Neverland, by Libra

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 6, 2017

Chapter 3
Part 3 - Gifts can sometimes be a curse

Chapter Description: By Libra


By Libra

Part 3 - Gifts can sometimes be a curse

"Mrs Paula Giles and her son Robert are here to see you Sir." Miss Parker said as she let them in.

"Have her son wait outside." Peter said as he offered her a chair.

As soon as the door was shut Mrs Giles spoke.

"Thank you for seeing me, Mr...." Mrs Giles stopped, realizing she didn’t know Peter’s last name.

"Just Peter. I had my name changed to only include my first name only. Very useful when one needs to protect his family."

"Oh." Mrs Giles said, looking toward the door.

"Don’t worry. This room is sound proof. Your son won’t hear a thing." Peter smiled to help relax her.

"Well, let me just say the way he turned out was my fault and I just want to thank you for giving me a second chance with him." Mrs Giles said after she took a deep breath.

"I must congratulate you on being so honest and open." Peter said as he leaned back in his seat.

"Of course he thinks that you are here to get the treatment?" Peter asked briefly looking toward the door.

"Yes. I thought it would be easier for me to get him here by telling him that." Mrs Giles said softly, folding her hands in her lap.

"Despite all he has done you still love him?" Peter asked looking into her eyes.

"Yes and his father feels the same way. That is why I am prepared to give my life savings." Mrs Giles said with a serious look.

"No need. The treatment will be free. Part of a promotion we’re doing. People are very interested in seeing more of what we do." Peter said as he reached in his desk.

"Normally we don’t de-age anyone against their will, but a local judge can order it if it is in the best interest of the person. After you and your husband sign off on this. I am authorized to do so." Peter said after handing her a legal document.

"If I understand right you wish for your son to become 1-year-old. " Peter said as she took the paper in her hand.

"Yes, you can take 11 years away from him?" Mrs Giles asked after she glanced over the document.

"Oh yes, I do suggest you tell your son the truth tonight. You can even stay in the resort if you wish?"

"Yes, I will and thank you. My husband is still looking for a room to rent." Mrs Giles said as she stood up.

"No problem at all. Don’t worry about your son. No one can get in or out of the resort without my permission." Peter said as he escorted her to the office door.

From what Peter could tell from the boy’s behavior the kid was a punk by talking back to his mother, and later on causing trouble by bullying the younger kids. Little did he know that some of the children weren’t really children in truth.

"I’ll be glad when this brat is a baby. I had to assign security guards on full shift just to keep him from causing more trouble." Miss Parker said as she walked with Peter to his office. It was still early in the morning and the press conference was only minutes away.

"Yes I have heard. I had to assure some members a few times that this kid wasn’t going to be bullying anyone ever again. Did I mention that our friends in the Government have finally come thru?" Peter said with a small smile.

"You mean they did it?" Miss Parker said as she stopped walking.

"Yup, three others have been found so far. I’m just happy fifty years of research didn’t go to waste. I will announce it in this next press conference." Peter smiled at her surprised expression.

Newspapers were tired of writing stories about the resort, now nickname Neverland, due to Peter’s comment. Peter was even referred to as being Peter Pan.

Even some major news casters were dropping their interest in the resort. When the conference room finished filling in, it almost looked like there would be nothing but cameras and cameramen. Most tourists had left Starlight to go back home and watch for any news on Neverland on TV. New rumors were flying around and it was because of these new rumors most had left Starlight.

Cameras started rolling as soon the door opened. A young preteen boy could be seen entering the room with two security guards closely following him. Miss Parker and Peter came next into the room. No tables were in the room this time. Only chairs were in place giving a full view of everyone. To Peter’s request the boy’s parents were in the next room out of sight of the cameras.

Peter took his position in front of the mic stands while everyone else sat in their chairs.

"This boy before you is a troubled pre-teen. His parents and countless councilors have tried to help him with little results. His mother and father have asked me to give this boy one treatment. This means he will revert back to an infant. No more than 1-years-old, giving him a second chance at life. Just maybe through the love and compassion his parents will give him, he just might grow up to be a different person. His transformation will only be the beginning of many others. This resort will be giving out a few free memberships to random people that we think are the best to receive our gift. Resorts like this will soon be common place. Thanks to a government support program and our efforts we have found more springs. One of these springs has been placed in the government care and the other two have been sold to other companies. We have already shared our secret of the youth mixture with them." Peter paused to allow any questions from the few reporters that remained.

"How soon will these other resorts be available to the public?" asked a local reporter in the front.

"From what I am told they will be open within a month and more springs may be found soon." Peter answered with a smile.

"Where are these other resorts?" asked a female reporter from one of the last major news networks people that had stayed.

"Details will be given to you after this news conference is over by the president herself. Now to kick off our promotion I think I will let Miss Parker do the honors." Peter answered politely.

Miss Parker was handed a small bottle then walked over to the boy. The boy was only dressed in a hospital type gown and looked like he had accepted his fate for the moment. There really wasn’t much of chance to escape now. The only exit was guarded by men two times his age and size. A few people in the room were surprised that he took the bottle so quickly and drank it dry of its contents.

The boy quickly lost height and facial hair. Then his face changed from mature to slightly cute. Since the gown threatened to shallow the boy from sight, Miss Parker easily slipped it over the boy’s young body. He curled into a sitting position in an attempt to hide himself with little luck. Only the boy’s heavy breathing could be heard now in the room. His body went from skinny to chubby and baby fat soon filled in all over his body. He was now too small to cover himself anymore, or maybe he just didn’t care anymore as he sat back in the chair while the last of his memories faded away.

Now barely a year old in age, the baby cried loudly out of fear and of being cold. Miss Parker picked him up and held him till he stopped crying then left the room with him.

"As you see sometimes a gift can be a curse. That is why I will ask the public to be careful before you decide what age you really want to be. I hope you will chose the right age." Peter said with the most serious look he could have ever had.

"I hope to see you soon and that is all I have to say." Peter said before he left the room.

The End.



End Chapter 3

Neverland, by Libra

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 6, 2017


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