Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025

Chapter Description: Emily goes to her therapy appointment where she reluctantly has to talk about what happened in the lobby. Catherine gives her a test to complete, and whilst Emily is filling it in, the therapist takes a trip down memory lane.

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The clock ticked on in the quiet office. Like what had happened in nearly all of their therapy sessions after a brief flurry of pleasantries Emily fell silent and Catherine was left searching for ways to get her to open up. The task was made even harder than usual by what Catherine had witnessed in the lobby.

Catherine had taken in what Amelia had suggested regarding regression therapy. She’d even agreed it might be useful in this case but she had never imagined she would see Emily waddling in with a clearly full diaper. She wasn’t entirely sure what she should do next, how to get the ball rolling.

“Do you want to talk about what happened?” Catherine asked.

“No.” Emily responded shortly.

Catherine let the silence hang in the air. After a few seconds it seemed Emily was mentally unfurling herself and getting ready to open up a bit. She opened her mouth and then closed it again. Catherine waited patiently.

“It was humiliating.” Emily muttered, “I just… couldn’t hold it.”

“I understand.” Catherine said softly, “If I may ask, has that happened before?”

Catherine saw Emily shift uncomfortably on the couch. The patient didn’t need to say anything, the experienced therapist knew the answer just from observing her.

“Once.” Emily said, “At the cinema.”

“I see.” Catherine nodded as she made some notes, “Was this before or after you started wearing diapers?”

Catherine could see the effect the word had on Emily. Just saying “diapers” seemed to make the woman flinch. Her body clearly needed them but her brain was struggling to recognise that fact. Regression therapy started to sound even more sensible to Catherine. Getting Emily to accept her limitations would do a lot to enhance her quality of life.

“I was wearing a pull-up.” Emily answered.

“Can you tell me… How do you feel about the diapers?” Catherine asked.

Emily sniffed as she looked down at the floor in front of the couch. Her eyes shifted from side to side almost as if she was having an internal debate on how to answer. It was quite fascinating to Catherine; this was already much more open than Emily usually was. Perhaps the humiliation downstairs had brought her defences down and was allowing Catherine’s question to penetrate her mind.

“I… I hate them.” Emily finally said, “Well, no… I hate that I need them. I hate how they make me feel, I hate that they make me worry I’ll be seen, I hate that I’m not allowed to touch them…”

“You’re not allowed to touch them?” Catherine asked, “Why’s that?”

“I’m not very good at putting them on.” Emily blushed slightly, “I tend to… leak.”

“Ah.” Catherine said.

“But, I mean, that’s the good thing about them.” Emily said almost reluctantly, “I don’t have to worry so much. What happened downstairs would’ve been a thousand times worse without them.”

Catherine was surprised. She was about to tell Emily that she had a very mature view on them before Emily opened her mouth and continued.

“But I hate them!” Emily continued more animatedly, “They make it so hard to get to the bathroom on time, they’re big, they’re loud, I have to keep worrying if people notice them and they are for babies! I don’t need them!”

Catherine let Emily finish and couldn’t help but notice the way the patient was pouting at the end of her little rant. So much for the maturity. Despite seeing their positives, it was clear Emily’s true feelings were anything but good. Catherine was pretty certain that if Amelia hadn’t got things going regarding the padding Emily would still be having accidents in her panties. There seemed to be cognitive dissonance at play where she could simultaneously be thankful for them helping with her accidents whilst also saying she didn’t need them.

“I’d like to try something.” Catherine said as she stood up, “A little test. Don’t worry, there’s no right or wrong answers.”

Catherine went to the filing cabinet at the back of the room and pulled open the top drawer. She rifled through various folders until she found what she was looking for. It was something she usually reserved for patients that were children or in their teens but Catherine was curious. It was a mixture of a personality and an emotional intelligence test.

“I want you to answer these questions as best you can.” Catherine said as she placed several sheets of paper on the low table between her and Emily.

“Now?” Emily asked.

“If you could.” Catherine held out a pen, “There’s no time limit. Take as long as you need.”

