Not Quite An Accident

by: ussc3 | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 25, 2015

Chapter 13
Chapter 13

Brad soon found himself sitting in his crib in the nursery listening to things being moved about, and doors opening and closing. He looked down at his trainers and pouted a bit before deciding to leave off and finally wet. Brad fidgeted about, wondering what those two were up to…. Being mean to him probably! Then he looked up as they came in, chatting softly.

“I really don’t know if he’s old enough for any of the toys he has” Patricia said.

“We’ll see on a case by case basis, it would be mean just to take everything, and maybe we can give the ones that are questionable back for good behavior.

“Mommy! I’m all wet!” Brad complained, pointing down at his training pants, which he had managed to hold up thus far.

Mia simply looked to Patricia as she turned to examine a few things and dig through his drawers. She knew where everything was anyhow as she always stocked them after laundry day

“Brad, how old are you?” Patricia asked as she approached the crib and looked down at him through the crib bars.

“Ten.” He muttered back sullenly. If a quiz was required to get his pants changed and get him out of the crib he’d have to go with it.

“And how many ten year olds have to wear training pants because they pee themselves?” She asked with a smile.

Brad was surprised when his mother answered for him.

“Oh, it’s not such a big deal Patricia, lots of boys his age do. I smelled at least one other wet diaper when I was waiting in the doctor’s office and it was on a boy older than Brad!” She exclaimed with a chuckle, smiling to her son who returned the gesture. He stood up and held out his arms, but Mia didn’t come.

“Well okay, how many girls your age wear training pants and diapers?” She sneered. Brad didn’t have an answer to this and Mia wasn’t about to provide one.

“See, you’re just a smelly diaper boy. I’ve babysat for a few other boys that still have to be diapered for bed but you’re definitely the worst.” She teased. Brad looked on the verge of tears and Mia had mercy on him.

“Look, Patricia, you’ve upset him, stop that! Brad, I’ll get your pants changed, but it’s going to be a diaper. Patricia and I need to get your nursery set up.” She explained as she hoisted him out of the crib. Mia couldn’t help but smile as he clung to her and she held him at the seat of his diaper.

“Good boy!” She cooed as she laid him down. “Now lay still for me.”

“But mom I don’t need diapers for the day and…. Nursery?” He asked suddenly as he had calmed down enough to think.”

“Yes baby that’s where little boys sleep.” She added in a matter of fact fashion.

“But this is my room!” He complained.

“And now it’s your nursery. We can’t have little things around for you to choke on, and I don’t want you breaking your nice big kid toys if you have a tantrum, so we’re going to fix your room.” Mia smiled and stroked his hair to calm him. This day’s changes were going to take their toll on him. She had planned to integrate more baby items in stages, and indeed she had been occasionally giving him toys meant for younger boys, but him nearly choking on a Lego for some reason had forced her hand. Perhaps his regression was going faster than she had thought.

“It’s okay Brad, it’ll still be your room just now it’ll be a nursery too.” Patricia added, honestly trying to be helpful. She felt bad for him as well at losing all his big boy privileges, and while she had found him coarse and bratty as a boy, she was quickly warming to him as a baby. Brad didn’t see it the same way and began to cry softly. Mia shushed him and fixed him into a diaper, setting him back in the crib.

“Okay, that dresser can go in the spare bed room, the changing table stays of course… lets move the carpets out afterwards… we can put the…. Over there…. This’ll move…. And we can add….” They stood there in front of him casually planning what to do with HIS OWN room, but that wasn’t the worst. The worst of it was when they started to do it.

“No that’s got my clothes in it!” Brad screeched as his mother and cousin hefted up a merrily colored dresser and started out his door. He grabbed the bars of the crib and whined but Mia merely shushed him up and continued on. He watched all of his treasured possessions carried off and saw the TV put up higher, out of his reach. The remote was taken as well. He would have to simply watch whatever was on it. His PlayStation was the next to go.

“I wonder if there are any good games on this.” Patricia remarked as she dug through a box of them.”Naw…” She started out with it.

“NO MINE!” Brad screamed at her.

“Hush baby, you know you can’t have these anymore.” Patricia chided and then walked out. Brad could stand it no longer and threw a screaming tantrum, kicking and spitting in the crib and wetting his diaper as he did. It appeared to be working when his mother approached.

“That reminds me” She started “We’ll put batting on the rails of the crib when we move him into the play pen.” She smiled and Patricia nodded. Brad just looked at them and began to cry. He had traded his own room and possessions for a stupid play pen!? And why were they taking all his good stuff right in front of him while he sat in the crib watching. Brad could only begin to cry now as he watched his mother take away a toy T-rex that bit when you pulled a lever on it. Patricia’s efforts at consoling him only made him feel worse.

