Chris a little bad boy

by: FatBaby | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 4, 2010

This is a story I read in the past but forgot where to find it if you know where it is tell me well Chris is sent to his aunts gets in trouble and finds his aunt his cruel and unnual punishment. I wish it would happen to me Not for little kids

Chapter 1
Chris the bad boy baby

School has ended and it was the start of summer vacation. In Chris house was his mother and father and to sisters. During the school year Chris got into some trouble and his mother told him that since he got into trouble during the summer he would stay at his aunts house. She was supposedly strict. Well Chris was quite little for his age he might have 13 but he looked five or maybe below. Well his mother drove him to his aunts house about a days drive. When they got to his aunts his mom got out of the car and so did Chris. His mother told him to get his backs out of the back seat. He did while he was doing that his aunt came out and said hello to his mother and asked where is Chris. Who she hadn’t seen since he was little well littler. Then Chris came around the car and his mother said here he is. His aunt looked confused do to the fact that its been about 8 years and Chris hasn’t grown mush. His aunt said to Chris how are you doing little guy. Then his aunt brought Chris into the house. Then she said are you ready to see your cousins. Chris hasn’t seen his cousins in a while only heard about them they were around his age. They were two girls Claire and Bonnie. They came down and said hello and who is this looking at Chris his aunt said this is your cousin. Then Claire looked puzzled and whispered in her mothers ear but loud enough for Chris to hear “Isn’t he a bit little to be thirteen. His aunt said yeah but that’s okay. Well Chris aunt told his cousins to show him where his room will be for the summer. While he was walking up the stair he saw his mother bring another box in. He didn’t know what it was he shrugged it off. When he got up to the spare bedroom Chris put his stuff on the bed. Well night time came and his aunt cooked dinner and gave Chris a glass of orange juice she warned Chris not to make a mess or consequences would be bad. Chris was curious to what she meant but did not want to temp his aunt His cousins said you better listen the last cousin to make a mess was sent outside to stand on the deck completely nude. So Chris got scared. About a couple day went by and Chris was playing hide and seek with his cousins Chris hid behind the laundry which was on a line out side there was a big towel and some panties Chris saw the panties and got curious he grabbed them and started to look at them then he tried to see if they fit him what he didn’t know was that his aunt was coming and saw him. She ran over to him and yelled then his cousins came and laughed a little his aunt said what you like girls panties with your long hair I should dress you like one. Chris was freaking out the girls were like yeah dress him up we can give him a makeover. But his aunt said you do one thing wrong again and you will regret it. Chris got pissed and asked if he could ride his bike he brought with him his aunt said sure but be back by dinner Chris stormed out and got his bike. Chris was riding when he saw a bunch of kids playing basketball. He asked if he could play they said no baby girls allowed Chris then said I am not a baby or a girl. Then threw a rock and missed but got the boys attention. The boys said really you throw like a baby girl. Then they said lets see if he has diapers on get him. Chris got on his bike real fast and drove off. He drove fast because the boys were right on his tail. Screaming run baby run. Then Chris saw his aunts house and got into the garage and closed the door fast. At dinner Chris told his aunt what happened and she said that Chris was small and did look like a girl and told Chris then he should cut his hair Chris got mad and at night while trying to sleep got an idea how to get revenge on his aunt. Chris then in the morning got dressed in his good cloth and told his aunt he was going bike riding. She said fine and Chris then drove to an abundant mine which was full of dust he thought to himself she wants dirty she gets dirt. He then got off his bike rolled around in the dust and then looked around saw no one and stripped naked and rolled around again he was full of ash. He got dressed then realized he had one more place to .get dirty he picked up a hand full of ash and pulled the back of his pants out and shoved the ashes through his buttocks. Then he drove back to his aunts house and the adrenaline rush must have warred off because then he regretted his choice. When he got to his aunts house he walked in slowly and quietly and put his bike down as soon as he did that his aunt and to cousins slammed the door open his aunt screamed What the hell is wrong with you are dirty little boy. His aunt grabbed him by the ear and walked Chris down to the basement while his cousins laughed dam you got busted. Then his aunt stripped Chris naked and threw his cloth in the drier his cousins laughed wow his thing is small. I can barely see it which humiliated and mortified Chris even more. Then his aunt screamed more what the hell did you shove it up your butt too. Then she took Chris by the ear to the bathroom and told him to stay there she got the tub full of water and pushed Chris in she told her daughters to get a towel. Then Chris aunt washed Chris first starting with his butt she took a cleaning brush and shoved it up his pooper he made a howl she said next time think twice before doing this she gave him a cleaning then her daughters came back she pulled Chris out of the tub and put the towel on him and washed him she then said You want to act like a little kid fine we will treat you like one but this time a girl. She told her daughter to get there old cloth from the attic. They did Chris aunt brought him to the nursery and put him on the changing table. She then dressed him with a pair of panties a t-shirt and overalls and said aw so cute and his cousins laughed and said yeah. Then they went outside for a little while Chris nervous that no one would see him. Then dinner came and for humiliation his aunt put a bib on him The next day he didn’t get changed and went for a bike ride he got weird looks. Well he saw the boys again they laughed and chased Chris. Then Chris rode into town and lost the boys by going down an alley where he saw too girls who were bad. They asked Chris if he wanted a smoke he said no but the girls made him do it. Then they sprayed with spray cans on a fast food wall. Then a female worker at restaurant came out and said what the hell. The girls ran and Chris tried to run but was to slow and was grabbed by the woman a group of people were looking from the store as the woman grabbed me and pulled out of the alley and what’s worth was I saw a bunch of cell phone out and filming Then the lady knelt down and undid my overalls and pulled the panties down and said oh my god people then video taped what she saw my dick she said you’re a boy wow a little boy she then said punishment and started to spank me she then put my overalls back up and picked me up and brought me inside. She then called my aunt. When my aunt got there she was pissed and she drove me back to her house MORE TO COME



End Chapter 1

Chris a little bad boy

by: FatBaby | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 4, 2010


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