Neverland, by Libra

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 6, 2017

Chapter 2
Part 2 - Into Neverland

Chapter Description: By Libra


By Libra

Part 2 - Into Neverland

Soon a crowd of reporters, journalist, and security guards were gathered around the pool area just under Peter’s office.

"Kimberly!" Peter called out to a little girl who looked no older than 4-year-old wearing a Finding Nemo swimsuit. She was in the kiddy pool with her mother playing a splashing game with her. She ran over and stopped at his side.

"Kimberly here is one of our senior members and one of our best too." Peter said as he picked her up and held her with his right arm just around her backside.

"How old is she really?" asked an older reporter just to Peter’s left side.

"I am twenty-four" Piped the little girl with a cute voice and showing with her fingers her age by lifting two of her fingers then four.

Laughs came up from various reporters and some journalist as she held up her fingers. Most only smiled at her response.

"Kimberly had some problems when she was young, particularly with trusting people. She went to many doctors before coming to us. Thanks to treatments she has taken over the past month she has finally reached her desired age where she can feel that she can trust people again. As you can see and hear, she has no problems now with people and is in the loving care of her step-sister." Peter said before setting her down to let her go play with her mother some more.

"How young can a person get and when does the mixture wear off?" asked a reporter right in front of Peter.

"As young as they wish. We do advise against becoming very young. Less than 10% of our members choose to be back in diapers again. Most settle on becoming teenagers or children again." Peter responded with a stern look.

"It doesn’t wear off. Anyone who takes the mixture has to reach their old age in the normal way. So as you can see this is not a true Neverland." Peter said as he looked around the pool area.

"Isn’t it true that some come back so they can put off growing older?" asked a female reporter.

"A few people do come back every year. Mostly those people don’t wish to grow up just yet. We have a private and very secure hot tub that takes a year off after you spend 30 minutes in it. Most of our members just come back after ten years or so for another treatment." Peter answered with a joyful tone.

"Please, if you have any more questions please direct them to my assistant Miss Parker, or you may ask our guests. The ones around the pool area have volunteered to answer your questions and we do ask you not to leave the pool area." Peter explained in a mild tone.

None of the reporters stayed long inside the resort. As soon as their main questions were answered most of them went out to be one of the first to report what they had seen. The outside world was on pins and needles on any news about the resort.

People were amazed that such a place could exist and been around for so long. Soon there were interviews of people from Starlight and members of the resort almost always on TV. People were camping on the side of the road just outside Starlight because its hotels were packed full. The local post office was overwhelmed with the amount of mail that now came in.

Soon the clips of Kimberly, once a woman turned into a little girl, were on every station. Kimberly seemed to be sweet and adorable enough to capture the hearts of most viewers. Comments from people on what they thought about the resort were also shown on the news. Upon hearing on how much good the resort did for the local communities most of the comments were positive. A small growing number of people were taking side with Mrs Homes and starting to believe that the resort was evil.

"Great idea with Kimberly, sir." Miss parker said as she sat down in a chair just across from Peter.

"I know. It was important that the public sees that we can do something amazing. " Peter smiled as he looked down at the pool now empty of all members.

"There is some bad news too. Starlight is being overrun with visitors and there are a small percentage of people on Mrs Homes side." Miss Parker said now looking at the same pool.

"Visitors will leave soon enough. Start some very small tour groups through the resort. With the extra security I see no problem there. Mrs Homes will be another matter. Even if she did take an unauthorized treatment we do need to fix that problem. " Peter said with his hands behind his back to keep his hands still.

"When she broke the contract she did lose her membership and we can take some legal action against her." Miss Parker said noticing his stress.

"No. That won’t solve anything. Besides she has been through enough already. As I understand it, her husband is leaving her and taking the kids. Mrs Homes is now in protective care in a foster home for her own safety." Peter said with a slight sign of relief.

"It’s not a matter of money now." Peter went on.

"We could always offer her a chance to start a new life." Miss Parker said with a hint of hope in her voice.

"You think she will take it?" Peter asked now wondering if she really would.

"What does she have to lose now? Her husband left her so she wouldn’t endanger his membership." Miss Parker said with a bit of disgust on her face.

"Grand idea, invite her in tomorrow. If she accepts we will have her on the news in the good light of the public." Peter responded with blight smile.

Miss Parker had never seen a meeting scheduled so fast. Mrs Homes and her lawyer thought they were coming to find themselves deeper in the hole of legal matters, but instead found out that they were giving her what no other member had been given before; a chance to come back after membership was revoked. Since Mrs Homes’s husband had own nearly everything in their couple and she was now minor with no ownership, Mrs Homes was barely left with her clothes and those were now too big for her. Of course she took it right away. Situation at the foster home was hell. Foster kids were ignoring her and some were too scared to even go near her.

