
by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 8, 2010

Chapter 3
Promoted part 3

Chapter Description: The final part. What will become of Jessica? Will there be promotion on the cards? Who knows...

Jessica had a blissful nights sleep. She slept like a baby and the irony was not lost on her when she woke up fully refreshed to stare up at the solid oak bars of her new cot.

A pretty mobile hung over the top that she hadn’t noticed last night. The sun shone through the window dappling the room in light oranges and yellows


She said loudly. She sat up in the cot. Her nappy was soaked through and she winced in humiliation as she realised she had actually managed to leak onto the sheets underneath her. She had never wet the bed before and the cold feel and stale urine smell made her uncontrollably break into a quiet sob. She put her mittened hand up to her mouth to muffle the noise.

She seemed to be fully aware this morning and fully functional. She stood testing her legs, holding onto the bars of the cot that trapped her for extra stability. Her legs didn’t buckle, they felt weak but in comparison to last night they had much more strength now, than then. She could feel the soaked through nappy drooping between her legs as she stood, even with the sleeper suit holding most of it in place. She looked up at the top of the bars. She knew she couldn’t get out that way. It was too far up and what with the smooth bars she would never get a grip. She then had an idea.

Dropping to her butt she wedged her back up against the opposite side of the cot placed her feet together and thrust them forward against one of the bars. Her body jarred as her feet connected with the solitary bar but there was also an audible crack from the wood. She grinned. This was going to work. She did it again, but her feet glanced off the wood causing the blow to have less impact. Inpatient with herself she calmed herself down and concentrated. Third time was a charm and with a resounding crack the top of the bar gave way. She scrambled forward and used her hands to push the wood back and forth until the bar came away in her mittened hands.

Would the hole be big enough? She threaded her head and shoulders through the hole she had created, her hands dropped to the carpet below and she hand walked across the carpet to draw half her body out of the cot. Then she got stuck.

She looked back to see the extra wet padding between her legs had gotten her hips stuck in the hole she had created. She cursed. She would have to remove her nappy. She should have thought about that first. She tried to push her her hands backwards in order to push herself back into the cot but realised with dread that she had gotten herself firmly wedged in. This could not be happening. She pushed in panic backwards and forwards. Her arms beginning to weaken from holding her upper body up. Suddenly her elbows gave way and her face crashed to the soft carpet. That was when she heard chuckling.

"My my we’ve been a busy little baby haven’t we. Look at the mess you’ve made. That was expensive you know. I was so hoping we’d be getting off on the right foot today, but looks like baby really is just intent on causing trouble."

Jessica pushed up with her arms, her elbows wobbled with the exertion as she tilted her head to see Moira leaning up against the door frame of the nursery. She was dressed in her office suit but she had a yellow plastic apron on over the top. It looked strange. She carried an oversized baby bottle full of what looked like chocolate milk, it reminded Jessica of the cocktail she had drank last night and her eyes widened suddenly realising that the stuff in the bottle probably was exactly that. Moira placed the bottle on the changing table beside the door and walked barefooted up to Jessica as Jessica continued to struggle.

"Here, let me help you"

Moira’s voice was suddenly soft and tender as she grabbed the back of Jessicas sleeper suit and pulled up to help take the strain from her arms.

"Twist your leg to the right a bit. I’ll support you"

Without any other real choice Jessica did as she was told then she felt Moira pushing her backwards and Jessica felt her hips budge from their trapped position. A little bit of co-operation and Jessica had managed to clamber backwards back into the cot. Her face was flushed red from the exertion of it all as she sat on her wet sheets.

With Jessica back in the cot Moira was free to return to the bottle left on the changing table. She reached up on the shelf and opened the music box. Jessica shook her head in despair. Moira simply smiled at the trapped woman she held up the bottle and shook it at Jessica.

"This is it darling, the concoction that will make all your cares float away, all your memories and knowledge too for that matter. You really will mentally become my baby if you chug this down."

Jessica looked horrified through the bars.

"Don’t make me drink that stuff please. I just want to go back to my apartment. I’ll quit my job, you’ll never see me again I swear! Just let me go"

Moira chuckled.

"Well we shall have to see how good you are today as to whether I give you this or not. If you behave then I might just see about letting you go. I haven’t quite decided."

