Father's Day The Sequel

by: Louder | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 27, 2010

Chapter 2
Parts 9 - end

Father’s Day The Sequel 9


FD The Sequel Pt9

Billy missed the latest episode at his house. He had gotten up early

to meet Sam and try and figure out what had happened to the magical

cologne. Billy figured until it was accounted for he wouldn’t be

comfortable. Sam agreed they should try to find it although his plan

was to give his sister another dose. Billy thought they’d done

enough already!


Jenny arrived at Mary’s and the two sat in the living room as Jenny

tried to explain what she thought had happened without sounding


’Mary, I know this sounds weird. Maybe it is weird.... Maybe I’m

crazy. Have you had any strange dreams lately?’

Mary thought for a moment but didn’t think she should mention the

dream about Ricky. It didn’t sound proper. ’Ummmm not really....’

’I was hoping you had.... had maybe had a dream about us all getting

younger’ Jenny told her friend hoping for her to remember.

Mary’s eyes widened. Had Jenny had the same dream? Was that


’You have, haven’t you?’ Jenny said upon seeing Mary’s reaction.

’Yeah....kinda I guess’ Mary answered.

’Mary, I don’t know how but I don’t think it was a dream! Here, look

at these!’ she said handing over the Polaroids.

’Ummmmmmm who’s the kid?’ Mary asked seeing the bikini’ed girl

posing in the photos.

’That’s me! And look at the date...that was YESTERDAY!’ Jenny


’Uhhhh... are you sure it’s you? How?’ Mary wondered.

’Yes... and I don’t know how. I remember it all like a dream except

I have these pictures! It wasn’t a dream!’ Jenny stated ’It all

started here somehow.’

Mary decided to confess that she had been thinking of Ricky all

morning and had felt to compelled to try and act and dress younger.

’Well, it makes sense... If you think about it.... Yesterday you

were just a kid with a bad case of puppy love. It’s not like one day

is going to erase a bad case of puppy love!’

It did make sense! Mary sat back to think back on the previous day.

’Jenny, my God! If this did happen..... how do we do it again?’

’I don’t know but I want it so bad! We have to figure it out!’ Jenny


The two women began disecting the previous day. It wasn’t long

before they both remembered Mark and Ricky’s cologne demonstration!

’That’s it!’ said Mary ’I don’t know how or why.... or where they

got it.... but that stuff did it!

’Well, I think we need to find those two....pronto!’ Jenny declared

and the two headed out to search for the boys.


Billy and Sam made their way back to Billy’s. As they walked around

the house they could hear voices at the pool. Billy motioned for Sam

to slow down and to be quiet. They sneaked around behind some bushes

and peeked at the goings on. As soon as Billy saw the two 13 year

old girls he knew something wasn’t right. He quickly figured out who

they were. They were all enjoying the sun and the water. Billy

noticed that Ricky and Mark were trying to persuade the two girls to

go ’skinny dipping’. They had to do something but he didn’t know

what. He figured the boys had the potion somewhere and that put Sam

and himself at a severe disadvantage.

Billy worried about what the girls would do now that the boys had

made them so young and immature. He could also see that the potion’s

magic had left Jim an impressionable 13 year old girl! Fortunately,

the ’girls’ were a bit too shy to agree to skinny dipping.... at

least so far! But they were enjoying the boy’s company none the

less. They couldn’t just do nothing and let this continue.

’Billy? Sam?’ a voice said from behind them. They spun around to see

Jenny and Mary. ’We’re trying to find Mark and his friend Rick’ Mary

said ’Have you seen them?’

Before Billy could answer their question was answered as Mark had

overheard the conversation.

’Oh... hey Mom...’ Mark said upon seeing his mother.

’Mark... we have a question for........ Mary tried to say but Jenny

stopped her.

’There it is!’ Jenny said as she pointed out the bottle of cologne

and began running for it. Mary did likewise. So did Mark and Rick.

And also Billy and Sam.

’Hey that’s mine!...’ ’Not anymore!’ ’Hey.... gimme that....’ ’No!’

I got it!’ ’Let go!’............ the voices all chorused as they

arrived at the bottle at the same time.