"Then it is settled. First thing tomorrow you apologize for your actions. Sign the legal form and we give you one last treatment with membership so you can come back anytime. When you come of age again your membership will kept you young." Peter said now standing up and shaking Mrs Homes small hand then the lawyer’s hand.

The same group of reporters and journalist were invited back to witness Mrs Homes transformation into a toddler, after she did a sad statement that what she did was wrong and signed the form the show started.

Peter pulled a small water bottle from his pocket and set it into Mrs Homes hands. She was only dressed in a white robe with a swimsuit underneath. She disrobed then drank the contents of the bottle in one gulp.

Silence grew more unsteadily as people looked for changes. Mrs Homes sat back in her chair and waited. It was always a cold feeling followed by a warm tingle.

Gasps and murmurs of amazement were heard as they watched. Where a 14-year-old once stood now was a 10-years-old, losing height and age. Luckily her swimsuit had straps that crisscrossed. Now it was a few sizes too big, but kept her cover where it counts. Mrs Homes described as best as she could what she was feeling. Soon her cute voice had an adorable lisp to it. She swung her legs happily when she became a small 5-year-old and was still getting younger.

Due to her decreasing height Miss Parker lifted her up to sit on the edge of the table so everyone could watch. Former Mrs Homes face was becoming round, her hair now short and thin. Her body now showed her belly growing outward while her limbs become short and chubby. She stopped when she reached the age of 2-years-old. Her once tight swimsuit now dangled off her body. The former Mrs Homes was now just Daphne Homes, she folded her arms down on her swimsuit to give herself cover.

"Daphne, do you have any comments for your former husband?" Peter asked as he leaned forward toward the toddler.

Cameras zoomed on her toddler face as she turned back toward the cameras and blew a raspberry. Laughter exploded from everyone in the room and people at home were nearly in tears.

"Well!" Peter said sitting back and laughing.

Once the room was quiet again, questions came and Daphne sat happily on the edge of the table to answer them. Everyone couldn’t help but notice that she was acting a bit like a toddler than an adult. Soon after, the question was asked to Peter.

"Yes, this is why we don’t recommend going too far back. Once a person goes too far in body, the mind will follow. Daphne still has most of her adult memories, but she has lost some of her mental guards. Sometimes childlike behavior can be noticed, from swinging their legs to throwing a tantrum. Any younger and former Mrs Homes would be fully a baby in behavior and in mind." Peter said while he stood up.

"So she could be upset easily if she was cold or being teased?" asked a journalist in the front.

"Yes. She still remembers what she learned in life, but doesn’t fully understand it." Peter answered.

"Since Daphne is not younger than this she still has most of her adult self." Peter added.

If any doubt remained, one only had to look into Daphne’s eyes to see that she was still an adult on the inside.

"Daphne, what are you plans now?" Asked an older reporter.

"Acting," The toddler Daphne said with a smile.

A few more general questions were asked, before Daphne tugged on Miss Parker’s shirt that she wanted to leave to change into some new clothes. All the reporters left in a hurry to get on the air first with the story. Few reporters didn’t bother leaving in a rush. Some of the stations did a live feed.

Back in Peter’s office, Miss Parker waited with Daphne, now dressed in a toddler’s outfit that fit perfectly on her. Peter and Daphne’s lawyer entered the room soon after she was fully dressed.

"They want to see more transformations like hers." Peter said to Miss Parker as he sat down.

"Sir we could arrange more if you like." Miss Parker said as she sat Daphne on the ground to her feet.

"Yes, we will have to do it." Peter said with a bit of remorse.

"So I understand you’re going to be Daphne’s legal guardian now as well as her lawyer?" Peter said quickly to change the subject.

"Yes, I have a few useful contacts in Hollywood and with a certain film maker who think Daphne would be perfect for a role in a movie. Where else are you going to find a toddler that can learn all her lines in so fast?" the lawyer chucked lightly. Daphne at this point was feeling too much like a toddler to say anything.

"Well I wish both of you the best of luck." Peter said now standing up to shake each of their hands before Daphne was carried out by her lawyer.

"Sir, any ideas on what more to show to the public?" Miss Parker said as she shut the door.

"I’m thinking we could give out a few free treatments. Some of the letters including e-mails have a few good people. This one here is a somewhat interesting situation." Peter said as he handed a small white letter to his assistant.

"Contact her and see when she can come in with her son." Peter said as he shut down his computer.



End Chapter 2

Neverland, by Libra

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 6, 2017


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