Boomerang, Author unknown

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 19, 2015

Chapter 4
Boomerang, Part IV

Chapter Description: Author unknown

Part IV – Final Part

Author’s Note – First, I want to apologize to everyone for the huge delay in getting this final part of my story out. I just felt myself get more sidetracked and it kept getting buried under the pile of things I meant to do and never got around to. I also would like to say thank you to everyone who read these stories, they were my first published writings ever on the web. I appreciate my critics and my fans alike for being honest with what they felt. I know that if I ever contribute again, I will finish the entire story before I download it to the web. I also hope that somewhere I find the time to write again, it was fun. Lastly, I give full permission to whomever wants to use my “Boomerang” universe to do so gladly. Add all you want to your heart’s content, just let the people enjoy in the fun by sharing it with others. Thanks again.. . .


The first thing that went through Jason’s mind when he entered the doors was “Finally, some furniture that’s my size!” After all, he’d been trapped in his home for a week and the coach dwarfed him, he had to have help from his Mom to get into bed at night, he had to use his Lil Guy Potty Chair at home when his Mom took him because he couldn’t reach the full size toilet at home. The refrigerator loomed over him, and he had to find his Mom every time he wanted something to drink or eat (and now she monitored what things he did consume). In the end, he felt like a prisoner in his own home. The only place he felt secure was on the floor, and that made him feel even more helpless.

But in this place, he saw chairs. . .chairs! he could sit in. There were tables set for his height, and even bookshelves. Jason felt so excited he almost laughed. Then he noticed the titles of the books in the shelves. Pat the Bunny, Elmo at Home, Barney and Friends. The list went on and on, Jason noted as he quickly scanned the titles. It was a library for babies! They probably couldn’t even read the books, he thought to himself, they had to have someone else read to them!

“Hi there, you must be Jason,” said a voice from his back. Jason turned in surprise to find a young lady standing almost directly at his back. He had been so entranced in the books he hadn’t noticed her approach. “Hi, I’m Linda, one of the workers here. Is your Mommy with you, do you have anything to put in the shelves? We have a cubby just for you!”

Jason flinched at the cloying tone in the young lady’s voice, as if she were talking to an infant which he most certainly was not! After all, she couldn’t be that much older than he used to be. Jason could read from her nametag she was a student enrolled in the school. Yet, now a girl who probably would have been at least a few inches shorter than Jason’s former six foot height towered over him like some freakish Goliath over David.

“Hey, are you Ok?” Linda asked. “This must be pretty hard on you, I guess. I don’t have any brothers but I saw the news and stuff, they’re all full of interviews with some of the others. Hey, did you hear they’ve even come up with a name for what happened? The news guys, I mean, they’re all calling it the Boomerang Effect, ‘cause of how all of you, like returned to an earlier age. Pretty cool, huh?” Linda smiled encouragingly at Jason, and he couldn’t help but respond.

“I hadn’t heard that, yet,” he replied. “Yeah, it’s real hard. Nobody wants to listen to me, but everybody wants to kiss me on the cheek and tell me I look cute. I don’t want to be cute! I want to be old.”

“Yeah, I guess that’d be pretty hard,” Linda agreed. “Well. We were all excited to hear we’d get one of the youngers in this section, so I hope you like being here. If I can help you, let me know.”

Ms. Witmore came wandering up to them as they talked and handed over Jason’s bag to Linda. “These are for him, and can go in his cubby,” she told the assistant. Linda grinned and took the proffered pack.

“I’ll take them right there. Jason, come on and I’ll show you around the nursery,” Linda said so Jason jogged along. While they went, she kept up her cheerful chatter. “My best friend Marcy totally freaked when she found out what happened. I mean, her boyfriend, the one taking her to Homecoming Formal now came up to her knee. She figured the only way she could go out with him was if she happened to be babysitting him the night of the dance.”

Linda led Jason around the room showing him this part and that part. She showed where the sink was so he could wash his hands before eating and after using the potty. She showed him the tables laden with art supplies for finger painting and coloring. She introduced him to a few children as they walked along, and Jason was unpleasantly surprised to find quite a few of the children were actually bigger than he was! If his body was physically that of a 2 year old, he must have not been a big one. Finally, Linda led him back to the book shelves.

“Well, that’s our nursery! I hope you like it here, ‘cause we’re all thrilled to have you.” With that, Linda wandered off to tend to some other children, leaving Jason alone by the books. One of the other children came over to him.