......... to be continued

Father’s Day THE SEQUEL pt -11-


MFD The Sequel Pt 11 Louder

Billy and Sam stared at the two old ’women’ as they slowly rocked away in their rocking chairs.

’Now what?’ said Sam.

’I dunno!’ Billy answered as he pondered the whole situation.

’Mom, you let the old man trick you again!’ Billy told his now elderly mother but it was obvious her cloudy mind didn’t comprehend.

Jamie was also aged severely but seemed to have a little more awareness. Unfortunately, neither was in any shape to walk out of the mall and walk home. And both looked ridiculous dressed in the remnants of the clothing they had worn as teens before the latest transformation.

’Hows come the old man closed so early?’ Sam wondered aloud.

’I think he has fun messin’ with us and stuff!’ Billy said unhappily.

’How’d the old man make ’em little the first time he tricked ’em?’ Sam asked.

’I dunno.... they were in the sandbox there when I looked in here.... hmmmmmmmm’ Billy replied as he mind began wondering about the connection.

’Maybe the sandbox has a spell on it or somethin’? Maybe if we put ’em in there now they’ll get younger!’ Sam deduced ’And we can get ’em out before they get too little. Heck, even if they get little it’ll be better than now!’

’Yeah.... it can’t hurt... help me!’ Billy said as he began coaxing the two elderly women to the sandbox that was among several odd items in the room.

After some work they had both women in the sandbox. Jamie didn’t seem amused but Michelle didn’t seem to mind.

’Nothin’s happening!’ Sam said disappointedly ’Maybe the old man has to do something to it’

’Or maybe it’s just a plain ol’ sandbox!’ Billy replied.

’Well, maybe we can find some more potion or somethin’ else in here to fix ’em back ourselves’ Sam decided ’There’s gotta be something!’

’Hmmmmmm Maybe..... But we gotta be careful. This stuff is tricky!’ Billy said as he began looking through the mess of things the old man had seemingly stored everywhere. The two elderly women remained in the sandbox.

’Hey! Look here!..... ’ Billy said as he found a bottle of potion and began reading the label. ’It says it’s ’guaranteed to turn your wife, gilrfriend, or other into a young woman...’ I bet this stuff’ll work for now!’

Billy poured Jamie and Michelle each a dose in a drinking glass and took it to them.

Sam looked over the bottle and read the whole label. ’Ummmmmmm whats a ’bimbo’?’ he asked.

Billy squinted and thought ’I think it’s a like a really dumb girl.... why?’

’I don’t think this was the right potion then’ Sam replied.

’Huh? Look...it’s working! They’re getting younger!’ Billy said as the two elderly women’s skin began to tighten and take on more color.

Neither female seemed to notice any changes. Their skin tone kept improving. Their hair got darker and fuller. Their youthfulness slowly returned as they re-entered their 30’s and kept getting younger. Each moment brought a more youthful appearance. And something else.... their T-shirts stretched to hold their growing chests!

’Something’s funny going on... they look kinda different!’ Sam said noting not just the fuller T-shirts but also a general difference in their body shape and hair. Michelle’s hair had gotten longer and MUCH lighter as if it was bleached while Jamie’s dark hair had gotten even darker! Both of them also mysteriously grew tanned even though they were indoors! Their legs grew more toned and even looked a little longer. Both were obviously in their mid 20’s at this point. Although the boys could not see the transformation under the girl’s T-shirts their waists had shrunk just as their breasts had grown.

When it was over Michelle and Jamie had been regressed into a couple of well endowed 20 year olds. One a tanned platinum blonde and the other a dark brunette. Both had sparkling blue eyes.

They took a look at their surroundings... the sandbox.... and began laughing.

’Do you guys remember everything now?’ Billy asked hopefully.

’Huh? Like what?’ said Shelly as she started giggling leading Jamie to do the same.

’About the wizard!’ Billy said trying to jar their memories.

’Of OZ?!!!’ Jamie asked in all seriousness.

’NO! Not the Wizard of Oz!’ Billy said as he finally understood Jamie’s reply. ’The old man that runs this place!’

