Beach Babies

by: LJM | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 1, 2007

On a nice lovely day at the beach, a young couple tries out a new suntan lotion that has some unexpected side effects.

Chapter 1
A New Sun Tan Lotion

Chapter Description: On a nice lovely day at the beach, a young couple tries out a new suntan lotion that has some unexpected side effects.

Part 1: A New Sun Tan Lotion

It is 7:30 in the morning down at the beach and the sun was rising over the ocean. The early morning seagulls were flying around, the shops and restaurants on the pier were opening up, and a few people woke up early and started finding the perfect spot on the beach. One of these people is a young couple that goes by the names of Michelle and Thomas Rogan.

Michelle is a 28-year-old housewife that likes her looks so much. She had long muddy brown hair that goes down past her mid-back, darkish blue eyes, and an angelic face with high cheekbones and full lips. Her arms and legs were long and athletically built as she struts them down the beach, giving single mean the double look. She had on a large T-shirt covering the rest of her body and swimsuit, a straw sun hat to protect her delicate face, sunglasses over her eyes, and a pair of black wedge thong sandals. Thomas is a 29-year-old businessman that’s doing his best to earn money for their house. He has short cut black hair, a pair of hazel nut eyes, and a lean yet handsome face. He too was wearing a large T-Shirt, sunglasses, a watch on his wrist, and a pair of black Velcro strip sandals.

Both Michelle and Thomas known each other when they were young. They became fast friends when they were in the seventh grade. They started dating when they were Juniors in high school and had they had sex when they were in college. Then after they graduated college, the two married at ages 24 and 25. Yes, they got married at a young age, but ask for raising a family, that’s beyond the question. They never wanted to think about having kids so early in their wedded lives, but they decided to have children when they’re a little older.

Now heading back to the story, Michelle and Thomas were walking down the beach with specks of sand covering their sandals and feet. Michelle then stretched her arms and took a deep breath at the sea air. “Ahh.... Smell that beach air. Isn’t this a great idea taking our vacation here?” she said enjoying the sand filled atmosphere. Thomas, on the other hand, sighed when she say that and said, “Yeah. But I should’ve been better off with going to that country club.”

Michelle just shook her head and had a sigh of her own. Every summer, she and her husband would have to pick a great summer vacation for them to sit back and relax from all the hard work they’ve been doing all day. Thomas always wanted to go to this country club in Tennessee where they have a huge golf course, indoor Olympic pool, Tennis court, and exquisite meals. But his wife decided to go to the beach at the pier across town where the sun is shining, the water’s fresh, and the shops and restaurants are opened for their convenience. She didn’t want her husband to feel so upset about it, so she turned around to look at him, placed her hand on his shoulder, and reasoned with him.

“Look,” she said, “I know you want to really go to that country club all summer, but the beach is the perfect place to relax. The atmosphere is perfect, the view of the ocean’s so breathtaking, and there’s lots of stuff to do at the pier. Perhaps next summer we’ll go to the club, okay?” Thomas just looked at his wife, smiled, and said, “Oh all right.” “Good, now let’s find a nice spot to lay on and enjoy this sight.” Said Michelle as she went ahead through the sandy beach with her husband following her.


After a few minutes of searching, they found a perfect spot to rest. There were two vacant beach chairs that was close to the ocean, but not too close to the water itself. “This looks like a promising spot.” Michelle said, “Honey, do you mind getting the towels and suntan lotion out of the duffle bag?” Thomas, who was carrying the duffle bag over his shoulder, said, “Yes dear.” He then place the duffle bag on the floor and zipped it opened to find the stuff they need while his wife removed her purse she had been holding on her shoulder, placed her sun hat on top of the beach chair, put her sunglasses on the chair, and took off her T-shirt to reveal her bathing suit she got from Victoria Secrets three weeks ago. Thomas took out of the two towels and was taking out the lotion. But when he took it out, he noticed something odd about it. For on the front of the bottle it says, ?Dr. Regresso’s Youthening Sunscreen: Makes you young both inside and out.’ Thomas had an odd look on his, since he has no idea why his wife got this bottle or where did it came from. So he turned around to look at Michelle to ask a question.

“Hey Michelle, do you mind telling me why-“ but he stopped mid sentence when he saw his wife stunning body over her black Triangle string bikini. She had a nice set of C-cup breasts, a slim yet curvy hourglass that resembled her waist, and a bubbly rear that is shaped like a heart. Thomas knew his wife works out two times a week, but he never knew she had a hot body until now.