Moira sounded so sinister especially with the soft tinkling of the music box in the background.

"Okay well enough grown up time I think. It’s time for you to be mummy’s...."

Jessica threw her hands over her ears, knowing that Moira was trying to hypnotically suggest something to her. Her mittened hands drowned out a lot of the sound but unfortunately for Jessica not completely. She gasped as she heard a muffled version of the rest of the sentence.

"..... happy little baby again"

Jessica managed a miserable "Noooo" before she suddenly found her arms stretching out wanting to be picked up by her mummy. She saw the bottle and squealed happily


She wiggled on her wet bottom on her wet sheets excitedly anticipating her breakfast bottle. Inside Jessica was trying to resist. she didn’t want to encourage Moira to feed her the chemicals which would wipe her mind, and thankfully Moira put the bottle out of view. She shook her head, smiling happily at her 29 year old baby

"No sweetie, not yet, lets get you all dressed and ready for the day"

She walked over to the cot and un-hooked the latch from the top of the crib. Moira slid down the side. It was then that she noticed the wet sheets.

"Wow, You’re such a heavy wetter! I’ll have to make a mental note to put you in thicker nappies for night time huh cupcake Mummy has a lot to learn about you if she’s going to look after you properly."

Jessica giggled feeling happy now that her mummy was back. Inside Jessica was distraught, she was trapped again. She felt despair really beginning to grip her now. Moira seemed to be one step ahead every single time.

"Come on Cupcake lay down on the floor so mummy can strip you down"

Jessica tumbled eagerly out of the cot and onto the floor. She happily wavered her arms around as her mummy pulled all her clothing away leaving Jessica completely naked on the nursery floor.

"Right up you get, its bath time. We need you all squeaky clean, its a big day today."

Jessica had no idea what that meant. Something in Moira’s voice suggested it wasn’t the potential mental regression she was talking about. Moira helped pull the naked woman to a standing position. Jessica couldn’t cover her body and much to her shame she started poking her nipple as the cold room caused them to become erect.

Moira took her hand, pulling Jessica’s wandering hand away from her innocent fondling exploration.

"Come on, silly. Bathtime. You like baths!"

Jessica looked up at her mummy’s face and beamed an innocent smile as Moira picked up the music box and led the naked woman into the bathroom. She turned on the bath taps. Jessica was at the side of the bath in an instant down on her knees draping her arms over the side into the rapidly filling bath. She splashed around, giggling, as Moira poured ample amounts of sweet smelling bubble bath into the water.

Moira enjoyed seeing Jessica having fun, at points like this she really was just like a little child enjoying new sensations and discovering new things. Moira enjoyed feeling in power but equally she enjoyed watching Jessica in her infant mentality. So pure and innocent. It was why she was having such a tough decision to mentally revert the woman or leave her trapped as an adult in a mentally incapable body.

Soon the bath was full and on Moira’s command Jessica clambered in. Jessica realised this was why Moira was wearing that silly looking yellow apron, to protect herself from all the splashing. Moira had Jessica soaped up and hair washed in fifteen minutes and rinsed down while Jessica played with the bubbles. Moira laid a large towel down on the bathroom floor and smiled at Jessica.

"Out the bath now sweetie! come on lets get you sorted"

Jessica clambered out and onto the towel where her mummy towelled her down.

"Now stay really really still okay. Like a statue for mummy"


Jessica stuck her thumb in her mouth and she looked up at her mummy from her position on the towel. Moira smiled, leant over and picked up a razor.

"Yes that right sweetie mummy needs to get rid of that nasty hair"

Jessica didn’t understand what her mummy was talking about, but internally Jessica wanted to attack the woman smiling so serenely down on her. She didn’t want someone shaving her pubic hair. But she just lay there and watched as her new mummy went to work carefully stripping Jessica of one of the main signs of her womanhood.