The two girls knowingly looked at each other for a second ’Oh yeah.... The ~wizard~’ and then they laughed again. In fact neither could quite finish a sentence without at least breaking into a bad case of the giggles. ’If you two, like, say there’s a wizard then we believe you.... hehehehehehe!’

Shelly stood up and brushed the sand off of herself. She extended a hand to Jamie to help her up. Rather than taking her hand, Jamie kissed it! Then they both broke into laughter again.

Neither seemed to be surprised to find themselves in the backroom of mysterious shop in the mall. Nor did either even question being in a sandbox. Sam began to wonder if they were really little girls trapped in big girl’s bodys!

’Well, I guess this is better than before!’ Billy said.

’They sure act funny!’ Sam replied.

’They act STUPID!’ Billy shot back. ’We gotta think of something!’

Both girls tied their shirts at their waists in order to expose their belly buttons and small waistlines. Their shorts, that had been strained and torn when they were elderly, now fit tightly and allowed a bit too much view but the girls didn’t seem to mind.

’So, like, I wanna daaaaaaaaaance’ whined Shelly.

’Yeah... this kiddie stuff is like sooooooooo boring. I don’t wanna waste tonight!’ Jamie chimed in. ’Let’s get the rugrats back to their perch.’

’For sure!’ Shelly replied.

Billy looked at Sam. ’We gotta get help. We can’t let ’em go out like this and we can’t handle ’em ourselves!’

’But who?’ Sam asked.


Mark and Rick had other problems. Mary and Jenny had used too much of the potion. They were on a fast track to childhood! The boys figured Jenny was maybe 17 while poor Mary had slipped to the other side of her womanhood and was now barely 12. Neither seemed to ’get it’ though! Rick lost any of his recently re-found interest in Mary by this point. They had detoured to the park because the girls had requested stopping by. Fortunately, not many were around to witness their ongoing regression.

Mary began complaining even more about her clothing being too big. Her shoes were slipping and she couldn’t tie them any tighter. Jenny also began complaining of the same problems.

’What’s going on?’ Mary whined as one of her tennis shoes fell off.

’You two used too much of the potion!’ Mark told his ever youthening mother.

’We didn’t meeeeeeean to!’ she whined as if an apology was in order. ’Are you gonna tell my mommy?’

The boys guessed the two girls to be 10 and 15 now. Obviously, the potion was again bending the reality of its victims.

’Ummmm can I see that?’ Rick asked pointing to the bottle in teenage Jenny’s hand.

Jenny handed him the potion without question also a victim of its power. He then promptly squirted her again with a small amount.

’HEY!??? What was that for?’ Mark asked.

’Might as well have them the same age!’ Rick replied feeling a little special about having the bottle.

9 year old Mary ran toward the monkey bars. 13 year old Jenny followed.

8 year old Mary gleefully began climbing as best she could in her oversized clothing. 12 year old Jenny climbed to the top where she sat on one of the bars. 7 year old Mary wanted to sit up high too but she was afraid to go that high! 10 year old Jenny’s shoes fell off and her feet retreated into her pant legs. 6 year old Mary lost her battle with her adult clothing and she left her pants and socks behind leaving her shirt more than amply covering her. 7 year old Jenny was having similar troubles with her clothing plus now she had another problem.... she was afraid to be sitting where she was! Mary and Jenny reached the age of 5 at the same time but neither’s regression had stopped yet! By 4, Mary’s shirt was dragging the ground and Jenny was crying wanting help to get down from her high perch.

Mark climbed the monkey bars and handed little Jenny down to Rick. Her pants also fell off as soon as Mark grabbed her to lower her down to Rick. Her shirt was also more than adequate to cover her.

As soon as Mark returned to the ground little Mary was there waving her arms frantically.

’Carry, Carry’ she said with a tear in her eye.

Mark picked up his 4 year old mother and was glad that the regression had stopped.

’You’re heavy!’ he told her.

’I big girl!’ she replied as she put her thumb in her mouth.

’More than you know’ Mark grumbled!


’I’ve got an idea!’ Billy told Sam ’Gramma will know what to do and she’ll be able to control Shelly.......errrrrrrrr mom!’


