
by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 8, 2010

Based on the Stork series (following on from Stranded) A trainee director thinks she's heading to the top of her game, but what she thinks and what she gets are two completely different things

Chapter 1
Promoted part 1

Chapter Description: Jessica thinks she is about to be set for life. She's not entirely wrong.

Jessica was having the best afternoon of her life as she sat at her desk. She turned the invitation over and over in her hands, her slender well manicured fingers tracing out the stylised silhouette of the stork flying with a baby bundle in its beak that was on the centre of the card.

"I’m expecting a baby."

She softly read the card to herself, then broke into a large grin. She couldn’t believe it, Moira was actually having a baby. Moira! Of all people. That only meant one thing for Jessica. Promotion!

Jessica was trainee managing director, she had been in the position for two whole years, waiting for the chance where she could take that final step up to Managing Director. Now with the managing director expecting a child, maternity leave would surely see Jessica step up to fill Moira’s rather impressive shoes of running the soliciting firm. She felt so excited she could barely contain her giddy happiness as Andrew walked past her desk, she quickly hid the invite under the desk, out of his view.

The invite specifically said not to tell anyone, and whilst Jessica couldn’t wait to let this little cat out of the bag, she had to bide her time, she didn’t want to be premature in letting the information slip out. If she was the only one currently aware of Moira’s secret and then everyone started blabbing about it, then Moira would know that it would have been Jessica who had revealed the surprise.

She watched Andrew walk through the open plan office. He had a cute ass, his deep hazel eyes and long brown hair helped fuel her office crush on him, the fact that he was taller then her and was quite stocky also thrilled her. She imagined in a different life he might have been a fireman. She randomly allowed herself a little daydream of him giving her a fireman’s lift. She shivered with pleasure at the mental image. He had the charm and good looks that made him, well, fantastic at everything he put his mind to.

He was the second tender bite of this perfect apple. Both Jessica and Moira had pursued Andrew as their love interest for quite a few months now. They knew each other were interested in him, it was almost like an additional game to the two competing females. See who could bed Andrew first. But Andrew was clever, Andrew had managed to stay neutral, saying the right things to keep him on both their good sides. But now that Moira was pregnant would he really want to hook up with her? The game was surely over. Moira had in effect given Jessica everything she could possibly want. A big step up the career ladder and a potential lover. Life just didn’t get much sweeter

Jessica opened the invite and read inside for the twentieth time. 7pm tonight, celebratory drinks in Moira’s pent house apartment. Yet another reason to get excited. Jessica had worked for the firm for 8 years. She had come out of university at 21 with top marks in Law and walked right into the job at the firm. She had worked under Moira for all those years and had never been invited to her apartment before. Not once. Other people in the office had talked about its opulence, and the crazy parties Moira threw, but Jessica had always missed out. That was until today. She scanned the rows of workers in the open plan office, wondering how many had been invited to the drinks thing this evening? She looked over at Moira’s office. The door was closed, the blinds shut. An obvious sign that Moira did not wish to be disturbed. Jessica looked down at the invite again, her heart leapt in anticipation at getting to sit in that office with the blinds close. Not being disturbed. Her office.

The evening came round quick enough. Jessica went home and got changed into a pair of light grey figure hugging jeans and a white blouse. She had a good body, but she was only 29 so everything was still pert and where it should be. She kept physically fit at the gym three times a week so she was well toned and healthy. Her green eyes admired her reflection in her bedroom mirror as she brushed her hair. It was the feature she prided herself most on. The length and condition of her beautiful sleek auburn hair. She tied her long hair up into a tidy ponytail and put on some make up and high heeled boots. She felt successful and important. Nothing could possibly get her down.

Gathering her clutch purse, a gift wrapped bottle of white wine and pushing the invitation into her pocket, she left her apartment and hailed a taxi. 20 minutes later she was standing outside a large high rise block of flats, in one of the more nicer areas of town. She pushed her way through the glass double doors and a security guard stepped from behind his desk to meet her.

"Can I help you miss?" he asked, not recognising her as one of the residents.

"I am here to see Moira Pontel."

