Kaylie (Remake)

by: Destiny | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 1, 2008

Chapter 2
A dream coming true...

Chapter Description: Based on the story Kaylie on the Ar Archive. Mor trouble occurs for Eric as he is sent back into toddlerhood by Kaylie. Please Review!

I gave a terrified face. as I shouted. "What the hell is your problem?" Upon hearing my new voice I cover my mouth.

Kaylie turned me over and gave two good swats on my butt. "Bad girl." She said. "You do not swear." She giggled. I felt myself shrinking again slowly. I entered the age of seven. "This is what you wanted isn’t it?" Kaylie said.

"No, it is not what I wanted." I said hearing how babyish it sounded.

"So why were you pulling one of mommies panties out of her dresser and then staring at my diaper. You know you want this." I stopped shrinking. It was what I dreamed of. But dreams aren’t suppose to be real.

Kaylie backed off the bed and stood on the floor. "So stand up." She demanded. I stood off the bed. I was only 5 years old. I saw her grow till the age of two. "So just a few things." Kaylie started. "Your new name is Emily, but most likely me and everyone else in the family will call you Emmy." Kaylie smiled. "Okay Emmy?" Kaylie asked.

The only thing I could do is shake my head. I new it was going to be long being a baby. I felt myself shrinking to the age of four. Kaylie walked out. "Let’s play." She said. As she pulled me out of the room with magic. We sat on the floor of the living room. She grabbed a few Barbie dolls and handed one to me.

"Okay. So these are Barbies..."

"I know what the hell they are." I said hearing my voice everything sounded babyish. The letters l and r came out as w.

Kaylie looked at me mad. "I said no swearing." She said. "Now, you will need a punishment." She smiled. "You will see that later." Kaylie started talking saying it was the doll. I did the same. I kept denying it to myself that I was afraid of her. The clock hit nine.

"This is the latest you will be up for a long, long time." Kaylie said. "I was put to bed about 7." Kaylie looked at me. I started to use the diaper again and she could tell. "Don’t worry just because of your insides getting smaller, they have to let everything out." She said changing my diaper again. I shrunk down to the age of three. As she grew to three.

I was now the same age as the girl I was babysitting, not to forget the same gender.

((To be continued...))

((Based on the story Kaylie on the Ar Archive.))

(( Please Review!))



End Chapter 2

Kaylie (Remake)

by: Destiny | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 1, 2008


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