Father's Day The Sequel

by: Louder | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 27, 2010

Chapter 1
Part 1

Father’s Day The Sequel Pt1


Billy woke up a bit earlier than usual. The events of the day before still had him excited. The first thing he noticed was that the house looked like it had been turned inside out. He figured that his parents had been searching for the magic cologne. Billy walked into the kitchen to see his parents sitting around the table obviously lost in some important conversation. Both of them looked like they hadn’t slept much.... if at all! Upon seeing Billy they quickly quieted. Their eyes darted back and forth from each other to Billy. Billy had already decided he wouldn’t mention anything about his parent’s transformations from the day before. They seemed to have made a similar decision.

’So ummmmm Billy..... How was yesterday?’ his mother asked him.

’Fine’ he answered knowing full well what his mother really wanted to know! He had no intentions of confirming that he knew what had happened the day before figuring that it gave him the ’upper hand’. He grabbed a glass of juice and slipped out of the kitchen but stayed within ear-shot in order to snoop on his parent’s conversation.

’He didn’t act like anything happened’ Jim said sounding more like a question.

’Maybe we dreamed it or it was some kind of hallucination?’ Michelle replied.

’Did you dream up that thong you were wearing? Did you imagination give you that tan?’ Jim asked rhetorically knowing that ~something real~ happened.

’I guess not.... But why didn’t he say something or at least act strange around us? He saw it all!’ Michelle wondered aloud.

’I don’t know. Maybe he knew what it would do? Or then again, maybe the magic worked on him too so that it all seemed normal?’ Jim replied ’And shit...if that is the case, then should we say something and risk looking like idiots if he repeats it? We’ve just gotta find that bottle and try it again.... just not so much for me this time!’ Jim said.

’Let’s just ask him if he knows where the bottle is.’ Michelle decided.

’NO! We don’t want him to know we’re looking for it... that we’ve lost the bottle! We don’t know what he knows. I’ll just get ready for work and you can keep looking for the stuff’

Billy laughed to himself at his parent’s quandry. It was great to have the power that he had right now. His only thought was what to do now? He decided he had to tell his best friend Sam about it. Sam was 10 years old and lived across the street. Billy yelled to his parents to let them know he was going to Sam’s. Billy’s dad got dressed and left for work.

’I’ve got somethin’ cool...REALLY cool!’ Billy said teasingly to Sam when he arrived at Sam’s house.

’Whatcha got?’ Sam asked excitedly.

’A magic potion!’ he answered.

’Nuh huh...there’s no such thing!’ Sam told him.

’Ya, there is and I got it right here!’ Billy said as he pulled the bottle out of his pocket.

’Hmmmmmm What’s it ’sposed to do anyway?’ Sam asked.

’It made my dad little and my mom turned into a teenager!’ Billy said laughing.

’No way! I just saw your dad goin’ to work and he looked regular to me!’ Sam stated.

’Cuz it wore off.... but it worked yesterday and now I still got the stuff and they don’t know it!’ Billy said with a grin.

As the two boys talked Sam’s house began to fill with small children. Sam’s mother, Christina, ran a daycare service in her home as a way to make extra money but still stay home with her children. She was divorced and the alimony and child support only went so far. Sam earned a dollar a day to help his mother throughout the day. His older sister rarely helped out at all.

’You wanna try it?’ Billy asked.

’Me? No way!’ Sam quickly answered.

’No, I mean on your mom!’ Billy corrected.

Sam looked at all the kids. ’She does like children a whole bunch....... and they like her.... Would she be little like them or what?’

’I think it depends on how much she uses. We just gotta put it on her.’

’How we gonna do it?’ Sam wondered.

’Like this!’ Billy said as he carefully poured some into the bottle cap. ’Ms. Hill..... Smell this ummmm perfume’

Christina walked over to him and he took her wrist before she could refuse.


’That’s a little much for a sample’ she said as she rubbed on the excess liquid. ’Whew.... it tingles!’ she finally said.

’Sorry.... but smell that stuff... ain’t it good smellin’?’ Billy said.

Christina had to agree that it really did have a nice fragrance. Before she could ask any questions her attention was diverted as one of the little girls had found their cat’s hiding place. She was trying to get the cat to come out. Christina had to go on a rescue mission.

’That stuff didn’t work!’ Sam complained.

’I think it takes a while’ Billy told him. ’Let’s play some Nintendo 64 while we wait’

Billy and Sam went into the next room to play with Sam’s Nintendo 64. Soon, they were lost in their game and had forgotten about what they had done to Christina. The game was really intense but their concentration was broken as one of the little girls entered the room.

’Sam.... Sam.... Make Wisa wet me pway with kitty! Pweassssssssse!’

They turned to see a barefoot 5 year old girl wearing an oversized blouse that seemingly swallowed her!

Both boy’s jaws dropped. Neither could speak. The cologne had made Sam’s mom the youngest victim yet. Younger than he had planned!

’Kitty come out and then Wisa picked her up an now she’s bein’ mean and’s not sharin’. Make her share... K?’ the little dark-haired girl pleaded.

A couple of the children that had witnesssed the transformation entered the room. ’What’s going on? How’d she get so little?’ the older child asked.

’Am not wittle!’ The dark-haired child protested.

Billy hadn’t thought about witnesses. ’Listen, it’s a secret and if you tell ANYBODY you’ll get in BIG trouble! BIG TROUBLE by GROWNUPS!’

The two seemed to take notice.

Finally, Sam spoke to the little girl ’Mom?’

’Huh? I’m Cwisty’ the confused child answered.

Sam turned to Billy for answers.

’Oh, I forgot.... They don’t know anything is wrong. The magic makes ’em think it’s OK’ Billy told him.

’Cool! But she’s awful little’ Sam said.

’Ya, I’m not too sure how much stuff does what’ Billy said frowning. ’But it’s only temporary anyway’

’Hmmmmm I wish my dumb ’ol sister was here. She’s workin’ as a Lifeguard this summer. But she’ll be home after work! ’ Sam said with a touch of meanness in his voice.


Michelle decided to check around the back deck for the cologne bottle. It was one of the few places that had went unchecked. As she went outside she noticed that two 14 year old boys were almost glued to an upstairs window of a neighborhood house. Their eyes were fixed on her as soon as she appeared. She soon saw their shoulders droop as they seemed disappointed for some reason. After a moment of thought she remembered her episode as a teen and the ’peep show’ she’d given the two ’peeping Toms’ the day before!

’Damn! That’s not her! That’s some old woman.... That kid, Billy’s mom! Where’s our little hottie at today..... I gotta see her again!’ said one of the boys to the other.

More Father’s Day/ The Sequel Pt2


Satisfied that they’d sufficiently scared the children into their silence about Christina’s transformation, the boys plotted for their next victim. Sam was pretty well set in his mind that his sister should be next. Christy was pretty happy when Sam was able to get ’kitty’ away from the other child and was brushing her with her own hairbrush.


The two boys watching Michelle frantically search for the cologne were oozing with disappointment as they waited for their ’dream girl’ from the previous day.

’That Billy kid doesn’t have a sister does he?’ one asked.

’Nahhhh..... He’s an only child I think’ the other replied.

’~Granny~ there kinda looks like an older version of our little hottie..... maybe Billy DOES have a sister?’

’Billy’s mom doesn’t look nothing like that ~super model~ that was there yesterday! Their hair’s not even like the same color.’

’Yeah it is.... She was a blonde just like the her.’

’Are you calling that dull mop blonde?’

’Well...kinda... I dunno... Maybe she’s like a cousin or something?’

