by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 30, 2025
Chapter Description: Emily is getting increasingly frustrated that no one can seem to help her with her increasing continence issues. Meanwhile, Amelia wants a "date night" at the movies but Emily is VERY concerned about it... with good reason.
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“It’s getting worse! Alright? Happy now?” Emily said angrily.
“And how does that make you feel?” Catherine asked.
Emily couldn’t help but laugh. How did it make her feel? What a stupid question that was. She was almost completely helplessly wetting herself and had started having… other problems. She was worried, and even though there was apparently nothing physically wrong she had to wonder why it was happening.
“What does Amelia think about it?” Catherine asked after seeing Emily’s reaction.
“She’s been trying to help.” Emily said with a sigh. She wasn’t sure there was much her wife could do besides what she was already doing and getting her protection.
“That must help a little bit.” Catherine suggested, “Having support like that.”
Emily wasn’t so sure. She felt so embarrassed when something came up regarding her disposable underwear, and recently it had been happening increasingly often. It seemed like every other interaction she had with her wife was now something to do with the state of her pull-ups or was ended by Emily needing to run off to the bathroom. Amelia had been very patient with her but it was also overbearing.
“It just… sucks.” Emily said with annoyance, “I don’t know why it’s happening and it’s only getting worse.”
“Maybe you should try consulting a doctor again.” Catherine said.
“I already did that.” Emily replied, “They gave me scans and then said there’s nothing wrong. In fact, they suggested it was all in my head and told me to speak to you. Fat lot of good that’s doing…”
“Well, I’m afraid there’s no magic bullet for mental health issues.” Catherine said, “It’s a road that we’re walking. With enough practice we’re able to see the path more clearly and avoid going down the paths that lead us to bad places.”
“Those are nice words but it doesn’t stop the fact that I’m pissing myself every other day.” Emily muttered angrily.
“I understand but-…” Catherine started. Her soft placating voice was just irritating Emily now.
“Oh, you understand?” Emily asked sarcastically, “Well that’s just GREAT! You know what? This is a waste of time. I’m out of here.”
“Emily…” Catherine couldn’t force people to stay in the room and she wouldn’t dream of doing that. That said she hated seeing patients leave in a bad mental headspace.
“Screw you.” Emily shouted over her shoulder, “This is a waste of time!”
As Emily flung the door opened and stormed outside, she never looked back at the therapist. If she had done so she would’ve seen Catherine start writing some notes whilst sighing and shaking her head.
Amelia brought her and Emily’s drinks into the living room. She had just put the most recent doses of diuretics and laxatives into Emily’s glass and mixed it in, a routine she was doing pretty often. She had noticed changes in her wife and knew she was making progress. Emily’s pull-ups were so frequently wet when she was checked now and she assumed Emily had experienced a more solid accident at least once just from the way Emily acted.
Emily had taken a lot more care to change her pull-ups since Amelia did it for her. That didn’t stop Amelia from going through the trash a few times after Emily had gone to bed and looking at the thrown away disposable underwear. She knew it wasn’t a normal thing to do but it felt like she had left normal behind some time ago. The truth was that she had noticed some of the “skid marks” left on Amelia’s pull-ups and saw it as another victory.
Emily had always been very introverted but with recent events she had almost become a recluse. She didn’t want to go out to any place that might have other people. Amelia understood the reasons well but she was getting bored being cooped up at home with her only preoccupation being to check her wife’s underwear.
“Come on, we have to do something.” Amelia said on one weekend afternoon having spent the first half of the day watching television, “Why don’t we go to the zoo?”
“N-No.” Emily replied. At the mere mention of the idea of a date she had gone as white as a sheet.
“A restaurant then?” Amelia continued, “The bar?”
Emily shook her head and turned to face the television again. Amelia wasn’t going to allow her wife to avoid the world forever. She would have to get used to how things were now. She reached for the remote and turned the TV off.
“Fine, then how about we go see a film?” Amelia said, “We used to do that all the time when we were dating.”
