
by: Bfboy | Complete Story | Last updated May 25, 2010

Chapter 13

Chapter Description: The true nature of Scott's nemesis becomes clear

This is the final chapter of the story aside from the brief epilogue. Sorry for the delay for getting it posted. This is the longest story I’ve written on my own, at 35,000 words. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed it thus far. Now, on with the show.


With a long day coming to a close Scott was focused on a his work when a pounding on the front door caused him to jerk backwards in surprise. Recovering his composure and chuckling to himself for the silly reaction to a simple knock, Scott got up and headed to the door. As he neared it the visitor continued knocking ever louder.

“I’m coming mate! Hold on a minute!” he called, annoyed that the knocking would likely wake Tegan.

Scott swung open the door and nearly fell over in surprise. He now knew how people who claimed to have seen a ghost felt. The person before him wasn’t dead, but he was no less a ghost. “What... what the fuck are you doing here? How? How are you...” Scott stammered, unable to finish his sentence.

“Hello Scott, sorry for the sudden visit but I need to show you something before I explain,” Chief of Detectives Palmer declared in an urgent voice.

“But chief this... this is...”

“Look I’ll explain everything in a moment, but let’s not stand out here,” the chief urged, looking over his shoulder warily.

Understanding the chief’s concerns Scott waved him inside, glancing quickly at the driveway before slamming the door shut and locking it. Scott followed his former boss into the kitchen. The older man looked so different from the last time he’d seen him. Then Palmer was creeping around the carpet of a care centre, chewing on big plastic toys. Now he was dressed normally and seemed to be functioning just as well as he had before. This gave Scott an overwhelming sense of hope. This meant that reversal was possible! Tegan and Graham could recover!

The chief sat at the kitchen table, looking over all the shipping orders Scott had been examining. Scott walked slowly towards him, still staring as though he’d seen a ghost. Part of Scott wondered if he wasn’t having some kind of breakdown, hallucinating this. The chief looked up and Scott tried to break off his awed staring, but not before Palmer had noticed it. The gruff older man laughed wryly.

“I guess this must be a real shock to you, eh. Well it hasn’t been easy for me either mate. But I’ll get to that later. Right now I have something very important to give to you.”

Scott sat at the table across from Palmer. “What is it?” he asked in a hushed voice, as though the place were bugged. The chief’s paranoid behaviour at the door had put Scott on edge.

The chief leant forward and whispered back. “I take it you know what I’ve long suspected. Van Meter couldn’t have done this alone, he had to have inside help.”

Scott nodded. “Yes I’m almost certain of it, sir. But I’ve not got any idea who it could have been.”

“Well I’ve been doing some checking up of my own, ever since I made my escape from that awful ?care’ centre,” the chief began.

“Escape? How, did you manage that? And why was it necessary? I mean, shouldn’t the whole city know that a cure is possible?” Scott cut in.

The chief gave Scott a sorrowful look. “There is no cure for the real thing Scott. I’m sorry, but what I was given was apparently a pale imitation. The effects were only temporary as it merely suppressed my intellect, rather than wiping it away permanently.”

Scott’s hopes were dashed but he listened attentively to the chief as he continued.

“In any case, since I’ve been out I’ve been doing some research of my own and I’m convinced that there was someone in the police helping Van Meter.”

Scott agreed, “Yes, there’s been an investigation going on for months now and we are getting close sir, we are. Why have you hidden yourself from us? We haven’t been able to access you computer.”

“I know and I can explain why it wasn’t safe for me to come out in the open until now. This should explain a lot,” the chief said, drawing an envelope from his pocket and handing it to Scott. “This is the last letter Van Meter sent. I think you’ll find it far more illuminating than the rubbish he sent to the newspaper.”

Scott opened the envelope, drawing out the letter and looking at it carefully. He recognised the handwriting immediately. There was no doubt this was written by Van Meter. Like the earlier one it was directed to him, the detective on Van Meter’s trail. Scott began to read it carefully, looking for the clues the chief had assured him were within.


