by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 30, 2025
Chapter Description: After some special alone time together, Amelia goes out to see Catherine leaving Emily at home with one special addition.
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Emily rolled sideways off Amelia’s lap and stood up. Her legs felt a little weak and she wobbled side to side a couple of times before her wife took her hand and led her towards the changing table. The diaper was stuck to her skin in the front and back now, she was very uncomfortable and was more than ready for her change. She yawned sleepily, the afternoon’s activities had drained her more than she thought and the belly full of warm milk wasn’t helping her.
When the tapes were pulled off the front of Emily’s diaper, she found herself yawning. Her belly was full and her balls had been emptied. She wasn’t entirely sure if the full weight of everything had sunk in yet, she was embarrassed but felt almost certain it would only get worse over time. Mentally at least, physically things were rapidly improving as she felt wet baby wipes cleaning off her skin. By the time the stinky diaper was pulled away Emily felt like a whole new person. Her eyes fluttered closed, she actually felt very relaxed. Her new diaper was slipped underneath her rear end but it wasn’t closed right away, Emily waited silently.
“Isn’t it nice to get rewards?” Amelia asked rhetorically. She sounded like she was across the room for some reason.
Emily grunted in response. She didn’t really want to be a “good girl” as defined by Amelia but at the same time it beat the punishments she received when she didn’t do as she was told. She barely noticed how much her thinking had changed in recent times. The cocky, lazy woman who made Amelia run around catering to her every whim had been replaced by a much more docile version of herself.
“Well, I want to help you get more rewards.” Amelia continued. She was back at the foot of the table, “Would you like me to do that?”
Again Emily, eyes still closed, didn’t really respond. By this point she knew Amelia would do whatever she wanted regardless so having a discussion about it seemed pointless. She just wanted to get into bed and go to sleep, whatever got her there the fastest was alright with her. Her brain was overloaded and it needed time to process just what had happened.
“OK, just lay still for me…” Amelia said.
Emily hadn’t planned on doing anything else. However, when she felt hands around her crotch she frowned in confusion. Something was wrapped around the back of her testicles and then she felt a restricting plastic tube on her penis. It was only when she heard a little click that she realised what had just happened. She quickly sat up and stared down between her legs with wide eyes. She was suddenly very awake again.
“What the hell!?” Emily exclaimed, “Take that off me right now!”
“I’m just helping you be a good girl.” Amelia said as if her reasoning was obvious.
Emily looked down between her legs at the small pink chastity cage. It felt uncomfortable, something she wouldn’t be able to become unaware of but, most importantly, it took away what little access she had to her princess parts!
“Don’t worry.” Amelia said as she placed a hand on Emily’s chest and gently pushed her back down against the padded table, “This doesn’t mean you won’t get to have “fun”. It just means you won’t be tempted to do it on your own.”
That didn’t seem much better to Emily who, nonetheless, felt the front of the diaper getting pulled up over the front of her newly caged genitals and taped closed. She was helped off the table and led to the bed. Before getting in it Amelia stopped her and went over to the closet on the other wide of the room. Emily looked down at the front of her diaper and sighed. She was beet red but there was nothing she could do. It was another part of her life that was quickly spiralling out of her control.
The cage felt very uncomfortable. Emily could feel it constricting her, pinching at the top of her balls and all around feeling weird. It felt bulky and it was unusual not to feel all her various parts being able to move on their own.
Amelia brought over a white nightie. Once it was pulled over Emily’s head, she wondered why her wife had bothered, it was so thin it didn’t hide anything underneath, it might as well have not been there at all. Amelia seemed happy though, she liked the frilly ruffles all around the edges.
“Goodnight.” Amelia said as she held the covers back for Emily to slip into.
Emily said nothing. Amelia gave her a peck on the forehead and then left the room. Lying in bed Emily felt tiredness washing over her again. She felt completely out of sorts, like everything about her was different to how it should be. She reached a hand down to the front of her diaper and pressed down. She could feel the cage underneath. How had she slipped so far as to allow this to happen to her?
With a sigh Emily closed her eyes and tried to push everything out of her mind. She could worry about that the next morning, right then she was exhausted and just needed to sleep.
“I thought we were taking this slow!” Catherine said. She was half-frustrated and half-impressed.
“I am!” Amelia shrugged, “But when I see opportunities I take them. Besides it’s all worked out so far.”
“And if it hadn’t?” Catherine asked, “You could’ve blown up any chance at the therapy right there and then.”
“I know my wife.” Amelia replied, “Call it a calculated gamble.”
Catherine sat back in her seat. She was feeling a little put out because she hadn’t been consulted and she thought this was a joint operation between the two of them. She sipped her drink and for a moment let the din of conversations from other patrons of the bar fill her ears. It seemed a lot had changed since she had last managed to have a proper get together with Amelia.
There was a little tension in the air. Neither of them had addressed the kiss they had shared when last they met. They both seemed to have questions but neither wanted to be the first to talk about it. Catherine was fascinated by what had happened though. The fact Amelia had got Emily to breast feed was mind blowing to her, she hadn’t thought even the most susceptible person would be so passive about regression therapy. The therapist found the chastity cage an unneeded addition, that was very much an Amelia thing and it was enough to give her pause.
“So the chastity…” Catherine had leaned forwards so as not to be overheard.
“I know, I know…” Amelia sighed.
“You told me we were doing this for Emily.” Catherine continued, “Chastity sounds much more like something that helps you than her.”
“Come on.” Amelia looked at Catherine, “Give me a little credit, will you? It’s just a little thing to help remember her place. You should see her; she’s so well behaved now she knows I have her key.”
