Scaredy Cat Tales By Libra and Jeff

by: Jeffr_2bya | Complete Story | Last updated May 31, 2012

A Collection of Ar/aP Tales

Chapter 1
Amber's Baby

Chapter Description: Scaredy Cat Tale By Libra & Jeff Amber Stilwells a married woman of thirty years of age walked into the clinic with her husband Eric Stilwells. “Doctor Tasha, please. ” Amber said at the front desk. “Go on in. She is expecting you. ” The woman said barely glancing up from her work. The Stilwells walked into the doctor’s office to find the woman smiling behind her large Oak desk. “Come and have a seat, Mrs. And Mr. Stilwells. ” Dr. Tasha said and in plain view was two separate forms waiting to be signed. The couple walked in and took their respective chairs. “I understand you two got a discount due to medical reasons. ” Dr. Tasha said and stood up to look at each one in turn. “Yes,

Amber Stilwells a married woman of thirty years of age walked into the clinic with her husband Eric Stilwells.

“Doctor Tasha, please. ” Amber said at the front desk.

“Go on in. She is expecting you. ” The woman said barely glancing up from her work.

The Stilwells walked into the doctor’s office to find the woman smiling behind her large Oak desk.

“Come and have a seat, Mrs. And Mr. Stilwells. ” Dr. Tasha said and in plain view was two separate forms waiting to be signed.

The couple walked in and took their respective chairs.

“I understand you two got a discount due to medical reasons. ” Dr. Tasha said and stood up to look at each one in turn.

“Yes, I have been having problems getting pregnant and my husband has a fear issue so his therapist suggested he try physical regression to overcome his fear. ” Amber explained in a quick somewhat timid voice.

“No need to say more. I have a bottle and two antidote dosages just for you two as soon as you sign the waivers. You understand the current laws regarding the regression drug and its side effects. ” Dr. Tasha said and pretty much had seen couples like this before.

“Side Effects?” Eric asked since he only studied some of the recent laws congress had passed.

“Here is where it gets personal. I assume like many young men you are circumcised and unless Amber is the next Virgin Mary you will discover them first hand. When a man takes the Regression pill the foreskin grows back. This of course covers the penis if the man had never been circumcised before. For women the Hymen grows back as well. I had many young women come to me just to get their virginity back. So don’t be surprise the next time you have intercourse with your wife. ” Dr. Tasha explained in a calm tone that caused some embarrassment for Eric. His blush was moderate and he only fidgeted a little in his seat.

Amber didn’t seem surprised and Eric didn’t doubt she had researched that part already or heard about it from friends. She had been obsessive lately on ways of getting pregnant.

“It’s good you understand that part. Please note there is a slight mental adjustment the younger you get. You will have all your memories of course, but the longer you will stay in a younger body the less you will care about being an adult again. Also note once you drop below the legal age you are considered a minor again and will be under the power of your cloesest kin unless you sign the necessary paperwork for a new legal guardian which I will give you before you leave here today. ” Dr. Tasha said and pulled out two sheets from her desk waiting to be signed.

“Thank you, Doctor. I have researched the laws already. ” Eric said politely not wanting to hear her recite them. Eric was first to sign the papers then Amber signed off as well.

“Give me a moment. ” Dr. Tasha said and picked up the signed papers and then she went over to a very high tech wall safe.

Dr. Tasha had to use her palm against a scanner then talk to it before the safe would open.

“There is also a time lock on this safe. It is a good thing you didn’t arrive late today. ” Dr. Tasha said opening the safe and placing the papers within and then taking a simple white bag out of the safe.

“Here you go. You will find one bottle of Regression Pills and two Antidote injections if needed. ” Dr. Tasha said and handled the little bag over to them.

Amber took it and calmly put it in her purse. The street value alone was worth more than some costs of houses.

“I think I need to use the bathroom for a minute. ” Eric said now very nervous about walking out with something so valuable.

“Just take a left and it is the last door at the end of the hallway. You can’t miss it. We will wait here for you. ” Dr. Tasha said cheerfully if she had seen this kind of nervous reaction before.