’Could be.... I guess’ the tallest boy said as he sat his binoculars on the bed. ’This sucks! I bet as soon as we leave the window she’ll come out!’

’I don’t have anywhere else to be, do you?’ the other said.

The tall boy pulled a desk chair over to the window and said ’I can wait!’

Both boys laughed and waited.


Christy finished brushing ’kitty’ when Kitty hissed at her and then made a bee-line for the top shelf of the open closet.

’Kitty went HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS’ Christy complained ’Make her come down!’

Sam explained that Kitty was just tired and wanted to sleep. That satisified Christy and so she moved on to the collection of stuffed animals. She noticed some of the other children staring at her but it didn’t really bother her. Some of the children came to her to ask permission to do certain things..... even ask if they could go ’potty’. Christy didn’t know why they looked up to her but she liked being the boss!

Over the course of the afternoon parents came and picked up their children. By the late afternoon all the children had left.... except little Christy. Billy and Sam prepared for Amy’s arrival. Amy was 18 and working as a Lifeguard at the local pool. Sam figured it was time that HE got to be the older sibling. Amy was due any minute.

It wasn’t long before Amy arrived. Sam had already prepared a small amount of the potion in a glass. He wanted to be the one to ’get’ his sister. Amy got out of her car. She had on only a T-shirt covering her red Lifeguard swimsuit. She called the swimsuit her uniform. Amy padded up the walk and into the house. Upon seeing Amy, Christy eyes lit up and she ran toward Amy.

’Amy! Amy!’ she said as she hugged one of Amy’s legs.

Amy looked down at the small girl. ’What’s wrong? We, like, got a leftover?’

’I’m no ~leftover~’ Christy whined as she let go of Amy’s leg.

’~Whatever~’ Amy said.

Amy looked in the mirror and untied her hair. Sam noticed she wasn’t paying attention so he poured the potion in her brush. She picked up the brush and begin working on her hair.

’Yech! Something’s in my brush’ she moaned.

It was too late. She now had the potion on her. She rubbed her hand on her T-shirt to dry it but the potion was already beginning to work. Both boys watched for any changes. It didn’t take long for 18 year old Amy’s transformation to begin to be noticable. Her curves straightened and her features became more child-like. She got skinnier and skinnier. The bottom of her T-shirt raced down to her knees. She seemed a little confused as she passed back into total childhood. Freckles appeared on her rounding face. Her ankle bracelet slipped to the ground. She tried to adjust her ill fitting swimsuit but it was growing too large to be comfortable. She shrank ever closer to the ground. 8-7.... back she went....6-5-4..... 4 year old Amy looked like a smaller version of Christy. The family resemblence was unmistakable.

At 4 years of age her regression stopped.

’You’re wittle’ Christy said.

Amy didn’t answer. Her self confidence and sassy swagger were gone. They were replaced by the personality of a shy little girl. She put her thumb in her mouth and never said a word.

’COOL!’ Sam exclaimed as it sank in that he was the oldest now.


Back at the house with the two 14 year old boys-

’I got a secret! I got a secret!’ Mark’s little sister teasingly said.

’Go away. We’re busy!’ Mark told his sister.

’Uh huh! You’re just lookin’ out that dumb window! I know something you don’t! Ha Ha Haha Ha!’

’OK.... What is it?’ he asked trying to get rid of her.

’I can’t tell ’cuz it’s a secret!’

’Fine!’ He said and tried to ignore her.

’It’s somethin’ really cool.... a BIG secret!’ she said sounding like she was going to explode if she didn’t tell it soon.

’Just tell it...orrrrrr ummmmm we’ll throw you out the window’ Mark bluffed. It worked, although Katy could rarely keep a secret very long anyway!

’Billy and Sam’s got a magic potion! It made Ms Christina little!’ she declared.

’Little? They shrank her? ~Right~ ~Sure~!’ Mark said.

’Noooooooo dummy..... She’s a little girl. Billy had the magic stuff in a ’clone bottle or somethin’ and he did it to her.... but you can’t tell I told you... It’s a secret!’

Katy proudly left after telling the two boys her secret. The boys looked at each other and laughed at Katy’s gullibility. They once again started staring out the window waiting for another ’show’ from the mystery girl. They saw Michelle make another appearence.

’Boy she does kinda look like..... ’

’Yeah.... But you don’t suppose?’

’Nahhhhh.... Hmmmmmmmmm’

’Magic potion?’

’Let’s go check out the Daycare lady’s place and just see...... not that I believe it but we could tell Katy how wrong she was!’

The two boys left their window and went to Christina’s house. They crept around to a window and saw 2 little girls. One was wearing a huge T-shirt with her thumb in her mouth. The other little girl was wearing only a large blouse. She was doing something to the other little girl’s T-shirt. Both boys jaws flew open when they saw the girl in the big blouse pull an adult size swimsuit out from under the huge T-shirt! No adults were anywhere! They could hear Sam and Billy talking about their ’potion’.

’Magic potion?...... We gotta get that potion!’ Mark said.

Father’s Day THE SEQUEL Pt3

James pulled into his driveway. He had awaited a call from Michelle all afternoon in hopes of her finding the magic cologne. He could only think about trying the potion again. The call never came.

’No luck?’ he asked.

’Nope. I don’t think it’s here’ Michelle answered.

’It’s gotta be here somewhere! We must’ve done something with it while we were young and now we’ve forgotten!’ James decided.

’We’re going to have to ask Billy about it. There’s no choice!’ Michelle stated

’Well, let’s give it until tomorrow. I’m not to keen on letting him know we’re hooked on the stuff. Maybe it’ll turn up somewhere.’ And with that statement they both began going over the house once again in hopes of somehow finding the cologne.

They went to bed disappointed.


Amy awoke in her bed as the covers seemed to shrink around her. She was surprised to see her mother was also in bed with her. Amy had her thumb in her mouth.

’What are you, like, doing in my bed?’ Amy asked as she quickly removed her thumb from her mouth..

’Wh....what!?’ Christina asked as she shook her head to try and wake up.

She quickly jumped out of bed to see that she was wearing only her blouse. She also noticed that she had skinned her knee.

’I was scared....’ she answered but then realized that her answer while seemingly truthful sounded very strange.

’Oh?’ Amy answered with curiosity.

’I just had a bad dream or something.... I guess’ Christina replied. That was the only thing that she could think to say. It ~had~ to be a dream didn’t it? she figured.

Amy was wearing only her T-shirt. She’d also had what she thought was a very strange dream but decided against mentioning it. It seemed too strange to even mention. She figured her mother would think that she was crazy if she told her about it!

The matter was effectively closed..... at least this time!


As Billy slept, his door opened. Two young teens entered his room with a small flashlight. It was Mark and his friend Rick.

They shined the light around the room and tried to think of where Billy would hide a potion. They weren’t even sure what it would look like!

’Maybe it’s in his pants pocket?’ Rick whispered as the light hit the pile of clothes on the floor.

Mark bent over and felt an object in one of the pockets....it was the bottle of cologne!

’I found it!’ Mark said as he took the bottle and transferred it to his pocket. The two boys quickly left the house with their bounty.

’COOL!’ they exclaimed and shared high fives once they were safely outside.


Billy woke up that morning and immediately checked on the potion. It was gone! He turned the room inside out hoping to find it. He finally decided that maybe his parents had found it over the course of the night while he had slept. He knew it was in his pocket when he went to bed! He decided to meet them at the breakfast table and try and see if they had it.

’Ummmm .....morning’ Billy said as he saw his parents engaged in conversation.

’Hello Billy’ his father said sternly ’We need to talk’

Billy braced for whatever was about to come.