Jessica flashed the man a smile. He moved back to behind his desk and lifted a receiver, he punched in some numbers on his phone, a brief moment lapsed where he smiled back

"I’m just phoning up to make sure she’s expecting you, your name is....?" he said

"Jessica, Miss Jessica Findlay" she replied.

The guard nodded then suddenly the phone must have connected because his eyebrows rose.

"Ah good evening Miss Pontel. A Miss Findlay here to see you, shall I send her up?... Splendid...Yes, understood, ."

He placed the receiver gently back on its hook and walked to the elevator waving his arm to indicate Jessica should follow. He pressed the button then stepped inside the elevator when it arrived. Taking a key he turned a lock in the panel and a flap unlocked, gaining him access to several hidden buttons. He pressed the one saying P. Then locked the panel back up again.

"This will take you straight to the top. Have an enjoyable evening miss Findlay"

he said with a smile as he stepped back out from the elevator.


Was all Jessica managed before the elevator door closed and she was all alone. The lift ascended rapidly. and she didn’t have to endure the lift music for too long before there was a abrupt ding and the doors opened, a female voice somewhere in the fixture said "Penthouse" and Jessica stepped out of the lift into the hallway. The hallway smelled fresh and clean, a few large potted plants lined her way towards two doors. One marked emergency exit and the other marked M.Pontel. Jessica pushed the doorbell and waited, shifting the wrapped bottle of wine to her other hand.

A few moments later Moira flung open the door, a cheery smile on her face as she saw who was at the door.

"Hey! You’re very early, come in come in"

Moira stepped back, away from the door to allow Jessica to enter. Jessica stepped inside confused as she looked at her watch. She was bang on 7pm, that was what it said on the invite.

"I thought the drinks started at 7pm?"

Jessica said looking at Moira. Moira, as usual was impeccably immaculate. She stood about 3 inches taller than Jessica. Her short blond hair was pulled back with a plain black alice band. She wore a shimmering smocked top and 3/4 length white trousers, with flat sandals on her feet. She waved her hand dismissively.

"I’m quite sure the invites say 9pm, but it matters not now, you’re here so we shall start the drinking now. The others will have to play catch up later. Wine? Cocktail? Yes actually, lets do cocktails. I found a fabulous recipe for one i’ve been dying to try out on someone."

"Speaking of wine, this is for you."

Jessica said handing her the wrapped bottle.

"Ah splendid. Thank you. I shall put it in the kitchen"

Moira spoke as she turned her back and walked down the corridor. Jessica fell into step behind her host. Noticing the strong perfume that Moira wore. Even though she had clearly used too much it was still very pleasant. Jessica wondered what type of perfume it was as Moira led Jessica into the large expansive lounge area. It was obscenely large, and corners of the beige room were filled with random pieces of modern art. The sofa was of brown suede and designed to look like an ’L’ shape it clearly would seat 8 people. A large thick sheep skin rug sprawled out in between the sofa and the television. The television was a massive 52 inch flat screen and a large fish tank filled with tropical fish took pride of place up against one of the far walls. Large bay windows overlooked the twinkling city below. Opulent wasn’t the word, the apartment was perfection.

"Take a seat please, i’ll be right back with your drink."

Jessica lowered herself onto the sofa as she continued to look around at the amazing apartment. Moira’s perfume still lingered in the air, a sophisticated bright clean smell, it mingled with the smell of fresh paint. Jessica pulled her invite from her pocket and looked at it. It definitely said 7pm on hers, maybe the ink had gone wrong and the 9 hadn’t been completed? She scratched at the printed ink, trying to understand why hers looked like a 7pm instead of a 9pm. Jessica didn’t have to wait more than a minute before Moira reappeared carrying two goblets. Jessica took one of the goblets gratefully. She looked down into the cocktail, it looked like melted chocolate. She looked back up at Moira.

"You have a beautiful apartment Moira. It’s amazing!"

Moira simply chuckled.

"Thank you, although i’m in the midst of having the bathroom and bedroom redone at the moment, you know getting ready for my new bundle of joy and all that."

Jessica smiled, realising that was why she could smell fresh paint and at the reminder that her boss was having a baby, the thought of promotion strong in her mind, she took her goblet and held it up.