Once finished Moira poured large amounts of baby lotion into her palms and rubbed it into Jessica’s private area and then all over her body. Jessica would have blushed if she had had the ability to but she didn’t. She had no control what so ever. She wanted to kick to scream to breath fire but instead she just giggled at the ticklish sensations. Jessica realised she smelt just like a real baby. She inwardly cringed

"Smooth as a baby’s bum. Which is just as well, cause that’s what you are aren’t you sweetie? Are you mummy’s baby? Are you? What are you Sweetie"

Moira cooed and Jessica grinned innocently up at her mummy.


she mumbled behind her thumb, Causing Moira to blow a raspberry on the adults tummy.

"That’s right. We better get baby put into a fresh nappy before there are any unnecessary accidents"

She began folding up some fresh cloth nappies and soon Jessica found herself sat in the middle of the bathroom floor padded to such an extent that she knew she would only be able to crawl. Jessica prodded her waist experimentally enthralled by the crinkling sound of the pink plastic pants Moira had just covered her thick nappy with.

Jessica looked up at her mummy lovingly as Moira got a pair of scissors.

"Mummy has a nice surprise for you Jessie. A hair cut! You’ll look so cute with hair just above your shoulders. Tied into cute little pigtails, no-one will be able to resist how adorable you are. So sit still"

Jessica tried to back away, she prayed her body would move. Inside she was really sobbing. She loved her hair. Adored the way it shone and was styled. It was her favourite part of herself. Moira couldn’t have it. She just couldn’t, but already Jessica could see large snips of hair falling onto the floor as Moira worked, massacring Jessica’s pride and joy. Occasionally Moira would comment saying something like "oops" or "Ah well hair grows." or "Guess mummy was never cut out to be a hair dresser"

Jessica sat there quietly, clad only in her thick cloth nappy and pink plastic pants, sucking on her thumb watching years worth of hair growth flutter to the ground. It was over quickly and Moira pulled Jessica unsteadily to her feet so that she was tall enough to look in the mirror.

Jessica barely recognised herself. Moira had cut a fringe into Jessica’s hair which instantly dropped 10 years from her looks, the hair falling to just above eyebrow height gave her a seriously childish quality to her hair style. The rest of her hair that had previously stretched to her lower back now hung just above Shoulder length. Jessica felt crushed. The cut was squint in places, it was most noticeable in her fringe. Moira tied the newly cut hair into two cute bunches with some overly large bobbled hair ties.

Jessica clapped her hands in glee and pulled at the new fringe.

"I knew you’d like it. You look adorable." Moira looked at her watch.

"Jeez! It’s that time already. Mummy is going to be late for work is we don’t rush. Come on time for clothes"

Taking Jessie by the hand Moira tried to lead her new daughter out of the bathroom but Jessica’s nappy was so thick that Jessica wobbled dangerously. Jessica dropped to her knees without being prompted by her mummy and Moira let go allowing the overgrown baby to chose for herself to follow her mummy. Jessica did, all the way to the nursery where Moira held up a cute smocked pink dress, with a white t-shirt underneath. The pink matched the colour of the plastic pants Jessica already wore. There was also a pair of booties to accompany the ensemble.

Moira dressed Jessica quickly. And much to Jessica’s shame she noticed the dress was so short that the bottom of her nappy was visible. She caught herself in the nursery mirror and felt dread beyond anything she had felt. She didn’t even look like her any more. A beaming oversized toddler waved at her reflection and giggled. She really did look like a scaled up baby. Jessica crammed her hand back into her mouth, drooling over her knuckles.


Moira said guiding Jessica’s hand out of her mouth and replacing her hand with her pacifier.

Jessica quickly made a beeline for the toy box, giggling happily now that she was clean and dry. Moira got in Jessica’ way and tilted the baby’s head so that their eyes met.

"You’re going to have to have breakfast at the office, otherwise mummy is going to be really REALLY late. There’s no time to play sweetie. We have to go. You can play when we get there"

Moira said calmly as she gathered up a large white bag. Jessica read Changing bag written in baby blocks printed on the side.

She then went to the cupboard in the nursery and threw both doors open wide. She started hauling something large out from its storage place. To Jessica’s horror she realised it was an overgrown baby stroller. She wasn’t going anywhere in that. She looked at her hands.

"Come on move. MOVE GODDAMMIT!" She poured all her strength and soul into getting the arms to move. She needed to get away. She had realised with sickening certainty that Moira planned on taking her to the office. dressed like this? Acting like a infant? infront of all her work colleagues. Jessica was beginning to see the mental regression as a way out. Surely being obliterated into infancy would be better than enduring this torture. No. She couldn’t think like that. There had to be a chance.