’Uhhh I seemed to have lost the cologne and wondered where you got it’ he asked.

Billy realized that his parents hadn’t found the potion in his room. He struggled with what to tell his parents. He decided he didn’t have much choice but to tell them where he’d purchased it. Hopefully, the old man wouldn’t ruin his plans.

’There was a place in the mall called Spells-R-Us.... that’s where I got it’ Billy reluctantly told his parents.

’Spells-R-Us?’ his mother asked in puzzlement.

’Uh huh’ he answered.

His parents looked at each other curiously. ’Well, I really liked it and thought I’d get more sometime. Thanks Billy’. That was the end of it. Billy was surprised but obviously his parents weren’t going to let on that they knew of its special powers. Billy didn’t understand but did know that SOMEBODY had HIS potion. He had to find out who!

Billy’s dad skipped work that day. They were hurriedly off to the mall to get more of the elixir. Billy began looking for clues as to where his potion had went.


Michelle and James looked for a Spells-R-Us store. They never saw it anywhere and then suddenly Michelle spotted it.

’I thought we checked that way before?’ she asked.

’Hmmmm I guess not’ James replied.

They hurried to the store and opened its odd door. Tiny bells signaled their entrance. An old man in a bathrobe looked up from behind the counter. ’Good to see you James.... and Michelle you look lovely today!’

How did he know their names they both wondered? Was this senile looking old man really some kind of magic worker?

’So how can I help you?’ he asked.

’Ummmm our son Billy got some cologne from here and we’d like to get more’ Michelle told him.

’Awwwww yes... young Billy. Nice young man. But I’m afraid that he got the last bottle.’

’What? It’s all gone?’ James asked.

’I’m afraid so. Hard to say when I’ll have anymore in stock. It’s very rare as I imagine you can attest to!’

’You don’t make it yourself?’ Michelle asked.

’Let’s just say I am closely involved in its manufacture’

’So just make us some new’ James said.

’I’m afraid it’s not on my list. Maybe something else?’ the old man said.

’NO!’ Michelle said. She was angry now. The old man was being difficult and she wanted more cologne. She figured it was a play for more money. ’Just tell me how much it’ll cost to get some more’

’Money is irrevelant’ he told her ’Perhaps you’d enjoy one of these mirrors’.

Michelle’s anger grew. The old man was being difficult and she didn’t like it. He walked them to a row of full length mirrors.

’We don’t want any mirrors’ Michelle said as she peered into one of the mirrors. ’We want more of the ~cologne~’

The old man continued his pitch to Michelle. He maintained a smile the whole time he talked. Michelle liked the craftmanship of the mirror and it’s frame. Her grandmother had a changing mirror similar to this one in her bedroom. She quieted as she checked out her 29 year old reflection..... 28...27....25.....23.....

’I’m glad to see the mirror suits you... and I trust that you also like the mirror, James.... errrrrrr James wrong mirror!’

James had found a different mirror to look at. It was a very well built piece. He brushed his long hair back to get a better look at his eyes. His face looked different somehow. Softer. He didn’t look as tall anymore either ...for some reason. And he didn’t have long hair..did he? He must, he figured, because he did in the mirror. His hands looked different...smaller.... his clothes began to fit strangely. Tight in some places yet looser in others.... His shoes slipped.

’James!!!! This mirror! Not that one!’ the old man ordered as he grabbed James’ arm and spun him to face a different mirror.

’Sorry’ James squeaked. ’But I like this one’ His voice must’ve cracked. It sounded too high. More like a woman’s voice rather than the baritone that Jim was used to hearing. He cleared his throat and tried to get his voice back as he faced a different mirror.

For a second James thought he saw a reflection of a woman in the mirror.... but then decided his eyes were playing tricks on him. Only his 29 year old reflection showed in the mirror. 28....27....26.....

’Hey, mister. Are you sure ya don’t have no more of the cologne stuff?’ 6 year old Shelly asked the old man.

’I’m afraid not, dear.’ The old man answered.

’Fudge!’ Shelly replied stomping her foot. ’We wanted more of that stuff’

’Yeah, Mister!’ 6 year old Jimmy chimed in.

’I’m sorry, kids, but maybe later’

’Kids?’ they thought.

The two ’children’ left the store disappointed. They really wanted to get the cologne to make them younger again! People in the mall stared and laughed at the two youngsters obviously playing ’dress-up’ as they walked thru the mall.

The old man laughed as he cast a spell changing their car into a couple of bikes . He figured he would change the two of them back in a while. ..... when he felt like it! He just didn’t like customers who could not take NO for an answer! They would have to deal with their 6 year old bodies and 6 year old personalities until he decided they could change back. He left most of their memories intact except for their memories of their bodies growing. They knew they were married but being 6 years old seemed perfectly normal to them.

More Father’s Day The Sequel Pt4

Jimmy and Shelly huffed as they rode their bikes back home. They rolled up their adult clothing and did their best to make it fit. Their large clothing flopped in the breeze as they rode home. Although confused, the old man’s spell had left them feeling everything was normal.

’I wish that ’ol wizard woulda give us more of that potion! It’d be really neat to be young again!’ Shelly said not realizing that she couldn’t get much younger!

’Yeah, I bet he had some and just didn’t want us to get it!’ Jimmy said ’He’s an ol’ meanie!’

’He’s kinda spooky too!’ Shelly declared.

’Yeah, I’d sure hate to make him mad....it’s hard tellin’ what he could do!’ Jimmy replied.


Billy searched everywhere he could think of for the magic potion. He figured someone must’ve taken it....but who? He searched around the yard for any clues but found nothing. Once in the front yard he looked up to see two children riding bikes and heading for his house. He wouldn’t have paid much attention except for the way they were dressed. Both of them were wearing adult clothing and doing there best to ride their bikes while fighting the oversized garments. They pulled right up to the house. It was then that Billy recognized the clothing...and then noticed the resemblance to his parents!

’Mom? Dad? You found the ~cologne~?’ he asked.

’Nuh huh! That ol wizard guy wouldn’t give us none!’ Shelly told him.

’He said he was out of it or somethin’ but I think he was fibbin’’ Jimmy added.

’But then why are you ummmmmmmm ~kids~?’ Billy asked carefully choosing his words.

Jimmy and Shelly looked confused.

’Huh?’ Jimmy asked.

’Why are you little kids? I mean if you didn’t get anymore ummmmm cologne..... how?’ Jimmy asked.

’You’re tryin’ to trick us or somethin’’ Shelly said suddenly turning angry. ’If you don’t quit I’ll tell!’

’Tell who????!!!!???’ Billy wondered aloud.

’Quit back-talkin’’ Jimmy said.

’Ummmmm Yeah, We’ll make ya go to your room!’ Shelly told Billy.

’Yeah!’ Jimmy added for emphassis.

’I’m not back-talking! Don’t you see what’s happened?’

’You’re bein’ mean and you gotta do what we say cuz we’re the mommy and daddy!’ Shelly ordered.

’Yeah, you gotta listen! Na Na NaNa Na!’ Jimmy teasingly added

’Well, you two sure don’t look like a ~mommy and daddy~! You better take a look at yourselves and think about what you’re saying!’ Billy told his confused parents. ’Look how big your clothes are!’

Shelly and Jimmy examined each other. They looked just fine.....didn’t they? Something did seem odd, maybe, but they still weren’t sure Billy wasn’t just being a bully. Their clothes did seem big to them. Both children were having to hold up their oversized pants. Shelly kicked at the much too large legs of her pants. Her large shoe went flying off. Her sleeves kept swallowing her hands. Jimmy was having much the same problems.

