
by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 8, 2010

Chapter 2
Promoted Part 2

Chapter Description: Looks like Jessica has company

The doorbell rang, causing Jessica to jump and Moira to grin. She looked at her watch.

"Ah! Looks like everyone else is finally here! Now sweetie, when they come in, you need to be on your best behaviour, be a good baby girl okay. Everyone will like you more if you’re a happier little baby"

Moira said as she bent over and ruffled Jessica’s long auburn hair.

"I’ll be back in a second sweetie, then I can introduce you to everyone."

Moira kissed the top of Jessica’s head then headed out of the large lounge and into the hallway. Jessica knew now that Moira was a raving lunatic. Whomever was at the door would take one look at Jessica and clearly ask what’s going on. It would be humiliating but at least the nightmare would come to an end, and then Jessica would call the police. She absently poked at her crotch, feeling despair at the fact that she was so thickly padded that she couldn’t even feel the fact that she was poking herself. She felt hot tears sting her eyes and she blinked them back as she heard voices chatting excitedly in the hallway. She could hear comments such as "ooh I love your perfume", and "that’s a cute little music box" being bantered around in the corridor.

She looked at the open doorway, she wanted to hide but other than behind the sofa, there really wasn’t may places that would hide something as big as her. Suddenly Moira appeared and there were people behind her. The minute Jessica saw other people come into the room she noticed she felt really strange. She felt really happy, she wanted to be picked up and cuddled and played with. She wanted attention. Her vision took on an almost out of focus look and she grinned at the 4 new comers.

Two females and two males, Jessica thankfully didn’t recognise any of them. They weren’t from the office and she felt instantly relieved for that. They spread out into the room, all four of them were holding brightly coloured wrapped gifts, but unlike Jessica’s bottle of sophistically wrapped wine she had brought earlier, all these gifts seemed to be wrapped in children’s wrapping paper. Jessica’s heart sank. This did not bode well.

Moira gestured to Jessica.

"That’s her. That’s my Jessie. The one I’ve been telling you all about"

Moira walked across the room to where Jessica sat and she squatted down to wrap her arms around Jessica and pulled her into a tight hug. Jessica giggled happily at the attention and she clumsily wrapped her arms around her mummy and hugged back. Then Moira stood, beaming proudly at the babyfied 29 year old. The two women awwww’ed at the display of affection.

Jessica would have blushed but her body didn’t seem to be playing ball now. Since the people had arrived her body seemed to be working on its own. Her head would move she would look at things she didn’t want to look at. One of her hands was idly grabbing at her foot, clenching and unclenching the soft pink fleece of the footed sleeper. She sucked happily on her over sized pacifier. She wanted to look at the new people but her body just wasn’t interested. Finding the sheep skin run that she sat on suddenly enthralling she plucked at bits of the wool. It was only when two smart feet appeared in her vision that she finally looked up and saw one of the tall men towering down on her. She gave him a grin and lifted her arms up, indicating that she wanted to be picked up.

"UP!" She said hopefully.

Jessica was shocked. That was an actual word. Excitedly she spoke

"Help, Moira has done some...."

But she stopped when she realised she was just baby babbling at the man. She blew a raspberry at him causing her pacifier to fall onto the carpet and she giggled at the vibration sensations on her lips, she grabbed at her lips and pulled, a long strand of drool dripped from her open mouth. The man looked down with a mix of confusion and pity, then looked over at Moira who was taking everyone’s jackets.

"So she just had a mental break down, one day without warning?"

Moira nodded as she folded the jackets over one of her arms.

"Yes, that’s right, about a month ago now. At the firm..."

She concentrated on the jackets for a moment then continued.

"It was such a shock to everyone, I was the one who found her sat in a puddle of her own piss under her desk chewing on her computer cables. No-one saw it coming. The doctors said she had lapsed into a state of complete mental incapacity."

One of the women, a slim red head brought her hand up to her mouth, her other one resting lightly on her chest. her voice full of compassionate pity.

"The poor thing."

Jessica wanted to jump up and scream. What a lying bitch. What a completely twisted freak Moira was. None of this made sense to Jessica. It was starting to feel that this had been thought out in a big way. This didn’t feel like some simple prank. Who were these people? Why were they here?