“Hi,” the child greeted. Jason noticed that this child had on a bright yellow t-shirt with a huge picture of Barney stamped to it. He also was noticeably wearing a diaper underneath his cotton shorts. “Who’re you? I’m Andy! I’m almost phree years ole!” the child exclaimed.

Jason tried to ignore the boy, and continued to more closely examine the books on the shelves. The boy tried again to introduce himself, and again Jason simply refused to acknowledge his presence. Finally, the child went running off. Jason didn’t even notice him leave, so caught up was he in all the books.

“Jason!” Jason turned immediately to find Ms. Witmore looming over him. “That was very mean, the way you treated Andrew just now. Say you’re sorry!” Jason looked up at her with bewilderment.

“Sorry?” he asked. “For what? I didn’t feel like talking to some 2 year old little kid so I didn’t.. What’s the big problem?”

“The problem is Andrew was trying to be nice to the new kid, and you made him feel bad. I want you to apologize to him, at once. Go over and play with him or something.” Jason continued to feel completely out of place. He was supposed to “play” with the little kids?

“I thought all the kids who were affected were supposed to have their own, like classes, you know by ourselves,” he said.

“What, you thought we were going to put you in your own rooms and teach you trig or physics? Sweety, this is a nursery school, the people who work here have been trained to take care of little kids. That’s what we do. We read stories, finger paint, play outside. We have potty breaks and diaper checks. If you thought you’d go back to homework and class discussions, you thought wrong.” Ms. Witmore stared at Jason with a look that very clearly told him his opinion mattered very little to her. “Now, as for what you do here, you do what the other adults say. You will go where they tell you to go, play where they tell you to play, apologize where they tell you to apologize. You are one of the tots, and you’d better get used to it.”

As Ms. Witmore had been talking, Jason had been getting more and more uncomfortable with the way she was looming over him. At least his Mom had been nice enough to squat or bend down when she was talking to him at the house. But Ms. Witmore stood at least 5 and a half feet and Jason felt completely dwarfed by her. As she stopped talking, she bent over and Jason thought she meant to give him a hug or some other reassuring sign. Instead, he was completely taken by surprise when she lifted back his shirt and felt down his Pull Up.

“Hey!” he shouted and tried to back away from her. “Don’t!”

But Ms. Witmore simply grabbed his arm with her left while continuing to examine his training pants with her right. “It’s time to do a potty check, Jason. We do them for every little boy and girl at this time of the day. You should be happy to know you’re dry,” she told him as if he should have been dropping on the ground from that moment on.

“I KNOW I’m dry,” he indignantly replied. “I don’t need these stupid things, but Mom makes me wear them ‘cause there’s no underwear small enough for me.”

“Is that what she said, babe?” Ms. Witmore chuckled. “She probably didn’t want you to feel embarrassed. They do make underwear for toddlers, most stores have ‘em. I’m sure she decided you might need a little “extra” protection during the day. Now, go over and apologize to Andrew and then we’re going to make a trip to the potty chair.” Jason realized, too late, that Ms. Witmore had set him up. With her hovering over him, he had no choice but to walk over to where Andrew sat putting together a block house and tell the small boy he was sorry. Then, Ms. Witmore walked with him to the small bathroom at the back of the nursery.

Yet Jason’s shock wasn’t complete for that day, because she followed him right in. . .and began to pull down his pants. “I don’t need help,” he told her. “I do just fine by myself so I’ll be right out in a second.”

Ms. Witmore continued to pull down Jason’s pants as if he wasn’t even speaking. But she didn’t stop there. Once she’d undone his Velcro shorts, she grabbed hold of the Pull Up and began to slide that down, too. Unable to fight her, Jason found himself naked from the waist down with a strange woman watching him.

“Your Mommy said you might need help, and it’s the school rule, anyway. No unsupervised children in the nursery. Now, please sit on the potty and see if you can tinkle.” Would the humiliation ever end for Jason? While Ms. Witmore smiled encouragingly, he had to sit on the child sized toilet and attempt to pee. Even worse, he couldn’t! He felt like he should be able to. Mom had made him drink all his milk at breakfast (like a good growing boy) and he hadn’t used the bathroom since leaving the house. But as much as he tried, nothing would come out. After sitting for about three minutes, Ms. Witmore simply clucked her mouth with disapproval and directed him to stand back up. Again, she helped him pull his clothes back on and made a quick note on a clipboard.