"Congratulations on your wonderful news. I’m really thrilled for you"

Moira mirrored Jessicas raised goblet and together they drank. Jessica pulled away from the cup, licking her lips.

"What is this?" She said, high appraisal in her voice.

Moira grinned watching as Jessica gulped down more of the cocktail.

"I call it Mud pie. Its cr?me de cacao, gin, orange juice and a little bit of grenadine. Good isn’t it"

Jessica nodded, finishing the cocktail quickly, She giggled at her hasty drinking.

"I probably shouldn’t have too many of those, they sound lethal!"

Moira nodded. "Yeah, but one more can’t hurt too much"

Moira said as she removed the empty goblet from Jessica’s hand and returned to the kitchen to make another...

An hour later and Jessica was feeling a little more than tipsy. She had only had two of those cocktails and had then gone on to drink water for a while, but still the cocktails must have been strong because she was certainly feeling light headed. She looked at her watch, there was still forty five minutes to go before everyone else got here and she was already half pissed. She didn’t want to make a tit of herself in front of people she didn’t know. The conversation between her and Moira had been light and entertaining. Jessica had always thought of Moira as being a bit power hungry and very strict, but she was now seeing a different person, the woman behind the Directors mask.

Suddenly Jessica realised she needed to pee. She stood.

"Excuse me. Where is the restroom." She asked.

There was a blank look on Moira’s face for a moment and she stood.

"My bathroom is out of action at the moment. I’m having it redone so its all been pulled out. But there is a public toilet on the ground floor of the flat. It’ll be quicker if I show you. Plus you’ll need the key to activate the lift."

Moira grabbed up her mobile phone, bag and keys and headed for the door. Jessica following behind, acutely aware that she actually really really needed to go. She felt a little wobbly on her feet from the drinks as she followed Moira out into the hallway and waited for Moira to lock her apartment door. Moira fiddled with her mobile phone for a few moments, it looked like she was sending a text message, Jessica wanted to urge Moira to be faster, there wasn’t going to be much time, but she didn’t want to seem impolite..

They were soon back in the lift and Moria used her key to activate the ground floor button. The doors closed and they began to descend.

In the confined space of the lift Moira’s perfume was really obvious and to take her mind of her aching bladder Jessica spoke up.

"You’re perfume is lovely. What is it?"

Moira smiled. "It’s called Cambio. Do you like it?"

Jessica nodded and was about to say something when the lift suddenly lurched to a halt, The lights flickered and then returned to their normal brightness. Jessica looked at Moira who simply sighed.

"This happens sometimes. Don’t worry about it i’ll just phone down to Phil, the Security guard."

Moira started punching numbers into her mobile phone but Jessica wasn’t really listening. The pressure on her bladder was really becoming quite intense and it was taking all her willpower to just hold it in. There was no way she was pissing herself in front of her managing director. Never, She would let her bladder burst before that happened.

"Yeah, sorry Phil, it’s happened again, do you mind resetting? Cheers!" Moira clicked her mobile closed.

"They made the elevator too clever for its own good, rather than an old fashion system they put a computer in to control the mechanisms. Should have just gone for simple, the blasted computer seems fairly intent on getting itself confused every once in a while." Moira chuckled.

The lift unexpectedly lurched back into a downwards motion, but the sudden lurch was just enough to tip Jessica over the edge and she felt a wet spot suddenly appear on her crotch. It was as if a floodgate had opened and she couldn’t control the flow. She gasped out in surprise and clutched her hand between her legs but quickly removed it when she realised her hand wasn’t going to do any good in stopping the torrent. The wet patch very quickly grew and spread from her groin to cover the whole of the front of her light grey jeans. Her hot pee flowed down her legs and pooled around her feet. She stood bow legged as she emptied her bladder onto the lift floor. Moira watched. A look of complete shock and disgust on her face.

"I knew you needed the bathroom, but seriously? That bad?"

The lift reached the bottom floor and the door dinged as it slowly slid open. The security guard Phil was stood there along with a mother holding her young son’s hand, the kid must have been four years old at the most, waiting to go up to their apartment. All three people stood and looked at Jessica. The little boy sniggered and pointed, saying very loudly.

