The Seven Deadly Sins

by: Mellow Sadistic | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 4, 2023

Chapter 7

Sarah’s eyes fluttered open and she looked around blearily. Where was she? This wasn’t the room she’d been in when the doctor had administered the anaesthetic. It still looked like a hospital though. Her bed was a hospital bed, the walls, ceiling, and floor around her were all white, and the faint smell of antiseptic was in the air. She groaned and turned her head a little. Sure enough, there was a bedside cabinet besides her, and a drip stand. But there were no other beds in the long room. She was alone. She moved one hand down to her side, expecting to find bandages and soreness above the spot where her appendix used to be, but there was nothing there. No wound at all. Had they abandoned the surgery for some reason? Her fingers felt awkward though, and she hadn’t been able to do more than brush feebly against her skin. There was an ache in her arms, particularly her hands, and her legs felt much the same.

“Oh! You’re, like, awake!” came a breathy, high-pitched voice. It giggled.

All of a sudden, a woman was bending over her, and Sarah felt her full awareness come back to her at once. The woman was dressed like a nurse, but not a real one. It looked more like a sexy Halloween costume with its cheap, plasticky-looking texture, and top that was so low-cut the woman’s breasts were practically spilling out.

“Who are you?” asked Sarah, with a slight edge to her voice. Surely this slut wasn’t a real employee? She tried to sit up, but her body must still be recovering from the anaesthetic, because she could barely raise her head before it slumped back against the pillows.

“I’m Barbie! I’ll, like, go get the doctor!” said the bimbo, with another giggle. Her boobs disappeared from Sarah’s field of vision.

Sarah could hear her shoes clacking against the bright, polished floor as she walked away, and barely a minute later they returned with another set of footsteps. This time a middle-aged man stood over her, plain-looking, with greying hair and glasses, and Sarah was relieved to recognise him as the doctor who’d been overseeing her surgery.

“How are you feeling, dear?” he asked kindly.

“Fine,” said Sarah. “But I can hardly sit up. Why isn’t my appendix out? Did something go wrong?”

The man chuckled. “Oh no, sweetie. Nothing went wrong. You see, your appendix didn’t really need to come out.”

“What?” Sarah frowned. “But you said-”

“I’m afraid I told a little lie, Sarah.”

“A lie?” she repeated angrily. If there was some medical malpractice going on here she was going to sue this pants of this old man. The money from a lawsuit would suit her nicely. Her husband was always complaining about how she kept burning through all his credit cards on clothes, and it might even get him to shut up about how she ‘never did enough around the house’.

“That’s right,” the man said brightly, nodding his head. “We needed to put you under anaesthetic to bring you here, but we didn’t want you putting up a fuss, you see, so I said all that nonsense about how your check-up revealed you needed your appendix out pronto.”

Sarah’s anger started to give way to fear. She hadn’t needed her appendix out? Was he saying he’d kidnapped her? “Where are we?” she asked, trying to sound braver than she felt. “Why have you brought me here? My husband is a very powerful man. When he finds out about this he-”

“Slow down, little lady!” the man laughed, cutting across her. “One thing at a time. Firstly, you’re at a little private clinic of mine. As to why you’re here, well, as it happens that involves your husband. You see, he’s the one who arranged for you to be taken here in order that I can give you a little… transformation.”

“Henry did this?!” Sarah raged. She tried once again to get up, but her arms were too weak to support her. Something crinkled under the blankets. “Where is he?! I swear if there isn’t a good reason for this I’m going to divorce him and… wait, what do you mean transformation?” Sarah thought of the bimbo nurse and a thought occurred to her. “If Henry’s brought me here because he wants me to get implants or something like that then he’s got another thing coming because I am not going to look like that ditzy whore!” The nurse was standing on the other side of the bed, twisting a lock of blonde hair around her finger and looking vapid.

“Oh no,” the doctor said, smiling. “Barbie’s the result of another one of my projects. It’s quite popular among men with misbehaving wives, but your husband wanted something a bit different for you. You see, he’s very disappointed in the way you’ve been behaving, Sarah. When you got married, it was under the assumption that he’d be working, and you’d be taking care of the house. But you haven’t been fulfilling your wifely duties, have you? You’ve spent your time shopping and partying and lazing about at home. No cleaning, no doing the laundry, no making dinner for him when he comes home…”

“I married a rich man so I could live a life of leisure!” Sarah spat. “There’s nothing wrong with that! His reward is that he gets to have me, but I’m not going to be some fucking maid!”

“Well,” said the doctor, “you’ll be relieved to know you won’t have to be. Your husband decided that you ought to have a life that fits a spoiled, pampered, lazy little thing like you. You might be a bit of a brat, but he’s very fond of you. If you can’t be a proper wife, then you’ll be his baby girl instead.”

“What?! What the fuck are you talking about?!”

“A little surgery is all that’s required,” the doctor said airily, and Sarah felt a chill run down her spine. She became very aware of how helpless she was again. She made another futile attempt to get up, but her body just couldn’t manage it. There was another crinkle. Was that the bedsheets? “A few snips here and there, some injections into certain muscles and tendons, and you’ll find that your arms and legs become near useless.” His smile widened, and Sarah looked up at him in horror. He was talking about crippling her! Turning her into an invalid! “Then we do a little bit of tinkering in your bladder, and take away your ability to told your urine, and we can make it so you have hardly any ability to control your bowels too, making nappies a necessity.”