Jessica attention focused on the man’s shiny shoes and she tried to grab one of them. The man stepped back to get out of range and Jessica flopped herself down onto her hands and knees and crawled after him. Everyone chuckled as he continued to back away and Jessica continued to follow , every movement Jessica could feel the thick nappy between her legs, she wanted to crawl into a hole and die, she would do anything to make this humiliation stop but most of all she wanted that man’s shoes, wanted to put them in her mouth. She felt sick, she hoped she wouldn’t manage to get them, she had no idea where those shoes had been.

"Looks like you have an admirer John" Moira laughed. "Wine everyone?"

Everyone nodded and without another word Moira disappeared into the kitchen leaving the five strangers with the adult infant.

"I can’t believe she took on looking after poor Jessica. Any other employer would have washed their hands of the entire thing."

The woman with short red hair said admirably.

"I wonder how she’s managed to juggle a full time caring position and her directors job?"

She drew a hand through her red hair and sat down on the sofa, still holding her brightly coloured gift.

The other women, this one much larger in weight and wearing a smocked top and jeans shrugged.

"Moira told me that she and Jessica had worked side by side for almost ten years, Jessica didn’t have any immediate family and Moira couldn’t bear just handing her over to authorities. The poor girl, still she does look adorable in that sleeper suit. Reminds me of my two kids when they were babies"

John had back-stepped around the entirety of the sofa and was now back where he had begun, Jessica still following happily even as she listened to the conversation. She wanting to cry but all she was managing was happy squeals as she kept getting within range of John’s shoes. She hadn’t had a mental break down at all. She had been drugged and hypnotised. And she had family. A mother and father and two brothers. They would notice she was gone sooner or later. Moira’s lies made no sense, she wouldn’t be able to keep this pretence up forever and then when she finally did slip up, Jessica would sue her ass into oblivion. That thought gave her some comfort. Moira would go to hell for this.

Moira bustled back into the room with a tray of wine glasses and an over sized baby bottle. She allowed everyone to take a glass and then handed the baby bottle to Jessica. Jessica pushed herself back onto her thickly padded butt, forgetting the shoes instantly, and unceremoniously plunked the baby bottle into her mouth. She sucked noisily as the adults talked over her head. She couldn’t stop sucking and she panicked wondering if there were any more drugs in the liquids she was guzzling down so readily.

John had flopped onto the sofa thankful Jessica had been distracted from his shoes and took a welcomed sip of the white wine.

"So you have full custody of her now?"

Moira nodded unfolding a piece of paper out of her pocket.

"Yep that’s right, as of today the courts decided that they would grant my request to become her legal guardian. That’s why I wanted to officially invite you over tonight to celebrate with me. A sort of baby shower to properly welcome my little girl to her new home"

Moira handed John the paperwork and he looked it up and down then handed it to the skinny red headed woman who also looked at the paperwork. The red head grinned at Moira.

"So it looks like you’ll be able to finally go on your mummy trip after all. You said you wanted a kid. This all seems to have worked for the best, you get someone to look after and Jessica is cared for by someone she knows and trusts."

"Yes Sue. I just didn’t like thinking of my partner in the firm being looked after by some stranger. I mean I feel responsible for her breakdown enough. I gave her such a heavy workload, she seemed to enjoy her work but clearly I was over estimating her capabilities and just pushed her over the edge. When she mentally regressed back into infancy I saw that perhaps I could give her a chance of happiness. My repentance for what I had done to her."

Sue shook her head amazed by the generosity of Moira. She leaned over and placed a hand on Moira’s shoulder reassuringly

"You shouldn’t feel guilty. You’re a kind thoughtful woman, i’m sure Jessica will recover in no time with you looking after her"

The second man, much older than everyone else spoke. His light blue eyes studied Jessica as she continued to nurse noisily on her bottle.

"Should you really be pandering to her infantile mind set? I mean if she had any hope of recovery she needs to be treated like an adult to the best of her capabilities, not dressed in oversized toddler clothes and allowed to drink from baby bottles."

Moira shook her head a tender smile on her face.

