Don't Change MY reality

by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 14, 2011

Chapter 2
Don't Change MY reality Chapter 2

Chapter Description: Things just go from bad to worse for poor Kaitlyn, but then, we expected that didn't we? Thanks to foxy for commissioning me and Tamae for proof reading

The morning came and with it, a scream from Kaitlyn’s room. Elizabeth was the first one at the door and she barged in to see Kaitlyn standing in the middle of her room hugging her shoulders. Elizabeth could see that her sister’s pull-ups were wet and sighed.

"Seriously sis, there’s no reason to get so upset, it takes time to potty tra...."

"What have you guys done to my room?" Kaitlyn stalked the short distance to her sister and pushed her hard causing Elizabeth to stumble backwards.

"HEY! What are you talking about?" Elizabeth’s concern quickly changed to anger and she shoved her younger sister back.

"Just because miss pissy pants can’t keep her pants dry."


Angry tears were falling down Kaitlyn’s face which caused Elizabeth’s anger to disappear to be replaced by confusion. She looked around her sister’s room. Everything seemed in order. The preschool toys on the shelves, the bright large story books, the large colourful butterflies, flowers and bugs Mom had painted all over the pale green walls. Even the butterfly bedding sheets were the same. She looked at Kaitlyn confused.

"I don’t understand? Have you misplaced one of your toys or something. You should really take better care of your stuff Kait."

Without giving her crazy little sister chance to retort back, Elizabeth spun on her heels and left the room.

Kaitlyn watched her sister knowing with dreaded certainty that Elizabeth hadn’t done this now. The shock at having woken up in her room only to find it completely toddler-fied had terrified her. Her sister seemed to be acting as if this was all completely natural. Kaitlyn would almost believe she was in some strange sci-fi movie where reality was altering for everyone except her. How could she stop it? And more importantly what if she couldn’t? How far would this go? Yesterday she had been almost a woman and now today she couldn’t even keep her pants dry. A sob escaped her. What if this continued? By tomorrow would she be back in diapers? What if she just blinked out of existence altogether. She crossed her arms and rubbed her shoulders, shivering at the thought just as her Mom walked into the room.

"Oh Kait, standing around in wet pull-ups no wonder you’re shivering. Stop dawdling or we’re going to be late for daycare."

Kaitlyn’s Mom crossed over to the wardrobe and pulled out a red and white gingham dress. Then, after pulling a clean pair of pull-ups from a pack in the wardrobe she advanced on Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn was staring at her Mom with her mouth hanging open. Daycare? She was going to daycare? This really couldn’t be happening.

"Come on, lay down on the bed sweetie so I can clean you up."

"Mom I can do it. I’ll do it myself" She said quietly, not really wanting her Mom to touch her down there. Her Mom had cleaned her last night but Kait had been in shock. Today wasn’t much better but if she was going to be stuck in these circumstances until she could work out what was going on, then she wanted things to be on her terms as much as possible.

"Hmmm I don’t think you can do it by yourself swee...."

"MOM SERIOUSLY I CAN DO IT" Kaitlyn snapped, and sighing her Mom handed Kaitlyn the fresh pull-up and the wipes then folded her arms watching. Kaitlyn paused.

"MOM? Some privacy if you don’t mind"

Her Mom shook her head. "Come on show me what a big girl you can be. You’ve got your own way in doing it yourself, so now I want to see you do it yourself." The tone of her mom’s voice irked Kaitlyn. It sounded almost like her Mom was mocking her, as if she couldn’t believe that Kaitlyn could dress herself. Realizing also that her Mom wasn’t going to go away, Kaitlyn sighed and pulled down the wet pull-up stepping out of it but using her foot to fling the wet pull-up away from her. It still disgusted her that she currently couldn’t stay dry.

"Kaitlyn-Susanna! Don’t you ever let me catch you doing that again!" Her mom’s angry barked order made Kaitlyn jump and she looked wide eyed at the stern expression on her mothers face. She hadn’t been told off like that for years, she had almost forgotten her middle name it hadn’t been used for a long time and instantly she was apologetic.

"I’m sorry Mom" She mumbled humbly. Her mom’s face softened.

"I should think so too. Now go pick that up and dispose of it properly!"

Kaitlyn scurried over the where the wet pull-up had landed and gathered it up, rolling it into a neat ball and putting it in the bin in her room. She glanced over at her Mom, whose mood had brightened considerably.

"That’s better young lady, now if you ever do that again, you’ll get a spanking. Right back to the task at hand, it’s getting late. Come on, get dressed. Now!"