’Ya think that ol mean wizard tricked us?’ Shelly asked suddenly aware that things certainly didn’t add up.

Jimmy looked at Shelly and himself ’Ummmmmm Maybe.... I dunno. You sure look funny, though!’

’DO NOT!’ Shelly protested.

’DO TOO!’ Jimmy argued.

’DO NOT!’ Shelly replied.

’DO TOO! Ya dumb ol girl!’ Jimmy replied escalating the argument.

’I ain’t dumb!’ Shelly said.

’Well, you’re a ~girl~!’ Jimmy said. ’And all girls are dumb! ...and they got cooties too!’

A tear rolled down Shelly’s cheek and Billy decided it was time for him to intervene.

’Quit it, you two! You gotta act like adults and get that old man to fix you!’


Mark and Rick sat on the curb and planned their next move.

’My mom’s having one of those ’basket parties’ today where all those women come over and order some kinda stupid baskets. I bet they all would like to try this ~perfume~!’ Mark said with a grin.

’Cool deal!’ Rick answered.

They waited for the house to fill with guests. It was mainly friends of Mark’s mother. Once they decided that everyone had arrived, they made their move.

’Hey everybody, I got some cool perfume that we are selling for school. We’re ’sposed to let everyone sample it and then if anybody wants some we’ll take orders.’

’Mark! This is not the time!’ Mary, Mark’s mother told him in a disgusted voice.

’It’ll just take a little bit of time and I don’t care if we sell any or not. We just gotta say we tried’ Mark argued. ’With the 10 or so here we could finish up the whole quota right now!’

’I’ll try it....what’ll it hurt?’ Brenda said. Brenda was the youngest of the women here. She was 10 years younger than Mary. Being only 25 the others were envious of her youth. She always looked in great shape and could seemingly wear any of the new fashions that the older women would have to leave on the rack or look ridiculous in. Except for the fact that she was so sweet the others would love to hate her!

Soon, the other women were agreeing to try it too! Billy splashed a little on each woman and then moved on to the next. All the women agreed that it was a very pleasing and aromatic perfume. And all commented on the ’tingle’ they felt from it.

Rick and Mark sat back and waited for the potion to go to work. The women continued on with their ’basket party’.

’Look at Brenda’ Rick whispered ’Does she look different to you?’

Mark looked at Brenda and examined her closely. She did look different. Fresher somehow. And not only her but Mrs. Cole. Mrs.Cole was the oldest woman there and had a few streaks of gray hair... at least she’d HAD a few streaks of gray hair. Now it was jet black!

The boys watched for other signs of change. They noticed that all the women were beginning to look and act a little different. When they finally got another look at Brenda they were surprised to see a perky schoolgirl version rather than the 25 year old woman of only a few minutes before! Her shorts appeared looser and her halter top didn’t look as ’full’ anymore. She also seemed to lose interest in the baskets and was leaning toward the ’Real World’ episode that was playing in the background on the TV. A few minutes later and she moved over to sit by the boys.

’This is, like, a really bitchin’ show!’ she said as she adjusted her slipping shoes and loosening clothing.

’Ummmm Yeah.... I guess....’ Rick answered still in shock at the teenage beauty that was sitting beside him and also he was not much of a Real World fan.

’It’s just so ~rad~ the way they like put them all together to live and stuff’ Brenda replied.

~Rad~? Brenda seemed to be developing a new lanquage Rick thought as he watched the youthening teen adjust her ’growing’ halter top. He’d never heard any of these women say ’rad’ before. Both boys watched Brenda’s transformation in amazement. Especially Rick.

’Rick!’ Mark said as he tried to catch his friend’s attention. ’Look!’

Rick looked up to see that all the women looked about 10 years younger! Even Mrs Cole was looking more and more youthful! She seemed to be the only one still interested in the baskets. The other women were starting to become more and more interested in the new summer fashions that were being shown in a couple of magazines and a catalog. Mark’s mother looked to be not much older than Brenda’s real age. A couple of the other women looked to be re-entering teendom. Young Brenda gave up on her battle to constantly tighten the straps on her sandals as her body shrank back toward childhood. Mary liked the outfit that Brenda was wearing. She thought it was ~cute~. Soon she was asking to try on 13 year old Brenda’s discarded shoes. One of the women was unbuttoning the bottom of her blouse so that she could tie her ’shirt-tails’ to show off her svelte and sexy ’tummy’. Mrs. Cole was also beginning to gain interest in some of the new fashions. Rick was now losing interest in the 12 year old Brenda even though she seemed to be showing even more interest in him!

Mark figured that the oldest woman couldn’t even be 30 now. Brenda looked to be about eleven. A few more of the women had entered teendom and a couple of others were edging closer to moving right on thru their teenage years. Brenda pouted and sat cross-legged as Rick showed much more interest in some of the other youthening women. A 15 year old redhead was particuarily appealing. Mark wondered how much younger the women...mostly girls now.... would get! Even his mother barely looked 20 now. That would make Mrs. Cole a mere 25 and fast showing why she had been a former beauty queen in their hometown!

While Rick and Mark checked out the youthening ensemble of women, Mary and Brenda went into the back. The two boys were surprised at how the women didn’t seem to notice the changes. Somehow, the potion seemed to take care of their perceptions of reality! As they scanned the room to see the fast growing contingent of teenagers they saw Brenda and Mary return. Mary now had on Brenda’s youthful outfit!

’Whatya think?’ she said as she spun around modeling the skimpy outfit made even more skimpy by her cuffing the legs of the shorts. ’Isn’t it a cute outfit?’

The women..now basically all girls... cooed their approval.

10 year old Brenda was now wearing only an oversized T-shirt but seemed happy that Mary liked the outfit.

Mark couldn’t believe how much younger all the women had gotten. A couple of girls were actually dancing to a song on MTV. That shocked Mark even more...not so much that they were dancing but that MTV was actually playing a music video! His bemusement changed as he saw Rick had lost interest in the now 13 year old redhead and was focusing his attention on 18 year old Mary! The redhead wasn’t too happy about the loss of Rick’s affections but she’d soon lose her jealousy just as little Brenda had. At 9, Brenda was more interested in some dolls from a collection that Mary had than in any boys.

’Damnit, Rick! Quit looking at my mom like that!’ he said

’Oooh uhhhhhhhhh I was uhhhhhhhhh.... ummmm sorry.’ Rick answered.

The youthening continued. The little redhead soon also left her teen years behind. All the girls’ bodies continued their downward spiral through time and their clothes fit more poorly all the time. Most thought their attire to be totally out of fashion. Even Mary’s borrowed outfit was getting loose.

’Maybe we oughtta, like, go to the mall?’ one of the girls offered as she peered at some shorts in a catalog.

’Yeah, neato idea!’Mary said ’We can pile into my van..... but ummmmmmmm I can’t drive ’cuz I only, like, have a learner’s permit!’

Mark was dumbfounded. His mother wasn’t even old enough to have a license!

’That’s ok, I’ll drive’ a 21 year old Jenny Cole said as she brushed her black hair back out of her face.

’Neat!’ Mary answered in a high teenage voice. ’We’ll have to take the babies too, though’

Mark looked around the room. 6 year old Brenda was busy playing with the dolls. The little 9 year old redhead had joined her. Mrs Cole was the oldest of the bunch and she was barely looking 21. Another blonde girl looked to be ready leave her teen years behind.

’Yeah, and then maybe we can go to the city pool! Pleasssssssse’ the little blonde girl begged.

’That sounds groovy!’ Jenny said.

~Groovy~? Mark thought.

