Chris a little bad boy

by: FatBaby | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 4, 2010

Chapter 2
Chris the bad boy baby 2 Even worse

Chapter Description: This is the second part even worse that the first This is what I wish would happen to me

She had a plan to make Chris pay for that. When they got to her house she stripped Chris put a towel around him and left but not before putting the box that Chris’s mom had given her he still didn’t know what it was. Well about an hour of driving they got to another house. It was some sort of mansion. Well Chris aunt gets out of the car and picks up Chris and starts to walk towards the house then another women who must have seen them came out Sarah said “Is this him or should I say her.” Chris looked confused what do you mean her. Well the lady, Sarah said bring him inside I think we have what your looking for. Chris had no idea what that meant while we were inside Sarah two daughters came out they were young one was 6 and one was 4. Sarah said girls I like you to meet Chris. She said Chris meet Nicole and Lisa. She then told them to play outside and they did. Then the two ladies took Chris downstairs she told Chris’s aunt that she had the proper cloth down stairs. Chris was scared. When we went downstairs Chris saw what Chris was scared off all girlie cloth then Chris’s aunt put him down and then went looking she got out a baby size petticoat and then panties and pantyhose she then said Chris would look good in these Chris aunt said great so they dressed me up like a girl and told him to go play outside. Chris was mortified the girls looked at him a laughed they asked if he wanted to play. He said sure so for a little while they played in the sandbox. At dinner Chris’s aunt left then time for bed the only room Sarah had left was the nursery and Chris had to sleep in the crib and Chris objected but Sarah didn’t care then she told her girls to get pajamas for Chris she also told Chris to go to the bathroom Chris didn’t object so he did. Then the girls came back with a frilly dress and then Sarah told the girls to leave for a bit Sarah then dress Chris she also told Chris that he would have to wear training pants just in case she also told him that he better not have any accidents. He said he went to the bathroom so it will be fine. She then put Chris in the crib. The nursery was right across from Sarah room and Sarah left the door open a little then she went to her room from were Chris was he could see right into Sarah room. Then Sarah forgetting that the door was open stripped naked and she was beautiful hat body enormous cans nice ass. Well Chris saw that he got an erection and squirted out seamen also he peed he forgot that and kept watching then it hit in that he peed himself. Well Sarah got dressed in a nigh gown and before she went to sleep went to check on Chris and found he was soaked she screamed. And Chris woke up she said I thought you were potty trained you dam baby peed your self she grabbed Chris and strapped him to a changing table and removed the pajamas. Right around the time her girls came in and asked what happened she told them the baby wet himself they laughed he not potty trained she laughed and said nope now he has to go into diapers she told them that would happen to them if they wet there bed. Then she told asked if they wanted to sleep in the same room with Chris they said sure. So Sarah walked out and told the girls to come and get there sleeping bags but before they came in Sarah told them softly but not that soft that Chris still wets the bed and watch Chris and see if he wets the bed. They said sure. Well then Sarah put him in the crib. The girls laid down and then Sarah turned off the light. Around two clock the youngest woke up and the oldest said what’s that spell. She said she pooped herself then the oldest oh man don’t tell mom I got a plan. The oldest grabbed him Chris wondered what going on and they put me on the changing table for a six and four year old they were strong. They undid my onesie and diapers and then the oldest told her sister to drop hers I saw she had training pants they then smeared the feces all over the diaper and put it back up I could have barfed then They redid the onesie and put me back to the crib then the sisters left and came back with a clean pare of training pants then they got there mother and told her that they think Chris crapped my self. Her mother took me out of the crib and brought me to the changing table Chris told her his side and the girls denied it she believed them and Chris was re-diapered and put back in the crib. The next morning Chris woke up to Sarah picking him up from the crib she then brought him to the changing table and undid everything apparently Chris peed himself she screamed then took him to the bathroom where she gave me a bath and then she told him that h had to get ready for a big day. Apparently it was the youngest girls birthday and she had friends of all ages coming. She then diapered me and put a onesie Chris saw his aunt in the living room with my cousins my aunt screamed what the hell why did you soil yourself in this lady house you are a real baby. Chris’s aunt and Sarah put Chris in a highchair its time for breakfast. Well Sarah’s daughters came in and the littlest one said its my birthday. Sarah laughed and said it sure is. Then one of them asked can the baby come. Sarah said sure but you will have to watch him. The littlest said you mean I will be his mommy Sarah said yeah. After breakfast Chris’s Aunt brought Chris upstairs then she dressed him in a nice petticoat and diaper and then she put pantyhose so no one could see the diaper unless looking up his dress. Around 12 almost all the guest came his cousins asked if they could leave my aunt said yes Chris asked and she said no you are the guest at the party. Well all the kids were playing and all the parents were watching and Chris noticed a few looks his way and a few whispers. Well then Sarah got a game of limbo going but Chris didn’t go. Then duck goose and then a parent saw him by myself and said hi there you should go play with other kids he said no thank you but she insisted and Chris insisted no The lady told his aunt and she walked over she told him that he would join the next game or she would change his diaper in front of everyone exposing his man hood. He said okay and the next game was a question air boys verse girls forgetting he was dressed as a girl he went to the boy side but they pushed her out and said your not a boy you’re a girl. Well the questions were easy due to the fact that Chris was older. Well it turned out Chris won and beet everyone out. The boys were mad they got beat. Well he had to choose a prize so Chris had a Barbie doll then he walked to his Aunt who congratulated him he also asked if he could go to the bathroom he had to pee. She said that what the diapers there for. He got panicky then he went downstairs and outside. He relieved himself in the diaper. Then a bunch of kids came out and said you think your so smart well rumor has it you still wear diapers you baby. Then one of the boys pulled up my dress and said yeah the baby wears diapers. Then they said wow she already peed it they started chanting baby ,baby cant control herself at least we can. Then a parent came out and grabbed Chris and picked her up while the kids followed chanting the lines. The lady brought Chris to his aunts and told her what happened and asked if she could change him His aunt said sure. Well the lady bright him to the nursery and strapped him in she undid the diaper and got a surprise she walked to his aunt who explained why he was like that she agreed that that was proper punishment. Then his aunt came in and said I will take it from here. Then she put him in the crib . Then left leaving the door open. All of a sudden the kids were around the crib saying ha-ha we can move you cant. . Then someone called cake and they all left then I heard my aunt say none for Chris he’s sleeping around. His aunt came up to check. Then she took him back home and dressed him again but wearing a diaper then she packed up his belonging and drove him back home where his parents were. He walked inside only to be horrified to see a video of what happened. Everyone laughed. His mom said she got her revenge and that the whole family saw it. And it has its own website he know world wide. Everyone laughs,



End Chapter 2

Chris a little bad boy

by: FatBaby | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 4, 2010


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