......to be continued

Father’s Day THE SEQUEL Pt12


FD The Sequel Pt 12 Louder

Billy and Sam slipped out the back door of the shoppe. Billy made off to a pay phone and called his grandmother to come meet them. Sam called his mother to tell her he’d being staying with Billy. She argued a little and wanted to talk with Billy’s mother first before agreeing but under the circumstance that didn’t sound like a good idea to Sam. Jamie and Shelly were busy flirting with some high school boys anyway!

That all gave Billy’s grandmother time to arrive. Her eyes grew wide as saucers when she saw the latest version of Shelly, her daughter. Billy began explaining the whole thing but his grandmother, Dorothy, had trouble believing it all. That is until Billy explained that he’d used a bottle of cologne to start this whole mess. A bottle he had purchased in a store named Spells R Us. Suddenly his grandmother looked startled.

’He’s back?’ she asked.

’Ummmmm who?’ Billy replied.

’The old man...the wizard?’ she clarified.

’That’s who it was. A funny old man who wore a robe’ Billy explained.

Dorothy shook her head and sighed. ’I thought we were through with him ages ago. You should never trust him! He’s evil! Does your father know about all this then?’

’Ummmmm that other girl IS dad!’ Billy answered.

’Oh dear! Then they’re not OK... in their mind?’ she asked.

’I don’t think they’re OK’ Billy told his grandmother.

’Well, lets get them in here and get them safe until we can straighten this out.’ she decided.

Jamie and Shelly weren’t ready to leave just yet. Upon seeing Dorothy Shelly lookes surprised. ’Mom? You look all ancient and stuff!’

’Never mind that! You get in this car this instant!’ Dorothy ordered.

’Why?’ Shelly argued ’I don’t have to if I, like, don’t wanna!’

It didn’t take much conversation for Dorothy to see that not only had Shelly’s hair been lightened but her mind also! She was a boy crazy bimbo! Fortunately, her lessened mental facilities made winning the argument easier and Dorothy convinced the two to come with her by promising them new clothes if they did what she said. Their giggling and mindless laughter about drove Dorothy crazy before she could get them to her house.


Mark and Rick had their hands full. Figuratively and literally! The two 4 year olds wanted carried. Each was a bit jealous of any attention bestowed upon the other. They got them back to Mark’s house and sat them on the couch.

’Well, I’m glad they didn’t get any younger!’ Mark said.

’Yeah, it could’ve been diaper duty for you!’ Rick told him with a grin.

’ME?! Why me?’ Mark questioned.

’Well, one of them IS your mother!’ Rick shot back.

Mark looked at the 4 year old on the couch that was his mother. She was busy picking her nose. ’Don’t EVEN go there! Oh man.... diapers... no way! I don’t even want to think about that!’

’Hungry!’ said little Jenny.

’Yeah, me too... tummy go grrrrrrrrrrr’ little Mary added.

’What do 4 year olds eat?’ Mark asked Rick.

’I dunno.... Happy Meals?’ was his reply.

’Well, we don’t have Happy Meals here.....’ Mark said.

’We want ’donalds!’ Mary demanded.

’Yeah.... M-donn O’s!’ Jenny added.

’See what you did?’ Mark complained to Rick ’Why don’t you walk down to McDonald’s and grab a couple of Happy Meals?’

’Ok.... I guess’ Rick said as he stuck the potion in his pocket.

’Ummmmm I think that should stay here!’ Mark ordered as he pointed to the pocket with the potion. ’Better not lose it or worse!’

’Oh... Ok...sure...’ Rick said as he handed the bottle to Mark and then hurried off to McDonald’s.

The little girls seemed happy that McDonald’s was now on the menu. They happily watched cartoons while Mark sat and thought about what to do next. The potion would be wearing off and then what? Did he give his mother the bottle? Empty it? Keep them little longer? Try and get more from Billy? And what about the two teens next door that they’d used it on...Jamie and Shelly.... what had become of them? By morning Mark knew he would need answers!

Rick returned with the Happy Meals and the girls nibbled on the food and played with their toys. It wasn’t long before they had worn themselves out and fallen asleep on the couch. Mark covered them and he and Rick talked over their options for when the little girls returned to normal.