As Amelia chuckled Catherine shook her head. The whole idea of the whole operation was to fix Emily’s behaviour, to regress her and then teach her proper manners. That’s what Catherine had thought anyway, it was starting to worry her that Amelia had other plans. Still, as she looked into Amelia’s eyes it was very hard to stay mad at her. She looked away guiltily.
“Can we talk about the elephant in the room?” Catherine asked.
“The kiss?” Amelia raised her eyebrows.
“The kiss.” Catherine confirmed.
There was a silence. It was even more awkward now. The topic had been brought up but neither of them knew quite what to say. Catherine looked down at her drink. She was worried about saying the wrong thing, she was worried about what saying the right thing might mean to their relationship. They were friends. Amelia was married…
“I liked it.” Amelia said finally.
Catherine looked up to see her old girlfriend smiling and, surprisingly, a little red in the cheeks. Was it the alcohol or the admission making her blush? Catherine failed to suppress her own smile.
“Me too.” Catherine finally said.
Sitting in a booth in the corner of the bar they had been at right angles to each other. Now Amelia started sliding down the seat until she was at the corner, her knees touched Catherine’s. With a nervous swallow Catherine saw Amelia leaning in and before she knew it, she was mirroring the movement and leaning in herself.
When their lips touched it was as if someone had turned down the volume on everyone else in the bar. Everything faded away and all that was left was Catherine and the woman she was quickly realising she still loved. She felt Amelia’s hand in hers as the other snaked under the table and touched the top of her thigh, it was so electrifying Catherine almost expected sparks to fly everywhere.
“Hey, boys, look at the lesbos!” A voice broke the moment.
Amelia leaned back and Catherine opened her eyes. There was a clearly drunk young man, perhaps a college student standing nearby at the bar with some friends. It was still early in the evening but it was clear that these guys had been drinking for a long while. Catherine felt Amelia’s hand tense.
“Leave it.” Catherine said quietly, “They’re just idiots. We were going to leave soon anyway, let’s just go...”
“What’s the matter, babe? Nobody given you a good dick?” The man said to a chorus of laughs and wolf-whistles from his friends, “Come over here and we can fix that!”
Catherine saw Amelia stand up and joined her. She assumed they were heading straight for the exit but instead Amelia was making a beeline for the men. Catherine could feel her heart hammering, she was not built for scrapping, neither was Amelia. Her friend had a temper and didn’t let people walk all over her, well, except Emily until recently, but she was still smaller than the man she was apparently sizing up.
“I think you’re in.” One of the man’s friends said to more laughter.
“Come here.” The drunken man slurred, “Give us a kiss and I’ll show you what you’re missing.”
The man leaned forwards with his eyes closed and his lips pursed ready for a kiss. Catherine was hovering halfway between the exit and Amelia. She wanted to leave before things got out of control. Having been with women in the past homophobic abuse wasn’t unknown to her even if it still cut deep.
What happened next seemed to be over in the blink of an eye. The drunk man was standing in front of Amelia somehow expecting his abuse to be met with a kiss. Instead, Amelia looked at Catherine and then back at the man. She took a step forward, put her hands on his shoulders and then brought her knee up hard and fast right between the guy’s legs. He immediately let out a yelp as he dropped to the floor.
“Anyone else?” Amelia asked his friends whose laughter had disappeared in shock.
With everyone seemingly stunned that Amelia would fight back Catherine hurried over and grabbed her hand. This time she pulled Amelia towards the door where, a few seconds later, they were out on the pavement. The man who was now crumpled on the floor had a few choice words for them in between his pained whimpers but they didn’t attempt to follow. Amelia was smiling widely.
“That felt… good.” Amelia said once they were a safe distance from the bar, “Catherine?”
Catherine didn’t reply. There was something burning and smouldering inside her. It wasn’t just the kiss that had lit the fires of her romance, there was something else. Seeing Amelia so assertive and not taking any crap from anyone was making her tingle. In their relationship at college Amelia had usually been the one to take control, she was usually better at it at least, Catherine had forgotten what seeing her friend like that could do to her.
Without thinking Catherine practically jumped on Amelia. She wrapped her arms around her, one going straight down to the woman’s ass and the other on her upper back holding her close. They kissed more passionately and when Catherine felt Amelia’s tongue probing for entrance, she opened her mouth and let it in. She wanted it, needed it. More than anything she needed Amelia.
Amelia pulled back and licked her lips. Catherine could see the same look of arousal mirrored in her former girlfriend’s face. There wasn’t a question as to what would happen next. Amelia looked up the road and stuck an arm out.
“Taxi!” Amelia shouted.
The two women were all over each other on the way home. The taxi driver seemed to spend as much time looking in his rear-view mirror as on the road resulting in him almost running a red light. When the car pulled up outside Amelia’s house the two women stepped out. After paying their fare they remained all over each other right up to the front door. Catherine’s brain was focused on one thing and one thing only: Getting up to Amelia’s bed as soon as possible.
The front door opened and Amelia stepped in. Catherine was swiftly brought back to reality by a smell that almost made her turn and walk straight back outside. The smell of poop was overwhelming.
“Finally, I’ve needed a change for…” Emily was walking out of the living room. She saw Catherine and froze.
Catherine could see that her patient was wearing a pink onesie with faux-tutu frills around the waist. Her eyes went wide and she covered her mouth before Emily let out a yelp and ran back into the living room closing the door behind her. Catherine was stunned, she had been told about some of the changes Amelia had made but to see the reality was something else altogether.
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Regression Therapy
by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 30, 2025
Stories of Age/Time Transformation