When Eric was way out of ear shot and halfway to the bathroom Doctor Tasha spoke to Amber in private. Unseen by Amber’s eyes Doctor Tasha pushed a button linked to a jamming device just under her desk that created enough white noise that any listening or recording devices would make them useless.

“This is strictly off the record, but there are enough pills in there to regress one adult who is your husband’s age into an infant with some left over for later use. You might want to consider that rather than getting pregnant and paying hospital bills later on. I have catered to the adult baby crowd and I can assure you they are quite happy as real infants. ” Doctor Tasha suggested in a polite and very quiet tone.

“I will think about it. ” Amber said a little shock anyone would suggest turning the man she loved into a helpless baby.

Dr. Tasha smiled and nodded her head to show she understood, but she had planted the idea in what she hoped was a fertile mind.

Eric returned a few seconds later and Dr. Tasha switched off the jamming device by pressing another button hidden under the desk and shook each of their hands before they left.

The whole way home they drove in silence as Amber kept a tight hold on her purse where the pills were out of sight.

Once home they decided to skip any plans for dinner and sat at the kitchen table the bottle now between them.

“You first, Honey. I’m just too chicken. ” Amber said getting up from the table and paced the room a bit.

Eric looked at his wife and thought he understood. She had spent years on that perfect body of hers getting those curves just right and since their previous failed attempts at getting pregnant. Amber’s breasts were always filled with milk.

Eric did find it interesting that his wife sold her own breast milk to make extra money and she even sometimes donated it.

For Eric this did interesting things to her nipples making them larger and caused Amber to fill out more in that MILF way.

“Guess I will be the brave one. Could you go start my thunderstorm CD? ” Eric asked and popped open the bottle as Amber went into the living room then over to the entertainment center.

Unseen by Eric, Amber put in a CD marked thunderstorms. It had been his therapist’s idea as a way of facing his fears and overcoming them. Eric took perhaps one too many pills, but he wasn’t worried since they had the reverse drug in Amber’s purse.

Slowly the rolling sound of thunder started with the gentle sound of rain making its pitter patter sound in the background.

Amber came back into the room holding the remote to the stereo in her hand just in time to see Eric changing. Amber had read how fear would trigger the drug, but Eric was melting away.

It couldn’t have been more than a minute or two as she watched in awe as the man she knew changed into a much younger man.

By the time it was over he was in his late teens and when he unclenched his hands his gold band wedding ring fell to the floor.

“Wow that felt strange. ” Eighteen year old Eric said realizing his voice was changed along with his body. He felt smaller in size, but stronger.

“Eric, I think you’re a teenager again. ” Amber said and walked up to her husband. Before he had been a few inches taller, but now they were the same height.

Eric went to a mirror hanging on the kitchen wall. Amber used the stereo remote to shut off the stereo.

Staring back in the mirror was a very young looking Eric with his wife behind him. Amber bent down and picked up his wedding ring. His body was slender enough that his clothes barely fit him.

At that moment he remembered the doctor’s words. So he did peak down into his pants and from the shock look on his face Amber guessed he saw an addition to his male member.

“A girl could get use to having a younger man around the house. ” Amber said in a seductive tone and admired his young firm body.

Amber couldn’t bring herself in taking any of the regression pills.

Eric was enjoying his new youth by working at his computer and going at his work load with vigor he hadn’t had in years.

His sex life had taken a more intense turn of pleasure and there was even a level of excitement.

It was that same sense of excitement that he convinced Amber to let him get even younger. The only problem was neither of them were sure what exactly what his age was now.

“Don’t worry, honey. Even if I do get it wrong I will still be in my puberty years. ” Eric said becoming more eager the longer they waited.

“There is a big difference between eleven and sixteen. ” Amber said and in the back of her mind she heard Doctor Tasha’s advice. She could stop him, but she didn’t want too.

They stood nearly naked in the bedroom.

Thinking he was older then he thought he took more pills.

Amber stayed silent and watched as he downed the pills then she watched her teenage husband get even younger.

Amber was soon looking down on a teen about sixteen years old and he was still getting shorter.

Amber could only watch as he went down below fourteen years old and he wasn’t slowing down just yet.

“I think I had one too many. ” Eric said as he reached thirteen years old and his body went on shrinking.