Soon, they all piled into the van and were heading to the mall. 5 year old Brenda was in danger of needing a car seat if this didn’t stop soon! Mark learned that the redhead’s name was April when he had to break up a brewing argument between her and the 11 year old blonde girl. The redhead he’d only known her as Mrs. Steele, but that name didn’t seem appropriate for an 8 year old! 15 year old Mary was busy tying her hair back in a pony-tail and didn’t seem interested in the smaller children’s problems.

Mark’s fears over how much younger the girl’s would get only grew. He could see even Mrs.Cole...Jenny... looked to be a teenager now! He did some quick math and figured that if she was 19 or so then his mother must be.....14!.....if that! He turned around to see 14 year old Mary holding Rick’s hand and giving him a peck on the cheek!


MFD The Sequel Pt5


Mark’s head was spinning! All the women were now teenagers or younger. The packed van was filled with carefree laughter and giggling. Brenda, was no longer someone to be envious of. She had begun the day as a vibrant 25 year old but now, thanks to the potion, was a child of 4. Mrs Steele, the redhead, was only 7 now. They were all drowning in their clothing as their bodies shrank inside them. Mark hoped that the potion would soon stop. Worse yet, he hoped that his friend Rick would quit flirting with 14 year old Mary.

As the van pulled into the parking lot Rick felt Mary squirm next to him. She squeezed his hand tighter and he turned to see that she had slipped even farther back. Now she was 13. She seemed very shy and innocent. Mark turned to see that Mary was being less aggressive and seemed to be content to just hold Rick’s hand. He didn’t like his friend even being around her but under the circumstances there wasn’t much he could do! He had to make sure that little Brenda was OK. Brenda was now 3 and babyfat was very evident on her. Mrs Steele... April..... was now 6. A quick scan of the ’women’ revealed that most were in the early teens while four of them had obviously crossed into total childhood. The oldest was Mrs. Cole. Jenny Cole had regressed into an 18 year old beauty. It was obvious why she had been a beauty pageant contestant so many times. The next oldest was probably 15. Mark had trouble even recognizing who some of the women...now girls... actually were! One thing he noticed was that none seemed to be getting any younger....finally!

They all piled out of the van. Mark wasn’t sure they should be anywhere other than home but he didn’t have much control. The ’girls’ all adjusted on their loose shoes and clothing as best they could. Everything was baggy. The little girls simply wore their oversized T-shirts and nothing else. For whatever reason, none noticed any changes and were quite content with everything. Jenny Cole in particular was ready to shop. The littlest ones were more interested in the toy store and McDonalds.


Sam made his way to his friend’s Billy’s house.

’Who are these two’ he asked seeing the 6 year old boy and girl.

’That’s dad and mom’ Billy replied.

’YEAH! Dummy!’ Shelly said as she stuck out her tongue at Sam.

’Ummmm the cologne?’ Sam asked.

’Nuh huh’ Shelly replied ’that old man wouldn’t give us no more and we lost the first stuff’

Sam looked at Billy wondering if this was his doing. Billy knew what Sam was thinking.

’I don’t know what happened. The cologne is gone. I think somebody took it!’ Billy explained.

Sam wasn’t convinced and Billy could tell.

’Really... It’s gone and when Mom and Dad went to get more, they musta made that old man at the store mad or something... I guess!’

Sam finally decided Billy was telling the truth. ’So how’d he do this?’ he said motioning to the two children.

’I ain’t sure but I think he put a spell on us or somethin’’ Jimmy said.

’You think we ain’t sposed to be this way too?’ Shelly asked still not 100 percent convinced that anything was wrong.

’They don’t ~know~?’ Sam asked incredulously.

’It’s like they don’t remember growing up. They remember other stuff but they act and look like kids!’

’HEY! We ’member stuff!’ Shelly suddenly argued ’I’ll send you to your room and...and....and.... and you won’t get no supper if you keep bein’ dumb and fibbin’ and stuff!’

’I’m sorry.... I’m just trying to tell Sam what it looks like is happening.’ Billy said apologetically ’I just think we need to get you back to the mall so you can apologize to the old man and have him change you back’

’I don’t wanna go back and ’pologize’ Jimmy said as his voice quivered. It was obvious he was afraid of going back.

’We hafta go if that dumb ol man put a spell on us!’ Shelly countered.

’Maybe you can go and I’ll wait here?’ Jimmy asked.

’Nope, ’fraidy cat... you gotta go with me so he can fix you too!’ Shelly replied.

Jimmy wiped his nose on his sleeve and then finally agreed to go.

The two children turned their bikes around and made way to the mall.

’So what’d that ol’ man do to us?’ Jimmy asked as they rode their bikes back to the mall.

’I dunno for sure but I think he made us think funny and stuff’ Shelly replied.

Sam and Billy watched them ride off.

Shelly and Jimmy finally made it to the mall and went looking for the Spells R Us store. Strangely, it wasn’t where they thought it should be. They had to track it down. As they searched for the shop they passed a group of young teenage girls and a couple of teen boys. One of the boys was carrying a small toddler. He didn’t appear too happy about it. The other boy was walking with a young teenage girl who looked to be slightly younger than him. Two other young preteens followed. Jimmy and Shelly didn’t pay much attention to the group..... they were preoccupied with finding the Spells R Us shop. They were very thrilled to finally see it down one of the corridors.

’I thought you said it was the other way?’ Jimmy asked.

’Ummmm You didn’t know neither!’ Shelly shot back.

’Dumb ’ol girl!’ Jimmy said as they entered the store.

’James...Michelle.... Welcome back. How can I help you today?’ the bathrobe clad old man asked from behind the counter.

’You know! You tricked us!’ Shelly complained.

’I did?’ the old man replied.

’Uh huh!’ she said as Jimmy tried to hide himself behind Shelly.

’I’m sorry if you think that. You wanted more of the cologne and I was unable to provide you with that this morning’ he told her ’What is it you think I’ve done?’

’You tricked us and ummmmmmmm made ummmmmm .....our clothes ain’t right and we don’t think good like we should!’ she replied.

Jimmy wandered off as Shelly tried to make her argument.

The old man did his best to conceal a smirk as he spoke. ’Well, I’m sorry that you left here as unsatisfied customers but maybe I can make it better. You see, I now have the cologne like you wanted.’

’You mean the kind that makes us younger?’ Shelly asked suddenly getting excited about the prospect of being younger and still not realizing the full effect of what had happened to them.

’The exact same!’ the old man said ’If you’d rather I can show you our mirrors or I can give you the cologne that you were searching for this morning. I don’t mean to have unsatisfied customers. It would be free of charge because of your troubles’

’Wow! Neat! I knew you weren’t really mean!’ Shelly said as her face broke into a large smile. ’I already looked at your ol’ mirrors this morning. We want the cologne!’

The old man dabbed a bit behind her ear ’There you go.... mustn’t use too much!’ he said.

’Cool... thanks!’ She said. ’It’s tingly!’

’So Jimmy thinks you are a ’dumb ol’ girl?’ the old man asked as Shelly waited to get younger.

’Yeah! He’th kinda mean’ 5 year old Shelly lisped.

’Well, he may have a new opinion now!’ The old man said as he saw Jimmy staring into a mirror.

’Hey Thimmy... we get ’clone...for free from the nice man’ the still regressing Shelly said.

’Huh?’ squeaked the 6 year old staring at a female refelection in the mirror.

’How’s come Thimmy wooks funny!’ the 4 year old said at seeing the transformed boy. ’She’s wearin’ grownup boy sthuff!’

’We’ll see about finding something different for both of you to wear’ he said as he took the other little girl’s hand. ’You want some cologne so you can smell pretty like Michelle?’

