Not Quite An Accident

by: ussc3 | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 25, 2015

Chapter 12
Chapter 12

Cousin Patricia was never called Patty. It simply did not sound proper. Previously she had been cousin Pat, a much beloved member of Brad’s shrinking circle of friends. None of his buddies from school could be allowed to see him now, and he was almost grateful that his mother always answered inquiries about playing with him with a line about him being sick.

The reason they had fallen out was that, at some point in his life, Brad had realized she was a girl. This was around the time she had realized she was a girl. When Patricia had been younger and Brad had still been a very small child, Patricia was happy just to have a play mate, but now as she burgeoned on an adolescence that came earlier and earlier as mass society was marketed to ever younger children, especially girls, she was beginning to identify herself more as a female, and wanting to act the part.

That had put an end to battles between GI Joe and Cobra that had lasted well past dusk, when they should have come inside. Tadpole catching in the stream behind her house had also suffered. And from the ashes of what had been their companionship came a lasting enmity. Patricia chose to base her own maturity upon Brad’s lack thereof, and to point to the differences between them happily. Brad, of course, saw her haughtiness as a great bit of nonsense as it was generally agreed upon in playground debates among boys that everyone knew boys were vastly superior to their pig tailed counterparts.

The only problem with this was that Patricia’s mature act had landed her plenty of babysitting jobs, had always wondered just how she managed to be so good looking after boys his age. She had never gotten a chance to babysit him, Mia had a teenage babysitter down the street but she was away for the summer. Patricia was overjoyed, she’d been looking forward to the chance of showing off how much of a grown up she was, especially compared to her bay cousin. Brad was soon settled in the living room where Patricia looked around.

“How come there’s no playpen Aunt Mia?” She asked curiously.

“Oh I think he’s a bit big for that.” Mia pointed out, having to expend effort not to add in “for now”. Brad was glad at his mother sticking up for him.

“It sure would keep him out of trouble. Little boys are awful for getting in trouble, and one that still needs diapers is a lot easier to keep out of mischief than a big boy.”

Brad stomped his foot as she set him down in the middle of the room and moved to the couch without him. His mother settled in a chair and he started for the couch.

“See, it’d keep him off the furniture. When they’re in diapers they cant be allowed to climb around cuz it stretches the diaper and warps the elastic so leaks are more likely, and that’s especially bad on furniture. Most play pens are waterproofed on the bottom just for diaper boys.” She explained as she gathered Brad to her lap before he could get comfortable on the far corner of the couch away from her.

“I don’t wear diapers at home!” He complained, glaring at her.

“Lets find out. Hnnn” Patricia took down his overalls expertly and then held him against her chest while she rose slightly and tugged the overalls off, revealing the disposable Mia had him in at the doctor’s office. Brad kicked and complained at this and tried to grab for his pants but a look from his mother quieted him.

“Looks like a diaper to me, and it feels kind of mushy too.” Patricia pointed out, squeezing the front while she kept her free hand around Brad’s waist.

“He wears diapers out of the house, but I let him stay in trainers when he’s at home because if I don’t he gets fussy. He’s diapered for naps and bed time though, I hate changing sheets.” Mia said with a laugh.

“MAH-OOOOM!” Brad cried out as she was telling his cousin entirely too much.

“It’s okay Braddykins, I deal with a lot of boys who need to be diapered for naps…. Though not all of them are so cute in their diapers.” Patricia laughed and teased him. “Speaking of which I think I should get you out of this one. Would you like a fresh diaper, little cousin Brad?” She asked condescendingly as she could.

“Trainers!” He said forcefully. A nod from Mia and Patricia knew her fun was over with the teasing, though she had other things she could do… and when she was babysitting a diapered boy she was going to have a play pen set up. Brad might not like it, but she wanted to play on the computer, not spend all day chasing him around. And she knew from games of tag when they were younger how fast he could lead a chase!

“Mom how come she’s here?” Brad asked rather suddenly.

“Because I need some help looking after you, I haven’t had a lot of mommy time lately and I was getting cranky. I don’t want to be mean with you Brad, so your cousin is going to help me look after you if that’s ok.”

“It’s not!” Brad said, pouting at her and trying his best to ignore Patricia.

“See, I told you he needs a play pen.” Patricia laughed and squeezed him. Brad pouted up at her as he was finding it hard to ignore her when she was holding his little self.

“I’ll think about buying one if you can keep him under control for the week.”

“MOM NO!” Brad screamed, struggling to get free of Patricia’s grip.