Jessica’s hands moved.

She slowly managed to curl and uncurl her hands. She looked at them in disbelief, not daring to hope. She tested her new found control again, by repeating her actions. it worked. Yet her control only worked when she intensely concentrated, at other points her hands were grabbing at her bootied feet or exploring the carpet or her clothing.

Was the effect of the music box wearing off? The music box was still playing. Jessica was fearful that it had probably been on long enough to cause some permanent effects. She wondered what that could even possibly mean.

"In you get sweetie so mummy can strap you in."

Jessica dropped the hem of her dress that she had been seriously contemplating about sucking on and crawled over to her mummy happily. Jessica was trying to will herself in the opposite direction but steering an entire body when all she could currently control were her hands, was too much of a task and Jessica happily scrambled into the buggy, bouncing up and down in her seat in eager anticipation of the excursion they were clearly going on.


Jessica mumbled behind her pacifier and clapped her hands excitedly.

Moira chuckled making the obvious connection.

"No sweetie we’re not going to the park to feed the duckies. We’re taking you to mummy’s work so Mummy can keep an eye on you and still do her day job."

Jessica clapped her hands again, kicked out her legs as they dangled from the over sized baby buggy. Moira buckled her little girl in and took off the yellow apron she wore. Slipping the changing bag over the handlebars of the buggy she also got her laptop bag and slid that in the compartment under Jessica’s stroller seat. Moira disappeared from the room for a moment and came back wearing her shoes and reading a pamphlet.

"Hmmm, it says that the music box should have done all it needs to do now, so I don’t need to take it into the office. But.....where’s the harm huh. Can never be too careful."

Moira closed the box and slipped it into the top of the changing bag. She also picked up the bottle full of chemicals and put that in and suddenly remembering one final thing, she grabbed the leather bound folder from the cupboard and crammed that into the changing bag too. Jessica couldn’t see any of this as the changing bag was strapped over the handlebars and she was strapped in facing the opposite direction.

Jessica concentrated on trying to grab at her feet as she sat in the buggy. She felt so happy and carefree, and yet horrified and distressed at the same time. It was emotionally draining having so many conflicting emotions running through her head simultaneously.

"Right lets go."

Jessica couldn’t see Moira but felt the buggy lurch forwards and out into the apartment hallway towards the door. She looked down at her hands in desperation, and then poured her concentration into pushing the large red button in the centre of the five point harness she was strapped into.

She couldn’t go out like this. It was cruel and heartless and her life would truly be ruined. Her fingers moved clumsily over the red button. "Yes that’s it" She mentally urged herself. Her fingers hovered over the button and then pressed down. Nothing happened. She pressed it again, and realised it required a squeeze technique as well as a push. Jessica tried to squeeze the edges of the button but the strength required was beyond her for the moment. She didn’t have the coordination.

Suddenly they were out the front door and into the main building hallway beyond. A quick pause as Moira locked the front door and soon they were in the lift heading downwards. The lift now smelt heavily of disinfectant. Probably from the clean up of Jessica’s puddle of urine last night.

Jessica had managed to control her hands so that they were covering her face. She didn’t want people to see her like this, but that looked like it now couldn’t be helped, so her best other option was to hide her face and hide her eyes just so she wouldn’t be able to see people staring at her or showing signs of pity or concern when they realised what state she was in.

The lift doors swooshed open as it hit the ground floor foyer. Not many people were milling around in the Foyer, most had already headed to work, but Phil still stood vigil at his security desk. He beamed happily at the two woman as Moira pushed the buggy past.

"It worked then?" Phil asked happily.

"Yes, thank you Phil, you were a great help with the elevator"

Jessica listened thinking Moira was talking about getting the lift cleaned up after her accident. Phil chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

"No need to thank me Miss Pontel. I knew the minute I saw your friend arrive last night, that you had picked the right girl, she was perfect for the role. I’ll bring my little girl over at some point and they can play together. My wife was never much of a lover but as a 3 year old she gives me so much daughterly love that I can quite happily forgo the adult relationship. Do you want to see a picture?"

