The Uninvited Christmas Guest, by Libra

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2017

Chapter 5
Chapter Five: Home Life

Chapter Description: By Libra

Crystal wasn’t big on cleaning, but she felt she had to repay him at least for the medical attention he gave her. Somehow she knew he was right about saving her life. There was a strange affection for him she couldn’t explain. Crystal thought about Florence Nightingale Syndrome and disregarded it right away. It was a stupid way to fall in love with a person.

He don’t even trust me, she thought while getting from her bed. To make a point to herself she went to the front door without being seen and much to her surprise opened it. Cold air drifted through. She could be gone before he knew it.

Crystal looked back and saw no sign of Samuel then looked out into the real world. She was suddenly very scared and intimated at how big it was.

"Go ahead and run if you like. I won’t call the cops on you, but I will say you’re my daughter if I get a call about a lost child. I will be sure to mention you bumped your head and might have wandered off. " Samuel said from the kitchen’s doorway.

Crystal figured he must have been in the basement all this time before coming up. The cold air was a dead giveaway to an open door somewhere.

"No, just wondered what the weather was like. " Crystal said closing the door and feeling safer already.

"Cold and something a recovering girl shouldn’t expose herself to. " Samuel said stepping forward and making sure Crystal was still warm.

"I doubt I would have gone anywhere wearing a t-shirt and no shoes. " Crystal said seeing what she was dressed in.

"I would assist you getting dressed and even help you pack if that was your true desire. " Samuel said and looked about the room.

The house was messy, but not dirty after the days of neglect.

"Hard to believe only two people are staying here. " Crystal said seeing some order was needed in this chaos.

"Well, we sure have work and I got some fixing up to do before the big holiday hits. " Samuel said and started by picking up his discarded clothes.

Crystal helped as much as she could. To help pass the time she told him little stories of her life. The rich spoiled girl whose parents didn’t show much love or affection and eventually cut off her money when she got to spending too much.

Crystal explained how she fell in with the bad crowd to make money and how some of her first jobs went. It was more than she had ever told anyone.

Samuel revealed his own past and some trouble he got into when he was younger.

"I’m no honest man myself. I still get pirated stuff from the internet. I have to admit I had sticky fingers once too. " Samuel said.

"I never understood how anyone can steal something if it’s on the internet to be downloaded by anyone. " Crystal said puzzled by the whole fuss she heard from time to time.

"Greedy copyright companies and so on. I live alone and don’t’ have much time for TV watching. I find it easier to download all my favorite shows and share. " Samuel said and gave her a look with a sparkle in his eyes.

Crystal had to keep from laughing. He liked the idea of being a Robin Hood type person. There was a smile on her face.

"Sometimes I forget you’re really are an adult. I guess I’m still seeing you as that helpless little girl I picked from the snow. " Samuel said looking away while shaking his head.

"I never did thank you for that or any of the stuff you done for me. " Crystal said in a timid tone.

"Well, I did considered turning you in for what you were, but I realized I in fact didn’t really know who you really are, and besides it is close to Christmas now. I know those pills are illegal to use so you would be stuck as a little girl during it. You would be in one of those special homes or detention centers by now. " Samuel said, not holding back any truths from her.

Crystal went on thinking about this in silence. The next days were filled with routine and polite conversations.



End Chapter 5

The Uninvited Christmas Guest, by Libra

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2017


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