As did seeing his mother when she brought in that pacifier he’d had at the doctor’s office. Seeing that thing made him recall the doctor’s tests and all of it, and now Patricia would have one more thing to tease him about. Mia offered the thing to him and he batted her hand away with a hateful glare, even as a part of him longed for the strange comfort that suckling on it seemed to offer.

He watched as his mother emptied out his underwear drawer into a black trash bag and tried to stand up to protest, but he felt Patricia’s hands pressing his chest down.

The intricacies of how his mother arranged his night time diapers, with their increased bulk and rather simple white designs, with his day time diapers featuring their sesame street characters, and then his different training pants, didn’t make much difference to him anymore with his underwear gone he’d have to wear what his mother had gotten for him, and at least she was letting him help pick out the training pants, which were a lot better than diapers. Maybe what was in his drawer did make a difference after all.

He hated the night diapers, but the ones he had to wear when they went out weren’t so bad. She had gotten more of those too, hadn’t he? He couldn’t remember what they’d got at the store and went to stand up once more, this time out of curiosity. Rather than standing he ended up being laid down flat by his cousin and looking up at her with the pacifier in his mouth.

“Suckle on it Braddy it’ll make you feel better, don’t worry about what we’re doing, its just boring grown up stuff, stacking diapers and getting your clothes folded.” She smiled genuinely to him but he could only shake his head. Patricia knew just what he needed though.

She reached out to take the pacifier away and gently tugged it, but felt Brad clench it with his teeth. She wasn’t getting his pacifier too! She already had his video games! So he began to suckle on it and started to feel better as he laid back and heard the crinkling of the diapers as his mother stacked them in his drawers. He didn’t watch what they did anymore, just laid back and focused on his pacifier as his big boy life was slowly dismantled around him. He suckled harder on the pacifier. And he felt better about it all not because he was glad for the changes, or because he accepted his mother’s decisions, but because he knew he just didn’t have a choice, and the pacifier was a better option than further tantruming.

Brad had been asleep for a while by the time Patricia and his mother were finished baby proofing the house. They sat down on the sofa and discussed the various shows they were interested in, but of course the conversation soon turned to Brad. Photo albums were brought out and Mia chuckled, pointing out the differences that had come about in diapers in just a few short years, though it was mostly just in what characters adorned them, and of course the unfortunate demise of the scented diapers she had enjoyed keeping Brad in.

Patricia caught sight of something else which took her focus off the diapers entirely.

“What’s that, Aunt Mia?” She asked pointing to what looked like some ropes Brad had been tangled in.

“Oh that’s a harness for boys who are able to walk around, but are too bratty to be trusted not to run out into traffic or what have you.” Mia explained helpfully.

“He was bad even then huh?” Patricia asked with a chuckle, thinking he looked rather cute in it.

“Oh he wasn’t too awful if we were just on the street, but at the store or when he’d see something interesting like a dog or something, he’d just wander off! It scared me to death when he was about three so I got that thing. It looked silly but better than losing my son.”

“Do you still have it?” Patricia asked with a grin. “I just want to see what he’d look like in it.”

“He probably needs it now, I don’t know if you can keep up with him as well as me, seeing as I’ve had so much practice at it.” Mia grinned playfully.

“I can keep up with any boy, especially one in diapers. Easy to track cuz of all the crinkling you know.” Patricia and Mia laughed and she continued. “But it’d look so babyish and I guess its better safe than sorry.

The conversation shifted as they enjoyed a TV show they both liked, or at least they were enjoying it until they heard Brad whining from the nursery.

“Your turn?” Patricia asked, keeping up the levity they had established.

“Not on your life. You said you wanted to take him to the park anyhow, and the harness should be in the hall closet. Now that the playpen is out of there you should be able to find it easily.”

“Alright, but you change his next poopie diaper.” Patricia bargained with a smile.

“Oh he isn’t having messy accidents, at least for now. The doctor says he could start before too long so I’ll keep that in mind. Have fun at the park. Do you need any cash?”

“MOOOOM!” Brad whined more demandingly now.

“No I’m good, better get in there before he starts testing out the batting we added to the crib huh?” Patricia headed off for the closet and then to the nursery and smiled as she saw Brad sitting in the crib in a wet diaper with his legs splayed out in front of him.

“Where’s mom?” Brad asked sullenly.

“She’s watching tv Brad, so I get to look after you. What do you need kiddo?”

Brad couldn’t put his finger on it but Patricia seemed not as awful as usual, either that or she was just upbeat because she had something awful in store for him, or a mix of the two. She had been acting a little nicer very recently.

“I need out.” Brad said softly. No way was he asking his cousin to change him, he hated that. Besides, she liked to check him anyhow.

“Hmmm smells like that’s not all you need. Let’s see here.” She tugged out the waist of his diaper and poked two fingers in, wrinkling her nose. Brad cringed, expecting more teasing.