“Brad I don’t want to hear anymore yelling from you. Your cousin is in charge while I go out to some stores and I hope you can behave for her.”

As if to emphasize the necessity of behaving Patricia hefted him up onto his feet and swatted his crinkly, soggy bottom.

“You heard her little boy. Now lets get that wet diaper changed. You’re starting to smell.” She smiled rather enjoying drawing attention to it and waved to Mia as she left. Brad looked back at his departing mother as he was led off to his nursery.

Brad found himself laying on the changing table wondering what had happened. Patricia liked to look down on him, even when they had played together he’d be the baby when they played house, and he was forced to be the decepticons when they played transformers. And now she really had him. He felt looked up at the greatly curious smile on her face.

“Lets see how wet you are baby Brad” She giggled as she said this and pressed her hand firmly between his legs, feeling the soft squish of his cooling diaper. “Yep, someone definitely needs a diaper change. Who is it ? Whoooo is it?” She asked, smiling down at him in the most demeaning way possible. Brad just pouted up at her and remained quiet.

“You’re cranky aren’t you. I can see why. Let’s get this off your bottom then.” She tore back the tapes for the diaper and peeled it off him then set about wiping him up with the diaper still under him.

“Do I need to fold the diaper back over your penis while I get a fresh one or can you hold it?” She asked, smiling softly and enjoying the babyish implications.

“I can hold it” Brad said with a pout at having to answer such a thing. He only wished he could find his squirt gun so he could make her see what it felt like to be all wet... Just like in the water battles they’d used to have with his old super soaker in the summer.

“My, what a big boy you are.” Patricia teased before she flopped the cold wet diaper back over his penis anyhow and went to fetch a new one along with some powder.

“So how did you end up looking like such a baby anyhow?” She asked as she picked up one of his thick night time diapers.

“I don’t wear those during the day mom said so!” Brad said rather authoritatively, the fact that his mother had said it meant that it held some weight.

“Oh alright, what do you want to wear then?” Patricia asked, skillfully countering him.

“Underwear…” He murmured.

“I don’t think so Brad. What do you wear during the day, ask nicely. You know I can spank you if you don’t want to behave.” She smiled sweetly.

“Can you put me in my training pants?” Brad asked with a defeated sigh.

“Of course Braddykins. “ She smiled brightly and grabbed a pair from the drawer and coming back to stand overtop him.

“First we’ll get you powdered up so you don’t smell like pee, then Nanny Patricia can get you into your little training pants. Would you like that Braddy?” She gave that usual sweet condescending smile and Brad pouted all the more. Why was she being so mean?

“You’re not my nanny! You’re not even that much older than me!” He said angrily, watching her hold the baby powder at the ready.

“Shush, your mom left me in charge and that means you can call me nanny. Especially if you want your diapers changed on time!”

“Trainers!” Brad said, sulking miserably. Patricia just nodded and rolled her eyes. Boys could be so fussy.

“Whatever you say, baby. Sit still while I get you powdered up.” She sprinkled the powder into her hands and then rubbed it in, rather than sprinkling it everywhere which could get it into the air. Brad blushed as she carefully rubbed it over his damp penis and then wiped the excess powder over his tummy.

“Alright Brad hop down.” She said, holding the trainers out and guiding his legs into them. As he hopped down off the table she pulled them up, getting them on snugly.

“There now that wasn’t so bad. Now I think you should tell me how you ended up wetting the bed again and having accidents during the day.” She smiled. This was going to be a fun story.

“My mom decided to make me wear training pants.” He said. Sadly that was the least embarrassing way he could put it.

“Uh huh…” Patricia muttered, deciding to make a note to ask her aunt about this before looking back to Brad.

“Ok sit in your room and play with your Legos for a while, I need to get back to important grown up stuff.” She said in her most condescending manner.

“You’re not a grown up” Brad said disbelievingly.

“More than you are.” Patricia sneered as she went back to the computer. Brad just pouted and moved to get dressed, he wasn’t going to hang around her without anything covering his trainers, that was for sure!

Brad had been playing for a while when he realized he needed to wet, and smiled as he saw an advantage of having Patricia around.

“Nanny Patricia” He said as respectfully as he could. “I need to pee”.

“Well go potty then.” She muttered as she clicked out an instant messenger window.