Amber let out a relief breath of air when he stopped shrinking around ten years old.

‘He looks like a child now. At least he can still get it up. ’ Amber thought as Eric was holding onto his PJ bottoms just to remain modest.

At the moment his little boyhood was pitching a tent in his PJ bottoms.

“Good to know you can still perform. ” Amber said amused.

“Shut up. God, I haven’t been this hard since my English teacher in middle school wore her mini short skirt. ” Eric whined trying to hide his full on boner if crouching down would help.

“Didn’t you tell me the first hard on is pretty scary for a boy. You will never know how long it will last or if anyone will catch you? ” Amber said deciding she would have a little fun with Eric.

It felt so wrong, but it was her husband still in there. Slowly Amber undid the laces on her baby doll nightie and let it fall to the floor.

Eric could only look up in awe at the sight of his now nude wife.

“Come over here young man. You been a naughty little boy haven’t you. ” Amber said and walked backwards toward the bed until she felt it’s edge then sat down on the bed.

Now they were at eye level with each other.

Eric let his PJ bottoms dropped and let his wife see what remained of his once proud manhood.

He was nearly bald down there with a full on erection of a boy who was getting his first one.

He stepped forward and Amber moved back so she was lying on the bed now. Eric climbed between her legs and proceeded to make love to her.

Amber could just barely feel him inside of her, but she closed her eyes and did only a bit of acting so his ego wouldn’t be totally destroyed.

Afterwards he was out like a light and resting up for the next time. Amber study his face and could barely see the man he would become if he took the antidote.

The next day proved to be a time of adjustment. Amber had to remind herself every time Eric came into the room that young boy was her husband.

It was hard to think of him like that, but the way he smiled at her made her feel like Goddess.

‘To him I must be like some Amazon queen. I can’t help but love how he looks in his now oversize shirts. ’ Amber thought as he sat down at the table for a snack. Amber had taken to treating him like a child and Eric seemed to enjoy the extra attention.

It was then the doorbell rang. They looked at each other and Amber nodded she would get the door. She would have a hard time explaining who the little ten year old boy was.

Amber looked through the peephole then opened the door for Eric’s mother; Rosenda.

“Hi Amber, I was hoping to catch you both at home today. I have new information on a few pregnancy professionals. Where is my darling son? ” Rosenda asked and saw where Amber’s eyes had darted to.

Rosenda walked briskly into the kitchen and stopped in her tracks almost blocking the doorway as she looked then stared at the boy sitting at the kitchen table.

“Eric! is that really you? ” Rosenda asked and stepped even closer to her son.

“Hi, Mom. ” Eric said in a sheepish tone and looked at her with a sly grin. Rosenda saw somehow this little boy in front of her was her son. Perhaps she remembered his child’s face from memory or recognized him in his shrunken form.

“Oh honey, what have you done to yourself?” Rosenda said and descended on her son checking his body for any harm.

“Mom! I took some of those regression pills is all. We were going to try some so Amber could get pregnant and I could face my fear. Two birds with one stone. ” Eric said in protest as his mother looked him over mostly using her hands to check his body if he had broken bones.

“Oh Eric, there is no shame in being scared of storms. Thunder still makes me jump a little too. ” Rosenda said and hugged her son to her body forcing Eric to his feet.

“Your son got a little carried away and since yesterday he has been that age. ” Amber said coming to his rescue.

“You mean you two been kanoodling?” Rosenda asked using her word for sex.

Eric blushed so red at this point Amber nearly giggled herself silly. She managed a big grin and nodded only slightly to Rosenda.

Rosenda laughed at this point and took a seat looking at her son with great amusement.

“Perhaps we should move onto a different topic?” Amber said seeing this line of conversation was making Eric very uncomfortable.

“Yes, We better before my son becomes emotional scarred for life. ” Rosenda said still chuckling at the very idea her shrunken son could still make love to a woman. The picture of it was highly amusing.

“I guess I better tell you everything then. ” Amber said and explained everything to Eric’s mother.

After a long conversation and some tea Rosenda knew exactly how her son came to be a little boy again.