Michelle turned around to hear what her husband wants to say, only to see him starring at her athletic body. “Yeah, what is it?” she said as her husband snapped out of his trance and asked her about the suntan bottle. “Um... Yes. I just want to know about this bottle. I never heard of it before. What is it?” He showed the bottle to her as she took it from him and inspected it. After looking at the bottle, she chuckled and answered, “Oh that’s a new suntan bottle I got at some new store in the mall the other day.” “Then what happened to the old bottle you always use whenever we go to the beach?” he asked. Michelle answered, “Because the last time I tried the old one, it made my skin look like a bright red tomato. But this time, it will be different.” “And why is this one different from the last one?”

Michelle, knowing that her husband is a little suspicious at something, decides to give him a real good answer. “I’ll explain. You see, unlike all those old tanning bottles that fade away every two hours after you put it on, this one can last all day. For example, it’s 7:40 and you want to rub this lotion on your body. Well, once you apply it, it will remain on you for about ten hours and it will leave your swing a golden brown color and leaves no sunburn. And here’s the best part, not only this lotion gives you a fabulous tan, it can also make you look and feel young.”

Thomas was quite shocked at what his wife talked about. “Wow...” was the first thing he said, “That was a lot of information. Where did you hear this?” “The clerk at the shop told me about it.” answered Michelle, “Thought it would come in handy in case you want to know about it. Is there anything else you want to know?” Thomas gave that some thought then remembered her saying that this product can make people younger once the tanning lotion is applied. He then looked back at his wife and asked her another question. “Yeah. That last part you mentioned, about making the person look and feel younger, does it really work?” He was trying his best not to laugh, but a few chuckles came out of his mouth. His wife wasn’t impressed at Thomas’s ignorance and answered in a demanding voice. “Yes Thomas it really works, the shop clerk told me that as well.” “Then why do you want to look young?” he asked again, “I mean look at you. You’re twenty-eight and you have a beautiful yet perfect body. You’re not that old.” “Well then take a look at my face and ask me if I’m old now!” Michelle shouted as she pointed to her face.

Thomas did look at her face and could tell that there were signs of aging appearing. Though her face was pretty, there were a few laugh lines traced around her eyes and mouth, but they weren’t deep enough to be noticeable. He then sighed and explained to his wife that it was just nothing. “Well, look on the bright side Hun. At least no one would notice you’re looks.” Michelle smiled and said, “Oh yeah? What about that gray on your head?” She pointed up to his head as her husband stroke his hair with his hand.

For some strange reason, there were a few streaks of gray hair weaving into his perfect black hair. He thought that maybe after all those long hours at work and the stress during the late nights, he was certainly beginning to show signs of his age. But he always make sure that he covers it up so well so his friends at work won’t suspect anything. “Well, you won’t see it from a far away view!” he said in a harsh tone.

Michelle laughed and thought maybe this is a bit much. So she decided to give her husband a little reminder. “No matter how much we change, we will still be husband and wife. Besides, this tanning lotion will make us forget all those hard times of work and house cleaning after our marriage. In fact, it will help bring us back to the very day we got married, or better yet, when we first met. Don’t you want to remember all the happiness we shared, all the great times we had? Come on, just give this a chance.”

Thomas gave this some thought and decided that maybe this would be fun. He had a rough day at the office last week and maybe it would give him a chance to forget all that paperwork he had been doing. So he looked at his wife with gleaming eyes and answered, “Oh all right. I’ll do it.” “Great!” Michelle said excitedly, “Now let me apply this first so I can feel comfortable with the lotion. Um... Do you mind if you can help me with the back dear?” Her husband nodded as his wife then started squirting the lotion on her hand and started rubbing it all over her.

She started with her hands and arms, then across her shoulders, neck and upper back. She then applied some on the face to make sure that her beautiful looks don’t look so burned. While she was rubbing the tanning lotion, she felt a tingle in her body as she felt it. “Wow... This feels sooooo good.” She said, a little surprised at what she felt. She then rubbed it on her waist, on her cleavage, and down her long legs. She immediately took off her sandals and lifts her feet up and one the chair so that she could put more lotion on them. Thomas couldn’t help but to stare at his wife bathing herself in tanning oil. It makes this seen looks so romantic.

