Don't Change MY reality

by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 14, 2011

A spin off from my Changing Reality Story. Commissioned as always by the wonderful FoxingtonIII. If you havent read Changing Reality then this story might not make much sense to you

Chapter 1
Don't Change MY reality Chapter 1

Chapter Description: We meet our poor heroine who is about to go through some unexpected changes

Kaitlyn sat in the restaurant, the bags of shopping surrounded her feet as she slowly drank her half-fat cappuccino. She appreciated every mouthful, it was good to be off of her feet after such a high intense morning of shopping. The remnants of her Caesar salad lay on the plate before her. Her 18th birthday was going pretty well so far, she had found multiple bargains at several high street stores and she was feeling rather pleased with herself. She brushed some of her long silky ebony hair out of her dark green eyes as she looked at her watch. Her sister was due to be picking her up soon. Elizabeth had promised to come collect her so that Kaitlyn wouldn’t need to worry about getting home.

She leaned back in the chair feeling relaxed. It was amazing how a good shopping trip could improve her mood. School was due to be over in a week or two. Then it would be onto college. Kaitlyns heart skipped a beat. She was already eagerly anticipating college. Finally some independence. Her family practically smothered her, her Mom especially, so she was looking forward to going it alone. Proving to them that she didn’t need molly coddling. That she was an adult, independent young woman.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the children screaming and laughing in the children’s play area not so far from where she sat and she scowled over in the general direction as some boys pelted some other kids with soft balls from the ball pit. She stood, leaving a tip on the table and with difficulty gathered up all the shopping bags she had accrued. She needed to go to the rest room before she headed off to meet her sister, but she couldn’t just leave all her shopping here. She turned round and bumped into a senile looking old lady. "Watch where you’re going you silly old bitch" Kaitlyn muttered, annoyed not only by the woman in her way but by the fact that her good mood had vanished with the clumsy act.

The old woman looked stung by Kaitlyn’s words for a moment and then smiled a knowing sly grin of missing teeth and shrivelled lips.

"Girls your age should learn to respect their elders" the woman chided.

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes towards the ceiling.

"Whatever, get outta my way" Kaitlyn barged pass and into the rest room beyond, trying to wipe the woman from her thoughts. After a quick visit to the toilet she stood in the rest room and stared at herself in the mirror. Her perfectly trimmed eyebrows arched as she reapplied her eye liner. She took great pride in how she looked. She was one of those lucky girls who not only had a stunning body and looks, but seemed to also effortlessly glide through her school work. Great at sports, great and art, great at everything. Admired by everyone and she knew it. She blew herself a little kiss as she popped her make up back into her handbag and gathered up her shopping and headed back into the main restaurant.

The kids were still screaming in the play area and she could feel herself getting tense again. She looked over and stopped dead in her tracks. There were three teenage girls in there now, about her age. In fact she certainly recognised one of them as being a girl from her school. The girl was wearing the restaurant uniform so Kaitlyn guessed that she must work part time here, the other two she also recognised but couldn’t work out who they were. They seemed to be messing around in the ball pit and throwing balls at a bunch of little boys. She heard the teenage girl with shoulder length black hair. shout in an overly childish way.

"He’s such a stupid poopoo doody head. I hate him!"

Kaitlyn shuddered. She would never act so infantile in front of a restaurant full of people. The idea just really freaked her out a little, her reputation would be in tatters in moments. With her shopping gathered, she tore her eyes from the freak show in the children’s play area and bustled out of the restaurant quickly, not even giving the scene a second glance.

As Kaitlyn came out of the restaurant she saw her older sister, Elizabeth, heading in her direction. Elizabeth was due to turn twenty in a couple of months and worked as a local veterinarian assistant. With dark green eyes to match Kaitlyn’s that was as far as the similarities went. Elizabeth was blonde and certainly stockier than her younger sister. Not as pretty but still not into the realms of plain or mundane. She smiled as she saw Kaitlyn with all her bags.

"Successful shopping escapade then?" Elizabeth smirked, the expression faded as she saw Kaitlyn’s dark mood.

"Sis? What’s up?" Kaitlyn realised her bad mood was showing on her face and instantly she brightened it.

