
by: Writer Nick | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 21, 2010

Chapter 4
Panic, shock, relief

There were no toilets, but something was there that didn’t look familiar to Kirsten at all. Inside each of the little booths, stood a large table-like contraption. Underneath the tables were shelves with boxes on them. Kirsten didn’t stop to see what was inside them.

What the... she thought. What happened to the bathroom? And why would anyone place tables in here?

Just to make sure she wasn’t missing anything, Kirsten had a look at each of the five booths, but they were all the same. As she stood there, wondering what on earth all this could be for, a faint pain from her bladder reminded her why she had come here in the first place.

Right.. Where’s the nearest other bathroom?

Kirsten had a quick look at her watch. Only two minutes left before class would start. The other bathroom was on the other side of the building, but luckily not far from the room where she would have her English class.

Kirsten turned around and ran for it, ignoring the cleaning ladies’ stares as she dashed past them through the cafeteria.

Around this corner. Into this hallway. Up those stairs. No, wait! Not here. Downstairs again. Dammit, I have to go! Where’s that freakin’ bathroom?

She ran into another hallway. At the end of it was a large staircase.

Yes! Here it is!

Taking two steps at a time she ran up, her skirt flapping around her. Downstairs, behind her, a teacher walked by carrying a stack of paper. Kirsten slowed her pace and straightened out her skirt, walking the rest of the way upstairs as calmly as she could manage. She wiped her forehead in relief when she reached the top of the stairs and the teacher was out of sight. Breathless, she checked her skirt once more and was relieved to see that it still adequately covered her diaper. Kirsten looked around.

The bathroom she was looking for was right in front of her. To her right and a little bit down the hall, was her classroom. Mr. Jackson, a scholarly gray-haired man with broad-rimmed glasses had just taken out his keys and was looking for the right one to open the door. Behind him, her classmates were waiting to follow him inside. Jenny waved at her. She waved back.

Should I go to them?

Kirsten looked back and forth from the bathroom to mr. Jackson, who had now found his key and was unlocking the door. Her bladder screamed for relief. She looked at the door in front of her.

I really have to go. I’ll do it as quickly as I can.

She hurried to the door and opened it. Large open toilet booths grinned at her. Inside each of them stood a large table. Kirsten could cry.

What am I going to do? She thought, panicking. There’s only one other bathroom in the building and it’s on the opposite side from the cafeteria. I’ll never be in time for class if I go there.

She would have to wait and hold it until after class. At least now she could still make it in time for the beginning of the lesson.

I guess I’ll have to try...

Mr. Jackson was not the most interesting of teachers. Being in his early sixties, he had probably been teaching for too long to enjoy any part of it anymore. His voice, going on about Shakespeare, sounded like the bleating of a sheep, although a very slow one. Kirsten, sitting next to Jenny, couldn’t bring herself to pay attention to him even under normal circumstances. Now, instead of listening, Kirsten’s left hand clutched the bottom of her seat tightly, while her right hand was nervously clicking a pen in and out. She had to exercise considerable self-restraint to keep herself from moving back and forth in her chair.

“So, class...” mr. Jackson bleated on. “Who can tell me which of Shakespeare’s plays the famous phrase ’A horse! My kingdom for a horse’ came from?”

My kingdom for a bathroom...

To Kirsten’s right, her friend Jenny raised a hand. “Richard III, mr. Jackson”

“That’s right, Jenny” the teacher answered. “Ms. Jones... is something the matter?”

Kirsten looked up, startled. “No mr. Jackson”

“Then will you please stop making that awful sound with your pen? It’s very distracting”

“Yes mr. Jack....son...”

At that moment her bladder let go. Kirsten tried to press a hand into her crotch in a last attempt to keep her skirt and chair dry, but to her surprise her fingers encountered a thick obstacle that creaked softly. The diaper! Even through her skirt, Kirsten could feel with her hand how the warmth of her urine spread inside the diaper. She looked around nervously, her cheeks glowing hot with shame, sure that everyone around her would hear the soft hissing noise. No-one looked up, but Kirsten was still pee?ng, unable to stop the flow once it had started. Sweat broke out on her forehead while she sat there behind her desk, in class, peeing, wishing this was all a bad dream. It seemed to go on for ever, but after a while, her bladder was almost empty. Then it was over. The warmth that had so suddenly spread in her crotch was still there though, and the wetness even spread around her butt before the diaper could absorb the fluids. The diaper felt twice as thick now as it had before.

Tears of humiliation sprang into Kirsten’s eyes but she blinked them away. So far, apparently none of her classmates had noticed and she wanted to keep it that way. She shifted uncomfortably in her chair, feeling the diaper squish underneath her. A small trickle of warmth trailed its way downward from the fold between the diaper and her thigh..Kirsten gasped and lifted her leg to take a look at the bottom of her skirt. There was a wet spot about twice the size of a coin.

“Kirsten? What’s wrong?” Jenny whispered.

Kirsten looked up startled and tried to cover the stain with her hand. Too late.

“Oh..”, was the only thing Jenny said.

Jenny raised her hand. “mr. Jackson?”

Oh no....

“Yes, Jenny”, the teacher responded.

Wide-eyed and breathless, Kirsten stared at her best friend, trying to signal her to shut up. Jenny didn’t even slow down.

“I think Kirsten’s diaper is leaking, sir”

The words seemed to come out of Jenny’s mouth slowly, as if in slow motion. Kirsten cringed and thought: now my life is over

The teacher’s expression hardly changed. “Oh.. well, you better go change then, ms. Jones.” he said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Will you go with her, Jenny?”

“Yes, mr. Jackson” Jenny shoved her chair back and stood up. “Come on!” she whispered, motioning to Kirsten. Slowly Kirsten raised herself up on her legs,staring down at her desk and her books. The added weight made the diaper sag a little. She didn’t dare to look around.

This isn’t happening..

Looking at the floor she hurriedly followed her friend, trying not to see the faces of her classmates, who were doubtlessly staring at her. They reached the door.

“Hold on a moment”, mr. Jackson’s voice called from behind. “I won’t have this class disturbed another time, so if there is anyone else who needs a change, please go with Jenny and Kirsten now.”

The squeeking and rumbling of two chairs being pushed back sounded from behind. Kirsten whirled around in suprise. To her shock, two of the other girls were coming towards her. One was Amanda; a tall, dark-haired girl she hardly knew. The other, a red head, slightly waddling, was Gina.



End Chapter 4


by: Writer Nick | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 21, 2010


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