“You’re a little wet but we’ll get you fixed up.” Patricia smiled and put her arms out. Brad by now knew how to get out of the crib and he held his arms up to let her grasp him under them. He soon felt his diaper squish as he was settled on the changing table.

“You’re being nice.” Brad observed rather curiously.

“You’re behaving. You haven’t been nearly as much trouble as you usually are, even the thing with the squirt gun was kinda cute.” She smiled fondly. “Okay lay flat.”

Brad did as he was told and watched her undo the tapes on the diaper and then fold it back. She crossed his ankles and lifted his bottom up, then did a quick light wiping there before sliding the wet diaper out and laying him back down. She needed two hands free to clean his peepee since he still had his foreskin, but she was a veteran babysitter and soon had him smelling less like pee, and more like baby powder. He was promptly rediapered, and the old one was folded, taped, and tossed in the diaper genie.

“Are you ready for a day out Brad?” Patricia smiled, helping him down from the table and enjoying the crinkle of his diapers as he slid off of it. He had been fine in just diapers to sleep, and she was almost sorry she had missed getting to see him like that while she was so busy rearranging things, but she figured he’d need some of his remaining clothes for this.

“Where we goin?” He asked somewhat excitedly.

“Out to the park, we can play there if you like. There’s just one condition. Your mom said you might still be wanting to get into trouble, so I thought you could wear this.” She grabbed the harness out of her purse and grinned as he glared at the jumble of blue straps. Maybe he remembered it.

“I’m not wearing that!” Brad protested, glaring at her.

“If you’re not going to wear the harness you can go in just your diapers.” Patricia said sternly and then softened.

“Come on, its only when you’re out of the house with me, your mom is just worried about you and wants you to be safe. It wont be so bad. Be a brave boy for me okay?”

“No.” Brad stated with crossed arms.

“Okay, just diapers it is.” Patricia snatched up his wrist and gave a feigned tug as if she meant to head out like this.

“NO! no no I’ll wear it!” Brad squeaked out with a whimper, desperation taking over his sense of revulsion at being led around on some kind of baby leash.

“Okay then. Let’s pick out some clothes for you and your mom can help get this thing on. We’ll have fun, you’ll see.” Patricia smiled and ruffled his hair, leading him over to a blue and white armoire. The bottom drawer was still open and contained the two different kinds of trainers, while the top had… Why were there only a few sets of clothes in there? Brad peered inside as Patricia opened it.

“Hey, where’s the rest of my clothes?” He asked with a frown.

“We had to make space because your mom is going to get you new clothes soon. Won’t that be cool?” She smiled enthusiastically and looked through what he had. All the shirts with cool big boy designs were gone and what remained were just block color tee shirts, preferably soft colors, and most of his pants. His black jeans were gone, though of course his hated dress pants remained She got a pair of dungarees and a tee shirt and helped Brad into them. Brad smiled at being all ready to go and started for the door, too eager to get to the park to think to explore his new environs, and perhaps not really wanting to. He would have been half way to the park in minutes had he not been tugged back.

“See that’s why you need this, silly boy.” Patricia smiled and held out the harness.

“Awww do I gotta?” He frowned and looked at it suspiciously.

“Come on, your mom probably knows how to get it on better than I do.” Patricia extended her hand and Brad took it. Surely his mom would put a stop to this evil deed.

Mia smiled when she heard the crinkling that announced Brad’s entrance.

“Hello baby boy, how did you sleep?” She asked kindly, opening her arms to him. He scampered right into her lap and hugged her. While she held him with one hand she couldn’t resist patting his diapered bottom.

“I’m good mommy, but Patricia says I gotta wear that harness thing.” He pouted and looked up at her hoping for the best.

“Well mommy thinks she’s right Braddy. We can’t have you running off can we?” She smiled a bit and swatted her hands together in front of him enthusiastically. “Come on hop up and I’ll show you how it goes on. Do you wanna see?”

Mia’s happy, encouraging tone helped a bit and Brad nodded, hopping out of her lap.

“Okay spread your legs and stand still. Wow that diaper sure is puffy, are you sure Patricia put it on right?” Mia grinned a bit at her niece’s indignation.

“Nope!” Brad said, drawing a pinch from her.

“Well I think we can trust her for now. See this strap goes between your legs, and then this one goes around your tummy, and these two go over your shoulders and loop around. There we go!” She smiled and then handed the leash part of it to Patricia as Brad examined his confinement and found it to at least not be too tight.

“And away we go!” Patricia grinned and let Brad head out the door, though for once he wasn’t so far ahead of her.

“You’re not coming, mommy?” He asked softly.

“No mommy has things to do, I packed you a snack though.” Mia smiled and gestured to the kitchen where Patricia duly collected the little juice boxes and granola bars. Brad was glad to get out of the house, but Patricia found she didn’t have to reign him in too often. Only once when he was going too close to a lady walking her dog.