"Oh really it’s nothing, honest. Just some jerks in the restaurant making fools of themselves. Come on lets go"

They walked in silence most of the way to Elizabeth’s car and Kaitlyn threw herself into the passenger seat, being careful to place most of her bags on the seat’s behind her and a couple of the bags went in the foot well between her feet. She buckled up as Elizabeth got into the drivers seat and started the engine. Soon they were driving through the town centre as Elizabeth navigated the lunchtime traffic Kaitlyn stared out the window watching the throng of high street shoppers.

"So did you get anything nice? Anything I can steal?" Elizabeth giggled a little, knowing how much it wound her younger sister up when she went into Kaitlyn’s wardrobes and helped herself. Squeezing into her slimmer sister’s t-shirts and dresses.

Kaitlyn scoffed and manoeuvred herself a little so that her feet were protecting the bags in the foot well from her sister’s prying eyes. She looked up at her sister

"keep your grubby mitts..."

Kaitlyn stopped mid sentence when she suddenly realised what her sister was actually wearing. Had she been wearing that earlier? She must have been, but why had Kaitlyn only just noticed?

"What are you wearing anyway?" Kaitlyn tried to keep the disbelieving disgust from her voice but failed by quite some margin. Elizabeth gave a quick glance down at her clothes before returning her attention to the road, they weren’t far from home now. Elizabeth wore a pale yellow dress with a white peter pan collar, It had short puffy sleeves and lace trim in white with small white bows dotted at equal distances along the hem.

"Why? What’s wrong? Don’t you like it? It’s the latest trend. I think its cute. Although not as cute as what you’re wearing. You always do have impeccable style." Elizabeth smiled broadly.

Kaitlyn looked down at herself just to admire her outfit of a blouse with a pale Burberry pattern and a pair of River Island pale blue tight jeans. Kaitlyn shrieked loudly in surprise, Elizabeth slammed on the brakes in response. Kaitlyn shrieked again and patted her body down in shock, her hands quickly exploring what she now wore, as if touching the fabric would suddenly make her eyes see something different. She now seemed to be wearing a pair of light green shorts that had brightly coloured polka dots and a white t-shirt that carried on the multicoloured polka dot theme. White socks that went right to her knees and a pair of light pink trainers that had Velcro fastenings and Dora the explorer motifs.

Elizabeth stared in disbelief as her younger sister freaked out.

"What’s wrong? What’s the matter? Is there a bug down your top or something?"

Kaitlyn continued to pat herself down, fixated on her clothing.

"This...This is impossible. This isn’t what I was wearing a minute ago. How? I mean? What’s going on? I....I don’t understand?"

A look of annoyance flashed across Elizabeth’s face.

"Oh for Pete’s sake, stop messing around. I thought something serious was up. You nearly gave me a heart attack"

Kaitlyn’s confused eyes flashed up at her sister.

"Look this is really STUPID!...." Kaitlyn clamped a hand over her mouth, she had tried to say ’fucked up’ but for some reason it had come out as a different word entirely. She thought about some swearwords but the harder she tried to recall any, they quicker they started to disappear from her mind. She fell silent lost in the complexity of what exactly had just happened.

Elizabeth had resumed driving, her face a mask of anger at having been given such a large fright. A few moments later they pulled into the driveway of their house. Kaitlyn saw her mom’s smiling face poke out from behind the living room net curtain as the car crunched up the gravelled driveway. Her Mom was bound to laugh when she caught sight of what the two of them were wearing.

Kaitlyn leaned over the back seat and pulled all her bags round the front, the moment the car had stopped Kaitlyn had thrown the door open, pulled all her belongings with her, and bolted for the front door of the house. She practically kicked the door down in her rush to not be exposed out in the open dressed in such a ridiculous way.

Her Mom said something from the living room and started to initiate a conversation but Kaitlyn wasn’t having any of it, she ran up the stairs and straight into her room. She had to get changed. Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes. She threw her high street bags onto her bed and tipped the first one up allowing the contents to spill out.

It was as if time itself stopped at that moment. Kaitlyn stared in utter horror. As shakily her hand stretched out to pick up what had once been a beautiful dress from Gap. Now it was a overall dress with more Dora the explorer motifs. Quickly she rummaged through all her bags, visibly crying now as she realised that all of her purchases had somehow reverted into overly kiddie attire.

There came a gentle knock on the door. " Kait? Is everything okay?" Her Mom pushed open the door to see Kaitlyn sat on the bed surrounded by her new purchases. Seeing the tears on her daughter’s face instantly her Mom was sitting beside her on the bed.