“N-nappies?!” Sarah stammered. “No! You can’t! That’s disgusting!”

The doctor looked down at her, his expression slightly stern. “If you can’t even clean the house, there’s no reason you should be allowed to clean your own bottom, Sarah. That’ll be a job for your new Nanny. That and feeding you, bathing you, pushing you around in your pram…”

Sarah’s eyes widened and she started to struggle as hard as she could to get up, but all she managed to accomplish was a desperate sort of wiggle on the bed. “No!” she shrieked. “You can’t! You can’t do that to me! Please! Oh God, I don’t want to be incontinent! You can’t! I’m not going to let that happen!”

The doctor cocked his head, looking bemused. “Not going to let it happen? Silly girl… it’s already happened.”

Sarah felt like her heart had dropped into her stomach. “What…?” she asked, her voice a whisper.

“The surgery’s over. I did it all before you woke up, and I can assure you the results are totally permanent.”

Sarah felt panic rising up inside her. Her hands, her legs, the reason she couldn’t get up. Her bladder, her bowels!

The doctor took hold of her bedsheets and pulled them off her, and Sarah saw the enormous disposable diaper taped around her bottom. Even as she stared, aghast, at her oversized infantile underwear, she felt a warmth around her crotch. She was peeing herself. She let out an ear-piecing scream. “NO!” she shrieked. “NO! NO! NO! You can’t get away with this! I’ll tell everyone what you did! You and Henry are going to rot in a fucking prison cell!

“Ah,” said the doctor, his eyes glittering mischievously. “Well, that brings us to the last part of the procedure. I find messing around with surgery on tongues and vocal chords to be a bit inelegant, so I’ve devised a much better solution for our purposes.”

Sarah screamed again, but the doctor was able to slip a large, yellow lozenge into her mouth and hold her jaws tightly shut. The tablet started to froth on her tongue. At first Sarah thought of acid, and her eyes went wide and she wiggled desperately, but there was no pain. Nothing seemed to be happening to her tongue at all, in fact, at least that she could tell. The frothing tablet tasted faintly like citrus, as though it were nothing but an overlarge flavoured cough-drop, and Sarah had no choice but to swallow to stop herself from gagging. In no time at all, the lozenge had dissolved to nothing, and the doctor took his hands away.

Sarah screamed again the moment her mouth was free. She tried to yell what the fuck was that?! But what came out was “Buh buh ba ba goo ga!” She gasped and went pale. What had the doctor done to her?!

“Sorry, sweetie,” he said, smiling. “You’re too little to talk. That special lozenge works deep into the muscles of your mouth, and down into your throat, taking away the ability to form any sounds more complex than the prattle of an infant. You’ll have to scream and cry to get what you want from now on.”

Sarah stared at him in horror, her mouth hanging open. This couldn’t be happening to her!

There was suddenly a knock at the door.

“Ah!” said the doctor happily. “That’ll be your Daddy! Barbie, go invite our guest in.”

“Like, yes doctor!” said Barbie, brightening up. She’d been watching Sarah’s panicked writhing with a confused and vaguely concerned look on her face. She strutted off and came back a few seconds later with Henry by her side.

“Hi, baby!” he cooed. His eyes ran down her body, and came to rest on the bulky, wet nappy between his wife’s legs. He grinned. “Oh she’s perfect,” he said to the doctor. “I can’t thank you enough for your help, and for your discretion.”

“Just doing my job!” the doctor replied courteously. “Are you ready to take her home now?”

“Yes, if she’s ready.”

“Certainly, certainly. Would you like me to have her wheeled out to your car?”

“No, thank you. I’ll carry her. I’d better get used to picking her up, since she won’t be walking anytime soon!”

The two men laughed, and Sarah just stared at them, caught somewhere between shock and terror. But then Henry reached down and scooped her up out of the bed, cradling her in his arms like she was a newborn. Her eyes met his, and she did her best to channel all her hatred into them. She tried to shout, but all that came out was baby babble. “Ah goo goo ga ba ba boo!” she spluttered furiously, dribbling a little down her chin. “Uh gu gu goo!”

“That’s right, sweetie,” her husband said, taking his leave of the doctor’s clinic and carrying her out, towards her new life. “We’re going home! A life of leisure, you said you wanted. Well now you’re getting it. I’m going to feed you bottles, and wash you in a special little bathtub. You’re going to lie on the floor on your tummy all day, watching silly cartoons. Daddy will dress you in the prettiest onesies and rompers. And you’ll have a lovely nanny to take care of all your needs while I’m at work. You won’t have to get up for anything. Not even the potty!”

Sarah’s incontinent bladder released again, soaking the thirsty padding between her thighs, and she could feel an ominous rumbling in her bowels. This couldn’t be her life! It couldn’t! “Goo goo ga ga!” she cried. “Waaaaaah!”



End Chapter 7

The Seven Deadly Sins

by: Mellow Sadistic | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 4, 2023


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maniac78 · Jun 7, 2023

Really loved all these stories, thank you so much for sharing them!

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