Brad had just been curious if they had the same kind of leash, he hadn’t meant to bother the big animal, but he had felt a jerk that seemed to tug on his whole body and his diaper all at once. He didn’t like the harness and gave Patricia a good glaring at, though it was forgotten by the time they had their snack and started for home. Brad wasn’t that bothered by the looks he got, if he even noticed them at all.

He wasn’t bothered with his wet diaper either, which he surely didn’t notice. It was just a slight warm feel and a heaviness between his legs. The feeling of wetting was still quite nice though, just as good as on the potty, he noted. The warm, relaxing sensation of relief. Even though he didn’t try to hold it in anymore he was finding that he still felt the need to pee, now far more often than he had before he was put in the trainers. But now it was no longer his problem to get to the potty or tell a grown up. It was their job to deal with the mess and he could just go about playing. He had to admit it was a nice deal.

Patricia had expected him to tell her of course, which he didn’t want to do because it would mean a trip home. She only noticed the soggy state of his diapers frm the smell, and then she really needed the harness to get him back to the house.

Mia was overjoyed when she heard about his wetting so voluntarily. The embarrassment over his cousin knowing had been his last hurdle and now if he wasn’t truly unable to keep from wetting, he at the very least didn’t care anymore. She figured to give it a few more days before she started the process of switching him over to diapers, just long enough to test that he really couldn’t be bothered to control it anymore.

“Did Braddy have fun at the park?” Mia asked with a smile, hefting him up into her lap with a little squish.

“It was okay but I don’t like the harness thingy.” Brad pouted softly as he looked up at her, sure that he could get her to forget it next time.

“I know you don’t Brad, but when you’re out with your cousin I want you to be safe. And dry too! You’re soaking wet, Brad.” Mia withdrew her finger from the front of Brad’s diaper, an invasion he was becoming rather used to.

“Oh sorry…” He muttered.

“It’s okay baby, mommy will change you this time and then we can get started on some din din. Won’t that be nice?” She smiled and got him onto her hip, being careful not to bounce him too much to avoid causing leakage. Without anything but a diaper change to look forward to Brad would have time to peer around the nursery for the first time while Mia got things together.

Brad sat there and peered around. Previously he had been allowed to enjoy himself with his Legos and action figures, video games, tv, and anything else he had as a big boy. Now he barely recognized his room. The crib was still the same except for the merrily colored padding that now adorned all the bars and rails, making them thicker and softer.

The changing table was there as ever, as was the armoire… the thing looked much the same, but its contents had surely changed as he clearly saw Mia removing a pair of fresh trainers from his former underwear drawer. The carpet was gone, and now it was just a hard wood floor and some pillows in the corner. Brad didn’t remember but this was often the norm in nurseries or play rooms. Brad wouldn’t need the soft carpet as he’d be well padded, and Mia didn’t need to clean stains out of it. The walls too were untouched, they would be handled in the evening to give the room time to air out overnight.

The smell of the room had changed from the usual linens and playing and occasional snacks there were left in. Now the clean linen smell was strong with fabric softeners and baby detergents, especially dreft, and the room had a softened, powdery lavender scent to it that blended with the pee smell of his diaper pail and crib. His smell, the boy smell was largely masked by the baby powder and laundry implements and plastic diaper scent now, so that it smelled like a room his mother largely controlled which just happened to have him in it.

There was a white rocking chair now as well, and a book shelf next to it. Brad groaned as all the cool coloring books were now gone and replaced with more youthful bedtime stories and things. It also held a few large blocks and other such toys, things that were mostly one piece and didn’t have all the neat parts he enjoyed playing with and losing.

There were lamps now as well but these were high up. And a night light… and, ooooh a walkie talkie? Brad reached over towards it where it sat on the changing table closest to his crib, but Mia was too fast for him.

“No no, that’s not for you baby boy.” She scolded gently as she got his reaching hand, held it up, over his head, and then backward to guide him to lay down away from the baby monitor. “Let’s get your drippy drawers off.” She cooed and began.

“What comes next for your diaper change?” Mia smiled, knowing she needed to make sure he was involved in his training as much as possible.

“Trainers!” Brad said, trying to sit up.

“Oh yes how silly of mommy. But remember, first we need to get that pee off your peepee right?” She smiled and began to wipe him up, dusting him with powder and then getting a fresh pair of trainers. She noticed the pull ups were getting low, and at just the right time too.

“All done baby. Let’s get you to your play pen.

“Oki mommy I like to pla…. Play pen!?” He gasped out miserably, looking at her as he sat there in just his diaper, trying to push her arms away as she moved to pick him up. Brad glared at her, but then he didn’t exactly want to stay in his room either, especially since he no longer had a room, but a fully equipped nursery.



End Chapter 13

Not Quite An Accident

by: ussc3 | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 25, 2015


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