
by: Writer Nick | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 21, 2010

Chapter 5

Slightly waddling because of the soggy diaper, Kirsten followed her friend Jenny out of the classroom and into the hallway. Gina and Amanda, in turn, came after her. Both waddling.

For some reason the two girls behind her were giggling. Could they be laughing at me?

Then, Gina caught up to her and patted her shoulder. “Nice timing, Kirst!” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t think I could have listened to that boring voice of mr. Jackson’s for one more minute. The perfect time to have a wet diaper and get it changed.”

“Yeah”, Kirsten answered smiling, to her own surprise. “interesting how so many of us always need a change just during his class, huh?”

She and Gina burst into giggling, while inside her mind, Kirsten wondered foggily why she had been so embarassed about the diaper just a moment ago. After all, they did this once almost every day. One of their little group would wet during a boring class until her diaper leaked and the others would take advantage of the opportunity to get their own diapers changed. And be out of class for a while. It was a daily routine. Wasn’t it?

Kirsten was still trying to figure out why her memories seemed so vague on that point, and why she seemed to have this strange feeling that diapers were not supposed to be part of her life, when they reached the changing room. Again, Kirsten blinked her eyes, wondering why, half an hour ago, she had thought of it as a bathroom.

I thought I was going to the toilet! Kirsten shook her head. Where did I think I was? Highschool?

In front of her, Jenny grabbed the door handle and almost pulled it down, but then stopped and turned around, a vacant expression on her face.

Kirsten looked in wonder as her friend closed her eyes and tilted her head upwards. Then she realized that Jenny was, of course, peeing. Nothing revealed that however, except the slight smile that crept across her friend’s face before she opened her big brown eyes again and laughed.

“There! It wouldn’t be fair if not all of us needed a change, would it?”

At that, she turned around and marched inside the changing room. She walked to the first booth on the right and held the white-painted wooden door open to Kirsten, motioning at the changing table.

“After you!”

Jenny and Amanda entered the booth next to it.

Kirsten sat down on the firm white plastic-covered mattress that covered the whole changing table and laid down, feet dangling over the edge towards the door. She pulled up her skirt, so Jenny would be able to reach the diaper easily.

Tapes made a cracking noise as her friend pulled them loose from the plastic outer layer with routine movements. The same sounds could be heard from the other side of the separating wall.

“So, Kirsten!” echoed Gina’s voice, the sound bouncing off the smooth tiles on the walls. “Have you thought about the prom yet? It’s only a month away!”

Jenny’s hands carefully peeled the warm, still moist diaper from her crotch. The cooler air suddenly touching her there gave Kirsten a chill. She lifted her butt so Jenny could slide the diaper out from underneath her.

Oh yeah, the prom! Wait... wasn’t that... No, of course it wasn’t yesterday! How could it have been. I must have been dreaming..

“Yeah!”, she anwered instead.

Gina’s voice sounded hopeful, obviously looking for more gossip. “So...do you have a date yet?”

“I sure do!” Kirsten laughed... “I’ve been flirting with Brad all week, but yesterday he as good as asked me!” She sat up and used a wash cloth to clean her private parts, using water from the sink that was inside the cabin.

“Woohoo!”, Gina yelled from the other side. “Nice catch, girl! Brad’s totally hot! Not to mention he’s the captain of the football team, so he’s totally popular too. I sure wouldn’t mind changing his diaper myself...”

Kirsten giggled at the thought. “Well, he’s mine, so keep dreaming!” She dried herself off with a towel, applied some cream and laid back down after handing Jenny her back pack with the spare diapers.

“I wish I could dream like that, Kirst...”, Gina sighed behind the separating wall. "But I never get to dream about the stuff I want to when I go to sleep. You’re one lucky girl, getting that guy for real.”

Jenny, standing in front of Kirsten’s changing table, straightened her back at that, holding the diaper in her hands and faced the wall as if she wanted to look Gina in the eyes. “You know, Gina... I read something in the newspaper this morning that you may find interesting. Remember that dr. Yume fellow who lives in our town?”

“Oh yeah,” Gina replied. “Isn’t he Eugene’s dad?”

“That’s the one”, said Jenny. “He’s supposed to be some sort of new.. sy....” Her brown eyes turned to Kirsten.

“Neuropsychologist”, Kirsten answered. “He examines the brain and how it relates to thoughts and behavior or something.” Eugene had told her all she wanted to know about his dad’s specialism and more. Much more. He could be so boring sometimes...

Jenny pulled up her eyebrows, apparently impressed by such knowledge, but she continued to slide the fresh diaper under Kirsten’s raised butt. “Yeah, that’s it”, she said. “This morning there was an article in the local paper about this new device he and some of his colleages are supposed to have invented. It had something to do with controlling the way people dream or something. Maybe he can make you dream about Brad...” Giggling, she folded the diaper around Kirsten and closed the tapes one by one.

“A dream machine, huh?” Gina’s laughed from beyond the wall. “I wonder if it really works. Hey!”, she said, coming around the corner and entering the booth while Kirsten was just beginning to sit up. Gina’s green eyes looked down at her mischievously. “You hang out with that Eugene guy sometimes, don’t you?”

Kirsten nodded, wondering how she had found out.

“Great...” Gina smiled with one side of her mouth, eyes glimmering. “Think you can get him to demonstrate that machine to you?”



End Chapter 5


by: Writer Nick | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 21, 2010


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