by: Gafafa | Story In Progress | Last updated Aug 3, 2023
She couldn't fathom how irresponsible her professor had been the previous night. Why would he do such a thing? He was an extraordinarily intelligent boy, nevertheless he had behaved like a mutt. She wasn't just angry that he almost drank himself to an early death, she was also extremely pissed off at how he had the courage to refuse her help; why some boys had to be so prideful? Why can't they just accept their fragility? "If he thinks I'll let him-" "What? What are you going to do?" Noemi had been marching in a circle on the grass for a while now, fuming while spitting all her disdain to Laura and Nico. Nico just looked at Laura and gave her a look, as if to say "Please don't talk and let her vent." She had been friends with the boy since they were in Middle School, so he knew exactly what she would have done in any given moment. He was pretty tall and bulky for a boy; reaching the amazing height of 4'0, he was in the same Boxing Academy as Laura, although in the Boys Section of course, where he absolutely dominated the fight; in fact, he had incredible strenght too, once he was seen curling 10 pounds, that might seem unreasonable for a boy to do, but Nico was an incredible specimen.
"I'll...I'll..." "Yo it ain't easy for us either, you know?" Nico felt the urge to intervene, he was just as much a hot-head as Noemi, and she was about to have her getting even more enraged,despite having tried to stop Laura from doing the very same thing just 2 seconds before. "Or do you think we have fun being pushed around by people who treat us as unequal?" "Treating you as... I WAS TRYING TO HELP HIM! I would have done the same with Laura if-" "We know. " Laura said firmly, stopping them both from getting to each other throats. "Look you both have valid reasons to say what you're saying, but point is, I don't really care. Noemi- " she turnt her head towards her gigantic friend. "He is our professor, not our friend. You wanted to go upstairs, I brought you there and we did good. But that's where it has to end, if he doesn't want us to intervene further. It's within his rights. And Nico -" she stood up from her sitting position and looked at the boy, as if she wanted to impose her figure onto him. "I can't deny that we do often think of you boys as delicate flowers, but it's because in our vision, you are. You know you have to go easy on your opponents cause you're much stronger than most of them. Well, that's how we see ALL boys. A friendly sis-fist between me and Noemi would feel like a mutual caress to us, but would shatter each and every single one of your bones. Yeah, it's not easy for you. But it's not easy for us either." and with that she silenced them both. She didn't like being so stern with her friends, but sometimes it was required. On one side, she had Noemi, gentle-hearted by nature, but with the flaw of taking everything too much at heart, causing her to care too much for things she didn't have power on.
On the other side, Nico was just too obtuse to realize when he was going too far; he was not that good an acquaintance with Noemi and he shouldn't have taken so much confidence in being so blunt.
A couple of days passed and it was once again time to go back to lessons. It wasn't long before she noticed that one of her classmates, George, was missing; it wasn't like him not to partecipate to a lesson; while he might have been physically lacking, he was quite the nerd, she was sure he would have been teaching in UX one day. He used to sit right in front of her, so she was assigned to be her Legal Guardian, as most boys don't have one once they enter university, unless they were in a relationship. Once the lesson was over, she called him. The phone ranged. And ranged. And ranged. She started to panick. Then finally he answered. "Hello, this is Laura, isn't it? George has been having lots of fun with us yesterday." it was some woman's voice. It sounded sinister at best. "La-Laura? Please come get me... I'm..." <GEORGE!> "Don't worry... we brought him home. This time. Too bad we'll be already gone when you'll arrive." "WHO ARE YOU!? WHO-" they hanged.
University X
by: Gafafa | Story In Progress | Last updated Aug 3, 2023
Stories of Age/Time Transformation