Moira nodded. Jessica couldn’t see the nod but watched as Phil dug around in his pocket and handed Moira a photograph.

"Aww she IS adorable." Jessica heard Moira proclaim, then Moira came into view and crouched down in front of the buggy.

"Look Jessie, A playmate for you"

Moira thrust the photo into Jessica’s face to show a full grown woman with slightly greying hair wearing a set of toddler like pink overalls covered in paint holding up a painted picture of a childish looking house.

"Phil here was the one who told me about the stork organisation. He’s had his little girl for 2 years now. You have him to thank for having a new mummy and new life. Oh and for the little lift incident. That was just a bit of fun on my part."

Jessica looked up at the two smiling adults as they both grinned down at her. It was like she was in some twisted horror movie. The lift breaking down had been planned? Was everyone in this forsaken place a psycho? Moira stood and stretched, handing the photograph back to Phil.

"Well we really had better head out. I’m late now but I guess being the Managing Director I get a bit of leeway."

Moira chuckled lightly

"Okay miss Pontel. See you both later. Have fun and congratulations on your new baby."

With a wave Moira pushed the buggy out of the foyer and into the street beyond.

Moira paused for a moment and sprayed herself liberally with her perfume. Jessica could smell it instantly and she tried breathing through her mouth rather than nose but that was impossible due to the pacifier she was so insistant on sucking, so she had no choice but to breathe in the drugged perfume. She felt light headed after a few sniffs, and started to feel drowsy. How could she be contemplating sleep at a time like this? Her career was about to be ruined in one fell swoop. No-one would take her seriously again dressed like this. She tried to fight it but the motion of the buggy was contributing to her drowsiness and with panic in her heart as she mentally struggled she felt her eyelids droop and soon she was lightly snoring.

The walk to the office was mercifully brief and everyone were already at their desks so the hallway was deserted. Moira pushed her sleeping adult baby into the main open plan office and it took a few moments for people to even register that she had arrived. But once two or three people started noticing though, work ground to a halt pretty quickly.

Moira clapped her hands to get everyones attention.

"Everyone into my office please. We have something important to discuss."

With that said, Moira plastered a tired look on her face and pushed the oversized buggy into her office, being quickly followed by the 9 members that made up the work team.

"Whats going on? What happened to Jessica?"

One woman asked. Seeing the sleeping Jessica in the buggy.

Moira sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. It was time to let her acting shine.

"Excuse me if i’m not quite with it today, it’s been a rather long night. Upshot of it is, Jessica has had a severe mental breakdown. I was with her at the hospital all night and have been trying to convince her parents that they need to take responsibility for Jessica but her parents have sadly washed their hands of her entirely. They want nothing to do with her in her current state. The doctors said it may be a temporary thing but that its important for Jessica to be around people who care about her. I’ve agreed to be her guardian whilst more tests and research is done on her condition, but she was assessed last night and she seemed to have reverted to an infantile state."

People of the team gasped and muttered between themselves, shocked at jessicas current state.

"I can understand that it will be difficult for you, so if anyone has any problems with seeing Jessica like this I grant you temporary leave. I can not afford to take time off work so I have brought Jessica in today until I can sort out some other possible arrangements. I don’t know how long she is going to be like this, but I could not just leave my friend and our good collegue to fend for herself in such a vulnerable mental headspace."

No-one left but one of the men put up his hands, Moira pointed to him to confirm he could speak.

"Why have you got her dressed like that though. I mean you clearly have her in nappies there. She doesn’ know use them or anything"

His question tailored off as he blushed.

"I’m afraid, like I said, she has reverted to an infantile state, in her mind she’s barely passed one year old, so to answer your question, she does everything a real baby would do, which obviously includes loss of bladder and bowel control. The doctors believe she will have a better chance of recovery if she is led to believe she is the baby she thinks she is. If her mind can get release from forgetting about her adult life for a while then once its had time to recuperate the doctors suggested she would return to her proper mental state within her own time. On the other hand they also said it might be the case she may never return to a fully functional woman. Only time will tell. But for the time being if everyone could treat Jessica as much as a child as they can, that would be a great help."