“If you couldn’t pee-pee now, you’ll have to go soon. I want you to find Linda when you need to and she’ll bring you in here and help you out.”

“Linda!” Jason exclaimed. The hot girl? The one who had actually seemed like a decent person in this babysitting nightmare? She was the one he had to have take his pants off?

“Linda’s been assigned to look after you and three others in the nursery. Also, she’ll help you wipe so we all stay clean.”

“No! I wipe fine, I don’t need help!” he balked.

“It’s not up for discussion, that’s the way it goes. Jason, the sooner you learn this, the easier on all of us, you are not a high school student. You are not some little helper of ours. YOU ARE A TODDLER! Just like one of the others in that room. Until the school board sends you somewhere else or makes other arrangements, you will be treated and handled in exactly the same fashion as the rest of the nursery. I’m not going to explain this to you again.”

And with that, she opened the door and walked Jason out. Sure enough, about half an hour later, Jason felt the urge to pee well up inside him. The funny thing about it was one moment he felt fine, the next he almost jumped up and down and danced on the floor. He’d been stacking some leggos on the floor by himself (he had no wish to play with the others) when the urge hit him like a baseball bat to the head. All his life (well the life he remembered), he’d felt the urge with plenty of time to make it to the toilet. But now his body had grown to a size where the urges happened with less and less frequency. His “Toilet Sense” had stopped buzzing, and all Jason felt was fine one moment, and utter panic the next. . .because with the urge came the realization that if Jason didn’t do something soon, his bladder was going to release under the pressure!

Crying, Jason lurched for the bathroom. What before he had walked in moments now seemed miles away. Struggling mightily with every step, Jason stumbled for the potty. “Almost there,” he encouraged himself in a whimper. He was just at the door.

As if sensing his need, Linda came over and put a hand on his shoulder. “Have to potty?” she asked sympathetically. “Here, let me help,” and she opened the door for him. But Jason, who had out forth a Herculean effort to cross the room and maintain control over his bladder had been completely unprepared for her touch on his shoulder. More than that, Jason’s teenage mind continued to rebel at the thought of this hot babe helping him perform his toileting duties. Conflicting emotions and physical discomfort did battle for what seemed like years, but in all honesty were mere moments. However, Jason’s new body simply could not take the strain. To his horror and anguish, his bladder simply let go. . .

This had happened precisely twice since the change, both times at home, and both times because his Mom had been busy doing other things and had not been able to take him to the bathroom. Never in front of strangers, and never in front of girls Jason had been trying desperately to impress. But Jason felt the warm trickle in his crotch. He felt the padding of his Pull Up begin to expand like a wet sponge as it sucked greedily at the fluid offered to it. And Jason felt worst of all, the slight tightening of Linda’s hand on his shoulder as she realized what had happened.

“Did’cha have an accicent?” she asked him.

He could only nod, mutely, unable to even speak.

“Well, nothing to do but clean up and try to use the potty later,” Linda said cheerfully. But under that cheerfulness, Jason heard the voice of someone who had already made up their mind on something. And in Linda’s mind, she decided Jason probably wouldn’t be able to use the potty. It frightened him to think of where those thoughts would lead.

Linda directed him out of the cramped bathroom and into the nursery room. Quickly, she retrieved a dry Pull Up from his bag and took him to the changing table. She helped him stand up on it.

“Now, lay down, Jason, and I’ll get that nasty wet Pull Up off and give you a new dry one” she told him. Jason had no choice but to comply. His Pull Ups were the new ones that had tabs like diapers to help in changing and replacing. Linda, with practiced hands, undid the tabs and slid off the soiled training pant and replaced it with a dry one. She also added powder to Jason’s bottom to prevent any rash or irritation to the skin. As she slid on the new Pull Up, Jason felt his hopes for any relationship with Linda crumble. From this point on, he would forever be associated with one of her charges. Like any old babysitter, Jason would always be “the kid I whose diapers I used to change.” His last thoughts of freedom and adulthood went with that.

When his Mom came to pick him up, Jason sullenly walked with her to the car.

“How was the first day, sweety?” she asked him. “Did you have fun playing with the other kids?” Jason didn’t even bother to reply. “Ms. Witmore told me what happened. Babe, accidents happen to everyone. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll go potty tomorrow like a big boy!”