"Oh Alan, that’s exactly what I thought at first. I argued that exact point with the specialist and he said that there would be a greater rate of recovery if I nurture her back into independence. He told me that I needed to treat her like the baby she believed herself to be. To allow her mind to grow up again at it’s own pace. Not satisfied with what he said I actually took Jessica to see a second specialist and to my amazement he said exactly the same thing. They also said there was a chance Jessica might never regain her adult self. But I guess I have to keep hoping each day that she’ll get a little better."

Alan looked sadly at Jessica. Jessica grinned at him and pulled the bottle out of her mouth with a wet smacking noise and held it up to him happily, trying to share the half drunk bottle with the man. His sad face softened into a smile and he shook his head.

"It’s okay Jessie, you drink it"

That was all the encouragement Jessica needed and she replaced the bottle back into her mouth, satisfied that she had been good in trying to share. Jessica accidentally caught a brief glimpse of the paper work that was being handed around, and if she had had any control she would have choked on the juice she was drinking. It looked like official paperwork from social services. She had even been able to read her real name and date of birth on the authentic looking paper. That was impossible. How on earth?

Suddenly some juice went down the wrong way and Jessica spluttered and coughed. Moira was by her side in an instant pulling the bottle from her mouth and patting her back reassuringly.

"Careful poppet, don’t drink so fast"

She chastised soothingly. The coughing subsided quickly and Moira put the bottle on the table and picked up Jessica’s pacifier putting it into the adults mouth. Jessica wanted to spit it out, but she sucked contentedly on it looking up at her mummy with big loving green eyes.

"Shall we open presents? Sweetie? Do you want to see what everyone got you to play with for your baby shower?"

Moira looked at her other guests and they all understood what she was saying and handed their gifts to Moira. Moira sat properly on the floor spreading her legs wide and pulled Jessica in so that the 29 year old was sat in between the older woman’s legs. Jessica felt odd being manhandled into position. She sat there with her back to her mummy all she saw was her mummy’s arms come into view and hold up a blue and pink wrapped package.

"Let’s open this shall we?"

Moira held onto Jessica’s mittened hand and helped the oversized baby tear a chunk of the wrapping paper off. Jessica giggled by the noise and kicked out her legs happily. She flailed her arms around excited by the new noises she had made which caused Sue to chuckle. She spoke as she took another sip of wine.

"Maybe we should have just gotten her wrapping paper, she really is just like a little baby isn’t she. Easily impressed."

"She’ll love my gift then" The larger woman cackled heartily

"What did you get her Jo?" Sue asked.

Jo simply put her finger up to her mouth then pointed at the half unwrapped gift and grinned.

"You’ll find out in a minute."

Jessica, with the help of Moira had finally finished unwrapping Jo’s present. Jessica squealed in delight and smacked her mitten hands down on the large toy drum with a resounding BANG. She giggled manically as she repeated the noise over an over. It was actually already beginning to give Jessica a headache, or was that still the effects of the drugs in her system. Moira smiled sarcastically at Jo.

"Gee thanks jo. Just what I needed. Noisy toys."

It was John’s turn to laugh.

"You might not want to open mine then."

He pointed to a flat thin looking package. Sighing Moira picked it up, instantly she could tell what it was as it tinkled when she lifted it.

"A glockenspiel?"

She asked. John just simply nodded. "Well you said get something in the age range of a 1 to 2 year old, I don’t know, It was what the lady at the toy store suggested"

Moira raised her eyebrows in mock seriousness, a smile still on her face.

"Hmmm, maybe we’ll leave that. I should have maybe given you guys better guidelines on what not to get. Seriously! Noisy toys. As if life around here isn’t going to be hectic enough."

The room of adults chuckled as Jessica raised her head to look at everyone quizzically wondering what was so funny. Had it been something she had done? She banged on the drum again and looked up to see the grown ups grinning at her. She returned their smiles tenfold. Jessica had seen the parcel her mummy had picked up and wanted it. She pointed to it and began to fuss.

Inside Jessica felt satisfied that she was being a bit of handful after all even if it wasn’t intentional on her part. Moira shook her head and shook a different parcel in front of Jessica but Jessica was pretty set and her whimpering started to border dangerously on crying. Sighing in an over the top sort of way Moira handed the wrapped glockenspiel to Jessica. Jessica instantly hushed and started to try and pull the wrapping paper away. After a few minutes of struggling the rainbow coloured glockenspiel lay on the carpet. Jessica was using her pacifier as the beater giggling at the tinkling noises she was producing. Jo suddenly stood causing Jessica to look up.