Dorothy herded everyone into her house. Apparently the only thing that Jamie and Shelly now liked as much as boys, if not more, was money. Dorothy told them if they would stay in that night she’d buy them each a new outfit of their choice in the morning.

After talking with Billy and Sam some more she figured going straight to the source was the best plan. In the morning she’d buy Jamie and Shelly their outfits thus getting them to the mall and while there she would deal with the wizard. She figured she was older and wiser and wouldn’t be swayed by his evil ways. Now all she had to do was get through the evening without the two airheads driving her crazy!


Mark awoke early. He went to the living room and checked on the girls. They were still asleep but they were no longer little. Mary had her thumb in her mouth while Jenny had her arm wrapped around a sofa cushion. Their legs poked out from under their blanket. Mark had already made his decision.... he sprayed each with the potion. Slowly they began to regress as they slept. Their legs retreated back under the blanket. In a while the two little 4 year olds were back! Mark figured this bought him another day to try and find out where Billy had gotten the potion so he could get more. He knew if his mother asked for it again he’d have to turn the bottle over to her and there wasn’t enough to keep them little forever!


As promised, Dorothy took them to the mall. Sam decided he had an idea to check on and also figured his mom would worry if he didn’t come home soon so he headed home instead. Once at home, Sam fired up his computer and logged onto the internet. He was glad he avoided dealing with the wizard this time!

Dorothy gave Jamie and Shelly cash for each an outfit and left Billy with them to keep them out of trouble. They picked out two very short and sexy dresses. One was backless with just a couple of strings to hold it up. The other had the plenty of openings for flesh to show through. They also made sure and found some shoes to match the outfits. Unlike before, now Jamie liked high heels!

Dorothy went in search of the SRU store while the girls pranced around in their new sexy outfits and searched for accessories.

....to be continued



FD The Sequel Pt 13 Louder

Dorothy cautiously opened the store’s front door as the attached bells signaled her arrival.

’Well, Dorothy! Long time no see!’ the old man said as he popped up from behind the counter. ’I’m surprised!’

’No doubt you are’ she snorted ’I’m a bit surprised myself but I think you know why I’m here!’

’Ahhhhhh I could guess. Well, it wouldn’t really be a ’guess’ now would it? Your daughter and son-in-law haven’t turned out like you thought they would?’ he said with a cackle.

’Not at this moment!’ she icily replied.

’And what can I do for you? Darken your hair? Add a little bloom in your cheeks? A boyfriend? Money?’ the old man offered.

’None of your tricks! You know why I’m here!’ Dorothy scolded.

’Well, you were here for a different reason years ago!’ The old man said.

Dorothy stopped for a moment. ’I was a young and immature! I stopped in here for a lark! Besides, what makes you think Joe wouldn’t have loved me with or without your potion? We had a good life together until his heart failed.’

’Ahhhhhhhh would you like to have him back?’ the old man asked.

Again Dorothy paused and took a breath. ’I don’t think even you can do that! And even if you could I’m not some giddy schoolgirl who falls for your tricks. I’m more than just a little wiser now.’

’Fools!’ the old man said ’I only offer you your desires. It is fools that turn things around. I don’t need tricks!’

And with that the old man appeared to grow angry and raised his hands. Dorothy felt a chill.

’Not a schoolgirl? Perhaps you should look at yourself!’ he scoffed.

Dorothy looked down at herself. Her hands were no longer the hands of a mature woman but those of a girl. Her clothing had changed to that of a school uniform. She was wearing a plaid skirt and stockings. She now had on a white blouse. She slowly traced the outline of her face with her hands. Her face was smooth. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Without looking in a mirror she guessed she must be 16 again!

’You were to return if the potion worked for you but you never did. All I asked was for a simple ’thank you’!’ the wizard told the now scared teen.

’But, but, but.... it wasn’t the potion. Joe loved me.... for me..... I never even....’ Dorothy’s voice crackled. ’But this isn’t about me... it is about my daughter and her husband and what you’ve allowed to happen to them....’

The old man appeared to soften. ’It is hard to stay angry at one such as lovely as yourself. Done!’ he said.

Dorothy looked around. ’What is ’done’?’

’Your daughter and her husband are back to normal’ he said at about the same moment as a murmuring built into a roar outside the shop.