“Could I see those pills?” Rosenda asked and Amber agreed showing her the bottle.

“These are truly a miracle. I would like to see you take a few, Eric. Then you could sit in mommy’s lap again. ” Rosenda suggested with a nostalgic look in her eyes.

“Mom, I’m not going back to diapers just so you can relive the good old days. ” Eric protested looking at his wife for support.

“I don’t know Eric. Maybe just take a couple just to humor her. I wouldn’t mind having a little man around the house to care for. You could just be six again. ” Amber suggested and wondering if she was being selfless about this.

“Well, it could be interesting. ” Eric thought and wondering if Amber be willing to take a bath with him at his younger age.

Rosenda study the directions on the back then gave her son a set number of pills.

Eric against his better judgment took them without question. Amber had turned on the stereo again with its storm cd playing.

The effect on Rosenda as her son got younger was one of awe and joy.

Eric could just barely see over the table now and his adult shirt had slipped over one shoulder. His fear was enough to trigger the drug.

“My little angel, Come to mommy. ” Rosenda ordered in a happy tone and Eric did as he was told.

A few seconds later he was lifted onto her lap and she held him like she used too when he was a child for the first time.

Rosenda lifted up her son’s shirt briefly to take a peek at his privates. There was a flash of a bare naked penis greatly reduced in size now.

“Mom!” Eric protested as he pulled down his shirt and kept his hands there just in case.

“So the stories are true. The foreskin does grow back. ” Rosenda said and gave her son an extra long bear hug that left him feeling his ribs for broken bones.

Eric leaned into her body until he was curled up against her with his head on her breasts.

Rosenda fussed over her son remembering all kinds of funny things that happen to him at this age.

Eric tired of being embarrassed made an excuse to leave the room.

This left Rosenda and Amber alone to talk in private. While Eric was watching the TV in the back master bedroom next to the nursery.

“You should keep him like that. It also would make good practice for you. ” Rosenda suggested and Amber smiled at that.

“Maybe I could make him even younger and you would have a grandson at long last. ” Amber said in a joking manner, but Rosenda’s face went serious at this point.

“You know. I wouldn’t mind that. You two have been trying for so long now and every time you do get pregnant I do fear for your safety, dear. Honestly I don’t see how you stayed sane through all those miscarriages. It would break my son’s heart to lose you. ” Rosenda said in a calm voice of great concern.

“If my husband is a baby I can’t remarry because of the new laws. If I do somehow get approved for a divorce there is that clause if I were to leave him I would have to pay for his living expenses until he was eighteen years old again including hiring a guardian for him until he reached his legal age again. ” Amber explained.

“Has the relationship gotten that bad your thinking of leaving my son?” Rosenda asked concern because she was as close to Amber as she was to her own son. She considered the woman like a daughter she never had.

“No, but a woman does have her needs. ” Amber said and she did blush a little.

“You could always take a lover if my son’s future includes diapers of course. I know it is wrong for a mother to say so, but perhaps for the sake of your health and sanity you should slip him more pills. Of course the rest of the pills can go to both of his new grandparents. You will need our help of course in raising him again. You can see I’m not totally selfless myself on this idea. I get my little angel back along with some youth while you will finally get some use out of that expensive nursery. ” Rosenda said in a low tone that wouldn’t have carried beyond the kitchen room.

“You know he would look cute in some of those baby dresses I have. ” Amber said and started to giggle at the thought of baby Eric wearing a dress. Amber had baby clothes for both genders just in case. After a decade of trying to have a child her collection of baby stuff had grown and her baby supplies were vast now.

“It’s a good idea to put little baby boys in dresses. Makes changing a diaper a whole lot easier. ” Rosenda said and giggled along with Amber.

Their chat turned to other topics and soon after Rosenda said farewell to her son and daughter in law.

Eric found some little boy underwear from the nursery then moved his TV watching to the living room after his mother had left. Amber prepared dinner and busy herself in the kitchen afterwards.

Eric not quite use to having the body of a six year old boy tired out easily that day and fell asleep on the sofa while watching a movie.

It was just after dinner and the sun had set some time ago. In the distance there was a faint rumble of thunder. Amber took a shower while Eric slept on the sofa.