"Oh Kaitlyn, what ever is the matter?"

Kaitlyn couldn’t believe that her Mom couldn’t tell what the problem was, She held up, what had once been a bra and panties set which was now a Dora the explorer pair of kiddie print pants and vest set.

"All my stuff has been sabotaged. It’s for little kids. I don’t even understand how this has happened."

She said between pitiful sniffles.

Her Mom sighed, Kaitlyn did have a tendency to get bent out of shape over the slightest of insecurities. "Kaitlyn, if you don’t like the stuff you’ve bought you can just go back with the receipts tomorrow. Personally, I think this will look really adorable on you." Her Mom picked up the overall dress and measured it up against Kaitlyn’s slumped form.

"Look don’t get upset. Dinner is ready. It’s your birthday. Don’t let this bother you okay."

Kaitlyn was confused, how could she just ignore this strange occurrence as if it wasn’t happening. It wasn’t even possible that this could be a prank, how had someone switched her clothes without her noticing? Something really really odd was going on, or perhaps she was even loosing her mind.

"Come down for food okay. I made fajitas and I know they’re your favourite. There is chocolate cake for later as well"

Kaitlyn wiped away the snot from her face with the back of her hand. "Okay Mom. I want to just get changed and i’ll be right down"

"Okay sweetie." Her Mom got up, giving Kaitlyn one final concerned look and then left the room. Kaitlyn waited a moment and then got up, moved across her room to her wardrobe and opened it. Her knees felt weak as the power fled from her. Her whole wardrobe had been robbed of its contents and replaced by more children’s stuff. This couldn’t be happening. She dug around and found a pair of light blue jeans, quite loose fitting elasticated at the waist with daisies embroidered on them and a white t-shirt with a pink elephant on it. That seemed to be the least childish outfit she could muster up from what she had. Sighing and shaking slightly, she brushed her long black hair and went downstairs. She had no intention of leaving the house like this and she was just thankful that her birthday party wasn’t going to be happening until tomorrow evening after school, so she at least had time to fix her clothing problem.

She slunk into the dining room where her sister was already sat eating, still wearing the yellow child’s dress. Her Mom and sister didn’t say anything about Kaitlyn’s outfit so Kaitlyn sulkily took her place at the table and dug into the food. The stress, rather than take away her appetite, had made her ravenous and soon she was concentrating more on eating than on her current dressed state. Her mood lightened a little as her plate emptied.

"Hey sis? Do you wanna watch a movie? I bought the latest Twilight film." Elizabeth smiled across the table as she popped the last fork full of food into her mouth.

Kaitlyn perked up considerably by the suggestion. She knew it was a bit immature to love the twilight series but everyone at school was into it and well, the guys in it were particularly tasty to look at.

"Yeah alright. I’m up for that." She said, trying to ignore what was going on with her clothing. She slipped off her seat at the table and began gathering the dishes together to put in the dishwasher.

Her Mom stood up and took over.

"It’s okay Kait. I’ll do that, you go watch your movie with your big sister." She said with a gentle smile.

"Oh. Thanks Mom."

Kaitlyn moved out of her Mom’s way and was in the doorway between the dining room and the living room when she caught her Mom speaking to Elizabeth.

"Help your sister out okay before starting the movie."

The words didn’t really make any sense to Kaitlyn and she was confused as she continued through to the living room and flung herself onto the sofa. She didn’t need help with anything, sure she was a little distressed, but thinking about it was only stressing and confusing her. She needed to just think about it calmly. There had to be an explanation. Her sister came in shortly afterwards and went round the back of the sofa.

"Come on Kaitlyn, Mom says you need to try going potty before the film." Elizabeth held out a rather large red potty chair.

Instantly Kaitlyn’s face matched the shade and colour of the chair. She scrambled up from her lounging position and stood in complete humiliation.

"What are you guys playing at. I’m not a baby!" She shouted her eyes prickling with tears again.

Elizabeth sighed in an over the top manner.

"What is it with you today? We go through this rigmarole every time Mom tells you you need to sit on this. If you’re so intent on saying you’re not a baby why don’t you prove it by using this so you don’t wet your pull-ups."

"My what?" Kaitlyn pulled at the waistband of her elasticated jeans and saw that her underwear was now puffier and white and had the distinct look of a toddlers pull-up. Complete with fairy princess patterns

"I’m...I’m...wearing... but...HOW? " She pulled at her hair frustrated by her circumstances, angered by the lack of understanding from her sister that this was not normal. Her stomach was in knots.