Confused ’Jimmy’ nodded ’her’ head to indicate yes. The old man dabbed a bit behind ’her’ ear and watched Jimmy begin to shrink. The old man meandered off and soon returned with some play-clothes suitable for 3 year old girls.


’So what are you going to do?’ Sam asked ’We’ve looked everywhere and no sign of that stuff!’.

’I dunno! This really bites!’ Billy answered. ’Maybe I should go back to the mall and talk to the old man?’

’What if he tricks you too?’ Sam wondered.

’Ummmm Why would he do that?’ Billy replied.

’I dunno.... why’d he do that to your parents?’

’Whoa! What if he’s still mad at ’em and tricks ’em again?!!! Man! We better get down there!’ Billy suddenly reasoned.

’We?’ Sam asked.




Sam didn’t want to go with Billy but they were best friends and so he didn’t have a choice. The boys were loyal to each other. They grabbed their bikes and also went in search of the SRU store. Hopefully they could get the whole mess straightened out before things got anymore out of hand.

Back at the mall. Mark was getting tired of Rick’s flirting with his mother. He also was tiring of his babysitting duties. Some of the women had gotten too young and Rick wasn’t helping him watch them! He could also see that 13 year old Mary was falling into a severe case of puppy love. Her eyes followed Rick’s every move. Her attention was focused on his every word. Mark knew this wasn’t good! On the other hand, the teenaged Jenny Cole was enjoying herself greatly. She was trying on all the lastest outfits and proudly displaying her young svelte figure. Although she had been a beauty queen when she was originally a teenager, her father had been very abusive. He was also an alcoholic. When Jenny got married she married a man just like ’dear old dad’! She finally was able to get out from under all the abuse and divorce her husband after suffering for years. Unfortunately, not before her youth and self-confidence were gone. He had crushed her dreams and her spirit. The potion had given it all back to her.... at least for a while. Rick and Mark didn’t know too much of her past, but they did know she was a hottie now!

Mark’s big break came when Jenny finally ran out of money. She found a photography studio in the mall and quickly offered up the last of her cash for some promo shots of herself in a bikini. The photographer clearly enjoyed posing Jenny in various seductive poses while clicking away on his camera. He let her keep a couple of the Polaroid test shots although he kept back a few for himself. Mark had to admit to himself that he really enjoyed this part of the day! Rick, hadn’t paid much attention. He and Mary had giggled and ’necked’ throughout the whole shoot when Mark wasn’t looking. The photographer promised to have the photos ready by the next day. Jenny slid on a pair of shorts and exchanged the high-heels that she had worn for many of the photos with a simple pair of sandals. She seemed satisfied in wearing her bikini top without a coverup as they exited the studio. Many appreciative stares from men in the mall showed that they liked her choice of clothing!

With Jenny out of money, the group left the mall. As they were leaving they passed Sam and Billy on their way in.

’OK, Spells R Us. Look for it!’ Billy ordered as they hurriedly searched throughout the mall.

Finally they spied it at the end of one of the corridors.

’There it is!’ Sam shouted.

’Cool! Let’s hurry!’ Billy said as he started running.

The boy cautiously opened the door and entered the SRU Shoppe. The bells signaled their arrival. Soon, the old man walked in from the back room.

’Ahhhhhh Billy...Sam.. How are you?’ he asked.

’Ummm We’re OK..... but we kinda need to talk. Didn’t my mom and dad come here?’ Billy asked.

’Oh yes, they were here. Wanted more of the cologne’ the old man replied matter of factly.

’Uhhhhh So where are they now?’ Billy questioned sounding a bit apprehensive.

’In the back. I was just attending to them.’ The old man said as he motioned toward his backroom.

Without asking Billy headed toward the backroom. He pulled the curtains back that covered the doorway and couldn’t believe how big the backroom actually was. He scanned the room and then saw two little girls playing happily in a sandbox!

’Who are..... uhhhhhh.... those two?’ Billy asked afraid of the answer.

’Your parents’ the old man said without missing a beat.

’But they’re both girls? Little girls?’ Billy replied.

’Yes, yes they are.’ said the old man.

’Can you change ’em back?’

’Of course’

’Soooooo Please will you change ’em back.’ Billy begged.

’I suppose I could. Perhaps they’ll learn to take ’no’ for answer and learn to be more polite this time’ the old man told the boys as he walked toward the two little girls. ’Shelly....Jamie....could you come here?’

The two little girls padded over to the old man. ’Drink this’ he said handing a small vial to little Shelly.

She drank it down and suddenly a look of terror came over her.

’What the hell!???’ she squeaked in her 3 year old voice as she took in her very regressed body and then looked at her husband.... now a 3 year old girl. ’OH MY!’

’I trust you understand to respect me and not make me angry?’ the old man asked Shelly.

’Uh yes.... how? Why?’ she said trying to watch her words. ’Can I get my old body back now? I really don’t want to be a child’

’Yes, that is the plan. Return both of you to normal.’

Suddenly, a thought came over Shelly. She remembered Jim’s arguing and disrepect. She knew his young mind hadn’t been thinking straight.... but still he seemed to hold women in a lower regards than maybe he should. She motioned for the old man to stoop over and then she whispered into the old man’s ear. Billy wondered what she was saying as he saw a smile curl on the old man’s lips.

’Ahhhhhhh yes. A lesson. I love lessons!’ the old man said grinning. ’And that one would be perfect. Right up my alley!’

The old man handed Shelly another vial to drink and she began growing. As she grew, the cool breeze she began feeling suddenly made her aware that she was still wearing her little play-dress... and it was about to rip to shreds as she grew quickly. The old man handed her a towel to preserve her modesty. In a few moments her middleaged body was back.

Jamie’s eyes grew wide as she watched the little girl grow into a woman right in front of her eyes! The old man handed Jamie a vial like he had given Shelly. Jamie drank it down in one gulp and then began to realize that he was a full grown man in the body of a little girl!’

’NO NO NO!’ he squeaked.

’The transformation took me two vials’ Michelle told the little girl that was her husband. ’Here’ she said handing him a vial that was only partially full.

The little girl grabbed it and drank it as fast as possible. And then she started growing. But, she remained a girl! And the growing stopped much sooner than Jim had expected! He surveyed himself to see that he was just a kid! A teenage girl! ’HEY?????’ he asked.

’Sorry, ~Jamie~ but I think you need to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.... high heels! You said some very mean and hurtful things to me when we were little!’ Michelle told the 16 year old teenage girl that was her husband.

’Huh? I wasn’t thinking clearly! I was just a kid!’ he argued.

’Well, you’re not a kid now. In fact you’re quite the young lady and so I’d recommend you cover up.’ she told the teen.

Jim/Jamie looked down at the tattered play-dress that barely covered ’his’ breasts. Something inside of him made him instinctively reach to cover his exposed private parts. The old man handed him a towel to cover with.

’~Jamie~ I think a day as a girl will be good for you. Don’t argue or it might be 2......or 3 even........ maybe months!’ Shelly said laughing.

Jim was defeated. He knew his wife was serious. Billy and Sam were speechless.

The old man went to a closet and came back with a modest outfit for Michelle. He then handed Jamie something appropriate for a teenage girl in the summer.

’I can’t wear this!’ Jamie cried holding up a short floral skirt.

Michelle gave her a look that told her that she had no choice. Jamie pulled the skirt on and then turned and pulled the small top over her head. Try as she might, it wouldn’t touch the waistline of her skirt.

’This top is too small???’ she said still tugging on it.

’Oh no, dear. It’s fine. It’s supposed to show your tummy’ Michelled reassured him/her.