Amber walked back into the living room wearing her favorite pink bathrobe to look her former man asleep and looking like a little angel. His mouth was slightly open with a little drool running out.

‘I guess I will have to enforce afternoon naps from now on. ’ Amber thought studying the face of the boy that had been her adult husband a while ago. The curly top of brown hair and round babyish face made him look too cute as he slept.

Amber looked up when she heard the distant rumble of a thunder clap.

‘No need to worry. The drug had run its course already, unless. ’ Amber thought and her eyes wandered over the bottle of pills on the kitchen table.

‘He could be my baby if I just give him more pills. ’ Amber went on thinking and felt the emptiness of her womb to the dull ache of her milk filled nipples. Even through the pads in her nursing bra she could feel the milk leaking out in her excitement. They had been trying for ten long years and couldn’t afford any more expensive treatments.

Amber swiftly walked into the kitchen and popped the bottle open taking two pills out.

If she force fed him one pill now he would end up as a toddler according to her math.

“They instantly dissolve when wet. ” Amber whispered to herself smiling.

Amber walked back into the living room and carefully placed the pill into his mouth watching it dissolve then she gently closed his mouth for him with her finger.

Eric swallowed once as a slight sleepy protesting moan rose up then he turned his body away from her.

“Forgive me, Eric. ” Amber whispered and mixed feelings welled up inside her. Sorrow for the man she loved and was about to lose. Joy for the baby she always wanted. There was regret now for betraying him to his fate.

Amber couldn’t stand to watch as the pitter patter of rain could be heard now.

Amber ran for the bedroom and shut the door behind her to lock it.

She went to the bed and crawled up onto it ready for the first clap of thunder to wake up her sleeping husband.

She clutched the other pill in her hand looking at it. In her current state of slight panic she could have taken a few pills herself and end up as a teenager.

“Then my breasts would be dry and I would be a single teenage mother. ” Amber said to herself and closed her palm as the first thunderclap shook the house windows.

In the living room Eric awoke with a start.

‘Did Amber leave that recording going? ’ Eric thought as he looked around in a daze.

He couldn’t have been asleep more than a few minutes judging from the darkness outside.

The lightning flashed and Eric’s stomach got a sinking cold feeling. Now he listened hard he heard the sound of rain falling. The soothing sound of the rain lulling him back to sleep.

Far away a rumbled started then faded as the storm drew ever closer.

“Amber!?” Eric called out needing her to comfort him. He was glad the pill he took before supper had run its course.

A shiver overtook him and Eric looked to see the boy’s underwear he borrowed from the nursery was loose around his waist.

‘No, that can’t be. I can’t be getting younger. I only had one pill. ’ Eric thought and got up gripping his waistband with a hand so his tighty whites didn’t fall down. He had to find Amber.

Eric came to the bedroom door to find it locked against him so he banged on it with his free hand.

‘Why the hell did she go to bed early and lock the door? ’ Eric thought as he screamed for Amber to let him in.

“Amber! something is wrong with the pill I took. I’m still getting younger. ” Eric said feeling his body dropping below five years old.

Another clap of thunder sounding directly over the house and Eric jumped with fright as baby fat returned to his body. He let go of his underwear and pounded on the door with his chubby fists.

The door opened at last and he went sobbing into Amber’s arms.

“I’m smaller. ” Eric wailed with all the emotion control of a toddler after receiving a big scare.

Cuddled into Amber’s arms Eric calmed down enough for his body to stop at barely three years old. At his current size and appearance he could be mistaken for a two year old.

“Mommy is here now, baby. I got you. ” Amber said and Eric realized what she was saying.

“You gave me another pill. ” Eric accused her and saw the truth in her unchanging expression of affection.

“Everything will be all right in a few weeks, you will see. Dr. Tasha said the younger you get and the less you care to remember your old life. You can be my sweet little baby boy. We don’t have to try anymore. I won’t get fat and we can skip all the medical bills we would have to pay if I did get pregnant. ” Amber babbled and Eric knew he was doomed for a second childhood.

