by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 30, 2025
Chapter Description: Emily is slowly getting used to the new status quo, whether she wants to or not. However, left alone one day, she is given a dilemma with no easy answer.
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Just like the pull-ups before them the diapers were becoming normalised. Whether Emily wanted them to or not they had started to feel like part of her everyday wardrobe. She had never made much of an effort to go to Amelia to ask her to help her take the diaper off to get to the toilet on time, there simply never was going to be enough warning to manage all that. Emily was resigned to the fact that she was going to wet herself when she felt the need.
It wasn’t often that Emily would even go and ask for a diaper change. If Amelia wasn’t working, she would periodically check her diaper by flipping up her skirt or sticking a hand down her pants. Emily always complained but when Amelia was finding Emily wet more than dry her options for argument were limited. In some ways it was easier when she was checked and found wet, it saved her having to bring up the problem herself.
After only a few days the diapers were something, Emily almost ignored in some ways. She could never shake off the humiliation of needing them or the feeling of them growing wetter and heavier but they started to get filed, in her mind, under the folder titled “Not my problem.”
Amelia had told Emily she wasn’t to touch her diaper. Amelia did the checking and the changing so why should Emily pay attention to them. Sure, her wife encouraged her to ask for the toilet, or “potty” as she now seemed to constantly call it, but that was almost more embarrassing than just wetting herself. Pissing in her pants had become something Emily was used to, for better or worse.
It would never not be humiliating, Emily was sure of that, but it was no longer world ending when Amelia changed her diaper. Perhaps it was because, despite everything, her plan was actually working. By visiting the toilet between diapers, she was still able to keep the diapers clean. That felt like a massive win though when she brought it up to Amelia, she didn’t get the response she had expected.
“What? You want a medal for not shitting your pants?” Amelia had replied snappily after Emily mentioned it.
“No, I…” Emily started. Her face was heating up with familiar embarrassment. She didn’t understand why Amelia seemed annoyed that Emily was fighting hard to keep control of one aspect of her life
Emily wasn’t able to continue from there because Amelia had closed the gap to her and unceremoniously shoved her hand up under Emily’s skirt. The padding was warm, round and very clearly wet. Amelia sighed and shook her head.
“I need to head out to the DMV and renew my license.” Amelia said, “Can I trust you here alone for a few hours?”
“Well, yeah, but…” Emily bit her lip.
“What?” Amelia asked.
“Aren’t you going to… change me first?” Emily asked with a small voice.
“I’ll do it when I get back.” Amelia said after a long sigh, “You should be alright for a little while.”
Emily was ashamed to say she wasn’t so sure about that. It said a lot that even when Amelia wasn’t around Emily was still not allowed to touch her own diapers. It felt like a stupid rule that only existed because of one small mistake but Emily felt compelled to follow it. With all the strain she was putting on the relationship recently she didn’t want to push any further.
“Call me if you need anything.” Amelia said as she scooped up her keys.
A minute later the front door closed and Emily was left alone. It was the first time she had truly been by herself for a little while. With Amelia working from home increasingly often she was usually always very nearby. Emily felt a little anxious at the sudden separation and almost simultaneously felt a dribble of urine enter her soaked padding.
“Don’t be silly…” Emily muttered to herself, “You’ve been alone plenty of times before. You LIKE being alone.”
Emily did what she often spent her time doing. She grabbed some snacks and a drink and went to sit in front of the television. The soft crinkles that accompanied her every movement had almost become background noise for her now, like a form of tinnitus that you learn to live with, she barely even noticed them most of the time.
Sitting on the couch Emily put her feet up on the table and turned on the television. She could almost pretend everything was back to normal like this. It was so close to how she usually found herself before her bladder and bowels had started rebelling. She was even able to enjoy herself for a little while. That was until she felt the need to poop coming on quickly.
Emily got up and hurried up to the bathroom where she paused. She wasn’t supposed to touch her own diaper but if she didn’t, she would be condemning herself to a horrible accident, and Amelia wasn’t even there to help her. She bit her lip until she uncontrollably passed wind and decided that Amelia would understand. Heck, she may even be able to put it back on and Amelia would never know what happened.
Ripping at the tapes Emily let the damp diaper hit the floor just before she sat down. It wasn’t a moment too soon. She felt relief wash over her as her body evacuated. It was only as she finished and she was cleaning up that she looked down at the diaper.
“Oh crap…” Emily muttered.
In her haste to take the diaper off one of the tapes had been ripped off the back half of the diaper. That wasn’t even mentioning the embarrassing skid mark she had left behind in the padding. The diaper certainly wouldn’t be able to be worn again.
After flushing the toilet Emily picked up the torn padding and carried it through to her bedroom. She dropped it on the floor and kicked it to the corner as she thought about what to do. It didn’t seem like she had many options. If Amelia found her without a diaper on she would be very angry which meant Emily had no choice but to take a fresh disposable from the drawer and take it to her bed.
Emily’s previous attempt at diapering herself had not been a success but since then she had seen Amelia do it a lot more. She held her tongue between her teeth as she tried to get the diaper as straight as possible before pulling it up between her legs. She spent a lot of time trying to make sure she put the tapes in exactly the right position before she committed and pressed them against the front of the disposable. When she sat up and looked down, she thought she had done a very good job, it certainly fit a lot better than her last effort.