Her mom’s no nonsense order spurred Kaitlyn into action, for fear of being over her mother’s knee. The mental image was quite absurd: an 18 year old woman sprawled over her mother’s lap. Kaitlyn didn’t want to make that a reality.

After cleaning herself with some wipes she managed to step into the pull-up without too much difficulty mainly because her Mom held the pull-up open. Then Kaitlyn tried to pull the dress over her head and thread her arms through the arm holes, but she struggled for quite some time before her Mom finally stepped in and helped thread her arms into the right place. Kaitlyn felt humiliated. It seemed soo much more complicated than it should have been. Maybe she was still really confused about her situation, causing her to be a little on the clumsy side. Kaitlyn pulled her own white socks on and her shoes were black patent slip on shoes so she just had to step into those, which she felt thankful for. She was concerned that laces or buckles might be beyond her capabilities at the moment.

She meekly followed her Mom downstairs after being praised for almost dressing herself entirely today. Kaitlyn didn’t say anything, she also didn’t say anything as scrambled egg with toasted soldiers was placed in front of her for breakfast. She hadn’t eaten scrambled eggs since she was about five and remembered loving it as a child. It was almost nostalgic having it placed in front of her now and so she ate it without any fuss, being careful not to drop any down her front.

Elizabeth came into the room still glaring from Kaitlyn’s little outburst earlier. Kaitlyn realized she would need to have her sister on her side if she was ever going to figure out what the hell was going on, so she swallowed her current mouth full of food and grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry bout earlier sis. I must have just had an odd nightmare and I hadn’t quite woken up." Elizabeth grunted in acknowledgment. Kaitlyn smiled, she knew Elizabeth wouldn’t stay mad at her for long.

There was a knock on the door and a flurry of activity came from her Mom and sister. As Elizabeth ran into the hallway and grabbed her jacket and bag, her Mom followed out into the corridor and came back with a white fleecy jacket with pink flowers on it.

"Come on kiddo, quickly quickly. The crocodile is here. No time to dawdle!"

Kaitlyn found herself standing at her mom’s command and allowed her Mom to put her jacket on her.

She was being escorted towards the door and she shook her head.

"I feel sick. I am sick. I can’t go" She found herself rambling and her Mom spun her round by the shoulders and looked her squarely in the eye.

"Look it’s one of your last days of daycare until you go up to proper school. You don’t want to miss playing with all your friends do you," her Mom asked soothingly. A shiver bristled up Kaitlyn’s spin. Would all her friends be in the same predicament as her? If they were all like this then maybe together they could find a solution. Perhaps going to daycare would be a good thing. She sighed and turned herself towards the door.

"There’s a good girl!" She heard her Mom saying before giving Kaitlyn a playful swat to her bottom.

Kaitlyn’s Mom then handed Elizabeth a note.

" Be a good girl and give this to Kaitlyn’s worker please."

Kaitlyn cringed at being talked over as if she wasn’t capable of doing things for herself and headed out the door quickly. She stumbled on the front doorstep as she saw what awaited her. A line of teenagers headed by a lady wearing an orange jacket and tailed by someone wearing a similar jacket. All the teenagers between the two adults were from Kaitlyn’s school and they were all dressed in childish attire. She whimpered a little bit but was snapped out of it quickly when Elizabeth took her hand and led her into the line.

Kaitlyn stood in silence her mind a whirr of unanswered questions whilst everyone else around her chatted animatedly about what the day’s adventures at daycare would bring. Kaitlyn sighed, no one seemed to be aware that this wasn’t normal.

"All right everyone, let’s go!" The adult at the front called out and Kaitlyn looked up as everyone started walking forward. Kaitlyn saw someone up ahead that she recognized. Two of the girls from yesterday who had been playing in the ball pool. Had that been where the reality had started to change? Kaitlyn tried to remember the brown haired girl’s name but it escaped her. She had seen the girl around school but she wasn’t in the popular crown and she wasn’t in the geek crowd either, she was in that grey area of forgettable nobodies. Kaitlyn wanted to curse but couldn’t think of any appropriate swearwords. The brown haired one was looking thoughtful. Did she know what was going on?

The walking continued for a short while until the crocodile was led through some gates and all of a sudden all the teenagers spewed from the crocodile and out into the daycare playground. This was Kaitlyn’s chance she should go speak to the brown haired girl, see if she thought this was normal. But before Kaitlyn could take a step Elizabeth grabbed her by the collar and pulled her towards the unoccupied see-saw.

"Come on sis. Lets play before I have to leave for big girl’s school"

Kaitlyn looked in dismay as the brown haired girl went inside. She pulled herself away from her sister’s hold.