Our long journey to Sinai is soon to be complete. I will deliver God’s wrath upon the idolaters of this wretched place and cast them out into the wilderness as Moses with the Israelites. This city will be cleansed by its sufferings. This city owes you a great dept of gratitude for helping me to see that it need not go the way of Sodom but merely required renewal. You have protected me at every turn and I owe all that I have accomplished to your loving guidance. May the Lord strengthen our will so that we may do what must be done.

Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam


Scott read through the letter twice, but only grew more confused. “Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam?” he read aloud.

“For the greater glory of God,” Chief Palmer replied in explanation.

“Oh,” Scott replied. “But there’s something wrong with this letter chief. Why would he write me something like this? Is he mocking the fact that I couldn’t catch him? I mean, I didn’t do anything to help him along the way. Why would he write me this letter?”

“Oh but he didn’t Scott,” the chief stated coldly. “He wrote it to me.”

Scott’s eyes snapped up from the letter to look at his mentor in confusion. “He wrote it to you?”

“Yes, it was his last letter, quite touching really.”

“But it thanks you for all your help chief. Why would he thank you?” Scott demanded, his voice growing louder and louder.

The chief didn’t seem perturbed by Scott’s anger. He simply smiled and replied, “He thanked me because protecting him, supplying him, motivating him, was a very hard job. Bribing a care centre worker to cover up the disappearance of a patient by faking a transfer of residence form was child’s play compared to what it took to set this all up.”

Scott was growing enraged now. He felt betrayed on so many levels he didn’t know what to do. He wanted to know more, to understand how he’d been duped, but at the same time he wanted to choke the life out of that man right there on the kitchen table without letting him utter another word. Shaking with anger though he was, Scott’s need to know more won out. “Why would you do this?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“I did it for Auckland Scott.”

“For Auckland!” Scott roared. “For the city you’ve devastated! You’re insane!”

“The damage was never going to be too great Scott,” Palmer assured him. “I never would have let Van Meter carry out his full plan. Fanatics are so easy to manipulate. He had no idea I’d already warned Mitchell to prepare the water supply for an emergency shut-down if he didn’t hear from me every half an hour. Even if you hadn’t managed to contact him Mitchell would have shut the water down.”

“Then what the hell was the point?”

“I have been a cop for thirty-five years Scott. Twenty-four of those as a detective and ten years as the chief of detectives. In that time I have seen countless multiple murderers released after a few years prison, violent criminals given a few months home detention and prostitutes and pimps allowed to roam the city without fear of so much as a bloody parking fine! This country has no concept of punishment. Crime that would be a life sentence in the States, in Britain, certainly in China, earns a decade, if that, in New Zealand. And that’s if we can even manage to catch them with the limits they put on our police powers. Our front-line officers can’t even carry guns for God’s sake!”

“So vote for ACT Party then! Campaign for those right-wingers even! You don’t like the laws, change them!” Scott yelled.

The chief was shaking his head though. “This isn’t just a question of just prison sentences Scott. It’s about national security. Our troops are fighting in Afghanistan same as the yanks. How long do you think it will be till Al-Qaeda or the Taliban strike here? They will try and we’d be sitting ducks. But not anymore,” the chief concluded with pride.

“Not anymore? You’ve just successfully launched a terror attack!” Scott countered.

“A small one, yes,” the chief agreed. “It was an inoculation against the much bigger attack that was sure to come. The ingredients in our solution came straight from Afghanistan. It was only a matter of time before they hit us with it themselves and took out a hell of a lot more people.”

“So you did it first,” Scott scoffed incredulously. “Well good on you then mate. You are nuts!”

“First and last, Scott. Thanks to this attack Parliament has just passed the most sweeping changes to surveillance law, police powers and sentencing guidelines in the nation’s history. The police in New Zealand now have powers Dick Cheney could only have dreamed of. Murderers will go to jail for life and we will be protected from terrorists by the toughest border security in the Southern Hemisphere.”

“So why the whole drugging ruse then? If you’re the great hero why did you hide away?”

“I have no desire to be a martyr. I knew there would be an investigation into how Van Meter got so much access and I knew I’d be the prime suspect unless I was out of the picture. The imitation I was drugged with wore off after a week and I had to act for nearly a month, until everyone stopped visiting. It was degrading, disgusting and required incredible patience.”