Young Dorothy turned to see her middleaged daughter and son-in-law enter the shop running for cover. They were back to normal... and wearing the short sexy dresses and high heels that they had purchased earlier. Even the old man laughed.

Michelle looked at the young teen. ’Mom??? What happened?’

Before she could answer a young man entered the store. Young Dorothy’s heart fluttered. The young man reminded her of Joe!

’Excuse me... Miss... the bus is about to leave... I thought you might wanna know’ he said to Dorothy.

’It’ll be OK young man’ the old man told the boy ’you best hurry yourself’

The boy took off down the hall.

’Dot? You heard him... the bus is about to leave. Your choice’ the wizard said.

Dorothy looked around and tried to think. Was the old man offering what she thought he was? He must be!

’Thank you!’ she said as her eyes lit up ’I have a bus to catch!’

’Mom???’ Michelle pleaded.

’Let her be....’ Jim told her forgetting he still wore a dress and high heels that were now MUCH too small.

Dot started to run out the door after the boy.

’Oh, Dot..... One thing’ the old man added ’The potion I gave you all those years ago was just water. You never needed anything but confidence!’

Dot smiled and waved as she ran for the bus.

The old man made a motion and Jim and Michelle’s clothing changed into something a bit more appropriate.

’But what about the boys who stole the potion?’ Billy asked.

’What timing!’ the old man said as the door of the shop again opened. ’Hello Mark, Rick, Jenny, Mary..... We’ve been expecting you!’

The boys looked confused. Who was this old man? They’d merely followed Billy to the mall to try and find his source for the potion. Their young companions had slowed them up a bit.

’I believe you are looking for more of this’ the wizard said as he held up a bottle of cologne like the one that had started it all.

The boys both felt a chill. Suddenly the room appeared to be growing! The floor seemed to rise.

’Noooo.... we’re getting younger!’ Mark said in a higher pitched voice.

’This is your fault!’ Rick told the other boy as they shrank in age to Billy’s size. They continued arguing and shrinking and the pitch of their voices increased as their age decreased. They sounded like a tape player slipping into fast forward. They argued until they could no longer talk. Then they both fell to their rumps inside a pile of their clothing.

’I’m afraid when this wears off tomorrow they won’t remember the past few days!’ the old man said with a smile. ’Ok, now Jenny and Mary..... this should do it’ he said as he handed them each a lollipop.

The two little girls happily took the lollipop. They began to age. Their legs and arms got longer. Their wispy hair got thicker. Their curves returned. The girls outgrew their oversized blouses and had to be careful to keep the front and back strategically pulled down. At 18 they stopped aging.

’Oh..... I’m afraid I’ve made a mistake. I gave you much too weak of a lollipop to return you to your proper ages. If I don’t get another for each of you then you’ll be stuck like that and have to age back the old fashioned way of a day at a time!’ he told the two teens.

’Ummmmm you mean like we’ll be 19 next year and 20 the next and so on?’ Mary asked.

’Yes, I’m afraid so. Here, these should take care of it...’ the old man said as he pulled out a couple more lollipops.

’No thank you! This’ll do just fine!’ Jenny said and both teens laughed and high fived.

The old man smiled a knowing smile.

’I think this is yours’ the wizard said as he handed the cologne bottle back to Jim.

’Yes, thank you!’ Jim said with a grin indicating that he and ’Shelly’ may not be finished with the potion just yet.

Billy was happy all was ending well. The old man had proven to be more mischievious than evil.... at least this time!


Sam came running out of his house with some papers freshly printed from his computer. ’Billy... I found something! I got an idea to fix things! Billy? Where are ya?’ he yelled as he ran up to Billy’s house.

His mother, Christina, was about to log his connection off the internet when she noticed the site he had been on. www.OnlineSpells. Curiosity got her and she began reading. One section caught her attention. A recipe for an oil that rejuvenates the user. Particularly useful as the base oil in a tanning oil it said. She laughed at first but it was rather simple to make. What can it hurt she thought? Probably just a good herbal remedy...it is a pretty sunny day! She decided she could use a little sun anyway!

The end!



End Chapter 2

Father's Day The Sequel

by: Louder | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 27, 2010


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