"No. I don’t want to. I want to go inside. It’s cold."

Elizabeth’s face fell into a pout. "Awww but we always play on the see-saw before going in. Look I forgive you for earlier for pushing me and stuff and I’m sorry I pushed you back, but just play a little bit please!"

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. It wasn’t as if she couldn’t put off talking to the girl for ten minutes to keep her sister happy. She clambered onto the see-saw, and wasn’t happy that to sit on the thing properly meant she had to straddle the seat, showing off her pull-ups underneath her skirt. She tried to fold the skirt fabric to hide her modesty but as she did so she was suddenly catapulted up into the air. Squealing with fright, forgetting all about her modesty she clung onto the hold bar for dear life as Elizabeth giggled. A shrill whistle sounded and a woman walked over.

"Not so rough with your sister Elizabeth. What have I told you before!" The woman sounded stern as she waggled a finger at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth simply grinned sheepishly and nodded towards Kaitlyn "Sorry Mrs. Miller. Kaitlyn likes it really. Oh OH. My Mom gave me this to give to you".

Mrs Miller took the note, then turned to look at Kaitlyn who was looking fairly queasy at the sudden up and down motions of the see-saw.

"Just be careful, the pair of you, or you won’t be allowed to play on the see-saw again." Elizabeth nodded and Mrs. Miller left.

Kaitlyn quickly clambered off the see-saw in case her elder sister launched her again.

"I’m going in now okay?" She said before fleeing from her rather bemused sister.

Kaitlyn stepped inside the building and looked around the large open plan room. Brightly scribbled pictures filled the walls. There were shelves of books and toys and a large Wendy house with a dress up box. Kaitlyn didn’t have many recollections of herself when she had been at this sort of point in her life, but it all looked strangely familiar and oddly alluring, or perhaps comforting was a better word.

A safer happy point in her life without exams, back when her dad had been alive. A distant memory of her dad letting her ride him like a pony swam up from suppressed memories. She didn’t have many memories of her dad; he had been killed in a car crash when she had been about 4. She had learnt to get by without him but had always felt jealous of other kids who had fathers. The memory caught her by surprise and she just stood there dumbfounded by the mix of memories and chaotic activity of all the teenagers running around like small children.

She hung her jacket up in the cloakroom area and looked around for the brown haired girl. She spotted her and began weaving her way across the room where the girl was colouring in with her friends.

Suddenly she was knocked flying by a slightly younger girl running into her. Kaitlyn landed heavily on the carpet and grazed her knee. She sat up quickly and rubbed at her graze, breathing in sharply through clenched teeth.

"HEY! What did you think you were doing you little twerp" She snapped, annoyed that it seemed everything was conspiring to interrupt her from her goal

The younger girl jumped backwards grinning giddily.

"PWAYIN’" She said with a heavy toddler-like lisp, the happy expression suddenly vanished from the girl’s face and she pulled up her skirt to reveal to Kaitlyn a rather large disposable diaper, the wetness stripe rapidly disappeared in front of Kaitlyn’s eyes. Kaitlyn scrambled backwards, still sat on the floor she used her feet to push herself away from the teenage girl who was wetting herself.

"EWWW!" The sound of disgust was evident and the girl heard the tone of Kaitlyn’s voice and promptly burst into tears.

"I HADDA ACCIDENT!" She wailed loudly causing a daycare worker to come over.

"Awww did ikkle Lulu have an accident? Come on sweetie let’s get you into a fresh diaper okay? Then you can keep playing"

The worker looked at the dumbfounded Kaitlyn.

"It’s probably time you had a potty break too miss. Hop to it." The worker pointed over towards a red door. It had words written on the door and Kaitlyn suddenly gasped when she realized she couldn’t recognize what the letters represented. She prided herself on her impeccable school record, to suddenly find the basic alphabet gone from her mind caused her to just gape at the door.

"Come on missy before you have an accident" The worker called before heading for the red door and disappearing beyond it with the soggy younger teenager still crying in the daycare worker’s arms.

Kaitlyn got up and dusted herself down. She didn’t want to go beyond that door when she knew that the girl was probably having her diaper changed. That would just be plain gross. She waited a few moments and took a deep breath. She looked back at where the brown haired girl had been and noticed she was gone. She looked around the room in panic. Where was she? Where was she? The worker popped her head round the red door and shouted across the room to Kaitlyn.