Feeling pleased about a job well done Emily got herself dressed again and headed back downstairs. When, a little while later, she felt the need to urinate she didn’t hold back. Sitting on the couch with her feet up she let go into the padding.
It was another hour or so before Amelia came back through the front door. In that time Emily had barely moved from her spot on the couch as she watched a trashy day time talk show. If it wasn’t for the warm padding around her, yet again, it would’ve felt like so many other days before the problems started. Emily sitting and enjoying her life as Amelia came home from doing whatever it was she did.
“I’m back.” Amelia called through the door.
Emily grunted a greeting but didn’t look behind her at the front door. She stretched and felt her padded underwear rub against her, it wasn’t entirely unpleasant as much as she hated to admit it. Amelia came round the couch to block the view of the TV.
“Alright, stand up.” Amelia said.
“Huh? Why?” Emily asked as she leaned to look around her wife.
“Because I need to check you.” Amelia replied, “If you would just wear more skirts, you’d make this a lot easier for both of us.”
Emily sighed and obediently stood up. Her pants were pulled down to her knees and she almost subconsciously spread her legs a bit to make it easier for Amelia to check her. She didn’t even realise she had picked up these toddler behaviours.
“Have you been drinking enough?” Amelia asked with confusion.
“Uh huh.” Emily replied. She was trying not to let it show that having her wife’s hand prodding, poking and squeezing her crotch was actually turning her on just a little bit.
“You’re not as wet as I expected.” Amelia sounded suspicious.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Emily said, “What time is dinner?”
Amelia stood up straight and Emily pulled her pants back up. At least it seemed like her wife hadn’t noticed the way the front of her diaper was tenting out a little. Part of her was glad it wasn’t noticed whilst the rest of her would’ve appreciated some attention. There hadn’t been a lot of sex since the diapers were introduced.
“In a little while.” Amelia said slowly, “I’m going to take a shower first.”
Emily nodded and sat back down. She hadn’t really looked at her wife all that much, if she had she might have been more concerned than she was. Amelia left the room and Emily picked up the remote to go channel surfing. She had just flicked over to a reality show about people with strange lifestyles when she was startled into a sitting up.
“Emily!” Amelia shouted, “Get up here now!”
Emily swallowed nervously. There was a time when she would ignore any such instruction but with everything that had been going on she felt like she had to do as she was told. Amelia sounded angry about something so Emily was fairly certain she wasn’t having a medical emergency or anything like that. She slowly walked up the stairs trying to work out what the problem was. At the top of the steps, she looked cautiously into the bathroom but Amelia wasn’t in there.
It was only when Emily saw that the door to her bedroom was open that it dawned on her what was happening. Her eyes shot wide open as she realised she had forgotten about the diaper she had taken off. Her immediate thought was to run away. Amelia was angry and perhaps the best course of action would be to get as far away as possible until she had calmed down. Before Emily had made a step one way or the other Amelia stuck her head round the door and stared daggers into her.
“Come here and explain this.” Amelia demanded.
Emily really didn’t want to be doing as she was told. She wanted to run back downstairs and hide. She knew exactly what she had done, she knew exactly what embarrassing sight awaited her in the spare bedroom. When Amelia’s glare somehow got even sterner Emily’s feet moved forwards and she went into her bedroom. In the corner, right where she had left it, was the used diaper. The padding was obviously yellowed apart from the brown streak that was embarrassingly prominent.
“What’s this?” Amelia asked as she pointed at the discarded diaper.
“Come on…” Emily whined as her cheeks reddened.
“What is it?” Amelia asked again.
“You know what it is.” Emily replied petulantly. She felt about two feet tall at that moment.
“Tell me.” Amelia demanded, “And don’t make me ask again.”
Emily had been feeling like a child a lot recently, it was hard not to when you were wetting yourself so often, but right then she felt more like a naughty toddler than ever. A small child who had been overconfident in hiding evidence of their being naughty and now it was coming back to bite them.
“It’s my diaper.” Emily said as she rolled her eyes, “Obviously!”
“Well done! It IS your diaper!” Amelia said with sarcastic praise, “So my question is… What is it doing on the floor?”
“When you were out, I needed the bathroom.” Emily said with a shrug, “What did you want me to do?”
“You mean other than stain you diaper like that and leave it lying around on the floor for me to nearly step on?” Amelia asked with a shake of her head, “What was my rule for you regarding your diapers?”
“Amelia, come on…” Emily was already so full of embarrassment she felt like she might burst.
“What is it?” Amelia asked.
“Look, I used the toilet without a problem!” Emily responded. She didn’t even notice her foot stomping on the floor like an upset child, “And I put this diaper on without a problem too!”
“That’s not what I’m asking you.” Amelia said calmly, “I asked you about the rule and you have to the count of three to tell me. One.”
“Amelia, I’m not a stupid kid.” Emily retorted angrily, “I ca-…”
“Two.” Amelia counted.
Emily let out a frustrated exclamation. This was all so humiliating. Did Amelia know that she was making her feel so embarrassed? Surely Emily’s cheeks were blazing red for her to notice. This was ridiculously unfair. The rule had been made because Emily had leaked and her current diaper showed no signs of doing that!
“Three.” Amelia finished.
“This is-…” Emily started when Amelia grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the bed, “Hey! W-What are you doing!?”
“Something you probably needed years ago.” Amelia said through gritted teeth as she started pulling on Emily’s arm.
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Regression Therapy
by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 30, 2025
Stories of Age/Time Transformation