Scott understood so much more now. That was how Van Meter had known to wear a bullet-proof vest, how the chief had managed to arrive at exactly the right moment. The only thing left for the chief to explain was why on earth he’d decided to reveal all of this to Scott now. The chief seemed to guess this was Scott’s next question.

“I’ve been watching you for a few months now Scott. I knew you’d be on this case hard but I had no idea you’d follow it like this. I understand why though,” the chief said seriously, unable to look Scott in the eye. “I didn’t know Van Meter had targeted your wife. I am sorry for that.

“But once you figured out who switched those shipping logs on the table there, you would have been at the care centre in no time to check it out and then I’d be a marked man. I’m sorry Scott but the police need to blame someone on the inside for aiding Van Meter,” the chief stated.

Scott didn’t understand. “So you’re going to turn yourself in?” he asked.

The chief shook his head and looked at then checked his watch. “How do your fingers feel mate?” he asked, seemingly out of the blue.

It was only then that Scott noticed his fingers were indeed feeling tingly. In fact it felt like both his hands were going to sleep. It wasn’t really painful, just an odd sensation. “What’s wrong with my hands?” Scott asked the chief, becoming concerned.

“It takes a lot longer for it to work when absorbed through the skin. That’s why we went with a nasal delivery method at first. Eventually we altered it enough for the oral delivery method used in the water. But since you were familiar with both those routes, they were out of the question,” Chief Palmer mused.

Scott looked back down at the letter he’d placed on the table. He suddenly realised that the chief had been careful not to touch it. He’d handed it to him in a sealed envelope. The tingles were spreading and Scott’s heart-rate ticked upwards. “What have you done to me? What was on that letter?” he demanded.

“I think you know what already. I’m afraid the process takes a lot longer when delivered via dermal contact. At least that’s what Van Meter always said. He was the chemist of course, though I did manage to pick some of it up. After all I’ve seen enough Meth labs in my time to understand a fair bit of chemistry.”

“Oh my God... Oh God...” Scott repeated to himself, looking down at his infected hands and cursing himself for even touching the letter.

“I know you’re frightened right now Scott but don’t you worry, the drug’s effects will continue to accelerate.” Palmer checked his watch again. “In another minute or so you’re heart-rate will come down, a feeling of peace and fulfilment will come over you and it won’t be long after that. It really is best just to let it run its course. If you don’t fight it this will all be over in a couple minutes and you can get to playing with little Graham and Tegan.”

Scott was still angry, but mostly he was scared now. He’d spent months caring for his babies. He knew full well what awaited him and worst of all he had plenty of time to contemplate it. Losing all his independence was probably the scariest part. He didn’t want to be led around on a leash like a dumb animal or strapped in a stroller or car-seat either. The complete loss of privacy was almost as bad. Scott was a very modest guy. He didn’t use the common shower at the gym or change in the locker room at work. He didn’t want to imagine losing all his body modesty, strutting around naked like Graham, playing with himself whenever the urge struck him.

“Please, stop this,” he pleaded.

“I’m sorry mate, but I can’t,” Palmer told him.

“But you came back!”

“I told you before, it wasn’t the real thing I was given. My brain took a nap, yours is going to actually simplify. All that intelligence, all those deductive reasoning skills that made you such a great detective, they’ll all be gone soon.”

Scott knew it was true. The chief had lied to him so many times in the past, but now he was telling the truth. And for once Scott wished he was lying. Instead he felt the calmness the chief had told him about coming over him. Even though he should have been growing more panicked he felt his heart slowing instead. The inexplicable sensation of contentment seemed to be smothering his other emotions. The gentle tingling had radiated up his arms now and he felt it begin to reach his forehead and scalp before turning inward.

The chief could see it was working. Scott’s face was losing its tension, his worry lines disappearing as his muscles relaxed. Scott’s eyes glazed slightly and his pupils dilated a bit. The chief placed his hand on Scott’s bare arm, trying to comfort him. “It’s okay mate, you’ll be taken care of. I met your sister once, remember. She seemed very nice. I’m sure she’ll take you and Tegan in. Maybe she’ll even let Graham come along.”

Scott shook his head and pulled back away from the man’s touch. But even as he did this he felt the fist wave of fuzziness smothering his mind, slowing his thought process. “I don’t wanna be taken care of!” he yelled.