Amelia immediately noticed there was less resistance to this idea. She supposed her wife was getting the message that they would have to go somewhere and perhaps the idea of sitting in a dark cinema was more appealing to her. A place where she wouldn’t be seen or noticed quite as easily. She still seemed very anxious though.
“You’ll be fine.” Amelia said, switching to a gentler tone of voice. She leaned forwards and put a hand on Emily’s knee, “I’ll be with you.”
It was hard to say if Amelia’s words had any effect on Emily but she stood up regardless. Amelia also stood and reached a hand down the waistband of Emily’s pants in a way that had happened so often recently it had almost started to feel normal. It didn’t take a lot of probing to reveal that the pull-up was wet.
“Go and change that.” Amelia said as she patted Emily on the butt, “Then we can go.”
Amelia adored the way Emily’s cheeks went a little red whenever her pull-ups were talked about. Especially if the underwear wasn’t clean and dry. As soon as Amelia’s hand had been withdrawn Emily rushed out of the room and upstairs. Whilst she waited Amelia put on her shoes and a jacket. Just like the trip to the bar she didn’t have anything particular in mind but if something did happen, she was going to be ready to exploit it.
“Put your shoes on.” Amelia said as Emily came back downstairs, “I’ll be right back.”
Amelia passed Emily on the stairs as she went up. She entered the bedroom and pulled out a spare pull-up. She slipped it into her bag and zipped it back up. Amelia had the feeling they were going to need it.
Emily followed Amelia from the loud lobby to the suddenly tranquil and dark screening room. Amelia had insisted on popcorn and two large sodas but Emily didn’t plan on drinking much of it. She was already anxious enough without putting more food and liquid in her body. She’d only just made it to the cinema without wetting herself. She had darted into the bathroom as Amelia bought the tickets and had only just got her pull-up down in time.
The pair of women climbed the shallow stairs between rows of seats and Emily felt her heart sink as she saw that many of them were taken up with other people. She had hoped and prayed that the screening they were going to would be quiet but it didn’t seem like she was going to get her wish.
“This is us.” Amelia said quietly as they reached their row.
Amelia led the way down the row of seats until they were practically at the wall. Emily sat down in the comfortable chair and immediately started tapping her feet against the floor nervously. Amelia put a hand on her knee and smiled. Emily returned it without feeling much better. The film hadn’t even started and she was counting down the minutes until they could go home.
As the trailers and adverts played the room filled with more people. It was a weekend and there were families coming out as well as couples on dates. The film they were seeing was a generic action one so there was a wide spread of different people there. To Emily’s disappointment many of the seats between her and the aisle were taken up.
“Relax.” Amelia whispered to her, “You’ll be fine.”
Amelia rested her head on Emily’s shoulder and held on to her arm. The lights started to dim and after a few more trailers the movie started. It was barely ten minutes when Emily felt a sudden warning sign from her bladder. Knowing that the film was two hours long she didn’t want to use her pull-up like she often did at home in case she genuinely needed it. She threaded her arm out of Amelia’s hug and stood up.
There was a lot of grumbling as Emily tried to push her way past the other people in her row. She was trying to be careful but at the same time she was desperate to get to the bathroom without any delay. She practically ran down the steps and out towards the concourse.
“Excuse me! Sorry!” Emily called out as she ran to the women’s bathroom.
She practically flew into the nearest stall and got her pull-up down just in time to use the toilet. As she felt the relief of emptying her bladder she sat back and looked up towards the ceiling, her heart hammering. It had been far too close for comfort. When she was finished, she stayed on the toilet for another minute just to make sure there was nothing more to come out. She stood up and pulled her clothes back up.
“Sorry. I’m sorry.” Emily said quietly as she went back to her seat. She could hear some of the other moviegoers grumbling as she squeezed back past them.
Emily took a deep breath as she sat down. Amelia leaned against her and held her hand but Emily was already distracted. No sooner had she sat down then she felt a rumbling in her gut. She looked back down the line of seating in the darkness and felt anxiety joining the growing rumbling in her guts. She didn’t want to inconvenience these people again when she had only just sat down. She shuddered to think what they would think of her.