Moira sighed and slumped down into her chair.

"I know you all probably have a million questions, but I haven’t yet been to bed and I am really exhausted, so I will try to answer to the best of my ability, but I find this all rather draining. I’ll need someone to help keep an eye on Jessica for the day...Andrew, would you mind helping."

Andrew looked shocked momentarily but then fixed his expression into one of determination and he nodded. Moira gave him a tired but warm smile.

"Thank you. I know Jessica trusted you and perhaps you being around her will help her somewhat."

He chuckled. "Well my sister has a two year old at the moment, so if thats Jessica’s mental stage, then I know what i’m up against"

Moira looked at everyone else, who were all staring at their sleeping work colleague drooling in her buggy, oblivious to this meeting they were having about her. Her short dress leaving nothing to the imagination about what she wore underneath.

"Okay everyone, please try and get on with your work as normally as possible. I will try to keep Jessica from distracting anyone by keeping her in here with me. Thank you for your time"

Everyone filed out of the office quietly, a couple of the women were a little tearful, feeling sorry for their friend. Most were chatting in hushed whispers talking about how strange it was to see Jessica looking so babyish and vulnerable. A stark contrast to the successful business woman that had left the office yesterday.

Andrew stayed behind as Moira closed the door. With the two of them alone she smiled to herself and the closed door before changing her expression turning around letting Andrew see her upset face. She forced tears into her eyes and fake crying she rushed into Andrews strong arms. He stood there a second unsure on what to do and then wrapped his arms around his crying boss. He patted her back.

"It’ll be all right" he said soothingly. "We’ll all get through this"

It was then that Jessica began to wake up and she rubbed at her eyes looking around. She was in Moira’s office. She saw Moira and Andrew embracing, saw Moira crying. The baby side of her just blinked and suckled on her dummy. Moira was in full swing of pretending to be upset.

"Oh Andrew it was terrible last night. Seeing Jessica stripped of her dignity when she peed herself all over the hospital floor. She hadn’t even been aware she was doing it. The doctors had been trying to assess her at the time but she was just babbling at them. It was so heart wrenching to see. I feel so sorry for her. It’s all my fault. I must have pushed her over the edge with the workload."

"Oh Moira, don’t be silly, no-one could have predicted this would happen. It’s not your fault. "

Andrew soothed his boss as best he could. He felt bad for the entire situation. Moira noticed Jessica was awake and was staring at the two adults. She stopped crying and rubbed at her eyes.

"Oh. She’s are you sweetie?" Moira asked still lightly sniffing.


Jessica whined wanting out of the buggy now that her mummy had acknowledged she was awake.

"Mummeee owt. I wanna get owt. I wanna pway peeese"

She said eagerly pulling at the harness that trapped her in her buggy. Inside Jessica wanted to know why Andrew was here. Then she could feel something gurgling in her tummy and with panicked dread she suddenly realised what was about to happen.

Jessica suddenly went quiet and with a look of concentration suddenly began straining and pushed the contents of her bowels into the seat of her nappy. Jessica wanted to be sick as she felt her own poop squish over her bottom. The smell would have made her gag had the infant side of her not been the one in charge. Instead the infant side simply smiled up at her mummy, giggled a little bit then pushed again filling her nappy a little bit more. Soon her bowels were empty and Jessica was noticeably smelly.

"Uh-oh. Hadda acciden’"

Jessica poked at the pink plastic pants as she started to then uncontrollable wet herself. She had completely flooded her nappy and it squished as she poked around. Jessica couldn’t believe she had just crapped her pants on purpose in front of her boss and the potential love interest in her life. She felt so degraded and humiliated. She really didn’t want to live anymore.

Moira just burst into tears. She rushed over to Jessica and got down on her knees to hug the Adult trapped in the buggy.

"It’s okay jessie, I know its not your fault. it’ll be okay. Don’t worry"

She sobbed into the adult little girl. At one point she looked up into Jessicas confused green eyes and flashed her a quite smile, she really should be getting an oscar for this performance, then Moira continued with the waterworks.

Jessica hated her. Hated her with every fibre of her being. Moira was faking the whole thing, playing the sympathy card. And by the look on Andrews face, it was working. He stood there looking like his own heart was about to break. Gently he crossed the room and took Moira by the shoulders pulling her to her feet.