“Shh,” Palmer said, quieting him. “You can try to fight it now, but soon you won’t want to. Believe me, you’re going to enjoy this so much.”

Scott was having trouble keeping track of the words being said to him. His brain was feeling like he’d been awake for two days straight. His thoughts seemed to blur together. He tried to respond but no words formed in his head. Parts of his brain were now shutting down. Blood flow decreased to certain areas, depriving them of oxygen. All over neurons fired and then winked out, pathways grown over years shrivelled and died. Long term memories grew hazy as Scott lost their sequencing. He couldn’t recall what happened last month and what happened two years ago. Soon it didn’t matter as many distinct memories disappeared altogether.

It had taken years of on the job experience to learn the skills of a detective. It took ten seconds for all that knowledge to vaporise, leaving Scott unable to remember how he’d done his job. A few more second passed and all of his university learning was gone too, lost in the ether. Despite his losses Scott continued to fight the process. It may have been futile, but he wouldn’t go quietly. He wouldn’t allow himself to drift off into a contented daze, even though it was very tempting to do so.

In a burst of complete defiance Scott twisted around in his seat and grabbed the cordless phone off the wall. For a moment he felt triumph. Then he understood why Palmer wasn’t attempting to stop him. Scott couldn’t recall anyone’s number. He knew there was an emergency number he could dial but what was it? There was nought but a blank space where that knowledge had once been. Scott stared at the phone a long moment, then allowed Palmer to ease it out of his hands.

The older man looked into his former pupil’s face and saw the blank confusion on it. With each moment it grew slacker, his eyes duller. “Little ones shouldn’t play with grown-up things,” he rebuked Scott.

Scott scowled and tried to tell this nasty man off. But the only word he could summon was “Mine!” It was a pitiful comeback and Scott was aware enough to recognise that. He still knew he should be capable of more, but he wasn’t. His mind continued to simplify, high school and primary school book learning all gone now, speech muddled. Then he felt the next stage begin. The effects of the drug combined with the realisation that he was about to be freed of all responsibilities to create a strong sense of arousal. Scott felt his penis stiffen noticeably in his pants. The desire to let this feeling take him was growing stronger by the second.

Palmer could see the smile beginning to form on Scott’s dazed face. He leant forward and felt Scott’s crotch. The man didn’t even pull back at this invasion of privacy. Sure enough he was hard as could be, in the final stages of the regression. “There we go mate, just let the pleasure take you away. You’ll probably be making a nice big poopie on that wittle potty chair in just a few moments. Then maybe you’ll take a nap, chew on some toys and just have a lovely rest from being a big grown-up.”

Just then Graham came into the kitchen crawling on his hands and knees, wagging his bare bottom back and forth, tongue lolling out, panting like a dog. Palmer smiled at this odd behaviour and watched as Graham approached them. “Well hello there little fella. Are you a kitty?” Palmer asked, pretending not to know what Graham was doing.

The man shook his head vigorously. “Nuh-uh! Gwayam puppy!” he announced, rising to his knees and pretending to beg for treats and yelping “Woof, woof!” before breaking into giggles.

Palmer looked at the dazed and now smiling Scott. The man’s eyes were very glassy now, pupils wide and dilated jaw beginning to slacken. “Hey buddy, how about you play puppy with Graham too!” Palmer suggested in a high cheerful tone.

Scott was pulled from his euphoric daze by the delightfully high voice. He noticed Graham playing on the floor. The man behind him wanted him to play too. Scott didn’t like this man, though he wasn’t really sure why anymore. But playing did sound fun. What was he doing sitting on this seat anyway? He didn’t sit at the grown-up table did he? No, of course not. “Um, ?kay,” Scott agreed, allowing the nasty man to help him off the seat.

As Scott dropped to his hands and knees beside Graham the other boy seemed delighted that his daddy would play with him. But then he announced, “You no puppy!”

“Well I think he’d like to be Graham,” their old boss told the boy.

“Nah. Puppies go nakie!” Graham announced, smiling mischievously.

The chief nodded in mock seriousness. “Yes Scotty if you want to play puppy we’ll have to get rid of these people clothes,” he said.