"Where’s your rest room?" She asked.

Moira pointed towards a corridor.

"Oh its just down there, first door on your left"

Jessica watched Jo leave. A burning pit of hate built up in her. The bathroom WASN’T getting redecorated? It was usable? Jessica looked down at the glockenspiel happily as she ran through the humiliation of wetting herself in the lift earlier this evening. That had all been completely avoidable. Jessica never knew how cruel Moira could be. Until now. She would make Moira pay for that. She didn’t know how but she had burning conviction that the older woman would regret this evening. What had Jessica done to deserve any of this?

Inside Jessica was feeling frustrated and afraid. She didn’t know how long Moira was planning on making this last. Her thoughts kept wandering to that official looking documentation. What was going to happen at work tomorrow when Jessica didn’t turn up? Was Moira just going to leave her trapped in this apartment all day?

Moira opened the next parcel, this one was from Alan and she gasped in delight at the large pale pink and blue patchwork blanket.

"Oh Alan! It’s beautiful. Look Jessie. Look what Unka Alan got you"

Alan blushed at being referred to as an uncle. But Jessica wasn’t paying him attention. She had grabbed at her crotch with both hands, looking down with a look of pure relief on her face as she flooded her cloth nappies. She felt the heat of her urine spread around her groin and she giggled. It was obvious to everyone in the room exactly what had just happened, but just to confirm everyone’s suspicions Jessica looked up brightly as Jo re-entered the room. Jessica puffed out her chest proudly and stated

"Mumee my nappee got soggee" Jessica grabbed at her crotch again with her mittened hands and squeezed, she looked like she was confused by the sensations.

Moira just burst into laughter and hugged her daughter.

"Oh sweetie, what ever are we going to do with you huh? Mummy only just changed you twenty minutes ago."

Jessica wanted to sob she really really couldn’t believe she had just uncontrollably pissed herself like a real infant, and more importantly declared it to this room full of strangers. Her heart felt so heavy and all of a sudden she actually managed to burst into tears. She didn’t know whether it was her humiliation that had finally overpowered the controlling baby side or whether it was the baby side who was crying it didn’t matter. The release was absolute and all the turmoil and anguish she was feeling just all tumbled out in a large loud wail.

"Oh poppet poppet, it’s okay"

Moira looked distressed as she pushed Jessica into a laying position and started to un-pop the poppers at the crotch of Jessica’s footed sleeper. Jessica tried to kick her legs to get Moira to get off of her as she cried large wet tears, acutely aware of the four guests looking uncomfortable as her large wet cloth nappy and clear plastic pants were suddenly on show to everyone. Moira stuck two fingers down the side of the clear plastic pants and sighed.

"I’m really sorry everyone, she really has drenched herself this time so I better get her changed before she gets a rash. I don’t think she’s going to stop crying until I do."

Moira apologised as she did the poppers back up now that she had checked the state of Jessica’s nappy. She tried to put Jessica’s pacifier back in her mouth but Jessica refused it, so Moira placed it on the table beside Jessica’s half drunk bottle of juice

"Come on soggy bum, back to your nursery we go. We can’t change you here in front of everyone can we."

Moira stood and began walking to a door that Jessica hadn’t been in yet. Jessica still bawling flopped onto her palms and knees and crawled after her mummy. Jessica didn’t want to go into that room, with sickening dread she could almost guess what was in there and she really truly didn’t want to see. Equally though what were her other options stay here and be changed in the lounge? It wasn’t like she had a choice anyway as her body eagerly did what her mummy said.

Moira opened the door and Jessica looked around mortified by the over sized nursery that greeted her gaze. Pale pastel pinks and blues adorned the walls, motifs of baby duck and baby kittens seemed to be everywhere. They were the same kittens and ducks that had been on the changing mat earlier. A large solid oak crib took pride of place in the centre of the room. Jessica looked at everything, her baby side felt happy at seeing her nursery, she looked over at the cot and suddenly she found herself yawning.

"Up on the changing table poppet, there’s a good girl"

Sleepily Jessica clumsily climbed onto the changing table, her mummy tickled her tummy and Jessica giggled .