Emily seemed suspicious and reluctant but that seemed to be her default state in these appointments. Catherine sat back and wrote some more notes as Emily quietly answered the multiple-choice questions. As she did so Catherine found herself glancing up from her clipboard at Emily’s crotch. It wasn’t that she was checking her out or anything, it was just the knowledge that there was a diaper under there. It reminded her of Amelia and a particularly interesting day at college…


Seven Years Previously…


“Amelia, this is crazy! I can’t do this!” Catherine hissed as she stepped out of the car.

“You’re already doing it.” Amelia replied with a giggle.

“Oh god… Oh god… Everyone’s going to know.” Catherine pulled down her shirt even though it was already covering everything.

“Relax.” Amelia said as she took Catherine’s hand, “No one will know a thing.”

Catherine found that hard to believe. She felt like she had the world’s thickest pillow between her legs, she felt like the crinkles were coming through a loudspeaker and that wasn’t mentioning the toy placed inside her vagina. She looked around nervously expecting crowds of people to gather to laugh at her.

“We’re just two hot women going out for lunch.” Amelia said confidently as she patted Catherine’s ass.

Amelia led the way towards the café they liked to frequent. It made the whole situation even more mortifying for Catherine, these were people that knew her and that she saw often. The chance of being caught and exposed felt dangerously high… so why was she already so damp with excitement!?

Amelia had been trying to get Catherine to do this for weeks and she had finally relented. Diapers were more Amelia’s kink but Catherine was game to play with them too, occasionally she would wear one for her girlfriend. This was the first time she had worn them outside; she hadn’t thought it would be so terrifying.

Catherine’s heart hammered as she walked alongside Amelia. She felt like she was waddling ridiculously. She tried to press her legs together and have a normal gait but, conversely, it just seemed to make her walking appear even stranger. She should never have agreed to do this, it was well outside her comfort zone. She clung on to Emily’s hand as if it was her only lifeline. Every time they passed someone Catherine felt for sure they would just know something was going on, they would hear or see something. She kept waiting for the laughter aimed squarely at her and the padded rear behind her.

“How are you doing?” Amelia asked as the approached the café.

“I think I’m going to be sick.” Catherine replied honestly.

“You’re doing great…” Amelia leaned in close and with a giggle whispered, “Baby.”

Catherine felt her face turning a deep red. She wasn’t really into the age play aspect of the diapers but right then Amelia could’ve whispered practically anything and she’d have been blushing. All her senses felt hyper-focused and that included her sense of embarrassment.

Amelia pushed open the door of the café causing a little bell to ring. She led Catherine to their usual seats next to the window and sat down. Catherine looked around her, there were only a couple of other diners but it didn’t look like anyone was taking notice of her. As impossible as it seemed to her it looked like no one else could tell something strange and kinky was going on. The padding provided an extra cushion on the wooden chair and Catherine shifted a little, the toy that had been inserted into her moved and sent tingles through her body.

“See?” Amelia said happily as she picked up the small menu, “Absolutely fine.”

“That’s easy for you to say!” Catherine replied with wide eyes, “You don’t-… Oh!”

Suddenly the toy in Catherine’s snatch came to life. A pulsing vibration that reverberated off the walls of her inner sanctum. Catherine was cut off mid-sentence as one of her legs shot out and kicked the table in surprise and shock. Some people did look over now but quickly turned away again. Catherine panted and closed her eyes before the vibrations died down, they didn’t stop but at least she could think again.

Unbeknownst to Catherine and hidden by the menu Amelia had brought up her phone and opened the app that controlled the toy inserted into her girlfriend. She smiled widely at the reaction. it seemed her lover was even more sensitive than she thought.

“Something the matter?” Amelia asked innocently.

Catherine had felt she was blushing before but now it was as if her whole face was burning up. She looked back at Amelia with wide eyes. She had been told the toy had a few tricks up its sleeve but she didn’t know it would feel so… intense.

Catherine felt so naughty. Out in public like she was and experiencing such pleasures. Having to try to act normal felt impossible, she wasn’t even sure what normal was at that point. The pulsing pleasure continued as she looked at the menu, occasionally it would spike caused her to gasp but for the most part Amelia kept it at a low-level buzz. She was getting wetter and wetter. The vibrations building up a feeling inside her that was gradually becoming overwhelming.

“Can I take your orders?” A waitress asked as she approached the table with a notepad and pen.

As Amelia ordered herself a coffee and a sandwich Catherine realised she had been so distracted that despite looking at the menu she hadn’t really read any of it. She quickly scanned it as the waitress turned towards her.