Scott shook his head, not to refuse but to attempt to break free of his stupor. Before he knew it the chief was pulling his arms up and slipping off his shirt. Next he undid the man’s belt and pulled him to a standing position. “Raise your right foot,” he directed.

Scott thought hard about this. Which one was his right? He looked down at his feet but couldn’t recall which was which. He vaguely recalled that his poor recall was the man’s fault. He used to know his directions but all that was gone. The man took it away. Scott didn’t like that meanie, but he did try to raise the right foot anyway. In the end he chose his left, but as no comment was made he never knew he’d chosen wrong. Soon his pants were thrown aside with his shirt. Finally the man slipped a thumb on each side of the elastic waist of his briefs and yanked them down, again directing him to step out of them.

Standing there naked Scott had a clear view of his stiff penis. The feelings of excitement were still coursing through him but the knowledge of what this meant was quickly leaving him. After a second though it hit him, he knew what this was. “Got happy pee-pee,” he proudly told the man.

Chief Palmer suppressed a laugh. “Yes, you certainly do. Okay, now you two puppies have fun.”

Remembering that he’d wanted to play Scott dropped back down to hands and knees next to Graham. As he crouched there his arousal began to wane, his stiff pee-pee going limp. At that moment he regained a sliver or lucidity. Scott was suddenly aware that he was crouching on the floor with Graham when he should be standing up watching Graham play. He was supposed to be the daddy, not the baby. Worse than that, he was all naked. Big people didn’t go around naked! This was all wrong. Scott could feel the blankness in his brain, he could feel the massive loss he’d suffered. He was the detective, he stopped crimes, he was smart and independent. He just needed to stand up and try to tell the big man that.

There was a tinkling noise on the floor just then. Scott looked down at the growing puddle of yellow liquid below him, confused. Then he saw the pee-pee spurting from his now limp dangling weenie. The release of that pee seemed to have a much greater affect than emptying his bladder. As he weed on his own kitchen floor a switch in Scott’s brain was flipped. The act was simply too juvenile for his adult mind to deal with. His mind had lost control of his body and his intellectual and communication skills were gone. Finally this last humiliation forced his adult awareness to switch off as well, a coping mechanism to escape the shame. The light of understanding in his eyes dimmed for good.

Chief Palmer watched Scott finish his tinkling, wondering what the man’s reaction to this degradation would be. When he was done Scott looked up at the man who’d reduced him to a naked, creeping, carpet tinkling tot and gave him a big smile. “Me nakie puppy! Woof-woof!” he announced.

Scotty liked playing puppy. He stayed right behind Graham, the man’s bum just before him, his dirty bare feet sliding along soles up, right between Scotty’s hands. In the living room they rolled around, kicking feet in the air, raising bums up and wagging like they had tails. They made lots of fun doggy noises and then decided to be monkeys instead, climbing all over the couch and hanging from the lamp until it fell over. Of course amidst the play and wrestling there was lots of physical contact between the men turned boys. Their bare bodies brushed against one another but there was no sexual dimension to it, just brotherly play now. Even though no words had been spoken they both seemed to understand that Scotty wasn’t daddy anymore. The two new brothers kept playing until it they got too tired to carry on.

Palmer had watched with satisfaction as Scotty crept along after Graham out of the kitchen. He left the boys to play, checking quickly to be sure Tegan was still asleep. Seeing that she was, Palmer set about placing all the necessary evidence to make it appear that Scott was the insider all along, concluding with a note explaining why he decided to dose himself and return to toddlerhood rather than live with his guilt. The police would conclude their investigation and Palmer could go safely into a well deserved retirement.

An hour after leaving the house Chief Palmer placed and anonymous call reporting strange noises at the Newcomb house. Then he threw his disposable cell phone in the rubbish bin and headed for the Air New Zealand baggage check with a fake passport and an international ticket in his hand. The plan had only been to fix Auckland, but plans changed, they grew, they evolved. There was a whole world of criminality and terror out there that still needed cleansing and a lot of fanatics like Van Meter who would pay well for the formula he created. As he prepared to say goodbye to his homeland, likely for the last time, Palmer knew that New Zealand had only been a dress rehearsal. The big show was still to come.



End Chapter 13


by: Bfboy | Complete Story | Last updated May 25, 2010


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