The Merge

by: thatguy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 24, 2010

Chapter 2

Chapter Description: Jenny wakes up in a car with no recollection to how she got there.

Jenny woke up in car outside of a Walmart feeling very lightheaded. She grabbed her head, not remembering how she got in the car or anything after she got to the party. As she leaned up, she found that she was lying on

the backseat. The car was still running, but no one was in the car but her. She inferred that her friends had went to Walmart and brought her along. She shook her head trying to remember what had happened to her after she had reached the party. Then she remembered something else. She jolted up and looked outside. It was dark, very dark. Jenny leaned over the middle of the front seats to check the time. It was 11:55. She had 5 minutes to find somebody to merge with or she could kiss her eternal life goodbye.

Jumping out the car, she looked around. The parking lot was deserted, save for a few cars here and there. Jenny was trying to think rationally and figure out what to do. She had to find somebody to merge with and she

couldn’t be picky. She ran for the entrance of the Walmart, stripping as she went. By the team she had reached the entrance, she was completely nude. The cold air was making her shiver but she had more pressing issues than feeling cold. As she entered, she surveyed the area. Most of the cashiers were women and the ones that weren’t were older men. She started to panic when she spied the men’s restroom. Not even thinking, she darted for it. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the cashiers staring at her, probably wondering why she was running through Walmart, naked, at almost 12 at night. As she opened the restroom door, she only saw one man, and he was old. The man was in the middle of changing an infant’s diaper when she had busted through the door. The man had stopped mid-change when

he looked at Jenny. Jenny felt embarrased when the sound of a flush caught her attention. A younger man was coming out of the stall. She quickly eyeballed him. He was wearing glasses and looked kind of geeky, but this was probably her best bet. The younger man stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of Jenny. Jenny jumped at him, pushing the older man out of the way. Jenny felt something soft bump into her before feeling the merge take place.

After that, she blacked out.



End Chapter 2

The Merge

by: thatguy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 24, 2010


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