“I’ll have a, erm… Ah!” Catherine let out a little exclamation as the toy buzzed to life.

“Sorry… I didn’t catch that.” The waitress asked with a small frown of confusion.

“A… A…” Catherine panted slightly. Underneath the table she squeezed her legs together against the padding, “The same as she’s having.”

The words tumbled out of Catherine’s mouth. She wasn’t even a big fan of the sandwiches but her mind was unable to think of anything other than what was happening in her diaper. The waitress left the table and the buzzing was reduced again. As soon as Catherine was sure they couldn’t be overheard she leaned forwards across the table.

“Stop that!” Catherine’s words were more pleading than authoritative.

“Stop what?” Amelia replied innocently. A wicked smile crossed her face that seemed to turn Catherine on even more.

“You know what you’re doing!” Catherine whispered, “I can’t think when you…”

“When I what?” Amelia asked as she held up her phone, “When I do this?”

Catherine’s eyes widened as Amelia’s finger slowly moved up on the screen of her phone causing the vibrations to increase. Grabbing the edges of the table Catherine froze in place. She didn’t dare open her mouth lest she start moaning. She didn’t share her girlfriend’s exhibitionist side after all and she was regretting agreeing to this “game.”

As the vibrations climbed and remained sustained Catherine rocked forwards slightly on the toy to press it further into herself. She took some deep breaths that she blew out through her mouth almost as if she was in labour. Her eyes were closed as she tried to remain as still as possible. Just as it felt like her defences were breaking down and she was going to lose all composure the toy seemed to drop right back down to a low buzz. Catherine slumped in her seat as her eyes opened.

“Amazing really.” Amelia said with a naughty smirk, “That was only seventy percent.”

Catherine could only imagine what the full blast would feel like. She sat herself up straight again and tried to ignore the throbbing need that seemed to be aching within her womanhood. She was about to open her mouth to say something when the waitress started walking back towards the table. Catherine leaned back and hoped she was acting normally even as the buzzing grew again.

“Thank you.” Amelia said with a smile as she took her drink and sandwich from the tray.

Catherine’s hands were shaking a little as she took her own lunch. A little of the coffee spilled on the table.

“Can I get you anything else?” The waitress asked.

“I think we’re good, thanks.” Amelia replied.

Catherine took a deep breath as the waitress walked away. She lifted up her coffee and went to take a sip when the vibrations suddenly jumped up to their highest levels yet. She audibly moaned and some more of her drink spilled, this time on to her clothes, before she shakily put the cup back down.

“Oops, maybe you need a bib.” Amelia joked as she sipped her own drink.

Thankfully the coffee wasn’t too hot though Catherine wasn’t certain she’d notice even if it was. The vibrations were making her pant as her hands went down to press against the diaper underneath her skirt.

“T-Turn it down!” Catherine squealed in a hushed whisper.

“Aww, is it getting a bit too much?” Amelia leaned forwards to whisper back, “You’re not about to cum in your diaper in front of all these people, are you?”

Catherine bit her bottom lip. It felt like the sea of lust within her was roiling around in a storm, the waves growing bigger and stronger as the storm threatened to break. She could barely think as she took a great shuddering breath. Just as it seemed like bliss was going to roll over her it suddenly died away. The buzzing dropped right back down to a level that was barely noticeable.

Catherine panted slightly as her senses came back to her. She swallowed nervously as she looked around. It didn’t seem like anyone had noticed anything amiss. It seemed impossible that there was such a storm inside her and no one else could tell.

With her attention turning back to her own table Catherine looked across at Amelia as she bit into her sandwich. She put the phone down on the table and Catherine could see that the vibrator was at twenty percent intensity. She felt as if she was in a bit of a daze as she looked down at her own lunch.

“Oh, I forgot to mention. This funny thing happened in class yesterday…” Amelia started launching into a story.

Catherine was barely paying any attention. Amelia’s voice was being drowned out by the thunder inside of her. The sensations that had pushed her so close to the edge had receded but they were present enough to keep her arousal high. Catherine felt like if she just had the orgasm her body was craving, she would be able to get back to normal. She chewed her sandwich but her eyes kept flicking to the phone.

