Sucking Up, by Clinediap

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 5, 2015

Chapter 19
Chapter 19

Chapter Description: by Clinediap

Alicia was exhausted by the time she was allowed to get up off of the chair, mostly emotionally, but also physically, even though she hadn’t done all that much that day. Diane seemed to sense that, or at least to think that Alicia had learned her lesson for the day, as she was strangely kind to her as she led her into the kitchen and extracted the bar of soap from her mouth, cleaning up the suds that had dripped down her cheeks and onto her dress. She took down a cup and filled it with water for Alicia, and while that was good enough for rinsing her mouth out, Alicia was feeling quite thirsty by then, and water just wouldn’t do.

Diane followed her gaze to the box sitting by the kitchen table, then shook her head. "I don’t know that you want that, sweetie," she said gently.

In her mind, Alicia was raging at the woman, pointing out that the only reason she shouldn’t was because of whatever drugs Diane had put there herself, but out loud she just pouted. She didn’t care if she had another accident later - she was already in diapers, for God’s sake, what else could happen? - she just wanted a taste of the drink.

"Well," Diane acquiesced, "You were a good girl through most of your punishment... I guess if you really want it." She grabbed a dull purple bottle from the far side of the box and gave it to Alicia, who started to drink it as she toddled down the hall at Diane’s side. After everything she’d been through, it tasted so good... Even through the aftertaste of the soap, it made her feel better. In fact, she thought, that bottle didn’t seem to have the aftertaste that the ones Diane had dosed had. Maybe Diane hadn’t gotten to that side yet! It annoyed her a little that Diane thought she was stupid enough not to notice that.

In the bathroom, Diane took Alicia’s dress and bra off, tossing them into the hamper, then carefully untaped her diaper. Alicia felt a little sick as the smell hit her nostrils, and she had to admit that she was glad she wasn’t the one doing the cleaning up. She heard some plops as Diane emptied the diaper into the toilet, then squirmed as Diane started cleaning her up with toilet paper, whining as her red hind end was touched.

"It’s all right," Diane told her soothingly. "It’ll be over soon... I’m going to have to get you some baby wipes, won’t I? Those would feel much better. And you need some nice baby powder, too, don’t you? If I’d known you were going to be back in diapers so soon, I’d have bought some this morning. And you were being such a naughty girl in the store today, weren’t you? You made me forget all about it."

While Alicia had certainly thought her behavior was warranted at the time, she could only nod now, knowing it was best to agree. Finally, Diane finished, gently taking Alicia’s bottle, ignoring the girl’s whimper, and helping her into the tub, turning her around and turning on the shower before starting to fold up the diaper to dispose of it. The coolness of the water was nice, or, rather, would have been had she kept her shower on a less forceful setting. As it was, it felt as if her already tender butt was being attacked by a million tiny ice needles, making her squeal out loud and rush to the far side of the tub.

"What are you doing?" Diane demanded at the sound, turning back around and giving her a strange look before thinking to hold her hand out in front of the water. She reached up and fiddled with the shower head a little, then tugged Alicia back into place, letting the water flow over her, cleaning her off, cooling her down. After a while, once she’d shuffled off with the dirty diaper and returned a few minutes later, Diane wrapped Alicia in a towel and took her back out of the shower, letting her stand by as she plugged the drain and turned off the shower head, dumping something from a bottle into the ever growing pool of water in the tub.

Alicia’s stomach turned a bit as she saw the bubbles start to form, remembering all the ones that she’d had in her mouth so recently, but once she got past that, she had to admit that the idea of a bubble bath wasn’t all bad. And as she slipped into the water, it was, indeed, quite relaxing, at least until she tried to sit down. With a little maneuvering, though, she managed to rest on the side of her leg, in a position that wasn’t too painful.

"Now, I’m trusting that you’re capable of getting yourself clean," Diane lectured her. "I will bathe you myself if I need to, but I’m giving you a shot first, while I go get your dinner started." Alicia nodded, taking her washcloth and getting started as Diane left, closing the door all but a crack behind her. All Alicia really wanted to do was relax there, but somehow she felt the need to prove to Diane that she could still do something by herself, even something as simple as this.

Her chest felt very sore as she washed it, making her wince at even the slightest touch. She knew her bottom would probably hurt even more, if she spent too much time on it, but she was pretty sure the shower had cleaned her off well enough that she didn’t have to. Other than that, it was simple, and before long, she was leaning back, just enjoying the feeling of being clean after spending what had felt like an eternity in her soiled diaper.

All too soon, Diane returned, helping her up and back into her towel, drying her off and then giving her a good looking over. It used to be that Alicia liked having her body looked at - though she preferred men to be doing it - but Diane had already seen more than enough of it, and she knew there wasn’t much worth seeing anymore. It definitely wasn’t the same.

"It’ll do," was Diane’s final judgment, before ushering the still naked girl over to her bedroom, where Alicia could see a pair of diapers waiting on her bed, spread open, one over top of the other. "Up, up," Diane instructed, patting the center of them. Alicia stared up at her questioningly. "I have other things to do," Diane told her. "And we know from last night that you’re too lazy to change yourself, and that you’re a heavy wetter. So I’m making sure you don’t leak all over the place."

Alicia pouted, but rather than complaining, she complied, climbing up onto her bed and onto the diapers, watching with dismay as Diane fastened one, and then the other. It felt like she had a pillow strapped between her legs, and when she got to her feet, she was quite bow-legged, her gait, once Diane had put her into a Sleeping Beauty nightshirt, not just a waddle anymore, but a full-fledged toddle. Diane set her down at the kitchen table, a plate of hot dogs, SpaghettiOs, and green beans in front of her, and told her, "Eat up! I’ll be by tomorrow to check on you. If you really want to be a good girl, you can do the dishes, but you don’t have to. I know you’ve had a hard day."