“Ok” He scurried off to the bathroom and smiled as he stood and used the toilet like a big boy for the first time in a long while. He smiled proudly as he stood up and tugged his dungarees and training pants down, enjoying the rumbling gurgle as he peed into the toilet, the bowl amplifying the sound. It was loud and rude, a most masculine enterprise… and it attracted Patricia’s attention.

“Brad, don’t you have a potty to go on?” She asked.

“I am” He said with a giggle, trying to act innocent.

“I think I saw a little blue plastic baby potty with a pee guard in your nursery. Isnt that where your mommy wants you to pee?” Brad looked to her in wonderment. How did she know this?

“I guess so…” He muttered with a soft pout.

“Well ok then. If you don’t want your mom to know you broke the rules you’re going to take a nap.” She smiled and then sighed as she looked at the state of him. “Oh look at you, you didn’t even wipe!” She said disgustedly. She knelt down and swatted his thighs apart, daring him to try to interfere as she dabbed at his pee hole with a baby wipe.

“Step out of your pants” She said calmly. Brad complied, knowing he was at a disadvantage. “Okay, I’ll be good… But do I really gotta get a nap?” He pouted.

“Yes, let’s go get your diaper on and I’ll put you down to rest.” She couldn’t help but smile at his cute way of pouting as she led him back to the nursery.


As she drove home from the store Mia felt rather bad about leaving Brad to beg to be changed by his hated cousin, but it was a lesson she wanted him to learn. Brad had to start to see all women as superior to him as care givers and disciplinarians, and that included girls old enough to take responsibility for him. He didn’t like Patricia, but she was a good babysitter, and Brad had to get used to things he didn’t like.

However, despite the added help that Patricia offered there was still going to be that adjustment period. For instance, Mia didn’t expect a ten-year-old in a wet diaper and jammies to fly at her as soon as she got in the door.

“Hi mommy nap times over can you change me?”

“Hi baby, and no, Patricia’s looking after you and mommy needs to put her shopping away.” She replied evenly.

Mia swatted his wet bottom and sent him off to play with Patricia and ask her to change him. Brad tugged on her shirt while she sat on the computer playing…. His mom would never let him on there but for some reason Patricia wasn’t allowed. She wasn’t that much older than him was she?

“Hey Patricia, mom said I could play on the computer.” He stated as though this were reasonable.

“No, she didn’t” Patricia retorted with a tired sigh.

Brad just pouted at how easily she saw through him and went back to what he had originally gone to her for.

“Uh mom said you had to change me too…” He said, even less sure of himself now.

“She didn’t say that either, did she Brad?” Patricia asked as she swirled the computer chair to face him.

“Well uh…” He managed. Patricia muttered something about boys being boys and reached a hand to his shoulder to move him towards her. Brad felt her tug the diaper with one finger and slide another into the waist band.

“Well you are wet, but I think it can wait. Go play outside until I finish chatting ok?” She asked as she patted him on his head. She usually looked on him as an annoyance, but seeing him in his wet diaper and little jammies, caring for her cousin like a baby again was making more tender feelings come back as she remembered when he had been like her favorite doll, before he had wanted to do all this boy stuff.

Brad for his part glared at her and stomped off to the yard. He played in the sand box for a bit before he spotted a piece of bright green tubular plastic sticking out of it. “This belongs in a museum!” He thought to himself and began to carefully excavate it. He saw Patricia occasionally peek through the curtains at him as he dusted off the sand from the ancient treasure, and each time he’d stop his work. If the Nazis saw what he was up to and acquired the artifact, they might…. Uh…. Melt their faces off? He wasn’t sure, but his play was distracting him from the wet diaper.

Brilliant colors soon emerged from the sand, orange and white… and he giggled with delight. This artifact had been lost for ages, and now it had been rediscovered. Preservation was necessary. He grabbed up a truck and, when his guard in the window stopped looking again he loaded the precious cargo on and began a race towards the spigot where he could clean off the item and properly catalogue it archemologically. He had to bash a few Nazis off the side on the way, and managed to leave them all in the sandbox. Brad washed off the old squirt gun and then filled it up, returning to the sandbox to wait patiently. Maybe now Patricia would know what it felt like to be wet.

“Brad I can change your little peepants now if you want.” She said with a smile as she came out of the house. She felt a bit bad for leaving him like that even though most parents knew that a good overnight diaper like the huggies he was wearing could safely hold multiple wettings. She looked down at him just sitting there, immediately getting suspicious. “What are you doing?”

Brad’s answer came with a stream of water, dampening her shirt and pants in places as he giggled and deadpanned “No ticket.”