‘Ten years of miscarriages, false pregnancies, and the stress in trying had finally driven her into doing something crazy. Eric was so tired of it himself and infant bliss would be such a blessing. ’ Eric thought as he slowly looked up at his wife.

In his panic to be in her arms he had ruffled up Amber’s robe almost to the point her breasts would have been exposed.

A day ago he had been allowed to make love to this woman. His favorite foreplay activity was to suck on her nipples. Now they looked so big and inviting.

Noticing where his eyes were lingering Amber gave him a warm smile.

“Does baby want some titty milk?” Amber asked in a lust sounding tone walking toward the living room from the bedroom carrying Eric cradle in her arms.

She passed the nursery room not giving it a glance as she went toward the front door. Once she was in the sun room with the rain and lightning flashes from time to time she sat in the rocking chair by the front door.

Eric clutched at her robe a tighter in fear and a nipple did slip out this time.

“See Eric, I have been telling you it’s just a little wind and rain. Mommy is here to protect you and keep you safe. Look at what I have for you. Are you going to be mommy’s little baby boy? ” Amber asked and opened up the palm of her hand to show him the pill she had been clutching.

Eric briefly wonder if she would force it into his mouth, but the lure was blissful ignorance of not caring was just too tempting.

Slowly Eric nodded his head then opened his mouth forgetting the storm was raging over head for a second.

“Oh, you made me so happy. Your see I will be a great mom. I don’t think your real mother will mind too much. We were talking about what ifs and she hinted if you did end up as a child again she wouldn’t be angry. ” Amber said and gently placed the final pill into his mouth.

Without thinking about it she pulled his little naked body to her own and guided her nipple into his mouth. Unsure Eric took the nipple into his mouth and sucked on her nipple not out of lust, but simple need of hunger. The pill was dissolving, but his mouth was a bit dry.

The warm milk helped and his eyes looked above them as a clap of thunder came. The sudden noise of his fear was enough to start the process again.

Gently Amber held him higher in her arms so the nipple didn’t slip out from his mouth. Eric could feel his body getting even smaller as the last of his years was slipping away.

Eric knew his life was now measured in months as he felt bare gums as his teeth were retracting back. His legs jerked a little as he lost motor control of them and he found it easy to just make little fists or clutch tightly to his new mother.

Amber’s nipple felt so big in his mouth and Eric wondered what he looked like now. He felt so safe now and all fear of the storm was gone.

Amber gazed lovingly down at her now infant husband. His curly mop of hair had become a wispy patch just starting on his almost bald head.

The way he looked up at her with those big dark eyes of his made her heart melt. She could see her husband behind those eyes. The intelligent way he was studying her face.

Amber marveled over his little body seeing his thin limbs, soft hairless skin, and his little penis.

Amber wasn’t sure she wanted him to have his foreskin over his little member. That of course could be removed. She thought back to the first time he had gotten younger and they discovered that little side effect.

‘One day he will grow up back into the man I know. Remembering his old life like a dream and I will be an old woman by then. Even I get more pills and make myself young again. We can’t be lovers again. In his heart I will be his mother and in mine he will be my son, besides he will have someone else by then. For now he is my baby. ’ Amber thought and hummed softly and sang a moment later.

The rumble of a thunderclap passed over head and this time Eric didn’t jump or act scared. After his belly was full of her milk Amber pulled her robe up so she could be more decent. Eric was burped then rock gently asleep.

Over time Eric old life would feel like a dream as he relived his life with a woman he loved dearly and in a house he always thought as home.

A few weeks passed and everyone accepted Eric as Amber’s new baby boy. Even Eric’s best friend John came over to help out and care for his lifelong buddy.

Because of the new laws due to the discovery of the regression drug Amber couldn’t officially divorce her husband, but nothing was stopping her from having a new lover move in with her.

Eric got a little fussy at first, but in time he called John; daddy.

His mother before Amber came over often along with Amber’s mother and Eric learned the benefits of being a grandson to the two women. The bottle of pills was split between his two grandmothers and Eric knew he would have grandparents for a long time to come along with his new loving parents.

End of the first tale.



End Chapter 1

Scaredy Cat Tales By Libra and Jeff

by: Jeffr_2bya | Complete Story | Last updated May 31, 2012


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