“Are you OK?” Amelia whispered close to Emily’s ear.
“Uh huh.” Emily grunted but she wasn’t convincing anyone.
Emily really had no idea what was happening on the screen. She was paying no attention to the film at all. She wished they had bought aisle seats so she could come and go easier. The problem was only getting worse and Emily knew she didn’t have long to work out what she was going to do.
Someone in the row in front of Emily and Amelia got up to head out to the lobby and the people nearest Emily started tutting and shaking their heads. They were clearly already annoyed at people disrupting the film so much. Turning back to the screen Emily pushed herself further back into the seat. Her bowels were rumbling ominously but maybe she could just hold off a little longer to avoid annoying other people.
For a couple of minutes Emily did her best impression of a normal person. She tried to ignore the warnings from her body and focus on the screen but it wasn’t working, her mind kept wandering back to the growing fullness in her bowels. She watched the people from the row in front return and wondered how long it would be appropriate to weight before she could get up and go again. A couple of minutes? Longer?
A sudden cramp rendered all of Emily’s frantic thinking irrelevant. She twisted in her seat as she felt the pain in the same way she had been doing since she sat down, but this time she felt a sticky mush ooze out of her. She hadn’t pushed at all; her body was simply leaking it. She froze solid as the poop parted her cheeks. Heat rose in Emily’s face as she was doing her best to stop her body from pushing anything else out.
Emily was mortified. This happening at home was one thing but out in a public place was many times worse. She hoped that maybe that was the end of it, that the small mess would calm her guts. She tried to subtly sniff the air but she couldn’t sense anything, the pull-up seemed to be saving Emily’s blushes.
Anything could’ve been playing on the screen and Emily would’ve had no clue. She was entirely focused elsewhere though Amelia hadn’t seemed to notice her obvious discomfort. Emily was looking down at her crotch and trying to work out if her little accident was noticeable when there was a sudden very loud explosion on the screen.
Emily jumped and as she did so her situation became much worse. She hadn’t really noticed the pressure but as she was shocked by the unexpected noise, she felt her tummy push down. This time there was no denying the damage she had done to her underwear. A mudslide fell into the pull-up and quickly filled the back up. As she was sitting down it was quickly pushed between her legs and up to her lower back.
This wasn’t a small accident that could be explained away. This was a huge, pants wrecking disaster. This time the smell was surely going to leak out. Emily was frozen to the spot in her very warm and sticky pull-up, it felt like she was living in a nightmare.
“What on Earth is that smell?” Someone muttered from behind Emily.
“I think someone broke wind.” Whispered another.
“It’s worse than that…” The first voice said.
Emily let out a little whimper. At that moment nobody knew it was her fault but she didn’t know how long it would be before suspicion fell on her. If she got up it could become obvious but she clearly couldn’t sit in her seat for an hour or more like this. The muttering from other people in the audience let Emily know the news was spreading as fast as the smell. It wouldn’t be long until there was uproar.
“Emily?” Amelia said quietly.
Emily had tears in her eyes. She could see people shifting in their seats and whispering to each other now. People were looking around; some were leaving the room holding their nose. The smell had clearly spread enough that it seemed that anyone anywhere near her now knew someone had pooped themselves.
“Emily… is that…” Amelia started but she never finished her question.
Emily assumed it was because her wife had looked at her and seen the look of horror on her face. Emily couldn’t look at Amelia, she was staring straight ahead without really processing anything she saw. The whole situation felt so unreal.
“Come on.” Amelia muttered as she grabbed her bag, “Let’s go.”
Emily looked around at Amelia standing up and started to do so herself. The pull-up was stuck to her skin horribly. It took Amelia giving her a little push on the arm to get her moving. As she walked sideways in the tight gap between seats her poopy butt was only inches away from the faces of the other moviegoers. There could be no doubt in their minds what had happened.
“Good lord, that is disgusting.”
“She shouldn’t be allowed out in public.”
“I’m going to complain to the manager.”
“I think I’m going to be sick!”
