The Merge

by: thatguy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 24, 2010

A young witch makes a very big mistake! (This is my first story so I'm going to keep the chapters short)

Chapter 1
The Beginning

Chapter Description: Jenny is a young witch about to take off for a party.

Jenny was in her room minding her own buisness when her Mom shouted up the stairs "Did you pick someone yet honey?" to which she replied "No Mom! Can you just lay off about it?". She knew she was cutting this close, but at this moment, she just couldn’t be bothered. "Well, you better pick soon honey, you are running out of time!".

Jenny was turning 18 tomorrow, and for a young witch like herself, that meant she had to find a male to merge with. Referring to the "Merge Guidelines for a Young Witch", Jenny looked over it again carefully.

"In order to be given eternal life, you must do the following:

1. Pick a strong, young male to merge with.

2. Allow no objects between you and the person you are merging.

3. Make sure to be completely naked during the merge, as to not conflict with number 2.

4. Make sure to merge before the end of the day the day before your 18th birthday."

Jenny knew the guidelines well, as she had read them for the last 3 months. Why hasn’t she picked a male to merge with? Because she is probably one of laziest witches in existence, and she knew it. It was 8:00 p.m. and Jenny was getting ready for a party at friend’s. Using her full body mirror, Jenny tired on various outfits. She wanted to make a good impression on the people at the party as there were going to be many people she had never meant before. Jenny was a very sexy brunette with a figure any girl would die for. Looking through her clothes, she was very selective, finding only things to bring her figure out as much as possible, her short hair swaying as she did so. Her hair use to be very long, but she decided recently to get it cut to her neck to make herself look older. After taking about 30 minutes to go through her clothes, Jenny decided on a short, denim skirt and very small pink top. As she walked down the steps and out the door, she thought to herself and she had made a fine choice in her selection.

When she got to the part a few blocks from her house, she was greeted by her friend Jane. Jane and Her had been friends since Junior high and knew each other well.

"So glad you could make it Jen!" She said.

Jenny took a look behind Jane to survey the party before entering the house.

"So, any hot guys I should be on the look out for?"

Jane made a devilish grin.

"Oh you wouldn’t believe."

Jenny smiled. Tonight she would be picking her man to merge with.



End Chapter 1

The Merge

by: thatguy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 24, 2010


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