Patricia looked down at him angrily as though she were about to hit him, but that would be childish, and besides he really was just playing.

“Give me that you brat!” She exclaimed, reaching for the squirt gun and getting sprayed in the face for her troubles.

Mia soon came out, drawn from her relaxation by the commotion and seeing the wetness on someone who shouldn’t be wet, and the big boy toy in her baby’s hands… One which she had never liked in the first place…

“Bradley!” She said in a voice that made it clear he was in trouble. Brad dropped the gun and turned to his mommy, mouth open in surprise.

“Over here now! You’re going to get the spanking of your life and you can stay in that diaper all day until Patricia decides to change you. Honestly Brad, what’s gotten into you!?” She grabbed him up and made him look at her, but was surprised to find Patricia calming her as Brad began to whimper and cry, not having much of an explanation other than that Patricia was mean. He was even more surprised than Mia at what happened next.

“Aunt Mia don’t be so hard on him, he was bad but that’s what little boys do, its our fault really for leaving toys like this lying around and not babyproofing the house better.” She smiled and stroked Brad’s back as he looked to her.

“You might be right.” Mia said softly, looking down at her whimpering son. “Ok Brad be good the rest of the day and listen to your babysitter. Patricia and I are going to be thinking about what big-boy privileges you can still enjoy.” She said with that usual ominous tone. Brad turned to his savior, not worried about what might happen in the future as long as he wasn’t being spanked now, but the grin on Patricia’s face made a tinge of fear cloud the relief he’d been feeling. It didn’t take her long to have a chance to prove to Mia what a baby he was, and to prompt that discussion regarding his big boy privileges.

Patricia already looked upon herself as better than most boys, and this was an example of the basis for her logic. Brad had chosen to misbehave and play with things he shouldn’t even have just because he wanted them, even though he knew they’d be taken away after. She on the other hand, was patient and didn’t try to overstep herself. She was a fairly agreeable babysitter for a few days after that incident, and was quite pleased indeed when Mia bought her a new blouse and showed her what else she had purchased at the store.

Patricia had read in an ancient history class that when man, or in her view women, first formed societies, that the males had done the hunting and the women had been in charge of gathering and farming. The men would kill and hunt whenever they had the opportunity and have a feast if they were successful, glutting themselves. The women bided their time, set away what they gathered for the winter, and patiently watched their seeds come to fruit. Just as she was now doing.

The chance had finally come to pay him back for the ruined blouse, and Brad was largely responsible for it this time as he stole a block that she needed to finish a project she’d promised to get done with him. “Give me that Lego, brat, so I can finish this stupid castle and get back before the commercials are over.” She said rather bitterly.

“Nuh uh” Brad said with a giggle. If she didn’t finish her castle she’d have to play longer and he was starting to enjoy having a playmate again.

“Give it to me!” She said more forcefully. She began to grab at his hands to get it out of them, but when she finally snatched one it was empty and she watched the hand holding the final piece go to his mouth. Brad laughed around the toy.

“Cont guddit now” he teased around the block.

“Spit that out you’re going to choke on it!” She said, and not just to get the lego back now either, she was a bit worried for him.

“Nuh uh,” he said, enjoying the battle of wills.

Patricia wasn’t up for a protracted fight and it took her no time to haul him into her lap and get her legs around his. “Spit it out!” She commanded more loudly. She could hear Mia coming now. Brad tried to escape as best she could and she knew the more excited he got the more likely he was to choke. Patricia had learned the Heimlich maneuver in school and she thought it might work on him preventatively. Her arms formed a ring around his stomach and then jerked inwards. The Lego came flying out of his mouth along with his breath and landed on the floor in a puddle of spit. Right at his mother’s feet.

“Oh Brad! Look at you! You could have choked to death! Patricia was right, no more big boy toys for you, you’re too much of a baby!” She scolded, picking him up and holding him to her. Brad couldn’t manage any kind of response, he just cried softly as his mother praised Patricia for her vigilance. Patricia smirked and spoke to Mia as she came over to help soothe her baby cousin.

“You know this just proves we need to start babyproofing the house aunt Mia.”

“You’re right, I should have listened to you in the first place. Can you go set up the play pen while I calm him down?” Mia asked in reply as she got Brad settled on her hip.

“Sure, and I’ll get out the other things too!” Patricia grinned and skipped off downstairs. Brad really was going to be her baby doll again now!



End Chapter 12

Not Quite An Accident

by: ussc3 | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 25, 2015


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