Comments followed Emily as she sidled past the other people in her row. She heard someone retch and saw people covering their noses as they looked at her with disgust. She was trying to keep from sobbing but she was sure that if Amelia wasn’t there guiding her, she would have frozen up and broken down.
As Emily walked down each step towards the exit, she felt the mass in her pull-up spread and squash against her. She could feel it between her legs, a warm lump that stuck to her butt and thighs. She waddled slightly in an attempt to touch the poop less but it was all in vain. On the screen more action was happening but it seemed most heads in the cinema was turned towards Emily and her waddle of shame out into the concourse. Emily didn’t dare look up to see just how many people knew what she had done.
“You couldn’t hold it?” Amelia asked unnecessarily as she led Emily through to the bathroom.
Instead of the women’s restroom Emily was taken to the disabled one. There was a lot more space in there and as the door was locked Emily sank down to her knees and covered her face in shame. The sobs she had been holding back burst out as tears started flowing down her face. She felt so utterly humiliated, she wanted to go home and hide forever.
“Here, let me help you.” Amelia said softly.
Emily felt her wife’s hands in hers and she rose to her feet. As Amelia pulled Emily’s skirt down the sobbing woman could only sniff the air, the pull-ups may have been doing a decent job containing the actual poop but it was doing little for the smell which seemed to have polluted the whole room very quickly.
Amelia’s fingers hooked the top of the waistband of the pull-up. Emily cringed anew as the disposable was lowered between her legs. She could feel that a lot of the poop had remained stuck to her but when she glanced down, she could see just how much had been evacuated from her bowels. She wailed with despair not thinking about if anyone outside the bathroom might hear her.
“Lift your feet.” Amelia said softly. Her voice was slightly strained and Emily realised she was doing her best not to breathe through her nose.
Once the pull-up was free Emily watched Amelia hold it up. It sagged remarkably and the brown stains left no question as to what had happened inside. It was quickly deposited in the trash can in the corner.
“OK, come over here and bend over.” Amelia said.
Emily did as she was told. Like a desperate little girl being ordered around by her mother she just wanted someone else to take care of her and get her out of this situation. She was stood next to the toilet in the corner of the room and bent over the sink slightly. Amelia walked up behind her but she was quite unprepared for when she felt tissue paper being wiped against her buttocks.
After a few confused moments Emily realised that her wife was wiping her clean. She was filled with simultaneous waves of shame and affection. The fact Amelia would do this for her really showed how much she cared but at the same time it was doing nothing for Emily’s self-esteem. She buried her face in her hands and cried as Amelia wiped her backside.
It seemed to take forever. Emily heard the toilet behind her flush three times as the bowl was filled with paper but, finally, Amelia stepped away. Emily stood up, still naked from the waist down, and turned to face her wife. Amelia quickly washed her hands using ample amounts of soap and then sighed.
“I had no idea your problems were getting so bad.” Amelia said, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you?” Emily let out a bitter laugh as she sniffed back her tears, “Gee, I wonder why I didn’t tell my wife that I’ve been pooping my pants…”
“So, this has happened before?” Amelia inferred.
Emily pressed her lips together and looked away. She took a deep shuddering breath, the air conditioner in the room was doing its best with the smell and it seemed possible that the next person to go in might not even realise the devastation that had just occurred in there. Amelia walked over to her handbag and pulled out a fresh pull-up. Emily’s breath stopped for a second as she realised a spare pair of her underwear was now an essential item in Amelia’s handbag.
“Come on, I think we should go home.” Amelia said as she opened the pull-up and held it low to the floor.
Emily grumbled that she could do this herself but it didn’t seem the time to kick up a big fuss about it. She stepped forwards and, with her hands on Amelia’s shoulders stepped into the pull-up. It was quickly brought up around her waist followed by her skirt which remained thankfully clean.
“Shall we go home?” Amelia asked.
Emily didn’t need to be asked twice. She went straight to the door and opened it, without looking back she walked straight out of the cinema and to the car. She couldn’t get home soon enough, not just because of her embarrassment over everything that had happened but also because she was terrified, she might end up having yet another accident.
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Regression Therapy
by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 30, 2025
Stories of Age/Time Transformation