the voice of the brown haired girl as she whispered into her voice recorder...

"For the next 18 hours girls my age won’t have learnt how to talk yet"

Kaitlyn was already lightly snoring.



End Chapter 3

Don't Change MY reality

by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 14, 2011


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