"Look mummy, that lady wet herself. She needs nappies I’m a big boy. I don’t even need nappies any more."

"Hush Darren."

The woman looked with pity at Jessica, who just hung her head feeling completely humiliated. The woman then turned her attention to Moira, with a resigned smile on her face she simply said.

"It’s okay we’ll take the stairs"

Moira nodded and looked angry at Jessica, then back at the woman.

"Sorry about this Flo, I didn’t realise my guest wasn’t potty trained"

Jessica let out a small sob, and covered her face with her hands to hide her heavy blushing.

The security guard piped in.

"I’ll get the janitor on this right away"

Moira nodded. "Thank’s Phil. Well we came down to use the rest room so I guess that’s pointless now so we’ll head back up shall we?"

She turned the key in the panel again and pressed the right button. The door slowly swooshed closed and the lift ascended. The two women stood in silence as the lift continued upwards. Occasionally a small quiet sob could be heard from Jessica. The door opened and Moira grabbed Jessica by the wrist.

"Come on, we need to get you cleaned up."

She pulled Jessica from the lift and Jessica followed, despising herself and hating the feel of her cold wet trousers as she was pulled at a fast pace back to Moira’s pent house apartment. Soon they were inside and Moira pointed to a nearby door.

"Take your shoes and socks off, they’re soaked and get in there. I’ll get you some clothes and stuff"

Moira said. Her voice was cold and Jessica felt miserable as she slipped her soaked shoes and socks off.

She would get changed then excuse herself from the rest of the evening. She was feeling really rather unstable and drowsy, the alcohol and the mental exhaustion from what had just happened was certainly taking its toll. The whole event had really soured her mood and she just wanted to go back to her apartment and wallow in self pity.

She trudged to the room, opening it she saw it was a bedroom, decorated in whites and duck blue. She stood in the middle of the room, scared to move for fear of dripping over any of the furnishings. Moira returned a few moments later carrying a large baby’s changing mat.

"I found this for you to sit on while you take your clothes off."

She threw it so it landed flat at Jessica’s feet. Jessica sat down on it, feeling humiliated. The mat was awfully big, it had baby ducks and kittens all over it. How big did Moira think her baby was going to get?

Moira pulled a perfume bottle from her back pocket, spraying it liberally around the room. Jessica just blushed, knowing that she smelt of her own urine, but Moira was going a little over board. It was actually beginning to irk Jessica some what. Yes, granted, she had had an accident, but it wasn’t like it was the end of her life or anything. Moira was being a bit heartless about it all.

"I am really, really sorry. Nothing like that has ever happened before I swear it!"

She said finally finding her voice. Moira simply held up her index finger, and waggled it for a second, she looked to the ceiling as if mentally going through a list in her head, then she spun on the spot and left the room again.

Jessica began to undo the buttons on her jeans, her fingers fumbling with the button. She furrowed her brow in concentration as she grappled with it, her vision swam. Those blasted cocktails had ruined a perfectly good evening. How was she honestly going to look Moira in the eye tomorrow at work.

Moira came back in holding some towels, some other random things Jessica didn’t pay attention to and a small wooden box. Moira put the arm full of things down on a nearby table then gathered up the towels and crossed the room to where Jessica sat on the floor. Jessica saw the towels, her mood lightening a little, as she guessed they were for her to use in the shower. A shower might help clear her head a little too.

"A shower would be really welcome about now!"

She said reading Moira’s mind. Moira looked confused for a second and then looked down at the towels she held. She laughed, a light hearted melodic laugh.

"Silly girl, these aren’t for you to use in the shower. These are your nappies. We can’t have you wandering around my apartment without protection. My sofa cost over ten thousand pounds, i’m not having you on it unless you’re well padded miss."

Jessica’s mouth fell open and she stuttered as Moira firmly pushed the younger woman backwards so that Jessica fell across the large nursery print changing mat. Immediately Moiras hands were at Jessica’s waist, undoing the button that Jessica had found so difficult and Moira pulled Jessica’s sodden jeans from her hips.