’But, but, but, I feel naked!’ he/she complained ’Can’t I have pants and a T-shirt?’

Michelle laughed and grabbed Jamie’s hand ’C’mon, the quicker you meet the world maybe the quicker you’ll learn your lesson!’

The old man smiled. After all, this type of thing has always been his favorite spell!


Father’s Day The Sequel Pt7


Jim grumbled under his breath about how silly he felt. Billy and Sam couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Billy’s father was now a teenaged girl and his mother was to blame!

’Billy, until your father ummmm changes back he will be known as Jamie. And while he’s Jamie I’ll be the one doing the parenting. If anyone asks you can tell them Jamie is your cousin’ Michelle told her son.

The old man drank in the scene with glee as Jim tried to come to terms with his latest transformation.

’OW!’ Jamie exclaimed as he/she nearly fell while trying to walk in the high heels that the old man had supplied. ’These things have to go’ he said as he reached to remove one of the shoes.

’No!’ Michelle ordered. ’You will be a proper young lady and you will learn to walk and act like a proper young lady. You’re in no position to disagree. Besides, you look perfectly fine.... for a sixteen year old girl!’

Jamie pouted but didn’t dare talk back. The four of them left the store. Jamie could feel the stares of all the men in the mall. Or at least it seemed the way. He believed every eye was on him in his teenaged female body. He/she caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror as he passed a store. He/she was shorter but then he already knew that. Maybe 5’2’. His/her hair was long, shiny, and dark. Blue eyes. Skinny but not overly so, especially considering his/her age. Jamie could see a family resemblance as if this might be what he would have looked like had he been born a girl. Again Jamie tugged at the top feeling a little strange about his/her bare midriff. It was all so weird!

Michelle laughed seeing Jamie’s discomfort in the new body. ’Don’t be so dramatic! You look fine. You’re a 16 yer old girl...you’re ~supposed~ to look like that!’

Billy and Sam laughed as Jamie just said lowly ’~right~’ in a teenaged voice.


The old man cast a spell changing Jim’s and Michelle’s bikes back into their car. When they exited the mall it was waiting for them. The boys grabbed their bikes and all headed home.


Rick and Mark were ready to get away from the mall although for different reasons. Rick was getting ~friendly~ with Mary...too friendly from Mark’s point of view and the other women had all regressed so much that they were getting to be a handful. All except Jenny who was a perky, lovely young lady. She was the only one of the bunch old enough to drive. Mark enjoyed watching Jenny and couldn’t keep his eyes from constantly scanning her lovely legs, petite rear, and perky breasts. Her bright young face and bubbling personality simply completed the package and was nearly too much for him to stand! Unfortunately, she was still a bit too old for him. He didn’t even have a driver’s license yet! But his mother had regressed to a young teen and was perfect for his friend Rick.

’Dammit Rick! Stop that!’ he said as he saw Rick give Mary a quick peck on the lips that she didn’t seem to mind at all.

Rick and Mary giggled and talked quietly the rest of the way home. Jenny dropped everyone off at Mary’s and then drove herself on to her own home. Jenny, spent the day ’brightening up’ her drab home. Mark schemed on what to do with the remaining potion as he kept Rick and Mary in his sights the rest of the day.


’Do you think that was a good idea what your mom did to your dad?’ Sam asked Billy as they rode their bikes.

Huh uh. I wish she woulda just let the old man fix everything and leave stuff alone’ Billy answered.

’Yeah.... Me too’ Sam replied.


Michelle and Jamie arrived home and headed toward the house.

’If you’d have been a little more considerate of my feelings when we were little I wouldn’t have done this to you’ Michelle told Jamie.

’Dammit Michelle.... that’s just it... we were LITTLE! Little kids... I didn’t mean it, it all just kinda spouted out. Now look what you’ve done!’ Jamie argued.

’Well.... call it preventive medicine or whatever but from now on you’ll understand and shouldn’t be ~spouting~ anything!’ Michelle countered.

Jamie walked in and kicked off the high heels. ’How the hell do you walk in those things?’ he/she said.

Michelle just shook her head but didn’t answer.

’Listen... I’ve read those stories about guys getting turned into girls and all the ummmm experimenting.... and that ain’t gonna happen here. I’m gonna be a good boy errrrrrrrrrr girl.... and get this over with. No complications! You said a day like this... ONE DAY.... and I intend to do my time quietly and as normally as possible.’ Jamie stated in a teenaged voice that couldn’t help but ooze with sweetness even though Jamie wanted to sound stern. ’I’m gonna grab a beer from the fridge and catch the game on the tube’

’A beer?’ Michelle replied sounding a bit disgusted ’I thought we could do your makeup and.....’ her voice trailed off as she thought about Jamie trying to guzzle a beer like if she was still a he ’Ok..... Drink your beer and watch your game’

Jamie felt a little better about winning that battle and went to the closet to grab some sweats and a T-shirt. Even though the sweats and T-shirt were huge on Jamie’s young body it was much better than floral skirt and little crop top he’d been forced to wear that afternoon. As Jamie got undressed he/she checked out the new body. ’I am a hottie!’ he thought feeling a little pride in that even as he also felt a little disgust in his thoughts. Jamie tore himself/herself away from the mirror and bopped to the kitchen for a cold beer.

Michelle grinned at the sight of Jamie, sweat pants bunched up and tied as tightly as possible with a huge Nascar T-shirt threatening to engulf him/her, grabbing two beers and then heading for Jim’s favorite chair in front of the TV.

Michelle grabbed an iced tea and listened from the kitchen as the game played on the TV. Jamie got more excited as the game went on.... and the beers drained. Soon, Jamie was back for another couple of beers. Obviously already a bit tipsy and giggly.

’Whatsa matter? You’re drinking kind of slow?’ Michelle said mockingly.

’tehehe.... I’m just.... fine’ Jamie said trying to contain a belch.

The game went on and Jamie finished the second pair of beers, knocking the empties off the table accidentally. Before Jamie could decide whether or not she/he should have more, Michelle appeared with a couple more. ’Here you go... I heard you knock over your beer’

’Oh tehehehehehehe... they were empty anyway.... thanks....’ Jamie said taking the beer. Normally Jim could drink 4 beers and not even notice it but today was different. Still, Jamie/Jim was in too deep to realize that 16 year old Jamie didn’t have that kind of tolerance!

After a while Michelle appeared with two more beers. This time one was for herself.

’You ....wouldn’t be trying to get a girl drunk.... would ya? tehehehehehehehehehe’ Jamie said and then laughed a bit too long at his/her own joke.

’Oh I thought we might do your nails now and maybe work on your makeup...’ Michelle replied in only a half joking tone.

’teheheheheheheheheh’ Jamie laughed and gulped down the last of his/her beer and then opened the new one Michelle had brought.

Michelle smiled a sly grin and began trying to get Jamie to ~enjoy~ being a girl and make herself ’pretty’. With each drink the idea began to get more appealing to Jamie who couldn’t keep from giggling.



Jenny woke up and thought about the strange dream that she had experienced. It had seemed so real! She sat at the table, easing her arthritic knees under the table, and pouring a glass of orange juice. That’s when she saw a couple of Polaroids on the table. There was a teen girl posing in a bikini. She squinted to see more clearly. She looked hard at the picture and then at the back of her aged hands. The girl in the pictures was her! Just like in her dream the night before.... she was young and happy... posing for a photographer. ’How.....??????’ she stammered dropping her glass on the table.


Mary awoke to a very cluttered house. It looked more like a slumber party had went on there rather than a basket party. All the guests were gone. Each had awoke to various strange feelings and circumstances and had left without waking or questioning the others. They didn’t want the others to think they were crazy!