"Moira, seriously don’t send yourself over the edge on this. Jessica knew the stresses of the job. You have people here you can rely on. We can help."

Moira flung her arms around him once again and sobbed into his shoulder.

"oh Andrew. I just dont think I can do this by myself."

He thought for a moment and then seriously his grey eyes stared into moiras and he gave her a warm smile.

"Look, you go get yourself a coffee. If you show me where the stuff is I can get her nappy changed before it stinks out the entire office floor. Have a break. You must be exhausted."

Moiras face brightened by this suggestion. Her acting was working better than she had expected and she rubbed at her eyes a little more.

"Are you sure you want to do that, I mean it’s a messy job"

Andrew nodded. "I’ve changed my sisters kid a hundred times over, it’s really no big deal, just an upscaled version right? I mean even the outfit you have her in is just scaled up baby apparel. She’s kinda cute."

Andrew had another reason for helping. If Jessica stayed out of the way, then by default he was next in line for Trainee managing director. Helping Moira out in this situation was bound to put him in good stead. Plus he was finding Jessica utterly adorable in her current situation.

"seriously. Go get coffee and by the time you’re back she’ll be all snug and dry and set for the day"

Moira pulled the changing bag opened and handed Andrew the supplies that he would need. She also pulled out the music box and opened it.

"This seems to sooth her, she likes the noise of it I think. Thank you Andrew you’re a really good friend"

She pulled the leather folder from the changing bag. Jessica saw it. It had her death certificate in it. Was moira going to phone her family and tell them she had died?

"I’ll just nip to the canteen, I have to make a phonecall too."

That pushed Jessica over the edge and she began to cry, long loud wails. Andrew mistook her discomfort for the fact she was sat in her own filth and he quickly unbuckled the buggy harness and taking Jessica by the armpits he lifted her easily up into his arms, draping her arms over one of his shoulders and supporting her by his arms under her heavily sagging nappy he walked from one side of Moira’s office to the other, lightly bouncing on his feet.

"It’s okay Jessie. It’s okay. No need to cry. I’ll get you all cleaned up in a second."

Jessica now knew what complete humiliation felt like. Only yesterday she had been visualising being given a firemans lift by Andrew and here she was in a very similar position only smelling like a baby in desperate need of a nappy change. Which was exactly what she was. She cried louder. As moira flattened a fold out plastic sheet onto her office floor to use as a changing mat.

"I’ll leave you two to it then" Moira said still feigning tiredness then left the office.

"Right kiddo, lets get that messy bum of yours changed huh. Then you can be a happy little girl for Daddy Andy."

Andrew felt comfortable calling himself daddy now that Moira was gone. He had always wanted kids of his own ever since seeing his sisters daughter and he would take this little opportunity to pretend for a moment. He laid Jessica down, her dummy had fallen from her mouth and was in the seat of the baby stroller so he quickly retrieved it and placed it in her mouth. Her sobbing quietened to a whimper as he knelt down between her legs and gingerly pulled the pink plastic pants from her waist.


He said happily at Jessica making silly faces at her. Jessica had stopped crying now and was smiling up at the man who was changing her. He had funny facial expressions and it was keeping her amused. He undid the nappy pins and peeled back her nappy to reveal the mess she had made.

"Oh my goodness, what have you been eating!"

He looked horrified, which caused Jessicas eyebrows to furrow and she gave out a little whimper. Unexpectedly due to the coldness hitting her private area she peed herself a little bit more and Andrew quickly pulled the nappy back up in place to catch most of the accident. He looked back down warily.

"Are we all done now? You must be empty by now surely."

He chuckled. All jessicas hopes and dreams of bedding this man had been crushed at that moment. She just wanted a new life, some place far far away from this terrible nightmare. She tried to meditate to some other place as Andrew cleaned her thoroughly with baby wipes and dusted her with baby powder.

He didn’t ask her to lift her buttocks like Moira did, instead he just grabbed at her ankles and bodily hauled her up. Being a man and larger than both her and moira, he had the upper body strength to do that. It made Jessica feel even more like the baby everyone seemed to think she was. He soon had her taped into a fresh disposable diaper and he cooed and tickled Jessica. She giggled happily taking swipes at his hands as they came into range.