“Um... Excuse me dear.” Thomas immediately snapped out of his trance and looked at his wife who was looking back at him. “You mind if you can rub this on my back?” said Michelle as she handed the bottle to him. “I don’t think I can get all of my back.” Thomas was unprepared for this, but it was an opportunity to help his wife whenever he can. So without giving it a second thought, he said, “Of course sweetheart.” When she heard that, she turned around, untied the back of her swimsuit top, and exposed her back so that she won’t have any tan lines on it while tanning. She was able to fold her arms to keep her front top open and let her chest exposed. Thomas swallowed a lump and was a little nervous, but decided to do it anyways since he’s being nice to her. So he opened the bottle and squirted the contents on his hand. Once he rubbed the lotion on both his hands, he too felt the tingle in his skin. Deciding to ignore it and started massaging his wife’s back with the tanning lotion. Michelle felt her skin tightening when her back was being rubbed while Thomas couldn’t help but to feel quite comfortable at what he’s doing for her. After he was done with his work, Michelle tied her top quickly and turned around and smiled. “Thanks.” she said, “Now do you mind if I can do your back as well. A girl could really help a guy out.” Again, Thomas swallowed hard and was a bit nervous at that. But he wanted to get this over with so he could relax so he said, “Sure thing Hun, just let me take off my shirt first.” He quickly takes off his sunglasses and shirt while his wife place more sun tan lotion on her hands.

Once Thomas took his shirt off, Michelle couldn’t help but to stare at his body. Even though he doesn’t look like one of those body builders that lift weights all day, he still look physically strong in her point of view. His chest had a set of smooth yet hard pecks with thick curly black hair covering it. His waist has hard 6-pack ads while his arms and legs have firm, yet muscular tone and were covered in light black hair as well. He was wearing a pair of swim trunks with Hawaiian designs labeled around it. She liked what she saw after watching his body and remembered the time she saw his body when they were in college. She couldn’t help but to hold on to his body and carouse it forever until they grow old.

“Um... Are you going to stand there all day and stare, or are you going to help me?” said Thomas, who witnessed his wife staring at him with blank eyes. Michelle shook off her spacing out experience after she heard her husband and rubbed her hands together. Thomas turned around to reveal his back as Michelle started to apply the lotion on his back. The feeling of lotion on Thomas’s back sent shivers up his spine as the sense of it made him more pleasurable. When it was done, she put her sunglasses back on and sat on the beach chair. “I’m going to rest for a while.” She said, “You should go get a tan yourself if you want to look good.” While she was taking a rest, Thomas shrugged his shoulders and placed the lotion on the rest of his body. After rubbing it on his chest, abs, arms, legs, shoulders, neck, and face, he put his sunglasses back on and rested on the chair next to his wife. Together, the two slept quietly on their chairs as the morning sun bathes them in its warm glow.


After an hour of resting, the two laid asleep unaware with the world around them. They remained there silently until Thomas began to stir a little. Once he slowly opened his eyes, and stared straight at the sun and reverted his head away from it. Upon doing that, he looked at his watch and noticed it was only nine ?o’ clock. “Great...” he said as he started to sigh, “It’s only an hour after we slept and we wasted it all on laying here and doing nothing.” As he was about to get up, he spotted something odd on his hand. Instead of a medium peach type color, or a bright red from the other sun tanning lotions, his skin had become a golden tan. He looked at his arms and they too were the same color. He turned his head to see his chest, same color. He thought he was dreaming, but after one pinch he was wrong. He has gotten himself a really good tan. “I can’t believe it,” he said a little shock, “This sun tan lotion really worked!” Still wanting to know if it still worked, he turned his head left to look at his wife.

He noticed that Michelle has the same golden tan color. Thomas still couldn’t believe that the new suntan lotion his wife got could do wonders for their skin. But while he kept watching her, something wasn’t right. For instance, she use to have those faint lines on her face months ago. Now her face looked so smooth with no signs of lines anywhere on it. In fact, she almost looked like the day they got married when she was 25 and he was 26. He tried to piece together what could cause this strange change. But before he could come up with an answer, he heard the moans of a woman trying to wake up. He looked back and saw his wife yawning and slowly opening her eyes directly to the hot sun. Michelle reverted her head away from the blinding brightness, but intentionally looked at her husband with a smile on her face.

“Hello lover...” she said, making it sound so sexy. Thomas just snickered for a bit, couldn’t believe his wife called him that. She never called him ?lover’ since they were in their honeymoon. So he decided to call her a name he too never said. “Hello to you too my huggle bunny.” Michelle chuckled a little as well as she saw her husband with his magnificent tan. “Damn, you’re looking good.” She said very impressed. Thomas couldn’t help but to laugh and said, “Look who’s talking.” She looked at herself and realized she too has the same tan as her husband. Amazed, she looked back at Thomas and still couldn’t believe.