Jessica yelled as she tried to kick Moira away and push herself off of the changing mat, but her actions seemed sluggish and uncoordinated. Moira had finished stripping jessica’s jeans from her. All the while she smiled maternally down on Jessica. The drugs Moira had put in Jessica’s cocktails had clearly begun to take effect. She hooked her index fingers around the waistband of Jessicas adult panties and yanked them off almost effortlessly.

"Urgh. You’re soaked. But don’t worry, mummy will soon have you clean and dry"

Jessica was mortified beyond words. Moira was really taking this far to far. Mummy? Jessica tried to push herself away blushing harder than she had done so far now that she was naked from the waist down, but she found her strength failing her and she suddenly began to cry.

"Okay, shall we do this the easy way then?"

Moira asked cryptically as she pushed herself to her feet and walked over to the little brown box she had set down earlier. Moira looked down at the crying 29 year old woman laying on the oversized baby changing mat. Naked from the waist down. Vunerable and already clearly slipping into dependency.

This was the moment Moira had truly been waiting for.

She was a successful business woman, with an apartment that most people could only dream of, money put aside for a rainy day and a fantastic reputation in her line of work. At the age of forty though motherhood had really slipped her by. But now she was about to go on the biggest power trip of her life. She was about to become a mummy. She was about to have someone completely dependant on her, who would wear what she was dressed in, eat what she was fed and who would sit in her own mess until Moira decided it was time to change her.

Moira’s heart fluttered excitedly.

For all the money and power she had, all she really wanted was a child who she could mould into perfection. She smiled at Jessica. Jessica was the perfect choice, she had noticed the younger woman getting more and more power hungry as she climbed higher in the firm’s hierarchy. It would only be a matter of time before Jessica properly challenged Moira’s position. And Andrew had certainly been showing keener interest in the younger model rather than in Moira recently. Well Moria bet Andrew wouldn’t be making the same googoo eyes at Jessica after tonight.

Moira opened the wooden box and gentle soothing music lilted around the room. The music box chimed a simple nursery rhyme. Jessica stopped crying confused by what she was suddenly hearing. A new wave of humiliation hit her as she recognised nursery rhymes. She wasn’t a stupid baby, she had had an accident that was all, she was only human. Anger surged into her and she found strength to suddenly stand. Her legs felt like jelly but she held her ground, staggering her feet wider so that she straddled the changing mat rather than standing on it.

"Look! I Said I was sorry. I will just borrow some clean trousers and then I think I should leave!"

She glared at Moira, angry by the callous treatment her managing director was displaying. Moira simply tutted shaking her head slowly from side to side, a pitiful smile on her face.

"No little one, you need to put that tushie of yours back on the changing mat so mummy can get you nice and snug into your nappy."

Jessica glared even more angrily at Moira and then sat back down on the changing mat and laid down calmly waiting for her mummy to diaper her. It took her a second to understand what she had just done. She had done exactly what Moira had told her without a seconds hesitation.

"What the fuck?"

Her voice had hit a new octive in her disbelief. Moira clapped her hands in glee and gathering up the large cloth nappies, she practically skipped to where Jessica lay and got down on her knees. She started to fold up the cloth nappies into their intended shape. She hummed along with the music box while Jessica lay there.

"You sick bitch! What have you done to me?"

Jessica was properly freaking out now. She had tried to get up off the changing mat but her body was no longer under her control and refused to move from where her mummy had told her to be. Moira shot Jessica an angry glance at the swearing.

"It’s just as well baby’s don’t know how to speak or I would have sworn my little girl had just used swear words"

She said calmly, her eyes watching Jessica closely.

"What the fuck are you talking about you crazy whore!"

Was what Jessica meant to say, instead her tongue stumbled over itself and she simply managed to drool down her chin while babbling incoherently. Her hands shot up to her mouth in alarm and she burst into angry frustrated tears. Why couldn’t she talk all of a sudden? Moira pulled a baby wipe from the supplies she had brought and leaned in close to Jessica, wiping the womans face to clear the drool and wipe away the make up that had been applied earlier. Moira tickled jessicas exposed tummy. Jessica giggled but her green eyes blazed in anger

"There that’s much better isn’t it. Awww whose the cute wittle baby."

Moira finished folding the nappy.