"I’m not sitting on that. I can use the toilet just like everyone else" She pointed at the chair then folded her arms stubbornly.

"Well Mom says you have to, so stop being a brat and just sit on it okay and do what you need to do"

Kaitlyn shook her head and was about to say something when she felt the temperature around her crotch getting warmer. She gasped and grabbed at her crotch in horror. Surely she hadn’t. She couldn’t have? She was 18 years old for goodness sake.

Kaitlyn’s actions made Elizabeth sigh. It was obvious what had just happened to her younger sister. She had seen Kaitlyn do this a number of times.


"I..Havent! Kaitlyn muttered lamely, the fight leaving her as rapidly as her bladder emptied into her soaked pull-up.

Their Mom bustled into the room, drying her hands on a tea towel.

"It’s okay. It’s okay. No need to worry. Don’t fret"

She said as she ploughed into the room, she knew Kaitlyn was being particularly sensitive today and she didn’t want unnecessary drama.

She walked up to Kaitlyn and pulled Kaitlyn’s jeans down in one authoritative tug. Kaitlyn squealed and used her hands to hide her soaked pull-up.

"Come on sweetie, the sooner we get you out of that mess the sooner we can get on with the movie." Her Mom pulled the easy tear strips and pulled the wet pull-up from Kaitlyn where she stood. Kaitlyn just stood in shock, her bottom half naked. Her Mom gently put a hand on each side of her younger daughters waist and gently pushed backwards. Kaitlyn didn’t realise she was being manoeuvred until she found herself sat in the middle of the living room floor on the red potty she had refused to sit on moments before. She blinked, snapping herself out of her confused state and looked down at the shiny red potty.

"Mom?" She started to say but her Mom simply shushed her.

"Just stay on there like a good girl and see if you can tinkle any more okay. We don’t want any more accidents do we sweetie."

Kaitlyn found herself shaking her head agreeing with her Mom. She sat there, a glazed look over her face, not sure what they were expecting of her.

"Can I start the movie Mom?" Elizabeth asked, as if what had just transpired was the most mundane of occurrences. Her Mom nodded and so Kaitlyn found herself watching the movie from her potty chair. 10 minutes into the film there was an odd noise and it was only when her Mom paused the movie that Kaitlyn realised what was happening.

"Whose a clever girl? Kaitlyn are you going potty like a big girl?" Kaitlyn shook her head, blushing furiously, but she couldn’t deny that she was actually going potty in the middle of the living room. She jumped up from her place, her Mom already up and advancing with a pack of baby wipes a large smile on her face.

"See that wasn’t so bad was it. You’ll be using the big girl toilet in no time whatsoever." She said as she wiped Kaitlyn clean and pulling a clean pair of pull-ups from the pack she opened them up for Kaitlyn to step into.

Kaitlyn stepped into them without any fuss. She was shocked that she hadn’t realised she was even going in the potty and that suggested to her that for whatever reason things were happening, it seemed that she wasn’t actually properly potty trained for the time being, so as much as she loathed to admit it, she actually needed to wear the pull-ups. She watched as her Mom pulled them up and over her 18 year old waist, They fit comfortably on her hips. She experimentally moved her legs a little and heard the quiet rustle.

"Ooh looks like you leaked a little on your jeans. Not to worry. It’s warm enough without them. Come up on the sofa and we’ll finish the movie" Her Mom said brightly, Kaitlyn found herself following her Mom’s suggestion in an almost robotic fashion. The movie was restarted and the three family members watched the film.

Kaitlyn lost herself in the movie, trying not to think about what was going on. It had to be a nightmare or something. Just let it run its course and hopefully she would wake up. She found herself getting drowsy and she fought to stay awake, she lay her head on her Mom’s shoulder and was, very quickly, asleep. Her Mom realised what had happened and she watched the rest of the movie with Elizabeth. With the film finished. Elizabeth switched off the lights and TV while their Mom carried Kaitlyn up into her room and checking Kaitlyn’s pull-up to find it still dry she tucked her younger daughter up in her bed. Smiling in a gentle serene way, Kaitlyn seemed so vulnerable today. Pulling the bedroom door closed Kaitlyn’s Mom headed to her own room, letting her younger daughter sleep.



End Chapter 1

Don't Change MY reality

by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 14, 2011


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