“So this is what a real tan looks like.” She said, still in shock but tried to calm down, I told you that this stuff works.” “Well I should’ve believed you the first time you showed it to me.” Thomas said, now knowing that his wife was telling the truth. “I mean not only you look good, but you also look young. Touch your face.” Michelle touched her face and discovered that all those lines that were on her face completely vanished. “Oh my god!” she said completely surprised, “They’re gone. All those laugh lines are all gone!” She quickly turned her head to Thomas and noticed something different about him too. “And you look young yourself. I could all your hair completely black.” And indeed it was the truth. The few streaks of gray hair that was woven in his hair were now back to a shiny black look. Thomas felt his hair, but he wouldn’t see it since he doesn’t have a mirror. “You think?” he asked. “Oh course,” she answered, “You look just like your old self back when we were married.” “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” he then said.

While the two started laughing, Michelle then thought of something they could do that they haven’t thought about for a long time. “You know,” she said very seductively, “now that we look and feel younger, maybe now when can just... You know... Do it?” Thomas’s eyes grew wide in shock when he heard what his wife said. “What?” he said a little confused. “Oh come on silly.” Michelle said, “I’m talking about making love right here. Like when we did it one our honeymoon.” She then got off her chair and slowly approached her dear sweetheart who was still sitting. “If I remember correctly, the two of us were alone in a beach down in Hawaii. It was a late night and the moon was shining over our heads. Relaxing in those beach chairs, life couldn’t get any better.” Thomas got up crossing his legs while his wife sat next to him, crossing her tan legs and continued with her story. “And then we thought of some thoughts, nasty thoughts. It was then that we were feeling all horny and couldn’t wait to go to bed and experience all those feelings. Then, with no one at that beach, we made love on a beach chair.”

Thomas swallowed a lump as he realized he’s in an awkward position he wished he hadn’t. “So...” Michelle said seductively as she leans closer to him. “Do you want to do it now? You want to make out right here? To relive old memories?” Thomas wasn’t sure what to do after hearing his wife act so strange. Sure he does want to have sex with her, but there’s a problem. Where they had their honeymoon was in a private beach, and this is a public beach. And if anyone sees them doing nasty things, especially children, they will be in deep trouble. So he decided to give her some reason and said, “As much as I like to make out right here, I’m afraid I’ll pass. If you take a look around, we’re at a public beach and if anyone sees us... Well... I don’t want to know the consequences. Why don’t we save it until we head to our hotel room tonight okay?” Michelle didn’t like his husband’s response but she had no choice since they’re really are in a public beach instead of a private one. So deciding not to get into any trouble she immediately said, “Okay... But what are we going to do until that time?”

Thomas gave that some thought and made the decision. “I know. Why don’t we go around the pier?” he said. “There are a lot things to do down by the pier and it won’t be too much of a hassle. And that way we can do other things before we can make love tonight. What do you say?” Michelle thought about that for a moment and thinking there’s nothing else to do, she smiled and said, “All right, let’s do it.”

She immediately got off the beach chair, readjusted her bathing suit, thinking it was a little loose, and headed to her beach chair to get both her purse, sandals, and sun hat. Thomas got off his chair and put on his sandals, but when he looked at his wife he found something a little odd. For a while, Michelle had a little access weight on her hips due to a little overeating, but now they seem to be a little less. As she was retying the strings of her bottom half bikini, Thomas wondered and asked her a question that she would know. “Did you lost some weight?” he asked. Michelle turned around and looked at her husband a little confused. “Of course not silly.” she asked, “Why did you ask?” “Cause you seem to be loosing a little weight around your hips right now.” said Thomas. Michelle just laughed a little and said, “Oh don’t think of that dear. I’ve been working out a lot lately. I could tell if I’m a little overweight or not.”

She then went back adjusting her hat while her husband was at a lost for words. Normally she would’ve complained about the extra weight she had, but now she’s saying it like she doesn’t remember it at all. What was wrong with this picture? “Well, are you ready?” Thomas has his train of thought open when he heard his wife and saw her waiting impatiently, tapping her foot. “Um... Sure, I’m ready.” He quickly got off the chair and looked around to see the towels, the duffel bag, T-shirts, and the new suntan bottle still lying around. “Uh...” he started to ask, “Are we going to take the rest of our stuff with us incase somebody else wants to use this spot?” “Are you joking?” Michelle protested, “And loose our spot for good? I don’t think so. We woke up early to find a perfect spot for the two of us and if we leave this spot, it will take us forever to find another spot. We’ll leave them here until we come back.” Thomas just looked at them one more time and was a little concerned about this. “Don’t worry,” said Michelle, “It will all be still here when we get back.” After giving it a moment of thought, he sighed and said, “Fine...” It was then that the two left their spots, completely shirtless to reveal their tan bodies. They also left behind the new sun tan lotion Michelle bought. But what they didn’t know is that while they were walking, their bodies were changing on both the inside and out.



End Chapter 1

Beach Babies

by: LJM | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 1, 2007


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