Mary quickly cleaned the house and found herself thinking about Rick. ’Strange’ she thought. The dream she had the night before seemed so real. Why couldn’t she shake the thought of a teenaged boy from her mind? As she got dressed she found herself trying to find clothing that made her look ’hip’ and ’young’. She wasn’t sure why.


Jamie awoke from sleeping in the reclining chair in front of the TV. He/she could barely open his/her eyes due to a splitting headache. Squinting to see the clock on the TV screen he instead first saw his brightly red painted toenails... and then smelled perfume....perfume that was on HIM/HER!!! ’SHITTTTTTTT!’ Jamie yelled.


Ricky woke Mark up to tell him that everyone was back to normal. Mark wiped the sleep from his eyes and rubbed his chin.

’Yesterday was weird’ Rick said.

’Yeah... and kinda disappointing’ Mark said ’I want a date with that hottie next door’

’Huh?’ Rick asked stumped.

’Billy’s mom!’ Mark stated.

’But she’s back to normal’ Ricky reminded him ’Plus she was too old for us errrrrrr you even when she used the potion’

’THAT can be changed’ Mark said as he patted the bottle of magical cologne.

FD The Sequel Pt8

Michelle awoke to the sounds of a hungover Jamie sobbing. Jim’s male ego had lost out to Jamie’s 16 year old hormones. It had all been too overwhelming. Michelle figured that Jim had been through enough and a trip back to the mall was soon in order to reverse the spell. She hadn’t really wanted to do this to him after she had slept on it. Of course that was of little consolation to him at this point. She grabbed a bottle of aspirin and went down to console her transformed husband.

’It’s alright.... I’m sorry... here’ she said handing Jamie a couple of aspirin. ’I’ll get ready and as soon as the mall opens we’ll get you there and get my hubby back!’

Jamie sniffed a few more times and politely said ’Thank you’ and then laid down on the couch to try and get rid of the pounding headache.

Michelle slipped on her robe and prepared breakfast. ’How’s your headache, Jamie.... ummm Jim?’ she called out.

’It’s getting better’ Jamie replied.


Jenny put on her glasses and stared at the pictures even harder. It was just as she had dreamt. The bathing suit, the background, the lighting. But yet it was yesterday and the girl in the photos... her.... is a teenager! She couldn’t explain it. One look at her withered hands and she knew she wasn’t young again! She thought back to her dream and wondered if it could be real. Had she wanted to go back and start over for so long that she had finally gotten the chance? But then why had it been taken away? Had she somehow done something wrong? Her mind quickly turned to another very real possibility.... that she could be losing her mind! That seemed like a perfectly good explanation to her except that she held a very real photograph dated yesterday in her hand. She figured it was time to call Mary. Then she remembered Mary was also in her dream. Could it be? They all got young? She knew she needed to talk to the others but she had to find a way to ask without sounding crazy. What if they didn’t really experience what she dreamed?


Mark explained his latest plan to Rick and the two made way to see what Mark’s mom had made for breakfast.

’Morning boys!’ she said cheerfully.

’Mom? What’re you made up for?’ Mark asked seeing his mother wearing a short dress and large earrings. Her hair was down rather than conservatively up as was normal.

’What? This? I don’t know I just felt like dressing up a bit’ she told him and looked at Rick.

Both boys looked at each other. Mary was definitely acting strangely!

’What would you say if I got a tattoo on my leg?’ she asked Mark as she examined her leg as if picturing the artwork already there.

’Geez...like... I dunno...’ Mark replied searching for a tactful way to tell her he thinks she’s a little too old for that. ’Probably a bad idea... infections and stuff like that...’

The boys finished breakfast quickly. Rick felt a little creepy because he knew Mary was staring at him.

’Man that whole scene was creepy!’ he told Mark.

’Agreed!’ Mark replied ’I wonder if the potion hasn’t fully worn off yet?’

’I hope that’s it!’ Rick said.


Jamie’s headache quickly faded and he/she rolled off the couch for a trip to the bathroom. In only a few minutes everything would be back to normal. Michelle was finishing breakfast in the kitchen and Jamie/Jim was feeling much better knowing it was about all over.

*knock... knock....* Michelle heard someone knocking at the back door. She turned to see Rick and Mark. She groaned and went to the door. She figured they were looking to find the girl that had given them the peep show.

’Yes?’ she said as she opened the door.

’Ummmm I ummmm’ stammered Rick as she turned to look at him.

Just then she felt something on her neck. She also smelled a familiar fragrance. Just as soon as she realized what had happened the potion went to work and she suddenly had no idea what was happening.

’Yes?’ she asked again.

’Do you think that was enough?’ Rick asked.

’I think so...shhhhhhhhhh...it’s working’ Mark told him.

Michelle was getting frustrated with the two horny boys. ’Guys, do you want something or not?’

’Ummm yeah.... I ...we...... hold on...OK?’ Mark said.

29 year old Michelle was losing interest in humoring the two boys. ’Geez guys....Spit it out????’

’Better spray her again!’ Rick said ’It’s pretty slow!’

’I dunno.... just a little’ Mark replied and gave 26 year old Michelle another squirt.

Jamie heard the voices and peeked around the corner to see the two boys just as they squirted the second dosage of the potion on his youthening wife.

’Hey!’ Jamie squeaked upon seeing what was happening and came running into the room.

’Who’s that?’ Rick asked Mark

’I don’t know!’ he said

’What the hell are you punks doing!’ Jamie sniped.

The boys sized up the little brunette hottie. Although the boys could see the fire in her eyes, the petite girl didn’t inspire much fear as she stood in front of them now wearing only the huge T-shirt from the night before, barefoot, and having to look up to see in the boy’s eyes.

’Give me that!’ Jamie said as she grabbed for the bottle as Mark held it out of her reach.

’Sure’ Mark said as he gave her a small quick squirt ’Here you go!’

’HEY!!.... No!.... You... Ummmmmmm ’ Jamie said and then smiled at the two boys as she was now under the spell of the potion. Jamie slipped back to 14. The bottom of her shirt crept even closer to her knees as she got even smaller finally ending up at 13.

While this was going on Michelle was now 17 year old Shelly again.... and thanks to the extra squirt still getting younger. Her robe appeared to get bigger by the minute. She was no longer annoyed by the boys. In fact the longer she looked at them the cuter they seemed. Her robe grew ever closer to the floor as her height disappeared.

When it was over both ’girls’ were left giggly 13 year olds.

Mark was a little disappointed. 13 year old Shelly was a little gangly and not yet blossomed fully into the beauty she’d become. But being 14 he was still impressed.

The potion had done its work and youthened the two victims and left them oblivious to its affects. Jamie had forgotten all about Jim... and Shelly had also!

’Yeah???’ Shelly again asked wondering what the boys wanted.

’We thought maybe we could all spend some time in your pool...???’ Mark said.

Shelly’s eyes lit up ’Awesome!’ she said.

’Cool!’ said Jamie.


Mary’s phone rang. She picked it up an heard a distraught Jenny on the other end.

’Mary... I uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..... think something happened. I don’t know. I think maybe it happened to you too. I have a picture to show you. Can I come over?’ Jenny asked.

’Sure... I’ll be here. Are you OK? Hows come you’re so ~freaked~?’ Mary asked.

’We’ll talk when I get there. I’ll see you in bit’ Jenny said as she hung up the phone.

’~Freaked~’?????? I’ve never heard Mary talk like that she said aloud as she grabbed her keys.



End Chapter 1

Father's Day The Sequel

by: Louder | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 27, 2010


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