The Road Trip

by: Lady Lucia | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 14, 2025

Chapter 39
The Road Trip, Part 39

Part 39

That didn’t make any sense.

I mean, I wasn’t the only girl my age who was a bit lacking in height and curves. The difference was, I had a sister who lorded her own physical blessings over me. Honestly, the most insulting part of her analysis was the blunt statement about my lack of boobs. Because I did have boobs! Not the most impressive, sure, but they were still there. It was beyond rude, but I was in such a vulnerable position. And whining about it would just make me look bad.

Instead, I muttered, “Can you please just change me?” Because we were SO close. I was literally lying on the changing table, and yet my sister was delaying the fresh underwear I had needed for hours. 

“In a minute, Annie. First, promise me you’ll be twelve years old until your body develops properly.”

What? No! Even with Kate poised to continue her casual cruelty with the hand on my pull-ups, I couldn’t make a promise like that. I was a girl of my word, and I was fairly confident I was done growing at this point. That would be an impossible promise. “Kate, no. That’s not fair.”

She just sighed. “Okay, fine. How about this? Promise to be twelve until I allow you to be older.”

“Umm . . . ” I trailed off. What did that mean?

“When you’re out of diapers, you’ll have to prove your maturity to me. But until then, you’ll be twelve. Okay?”


“Don’t you want out of your dirty pull-ups, sis?”

“Of course I do! But-”

“No ‘buts,’ Annie. Just promise you’ll be twelve years old until I say otherwise. Okay?”

My resistance was crumbling pretty quickly. I so badly wanted to be out of the disgusting pull-ups, and it sounded like this was the only way. “Kate, I’m not actually-”

“I know,” she said. Cutting me off, like always, “It’s fine. You look like a tween, sis. Might as well play the part.”


“Annie! Stop being a brat. Just promise.”

“FINE.” As frustrated as I was, I couldn’t see another way out. At least, not an easier way. So, resigning myself to my sister’s whims, I muttered, “I promise I’ll be twelve years old until you let me be older.” It didn’t matter. I wouldn’t be struck down by the heavens if I broke a promise. Worst case scenario, if my sister was being obnoxious about it, I could go back on my first promise, ever. Better than the alternative. For now, I’d really say anything just to move this along. 

Kate smirked down at me. “See? Was that so hard? Now, hold nice and still for me. I’m going to cut your pull-ups off.”

I understood. While it had been simple enough to put them on like underwear, there was no way to pull them back down without making a total mess. “Okay,” I muttered.

“You know, sis,” Kate started. She stepped away to retrieve the pair of scissors from the collection of things she had bought while I was busy checking out, “You haven’t acted like your giggly tween self over the last few minutes. You’re supposed to be keeping that up. Do you know how many ‘likes’ you have left?”

Shit. In my haste to finally get clean underwear on, I had briefly forgotten about the quota I had been working so hard to achieve throughout the eighteen holes at mini golf. Smiling and nervously giggling, hoping that the obvious shift in demeanor would be satisfying, I replied, “Umm, like, a hundred?” I honestly had no idea.

With two air snips of the scissors, Kate approached me again. “Closer to 150. And you better hurry, sis. Remember, it only counts when the twins are with us. But you might as well practice right now.”

“Like, okay,” I replied, pursing my lips in that same shy smile as I waited for her to get started with the pull-ups. Honestly, I couldn’t even remember why I was trying to hit that quota. Was it to keep our cousins from finding out one of the several secrets Kate and I were keeping? Or something else? 

“How old are you, and for how long?”

“I’m twelve years old until you say otherwise.”

“And what’s your name, and for how long?”

“My name is Annie until I’m out of diapers.”

“And as long as you’re twelve year old little Annie, you’ll be bubbly and fun?” Kate asked, adding a new layer to the already mortifying days to come. This was just supposed to be a stupid dare for the car ride. But all of that changed when I wet myself and more, giving my sister the excuse to prolong all of this and make it worse at the same time. 

“Like, totally!” I exclaimed, “Anything you say, Kate!” Yeah, there was a subtle bite after the initial burst of girly energy. 

She definitely caught it. Frowning, Kate just bluntly said, “Spread your legs, Annie.”

Her crass words had an immediate effect. I could feel the heat rushing to my face for a deep blush, as I was totally caught off guard by my own sister saying something so suggestive. And yet, I did as I was told. Despite the inappropriate words, I knew that making me uncomfortable was only the cherry on top. She did need access to my more private areas, so I reluctantly pushed my legs a little farther apart than they were before. 

“Good girl,” Kate said, “Seriously, sis. I can’t believe you shit yourself. We were less than an hour away from the house.”

My blush darkened, and I tried to get out, “That’s not-”

“Hush, Annie. For the thousandth time, this is all your fault. Now, hold still.” 

She slipped her fingers into the waistband of the outer pull-up and began slowly working the scissors down the sides. The bulk was centered on the underwear, so it was easy enough for her to cut through the outer sections that were more in place just to hold the padding together. She mirrored the same motions with the other side; I could only see so much while I lay back. 

At Kate’s direction, I lifted my shirt a bit as well, since she said I needed to. Just in case. Now the pull-ups were fully in view for her, though it’s not like it made a difference from my position. “Kate-"

“Hush,” she repeated, “What’s your name, and how old are you?”

“Umm,” I hesitated. Her question immediately contradicted her impatient order, “My name is Annie, and I’m, like, twelve years old.”

“Good girl. We’re going to keep working on that until you get it right. How long are you going to wear your diapers?”

“For a week.”

“The whole thing, sis.”

“I’m going to wear diapers for a week.”

“You’re going to wear your diapers for a week.”

Blushing again as Kate took the waistband of the second pull-up, I said, “I’m going to wear my diapers for a week.” 

“Two weeks, if you fidget or complain while I change you.”


“Say it, sis. Or you can deal with your mess all by yourself.”

Without much hesitation, as I was more than desperate to get this whole thing over with at this point, I echoed, “I’m going to wear my diapers for two weeks if I fidget or complain.”


“I promise,” I nodded. And, following the awkward silence, I clarified, “I promise to wear my diapers for two weeks if I fidget or complain.”

“So many promises, sis,” Kate said. As if I didn’t know that. Cutting a little more slowly and carefully this time, as the pull-up she was working on was the one that contained the mortifying mess I had somehow subjected myself to, she idly reminded me about all the things we had already been over. According to her, so it would sink in. Annie. Twelve years old. Diapers. Smiling. Good attitude. Girly, bubbly, fun. 

It was going to be a LONG weekend. At least after that, it would just be Kate to deal with for the last five days for the week I begrudgingly agreed to. 

As she made snip after snip on the one side, Kate kept her other hand on the front of the pull-up. Holding the waistband just below my stomach so the underwear would stay in place until she finished cutting through the leg holes. She finished up with the first side, and moved right over to the other side after reminding me to hold still. Patronizing, as always. 

I could feel the pull-ups getting loose, and it wasn’t long before Kate’s grip was the only thing keeping the padding against my body. “Okay, little sis,” she said, after a final snip that made the other leg hole just as nonexistent as the first one. Basically turning the pull-ups into diapers in terms of the changing process. “Let’s see how much of a mess you made.”

And with that, she let go and let the pink pull-ups flop open. 

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End Chapter 39

The Road Trip

by: Lady Lucia | Story In Progress | Last updated Mar 14, 2025


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