"Stay there a second poppet"

Moira said as she left the room for a few moments.

Jessica lay on the table, she was still sniffling feeling miserable in her soaked nappy when Moira returned holding the music box.

"Sorry was just getting this from the other room. It should really be in here with you right sweetie! We’re just lucky it’s loud enough to be heard around most of the house. I must admit I wasn’t convinced this was going to work. But goodness its certainly been worth the money"

Moira said with an over the top grin as she put the open music box on a shelf above the changing table.

"Right time for changing!"

Moira pulled at the crotch of Jessica’s sleeper hard so that all the poppers un-popped almost simultaneously. Then she tugged away the plastic pants and began to unpin the sodden mess that was Jessica’s nappy.

"You know Jessica. You only brought all this on yourself. I mean you just didn’t seem content being second best. Did you honestly think you could be better than me? Did you? You did didn’t you. You silly little thing. Look at you now, all soaked and crying like a real little baby and I haven’t even properly mentally regressed you yet. Yes yes.. I know adult you is still behind those gorgeous green eyes of yours. But don’t worry not for much longer I guess there’s no competition now as to who is the better woman. Can you even say your name any more? Can you? Can you say Jessica? Can you?"

Moira chuckled enjoying the power trip.

Jessica felt her mouth trying to form her name.


She said proudly at her mummy. Inwardly Jessica cringed as Moira tickled her baby.

"Awww nice try baby, but not quite. I’ve got it all figured out. I’m sure you’re smart enough, at the moment at least, to realise this isn’t just some afternoon past time I have planned out for you. Did you see the documents? Fairly legitimate looking aren’t they. No-one is really going to question me when they see the legal papers and ooh! Wait! The best part..."

Moira had removed Jessicas soaked nappy and dropped it into a bright coloured diaper pail.

"...You’ll like this bit of paper. You’ll really freak out!"

Moira crossed to a pale pink cupboard and rummaged around in it for a second then pulled out a leather bound folder. She pulled a page from it.

"Look at this one."

She held it up to Jessica. Jessica read the words with total horror. It was...her death certificate.

"Mummy thought of everything. Well, The Stork Organisation did actually. They really are rather thorough, although they aught to be for the money I paid. Do you want to know how you died? Yeah you do don’t you. Horrific flat fire. Tragic really. Not much of your body left to even cremate or bury. Now that I know you’re actually mine, i’m going to phone your folks tomorrow afternoon to let them know of the tragic news. Its okay. I’ll be gentle with them. You probably died from the carbon monoxide poisoning before your body was burned. That’s the way these things usually go."

Moira had said this all in such a jovial manner that Jessica simply grinned up at her mummy, enjoying the tone of her voice. Moira was now wiping Jessicas privates with a baby wipe and dusting her with talc. Jessica just lay there feeling helpless, feeling like her whole world had collapsed around her. This afternoon she had been so sure she would have everything, money, power and possibly even a boyfriend, now, her life lay in tatters. It had been stolen from her and turned into some hideous existence.

Tomorrow her parents and siblings would think she was dead? The death certificate looked authentic. What the hell was this Stork Organisation and how did they have such power to do this to unsuspecting people. This was clearly illegal. How much had all this cost? Jessica plugged her mittened hand into her mouth and sucked on her fist she mumbled incoherently through the fabric as her mummy unfolded a large adult disposable diaper.

"Bottoms up sweetie"

Again Jessica without hesitation lifted her naked rear end into the air and Moira slid the nappy underneath. Within a moment it was pulled up between Jessica’s legs and taped on. Moira threaded Jessica’s feet back into the over sized baby sleeper and popped the poppers back into place. Jessica noticed that her crotch felt considerably less padded in the disposable nappy in comparison to the cloth one and she poked at her waist hearing it crinkle under the fleece.

"I’m not sure what to do with you to be honest. I quite like knowing your still that 29 year old competitive woman behind that babyish smile. I could keep you like that. Or if I feed you a couple more of my special cocktails your mind will just ooze away. You really will become just like a real baby. I can imagine how frustrated you must feel right now. Unable to control your body. I bet you want to hit me don’t you? Go to the cops? You’re so vulnerable, it really is adorable"

Moira couldn’t contain herself any more and she started laughing. The idea just too much to bear.