"Lift your butt poppet so mummy can slide your nappy under you."

Jessica complied arching her back and lifting her butt so Moira could slide the thick fluffy towelling under her rear. Jessica tried to resist but her body was completely betraying her. She felt so confused as she lay there obediently. Moira wiped jessicas private parts and thighs with a couple of baby wipes and dusted her liberally with baby powder then Moira pulled the thick padding up between her legs and holding two pins in her mouth she carefully pinned the nappy onto the 29 year old woman.

Jessica sobbed as the thick nappy forced her legs apart. She felt completely degraded and infantile. Jessica still had control of her limbs, she just couldn’t get off the mat and she covered her face in embarrassment at having just let the older woman pin her into baby’s nappies. Moira leaned over and unbuttoned Jessicas blouse.

"Get off of me, please leave me alone!"

Jessica tried to say forgetting she was unable to speak, when she realised she was being stripped completely naked and so she baby babbled at her mummy animatedly, causing Moira to chuckle.

"What are you trying to say little one? Don’t worry one day you’ll be able to talk like a big girl."

Pulling the blouse away Moira flipped Jessica over onto her front and unhooked her bra, flipped her back onto the mat without too much effort and removed the bra.

Jessicas pert breasts lay exposed and she covered herself quickly, mortified. She was now completely naked with the exception of her rather thickly padded behind.

"Uh oh! Silly mummy left your outfit in your room. Stay put sweetie, don’t touch anything and mummy will be right back"

Moira got up and moved the music box right beside Jessica’s head. It was open still playing the same lullabye over and over and Jessica could read the words on the outside of the lid. Moira had deliberately placed it there. She wanted Jessica to know what was happening to her every step of the way. She left her trapped charge in the bedroom and went to collect up the clothes.

Jessica looked at the music box reading the few sentences embossed on the outside of the lid over and over.

"To activate the chemicals in the scent open the music box. On hearing the music, the victim will sucumb to a deep hypnosis allowing you the ability to control the intended child. Simply state in clear concise sentences what you require and the intended child will obey. Make sure the scent is prominent when using the music box during the first twenty four hours, after that residual chemicals in the victims body will sustain a hypnotic hold."

Jessica was terrified. she sniffed the air. Moira’s perfume? Was that why she had used so much of it? What was Moira playing at? Had this been planned? Her cocktails spiked? Why her? Why now? Jessica noticed the emblem of the flying stork on the front of the music box. The same stork on her invitation. Jessica felt physically sick.

If she could just close the lid and make the music stop, then her hypnosis would be broken. She looked at the lid willing it to close. She couldn’t touch it. Her mummy had told her not to touch it. NO. Not mummy, Moira. NOT MUMMY! She grated her teeth. She had to think, be clever. She wasn’t allowed to touch the box, it was so tantalisingly close.

Suddenly an idea sprung into her mind, her eyes widening in a eureka moment. Taking a deep breath she blew hard. The box lid wavered but did not close. She wasn’t touching the box. She was being a good girl. She took another deep breath, a bigger more desperate breath and blew, praying. The box lid wavered again and slowly, agonisingly slowly, it began the downward movement, the lid weight giving it momentum and the lid slammed shut. She blinked in surprise. The music stopped. She was free.

She pulled herself into a sitting position. The thick cloth nappy forcing her legs apart. She couldn’t possibly hope to walk in this thing, she fumbled with the pins and gave up quickly. Her hands still feeling unbearably uncoordinated. She couldn’t afford to waste time. She rapidly crawled for the bedroom door. She was out in the hallway in an instant, her heart pounding so hard she was sure Moira would be able to hear it. It deafened her. She aimed for the front door, she would be able to use the emergency exit stairs to get down to the ground floor. She crawled at speed almost at the front door when she heard Moira behind her.

"Shit!" She heard Moira exclaim and stealing a quick glance back Jessica saw Moira sprint into the room Jessica had just fled from. Jessica cursed, she should have taken the music box with her. It simply hadn’t occurred to her in her haste to get away.

Jessica tried to pick up speed but her body still felt sluggish from the drugs she had imbibed. She cried in frustration. She knelt up her hand grabbing the front door handle and she yanked it the door edged open.

