
by: Mr. D | Complete Story | Last updated Jan 17, 2013

Chapter 2
Biding her time

Chapter Description: In order to escape Kevin's violence, Lilith cast a spell on him to reduce him into an infant. Since then she has been keeping an ear out for news on whether the coven knows anything about that night.

It had been six months since Lilith had regressed Kevin. She was still looking for something to do with the boy, seeing as just leaving him somewhere would be very cruel, but on a community college instructor’s salary she was already having trouble making ends meet as it was. She couldn’t find any records on Kevin’s original parents, so between everything all she could do was bide her time, keep her ears peeled for news on her coven or any witches nearby, and try to keep her students in line. As much as she hated caring for the punk that had tried to bring her harm due to honest grades, she did rather enjoy his company once she looked past all that, which, when they were in public together, is what she was forced to do.

“Hey, Lilith. I only joined this class because word out there is that the instructor’s hot, but you’ve been giving really tough assignments lately and I don’t think I can keep up… is there any way to adjust the difficulty level for me?” asked Sara. She was reportedly lesbian, however, Lilith didn’t know if that was the case since she always saw Sara hanging out with a group of guys.

Lilith checked Kevin’s diaper, in no hurry to respond. She knew Sara was a lot smarter than she gave herself credit for, the only problem was that she didn’t know just how smart. Kevin had been a manipulative asshole, but she couldn’t figure out Sara just yet. Normally students only approached her about the material if they wanted easier access to better grades, only Sara was enrolled in other classes where the professors had actual expectations of their students, so she suspected some sort of ulterior motive, she just couldn’t place her finger on what it was.

“Sara, if you find the course work too hard you can always drop the class. Your syllabus has my office hours, and you can always read the damn book if nothing else makes sense.” Lilith snapped as she found that Kevin was dirty. Every few hours Kevin left her presents and it was starting to get really annoying, considering that Lilith was not used to giving child care and had not planned for this at all.

“You always bring your kid to class, I think he’s really disruptive.” Sara shot back. It seemed she wouldn’t just drop the matter and Lilith wasn’t in the mood for this today.

“Sara, you may complain to my bosses if it suits you better. My son stays quiet during class and other than the smell, he isn’t such a bad kid, besides, a few of your classmates bring their kids to class too and I just don’t have any other options with this little guy.” Lilith replied. She had all her bases covered, seeing as she thought up every response to every argument laid against her the very week she had last used magic.

“I suppose you won this round, Lilith, but I will be back and you aren’t winning that time.” Sara left as Lilith started to walk toward the restroom where she would change Kevin. It would be too risky for her to change him back to his original age and turning him into the police would create some suspicion if they learned that Kevin had the same fingerprints and DNA as one of her former students. She thought herself very fortunate that everyone bought the story that Kevin just angrily left that night since she wouldn’t alter his grades in any way. Something didn’t sit right with her about Sara though. Sara was in her twenties and was a gorgeous blond. She didn’t ever try reporting Lilith to her superiors for whatever reason, but her visits to her instructor made Lilith uncomfortable about her all the same.


Lilith looked in fear as her student kept throwing glass at her. She knew that she had to do something or else he would get the best of her. She made up her mind with a flash of white light that was unperceivable to the human eye and gave her a chance to cast a spell, uninterrupted. She invited in her adversary, presenting her breasts as tribute. As her enemy enjoyed his prize, he quickly started to lose body mass as he smacked her succulent milk and she had to be very careful so he would not notice the transition from adulthood to infancy based on his decrease in height. As he stood there, shrinking, she started to squat so he would not notice the difference between his head and her boob. He had shrunk so much that Lilith had to kneel on the floor in order to keep him from noticing the difference. Kevin got shorter and shorter, smaller and smaller, till finally she had to scoop him up in her arms so he wouldn’t just fall backward onto the floor. As he finished up…

Lilith woke with a start. She relived that night in every dream. This was by far the most dramatic enchantment she had used since the ban on spell casting, but the fact that her magic was forbidden and should not have been performed made it all the more traumatizing. She looked over at the crib to find that Kevin was still asleep. This spell was definitely the one that had the most impact on her life. The only other spells she’d used went along the lines of putting more money in her bank account so she wouldn’t have to go job hunting again so soon. That had earned her a visit from one of her sister witches who had come across gossip that one of a banker’s clients suddenly had more in her account than he had previously accounted for, but dismissed it as being some sort of system error. She had been warned that the witch would not go to the coven about it that time, but any other such mishap would be reported, and this incident definitely cast a dark shadow on the one that had last granted her some attention from a sister. She decided to just go back to sleep. School was already a challenge without sleep deprivation.


As Lilith finished up her demonstration for the day everyone in the class started leaving, everyone except for Sara. Sara seemed to always be hanging out around class, hoping that Lilith would just break down and give them easier assignments, she did have a baby after all, and that had to cut out a huge chunk of time and patience from her life so with enough persistence getting an easy A shouldn’t be too big a challenge. Sara walked up to Lilith’s desk for tonight’s exciting round of college class drama.

“Lilith, I’ve started a petition for easier assignments and tests and I’ve obtained quite a few signatures,” Sara said as she produced the document. “You should take a look at it.” Sara left the classroom.

“The fuck is she on about?” Lilith murmured to herself. She started sipping her coffee as she began to read. All of a sudden Lilith dropped her coffee and sprayed coffee all over the petition, which in all reality happened to be a note.

“Lilith- I was outside your classroom six months ago and saw a strange light. I came in to investigate. Word around the campus was that Kevin was going to meet with you about his grades and when I got to the window I saw that there was a baby in the room instead of Kevin… isn’t it funny how your son’s name is Kevin? I talked with Frank the next day and he said that you had been by the security office to check on some video footage. I think this is all very interesting to say the least. I wonder what would happen if our coven were to get wind of all that.”

Lilith slapped her forehead as she realized that Sara was a witch too. She didn’t know for how long she had been with the Coven, but knew that she was not thirty years old yet since that’s the age that witches stop aging. Little Kevin woke up and started to cry.



End Chapter 2


by: Mr. D | Complete Story | Last updated Jan 17, 2013


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