Without even pausing in her story Amelia casually reached down to the phone and flicked up on the screen. The intensity jumped up to fifty percent. This time a moan did escape Catherine’s mouth and it was heard by the people nearest her. She quickly clamped a hand over her mouth and tried to disguise it as a cough.

“Are you feeling alright?” Amelia asked with pleasant faux naivety, “You’ve gone very red.”

Catherine was torn between begging Amelia to turn the toy off and begging her to turn it up. She barely even noticed how she was rolling her hips back and forth moving the toy against her most sensitive spots. Thankfully the table hid such wanton behaviour from most people.

“I’ll tell you what…” Amelia said. She tapped the screen again and the intensity swelled to sixty-five percent, “We’ve been having fun but I can tell what you need. Do you want to excuse yourself to the bathroom and I’ll let you… compose yourself?”

Catherine nodded quickly.

“I want to hear you ask me for it.” Amelia said. Another tap on the screen and the intensity dropped to thirty percent. Catherine’s pussy complained as it ached and begged for release. She clenched her muscles against the phallic invader.

“P-Please…” Catherine whispered, “I… I need to go to the bathroom.”

“Not good enough.” Amelia said with a shake of the head.

Catherine was about to try again when the Amelia’s finger dragged up on the screen. Fifty percent. Sixty percent. Seventy percent. Catherine’s words caught in her throat as she felt sweat on her brow and her breathing became shallow and rapid.

“N-Not here…” Catherine gasped. She didn’t want to have an orgasm in front of strangers out in public. After being teased for so long she felt sure she wouldn’t be able to hold in the moans that were already threatening to come out.

Seventy-five percent. Eighty percent. Those waves were reaching tsunami level and were becoming impossible to hold back. Catherine was a ship just trying to stay afloat in stormy waves. A tension was growing inside her that was going to swallow her whole.

“P-Please… May I go to the bathroom?” Catherine asked plaintively. Her voice uneven and words separated by panting, “So… So… So that I can cum in my diaper…”

“If you must.” Amelia said with a smirk.

“Th-Thank you.” Catherine mumbled as she got out of her seat. She had just stood up, her knees feeling shaky when Amelia spoke up again.

“I’ll just help you along a bit.” Amelia said.

Catherine suddenly felt the vibrator hit new heights. She didn’t need to look back to know it was now going at full power and Catherine was panting as she staggered forwards a few steps. She knew she must’ve looked strange to anyone who happened to glance over but she couldn’t even pretend to act normally.

Halfway to the bathroom door Catherine had to pause. She grabbed hold of the back of a chair with both hands as she tried to keep the orgasm at bay. Walking was only causing more friction and making the throbbing need so much worse. She decided she couldn’t hold everything back for much longer, if she wanted privacy she needed to go get it right away.

Catherine let go of the chair and ran to the bathroom door. It was a single occupant toilet but thankfully no one was in there and she locked the door behind her hurriedly. No sooner had she got her privacy than she let out a long low moan. She was reaching the long-awaited crest of the wave and felt like the orgasm that was about to hit might be the biggest ever. Her knees shook as she leaned against the door and surrendered to the feeling.

Catherine’s hands went down and underneath the bottom of her skirt. She started loudly rubbing the diaper against herself in a wanton search for more friction, anything to push her over the edge. As the tension reached breaking point Catherine almost felt like she was going to black out. She sank down to her knees and the storm finally broke.

Catherine lost her awareness of her surroundings. As she climaxed like never before she almost blacked out. Her senses were completely consumed by the rolling tidal waves of orgasm. She was paying no attention to anything except what was happening in her diaper as the walls of her pussy clenched and relaxed automatically. It seemed to go on and on. Thankfully, and blissfully the vibrator was turned all the way back down to zero just as things were getting overwhelming. Catherine was left panting on the floor of the bathroom.

It took a minute for Catherine to regain her senses. She didn’t know how long she had been in there but as the tides of the orgasm receded, she was left with a feeling of embarrassment. Her legs were shaky as she stood up and made her way to the toilet. For show as much as for any other reason Catherine flushed the toilet and then walked over to the sink. She looked into it and could see that her cheeks were a deep red.

“Relax.” Catherine told herself under her breath.