"Wow. I never thought you would ever be this cute. I mean you were gorgeous before, but seriously Jessie, this look really suits you. Do you think Moira will want to become your carer full time cause if not, I might just apply for the position."

He beamed down at Jessica stroking her forehead as she lay on the changing mat.

"Let’s see if daddy can find you something to play with?"

He stood up and went over to Jessicas changing bag and rummaged around. There were no toys but there was a bottle filled with what looked like chocolate milk. Jessica saw the bottle with overwhelming happiness and complete and utter dread.

"Oh dear god no" She thought.

"BABABABA" Jessica squealed excitedly, waving her arms up at daddy hoping to be fed. He turned to look at her excited expression and chuckled.

"You want numnums? Okay. Come here. "

Andrew walked over and sat down on the carpet his back pressed up against a wall for support as Jessica eagerly crawled over and clambered into Andrews lap.

"Please dear god save me." Jessica shouted but she just baby babbled at Andrew which only caused him to ruffle her newly cut hair.

"Too cute. Come on"

He physically hauled her into a laying position across his lap and pulled her dummy from her mouth. Without too much fuss he pushed the nipple of the bottle into her mouth and Jessica greedily began to guzzle the concoction down.

"Nononoo" She kept thinking.

"Please let this just be a normal bottle"

Jessica prayed that mummy had just been mentally messing with her in saying this bottle would wipe her memories. She didnt want to go back to square one, she had spent her whole life striving to be a popular independant respected woman and she was potentially now regressing herself back to a state where she would be dependant on others for a long while to come. Needing them to care for every little thing in her life. She took pride in the level of her education and she was about to revert back to the point where she wouldn’t even be able to say her abc’s or count past the number 5. She suckled on the bottle feeling the liquid pour down her throat.

"Whoa there sweetie, you’ll get hiccups if you drink that quickly. Slow down"

But Jessica just nursed as fiercely until it was all gone. It was at that point Moira walked back in looking fairly refreshed closing a leather bound case of paperwork. She saw Andrew with Jessica propped in her arms, she also saw the empty bottle. Her face dropped.

"Did you just feed Jessica?"

Andrew nodded happily.

"I thought i’d save you the hassle, she saw it and went wild for it so I guessed she must be hungry."

Moira crossed the room in two swift strides and crouching down took Jessica by the chin and lifted the 29 year old’s head to meet her gaze. Blank baby blues stared lovingly up at her mummy and Jessica smiled, the smile faltered for a second and then with a large belch she spat up some of the bottle she had just been fed. Feeling better now that the wind had gone. Jessica snuggled back into her daddy’s chest and dozed. She was warm, dry, fed and content. She loved her mummy and daddy very much.

Moira felt cheated from tormenting the 29 year old a little bit longer but seeing Andrew cradle the adult so tenderly took some of the bitterness away.

"She’s taken a shine to you I see."

Andrew nodded as he gently brushed some of Jessie’s new fringe out of her eyes. He stood up, still holding onto Jessica, keeping her stable in his arms as she dozed on his shoulder. He didn’t mind that she had ruined his shirt by spitting up on it. He shouldn’t have let her drink that bottle so quickly.

"Yeah. I think i’ve taken a bit of a shine to her too."

He said blushing. He gently rocked Jessica as he looked at Moira.

"I was thinking...i’d happily help look after her if you needed help. I mean it would be an easier task if there were two of us. I can lift her, and well she is just so vulnerable and i’ve...."

Moira put her fingers to her lips to shush Andrew into silence and he stood there looking expectantly at Moira.

"I think thats a wonderful idea." She leant in and gave Andrew a kiss on the cheek.

Inside Andrew was feeling like the luckiest man alive. For months he had endured Jessica and Moira fighting over him, put up with their cat and mouse games and now here he was and finally the game was over and he had won.

Now he could have both women. Moira as his lover and partner and Jessica as his little baby girl. Not to mention Jessica’s job position was bound to now be available. Yep it looked like he was finally getting that promotion. Life just didn’t get much sweeter.



End Chapter 3


by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 8, 2010


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