And then, at last, Alicia was alone. It wasn’t something she was unused to, by any means, yet somehow, knowing she was in the body of a kid, and dressed even younger, her relief at being rid of Diane quickly turned into anxiety. She ate her dinner quickly, putting her plate in the sink, then grabbed a drink from the box - the far side, where she’d seen Diane take the one before - and toddled into the living room to turn on her TV. Nothing good was on, but just having the sound of the voices there made her feel a little better.

Sure enough, the drink tasted like the first one she’d taken, fresh from the box, untampered with, and the sweet taste comforted her, even as she began to realize that she was feeling pretty tired already. She also needed to pee, but the thought of having to go to the bathroom, get out of both diapers, then back into them, outweighed the icky idea of actually wetting herself, especially considering that she’d already been in a messy diaper that day, so she just let herself go.

A few minutes later, yawning, she gave up on trying to stay awake and went back down the hall to her bedroom, leaving the TV on, softly, in the living room. She laid down on her bed and tried to go to sleep, but she just couldn’t quite manage it until she got up and turned on the light in the bathroom across the hall, closing the door most of the way so just a little light shone into her bedroom. Then she went back to her bed, laid down on her stomach, and fell asleep.

She was quite relieved the next morning not to wake up to find Diane already waiting for her, as that meant she wasn’t about to be filled full of nasty oatmeal yet again, more than happy to go back to her plain, but more than good enough for her, breakfast of toast. The padding in her diaper felt a bit wet and squishy to her, though she couldn’t tell for sure if it was any wetter than it had been when she went to sleep. She hoped not, that Diane’s mocking from the day before hadn’t come true, that she wasn’t really wetting her bed, but she really couldn’t tell one way or the other.

After breakfast, and another wetting as she hid bottles from the far side of the box in the backs of her cupboards, she decided it was high time she change herself, so she went to her room, to her underwear drawer. Where only a few days ago, it had been rather bare, with only her day of the week panties, now it was full to bursting, with anything someone age six or below could want, or need. She began to grab for her Sunday panties - white, with a ladybug - but had to stop herself. Even if she’d found an area of un-altered drinks, she was sure the drugs from earlier were still effecting her - why else would she have so easily just decided to wet her diaper? - and she wasn’t about to give Diane the satisfaction of seeing her in another pair of soaked panties whenever she showed up.

So she got herself a pair of pull ups and put them on, then made her way, slightly amazed at how much easier walking was without all that bulk between her legs. No wonder it took babies so long to learn to walk, she mused as she went back to the living room. There was still a dull ache in her bottom from the spanking, but the pain had faded much more quickly than she’d expected. The pain in her chest, however, was only getting worse, to the point where she was really wondering if she should tell Diane about it.

When Diane finally showed up, however, bustling in with another shopping bag and immediately walking over to her, pulling up the skirt of her nightshirt and tsking at her wet pull up, Alicia changed her mind. "Look at this!" she declared, pulling Alicia to her feet and turning her around to see the small wet spot on the couch. "If this were my house, I’d be putting you back over my knee right now." Alicia blushed, having not even noticed she was getting that wet.

"If you want to be a lazy-bones, that’s all right - it’s Sunday - but if you’re not even going to try to use the bathroom, then you should at least put yourself in a diaper."

"I did try," Alicia lied, resenting the implication, even if it was true.

Diane just shook her head and took her into the bathroom to clean her up, wiping her bottom with the new baby wipes, then diapering her properly, using what Alicia felt was far too much baby powder, as if she were trying to make her smell as if she’d been dipped in it. "Are you just going to lay around all day?" Diane asked her once she was all taped up, standing there in nothing more than a diaper.

Alicia considered lying, claiming she had something important she was going to get done that afternoon, but she couldn’t think of what that could possibly be. And, since she didn’t know how long Diane was staying, she also didn’t know whether she’d be caught in the lie, so she just nodded.

"All right, then you’re all set," Diane declared. "You’re fine," she said as Alicia began to protest her near nudity. "You’re going to be the only one here, why make even more laundry?" Alicia didn’t have an answer for that. "Now, are you going to be able to change yourself?" Alicia stared at her blankly, making her roll her eyes. "I can come by tonight and put you into your night diapers, but you really shouldn’t stay in the same diaper until then, or you’ll get diaper rash. Do you want that?" Alicia shook her head. "I didn’t think so."

Alicia waddled back to her couch and plopped back down, staring up at the TV as she heard Diane clamoring about in the kitchen, cooking and cleaning, and, most likely, drugging the rest of the bottles. Alicia smiled to herself, glad she had outsmarted her there, anyway, and waited for her to leave.

"Have fun on your day off," Diane told her as she headed for the door. "Tomorrow you start your new life."

That broke Alicia out of her television induced stupor. What was that supposed to mean? She started to ask, but Diane was already out the door. She scrambled to her feet to chase after her, stopping at the doorway, reminding herself she was only wearing a diaper. She resolved to demand an answer when she returned that evening, but she fell asleep partway through the afternoon, snoozing through the woman’s second visit, the only evidence that she’d returned the fact that Alicia awoke in a double diaper again, finding a note that ordered her to to be in "Bed by 8!"

Alicia scoffed at that, balling it up in her fist and throwing it away. Diane could, and had, done a lot to her, but she couldn’t enforce a bedtime if she wasn’t even there. So she stayed up as late as she could in defiance, worrying about what was waiting for her the next morning.



End Chapter 19

Sucking Up, by Clinediap

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 5, 2015


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