And that was exactly the problem! Jason wasn’t a “big boy” anymore. No matter how hard he fought, or how many prayers he said, his body for now, looked like it belonged in a crib, not in a high school. His thoughts and memories might be better suited to Physics discussions, but his body better fit a playpen. Even among a group of small kids, Jason stood out as being smaller and younger than the rest. Jason’s depression began to go deeper and deeper.

That night was church night, and Jason’s Mom packed them off an hour after they went home. Sure enough, while Pam went to sing with the adults, Jason went to the nursery. He was somewhat relieved to find a couple of other Boomerang kids here, but once again, Jason was certainly the smallest. His two friends from the youth group, Kent and Dennis had stopped shrinking at about four years, each.

“Where did you end up, Jason?” Kent asked him. “My Mom got me a place at Kindercare. There’s about sixteen other guys there. The adults let us watch a little MTV, but we had to take a nap after.”

“Yeah, Dad dropped me at Scootie’s School on 9th,” Dennis shot in. “There’s some really cool guys there. We had some fun picking on the smaller kids at the play ground, before Mrs. Tutals broke it up. Where’d they send you?”

“I’m on my own at some rinkydink old high school. It sucks! I’m the only Boomerang kid in a bunch of babies, and they want me to act like one of the rest.” But I’m not!” Jason shouted. The nursery supervisor, Joanna Collins, looked over at his shout.

“Jason, you should know better than to raise your voice in here. There are babies taking naps. Now, do you have to potty, your Mom asked us to check?” Jason felt his face flush as his two friends giggled.

“Yeah, Jason, do you need to go pee-pee?” Dennis smirked.

“Does poor wittle Jasy-sown, need his Mommy to take him potty? What happens when hims has to go poopies by himselfs? Will Jay-sown have an “uh-oh” if noone’s there to help him?”

“Stop it, it’s not like that,” Jason pleaded. To his horror, though, he began to feel the same thing that had happened before. The huge urge to relieve himself hit him, and if anything, it actually felt stronger than it had the last time. Dennis stared at Jason and for the first time realized how small Jason really was. Jason felt tears welling up inside of him as he fought for control. Unfortunately, control is one thing toddlers simply don’t happen to have. And once again, Jason lost control and wet himself. Kent and Dennis eagerly laughed when they saw his beet red face show his childish lack of control and incontinence.

“Man, Kent, what are we doing talking ta this baby? He probably can’t even put his clothes on without help. Come on,” Dennis said and walked away.

“But guys,”Jason exclaimed. “Come on guys, it’s not like that. Please. . .” Jason felt a tear roll down his face watching them walk to a group of older kids in the nursery.

“Come on, Jason” Joanna said sternly. “This is the 3 and 4 year old’s room. Pam assured us it would be OK to keep you in here because she said you could control yourself. We don’t have changing facilities in here, so I’ll have to take you the toddler room.” Jason was dragged across the hall into another part of the children’s area. Joanna handed Jason off to yet another nursery worker who led Jason to a changing mat.

Quickly, she grabbed some supplies and undid Jason’s pants. Then, she undid his Pull Up. Jason had begun to grow accustomed to this feeling and simply closed his eyes in hopeless surrender. But then he felt something wholly new and different at his groin. It felt slick and plasticky and he heard it crinkle in an alarming way.

Jason popped his head up to see the woman leaning over him. . .pulling a pamper between his legs. “No!” Jason cried and tried to kick it off. Surprised, the woman simply swatted Jason’s upturned bottom. Jason yelped with shock, more than pain. The woman quickly taped the diaper in place.

“There!” she told him satisfied. “We don’t use Pull Ups around here. Little boys who aren’t potty trained use diapers, they’re much easier to clean and last a lot longer.” Jason couldn’t believe it. This had to be the worst, the end, the final blow. His friends refused to accept him, the people who dealt with him on a regular basis simply regarded him as one of their small charges. His Mom ordered and arranged his life at her whim. And now he sat on the floor in a disposable diaper. Which was precisely when Pam walked into the room.

Her face registered shock as she first caught sight of her pampers clad son. But then a smile grew on her face. “Pam, he had an accident about ten minutes ago” the woman who had changed him said,” so I just got a diaper and put him in it. I hope that’s OK.”

And Jason could tell by the look on Pam’s face how OK it was with her.

And Jason also could tell that they would be making one more trip to Wal-Mart on the way home to pick up one more set of things. With that look, Jason said goodbye to whatever teenage hopes and dreams he once held.

All Jason could do was cry. . .

The End.



End Chapter 4

Boomerang, Author unknown

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 19, 2015


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