"Baby Jessy! Come to mummy!"

The music box was open, Jessica wasn’t quick enough to clamp her hands over her ears to stop the first few notes of the lullaby filter into her brain. Her hand slipped from the door handle, the weight of her body closed the partially open door. She obediently dropped to her hands and knees and crawled to her mummy. Her mummy had her hands outstretched ready to accept her baby girl.

"That’s right, come to mummy Jessy. Who’s a clever girl? Mummy underestimated you didn’t she? Yes she did! Yes she did! But that was a mistake mummy won’t repeat"

Jessica giggled happily at Mummy’s patronising voice, but inside she was screaming. She crawled right into her mummy’s open arms pressing her nubile body into her mummy’s embrace. Jessica’s face flushed as she felt her boobs press up against the fully clothed woman. She suddenly shivered feeling cold. Moira noticed.

"Well if you will be a silly little thing and crawl around in just your nappy, of course you’re going to get cold. Lets get you dressed, and get some plastic pants over that padded butt of yours, There’s not much point in putting you in cloth nappies without the plastic covering! Silly mummy huh."

Jessica began to cry. And suddenly she found her mouth full of something. She blinked and sucked and realised an adult sized pacifier had been placed in her mouth.

"You suck on that happily like a good little baby and then mummy can finally get you dressed. I’ve been dying to see you in some of the outfits I’ve got you for ages! So come on. Back into the bedroom you little monkey."

Jessica compliantly crawled into the bedroom. She could see clothing on the floor now. Moira walked over to the changing mat still laying on the floor and she patted it.

"Back on the mat sweetie and lay down, this wont take long now."

All the while the music played, Jessica crawled over to the mat quietly sucking on her new pacifier. It soothed her new baby side but the adult in her wanted to cram it down Moira’s smug throat.

She laid down and looked up at the ceiling as Moira pulled a pair of clear plastic pants over the bulky white towelling.

"There we can all breath a sigh of relief for that. Now at least the furniture is protected."

Moira said chuckling brightly patting Jessica’s crotch heavily.

"We’ll get rid of your pubic hair first thing tomorrow at your bath time okay kiddo, little babies don’t have nasty hair down there and i’m sure you want to be as perfect a little baby as you can be for your mummy isn’t that right?"

Jessica tried to shake her head but she was already enthusiastically nodding it. Moira was talking about tomorrow? Was she planning on keeping Jessica here over night?

"Okay now for your pyjamas. Its almost 9pm, babies like you should have been asleep hours ago!"

Moira twisted to pick something up then held it out to show Jessica, who simply burst into tears when she got a full view of the pale pink footed sleeper complete with mitten hands.

"awww dont cry poppet. You’ll be nice and warm and snug in this."

Moira began dressing Jessica and even with Jessica’s feeble attempts at struggling Moria had little problems. She zipped the sleeper suit up. Jessica noticed there were even poppers in the crotch area for easy nappy changes. She blushed as she looked at her fleecy sealed hands and feet. Moira pulled her into a sitting position and gave her a hug.

"You’re adorable! I knew you would be. I knew I had made the right choice. Oh Jessy! Mummy is going to love you so much!"

Moira squeezed Jessica and then helped pull her into a standing position. Jessica wobbled dangerously, the nappy was very thick and she still felt light headed and unstable.

"Mummy will help you into the lounge so you can play for a little bit, you can have your baba and then it’s bed time."

Jessica glared at Moira but sucked on her pacifier quietly. Moira put her hands on Jessica’s hips and then walking backwards she led her over sized baby one step at a time to the lounge. Jessica wobbled uncontrollably and a couple of times if Moira hadn’t been holding her she would have ended up on the floor, but together the two women made it to the lounge without incident.

Moira slowly lowered Jessica onto the large sheepskin rug. Jessica could still faintly hear the music box playing in the other room. She had to find a way of shutting it down, and soon. The longer she could hear it the more permanent the effects would be, at least that was what the writing had seemed to suggest.

Moira smiled in a mothering fashion as she towered over her baby Jessica sat bow legged on the floor, looking completely lost.

Then the doorbell rang....



End Chapter 1


by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 8, 2010


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