Catherine unlocked the bathroom door and stepped out into the café. She found that more than a few people were giving her strange looks and Amelia’s eyes were wide open. Even before Catherine had got back to the table Amelia was leaving money for the bill.

“We should go.” Amelia said as Catherine reached her.

“Go? Already?” Catherine had been eager to leave whilst she was being teased but now she wanted to enjoy the company of her girlfriend for longer.

“Come on.” Amelia said hurriedly.

Catherine was confused but didn’t argue. She followed Amelia, who was walking pretty fast, back to the car. Not a word was said until the pair were back in the vehicle with the doors closed. Amelia took a deep breath and leaned her head against the steering wheel before she started to chuckle. It seemed like a laughter borne of shock as much as mirth.

“What’s going on?” Catherine asked.

“Did you not hear yourself!?” Amelia said with a laugh.

“Not really…” Catherine admitted, “I was a little preoccupied.”

“Well, I think it’s safe to say you’re the ONLY one who didn’t hear you.” Amelia said as she brought her hands up to her face and shook her head.

Catherine’s eyes were wide and she felt as if the bottom of the car had opened up and deposited her on the ground. She knew she had been holding back her moans and that the orgasm had seemed to dull her senses to everything but the pleasure but…

“Oh my god…” Catherine buried her face in her hands. She felt so humiliated and yet even she had to let out a little laugh.

“I mean… Really?” Amelia said as her laughter grew.

“It wasn’t my fault!” Catherine argued back. Her own laughter getting stronger despite the embarrassment, “With that toy buzzing away I couldn’t focus on anything else! If you hadn’t been teasing me so much…”

“Oh, so it’s MY fault?” Amelia playfully pushed Catherine in the shoulder.

The two women’s laughter seemed to feed each other. Soon they were both laughing hard at the absurd situation they had created. When they eventually started calming down Amelia leaned over and put her arm around Catherine. She gave her girlfriend a little peck on the cheek.

“I think we’re going to need to find a new place to get our coffee.” Amelia said with a final giggle before turning the car on and taking them back towards their dorm.


Present Day…­


“Hello? Catherine?” Emily’s voice broke through the vivid memories and Catherine was brought back to her office.

To her embarrassment Catherine found she had still been staring at Emily’s padded crotch whilst daydreaming but she quickly looked away. It didn’t seem like Emily had noticed anything.

“I’ve finished.” Emily said as she passed the papers back to Catherine.

Catherine took them and gave them a cursory glance to make sure all the answers had been answered before putting them to one side. She looked back at Emily with a warm smile. She felt hot and was sure her cheeks had reddened from the errant imagination. Thankfully Emily had no idea exactly where Catherine’s mind had wandered.

“So did I pass?” Emily asked.

“Hm?” Catherine frowned.

“The test.” Emily nodded to the papers, “Did I pass?”

“I told you, Emily, this wasn’t a test with right and wrong answers.” Catherine replied, “And it’ll take me a little while to analyse. For now, though, I think our time is coming to an end. Perhaps we should leave things here and continue next time.”

“Sure.” Emily replied as she stood up.

Catherine wasn’t stupid. She knew Emily would welcome any opportunity to leave a session early. The therapist was under no illusions that Emily was there out of choice. Sure, she didn’t fight the appointments as much as she used to but without Amelia’s pushing Catherine was certain Emily would’ve stopped visiting her a long time ago.

Once the office door was closed Catherine returned to her seat. She hadn’t been entirely truthful regarding how long it would take to look at Emily’s answers. It was a multiple-choice test so she just had to check each response with the answer sheet. She’d only been half-finished when it became clear what the test was suggesting. By the time the marking was over the result was in no doubt.

“Patient has an extremely immature personality.” Catherine read, “Prone to fits of emotional outbursts and difficulties not getting her way. Patient likely struggles when things don’t go their way and will almost always try to blame outside failures for their own shortcomings…”

The paragraphs went on. Catherine read through them and though she might as well replace the word “patient” with “Emily.” It was almost eerie how well she fit into the description. Catherine sat back in her seat. There were plenty of suggested treatments but most were standard therapy techniques that Catherine had already tried with Emily in the past. Perhaps this was where Catherine could make her contribution to the field she loved so much. Maybe it was time to start really testing this regression therapy.


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End Chapter 17

Regression Therapy

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 8, 2025


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