She spoke through her laughter.

"I can just see you now waddling down to the station, cute wittle pout on that face of yours, to tell on your big, mean, mummy. I’m not mean though. I’m going to love you with all my heart. Just you wait and see. I have to make a decision by tomorrow night anyway whether to wipe your mind or not. So I guess you better hope I wake up in a good mood tomorrow huh sweetie."

Moira looked up to the ceiling one finger pressed to the side of her lips. As she realised something.

" Although I don’t actually know which one you’d prefer? Would you like to stay an adult trapped in a non compliant body, or would you rather just lose your mind completely? Hmm choices choices poppet. Leave the decision making to the grown ups, you just concentrate on being cute"

Jessica’s eyes were getting heavy and she rubbed at them, starting to fuss again.

"Hmmm, it is way past your bedtime. Lets get you in to your cot, it’s a big day tomorrow. Well I guess for you today has been pretty eventful too. Bet you didn’t think that ’im expecting a baby’ card was talking about you huh. Come on, pop off the changing table and lets get you tucked in."

Jessica slipped off the table and onto her feet, the disposable was not as thick as her previous nappy so she could actually stand. although her legs still felt like jelly. The blasted music box still played in the background and she looked up at it on shelf. Moira patted Jessica firmly on her padded butt.

"Bed kiddo, come on move, I have friends that need entertaining. You’ll probably see more of them by the way as they live in this building too. I might even get Flo up with her little boy to come play with you. Wouldn’t that be nice. Your own little playmate. Although he’ll probably get bored playing with an infant like you. He’ll be starting school soon, whereas you’ll probably have forgotten your abs’s by then. just think all those years at Uni studying Law, and for what? Just so you can revert back to pooping your pants and sucking your toes"

Jessica stumbled towards her cage for the night, she tried not to listen to Moira, tried not to think about the future that was being spelled out for her. The utter horror she felt was overwhelming. The oversized cot was massive and she knew that once inside even if she somehow gained control of her limbs the sides would be too high to scale. She would be trapped. She didn’t want to move towards it but she found herself tottering towards the comfortable looking crib, her mummy pulled the side down and Jessica helpfully clambered in. Laying down she snuggled under the blanket and found a large colourful toy caterpillar to cuddle.

"awww my ikkle Jessie. You and mummy are going to have such fun tomorrow. Yes we will"

Moira pulled the side of the large cot up and it clicked into place. She threaded her arm through the bars and stroked Jessica’s long auburn hair, smiling as a new idea sprang into her mind. Moira really was excited about tomorrow. she hadn’t felt this alive for a long time. She walked to the doorway of the nursery and called out to her friends in the room beyond.

"Jessie’s too tired and cranky to stay up so i’m putting her to bed for the night, so if anyone wants to say goodnight, now would be the time."

Light murmurs grew into distinguishable voices as the four guests came to the door to see Jessica’s new nursery and the 29 year old woman tucked up like a little baby in her cot.

Jessica could feel herself drifting off to sleep, but something felt wrong and she started to fuss. Moira looked confused for a second, then realised what the problem was. She disappeared back into the living room for a moment and returned a minute later, she walked up to the cot. Jo was already there, Sue was there too with her arm threaded through the bars lightly stroking Jessica’s cheek. Jessica seemed to be quietening down with her fussing, due to Sue’s light stroking technique. Sue grinned up as Moira approached.

"It worked for my two kids when they were infants. Seems to work on Jessie too."

Jessica just wished these people would leave her alone and stop babying her, she was 29 years old. Not 2. She had begun to cry again as Sue stepped back to allow Moira in and Moira thread her own arm through the bars, gently pushing Jessica’s pacifier into her mouth. Instantly the overgrown baby was serene again. Her eyes were already closed and she suckled on the dummy. She could hear Moira chatting quietly with her guests but the words swam on a sea of warm comfort.

Jessica had to get out of here. She had to find a way out. She needed a plan. She....

Moira turned on the night light and quietly ushered her guests out of the nursery. Jessica’s light snoring indication that her big baby girl was already in the land of nod.



End Chapter 2


by: ikklesammy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 8, 2010


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