"Kait, do you want to go on the naughty step. I told you to come potty"

Sighing she headed over, not really wanting to go in for she was pretty certain it was a bathroom and she was pretty certain there were going to be diapers and all sorts beyond. She shivered thankful reality hadn’t regressed her that far, yet. As she walked toward the door, she saw the brown haired girl she had been looking for, exit the bathroom. Something looked odd about her but Kaitlyn realized she would have to go potty or risk being severely reprimanded before she could talk to the brown haired girl. She took a deep breath and headed into the bathroom.

There were a few red potties, all vacant and the luckily for Kaitlyn the younger teenager from a few minutes ago was being lowered to the floor. The girl was smiling now as she toddled off Kaitlyn watched her waddle out and then headed over to the red potty. Sighing she was about to pull up her dress when she heard the worker chuckling behind her.

"Kaitlyn? Whatever are you doing?"

Kaitlyn turned her head, feeling somewhat confused. "I’m going potty, like you told me to." She was getting annoyed that everything seemed to be such a chore, keeping up with what was going on was highly tiring.

"But you’re much too young for potty training you silly thing. Come on, pop up onto the changing table so I can change your diaper."

Kaitlyn’s mouth went dry and slowly she lifted up her dress, refusing to believe exactly what she knew she was about to see. Sure enough the puffy unmistakable diaper greeted her gaze and she let out a sob when she saw she was sodden. The Carer cooed.

"Awww it’s okay sweetie, don’t be in such a hurry to grow up, you’ll be potty training in a few months or so I’m sure"

The carer took Kaitlyn by the armpits and hoisted her up onto the changing table.

" don’t understand. I’m not supposed to wear these...these.."

Kaitlyn couldn’t bring herself to call them diapers. It was all just too humiliating. But the carer hummed a happy lullaby as she placed a pacifier in Kaitlyn’s mouth. Kaitlyn, finding the pacifier strangely comforting, sucked on it quietly crying. She felt very sorry for herself as the carer cleaned her up slid a thick disposable diaper under her, and pulled it up between her 18 year old legs. Kaitlyn wanted to run from the room, but where would she go? The place was swarming with daycare workers and they would just bring her back here anyway. She moaned in despair as the worker fixed the diaper tapes on and Kaitlyn realized just how thick and padded it felt. She looked down to see Dora the stupid explorer on the diaper front panel. If there was one thing she had learnt from this whole ordeal was an inbuilt hatred for the stupid cartoon character. She would find a quiet corner and pull the diaper off when no-one was paying her any attention. At least she was wearing a dress so it would hide the majority of the bulk. She had to be thankful for small graces. The worker smiled and helped Kaitlyn to her feet where she wobbled momentarily, getting the hang of standing with such a large bulk between her legs. She cried out again when she realized that with the new reality change had come a second change in that her dress had for some unknown and completely sadistic reason become several inches shorter giving anyone who cared to look a cute peak of her heavily padded backside.

Kaitlyn snapped out of her misery when she was handed a sippy sup of juice by the carer. Kaitlyn pulled the pacifier out of her mouth and glugged back the juice, thankful for a drink. Her mouth had been bone dry since stepping out of the front door this morning, she didn’t care she was drinking from a sippy sup. After all she was visibly diapered and currently being treated like a two year old, so it stood to reason she would drink out of the sippy cup. The carer was shocked at the speed Kaitlyn had knocked back the drink and she smiled at the teenager.

"Who’s a clever girl for drinking all your medicine up."

"Medicine?" Kaitlyn felt queasy, she thought it had only been juice. What had she just drunk?

"What medicine?" She asked, her voice fearfully quiet.

The carer chuckled and ruffled Kaitlyn’s hair. "Your Mom said you were having problems going number two’s and asked us to help you out a little. It’s a common problem for kids your age. Now come on, out you go."

Kaitlyn blushed crimson. She had just drunk laxatives? She was going to soil herself like a real little infant and she had done that willingly to herself. Her knees felt weak at the thought. She would just stay here, hide here, until it happened. She couldn’t go messing herself in front of people. That was just disgusting. She wanted to vomit. She felt like she might.

Kaitlyn found herself being shoved towards the door that led back out into the main playroom, she tried to push back against the carer but the carer just picked her up and supporting Kaitlyn by her diaper she carried the teenager over to a playpen and lowered her into it.

Kaitlyn got back onto her feet with some difficulty and realized with distressing certainty that she was trapped in the playpen. Things were just going from bad to worse, she sat there checking off on her fingers everything that was happening to her and if the trend continued, how long before she would just loose her ability to talk and her mind completely. It was as if she had contracted some terrible disease but no-one was aware and no-one wanted to help. Her heart felt heavy and the tears flowed freely.



End Chapter 2

Don't Change MY reality

by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 14, 2011


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