by: little trip | Complete Story | Last updated Aug 20, 2014
A little over a year ago, I published a community newsletter here that was subsequently lost in the crash. I'm happy to provide it again with only slight revisions and an all-new FAQ. Furthermore, there are chances for YOU to contribute to Issue II!
Chapter Description: Words from me to you. This issue's subject: This issue. And future issues.
It is my distinct pleasure and honor to kick off the latter half of this amazing year for Age Regression with Wrong Way Kids, a monthly e-zine I’m going to publish right here on the AR Archive in an effort to integrate and illuminate the community.
You’ll find that that this has been posted as a story-- but this is not an AR story in the truest sense. Far from it. Though there is, and will always be, some AR fiction to enjoy in the monthly issue, the link on which you’ve just clicked offers far more than that: columns, classifieds, community initiatives, helpful tips and tricks, in-depth reporting, and even an interview with one hand-selected member of our little corner of the internet. It’s all to the end of rewiring the AR community to form a more social, communal, integrated, connected base of thoughtful reflection and interactivity in an era when being awake means being online, and being online means being alive.
Every word of this e-zine will cost nothing. Every word of this e-zine is released to the public domain under GPL for distribution (with attribution) as you see fit to support your part of the community. Blog, repost, retweet, interflutter, flitterbetwixtexter, phototumblflickstrmumbltubevinechatbook away. It is open-source. It’s not little trip’s-- it’s YOURS.
So poke around and see what you can find. I guarantee it will be more interesting than whatever you had planned for the next hour, so long as you’re not a secret agent. And if you happen to be one, tell me-- what are your thoughts on Skyfall?
~July 2013~
Wrong Way Kids - Issue I
by: little trip | Complete Story | Last updated Aug 20, 2014
Stories of Age/Time Transformation