The Seven Deadly Sins

by: Mellow Sadistic | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 4, 2023

Chapter 3

“No! No! No!” Lisa screeched, pumping her fists impotently and stomping her feet like a petulant toddler. A thick disposable diaper crinkled noisily between her legs. “I’m not gonna wear them anymore! I’m not! You can’t do this to me! “I need the toilet now, so get out of my way! I’m a CEO! I’m your boss!”

“Not anymore, Lisa,” said her former assistant. His eyes sparkled with satisfaction as he took in the sight of his nightmare of an ex-boss throwing an absurd tantrum, her usual expensive suit swapped for a bulky adult nappy and nothing else.  “You lost your position, remember? Now you’re just my little dependent. And I’ve decided that you need regular discipline. I know from experience that nappies are the best way. My mum used diaper discipline on my older sister when we were growing up, and nothing sweetened her attitude more than having to go uh-oh in her undies and ask for changes.”

“You can’t discipline me!” Lisa screamed. “I’m an adult! I don’t need to be disciplined!”

“Oh yes you do, little girl,” her ex-assistant said sternly. “You’ve proved you’re far too immature to be treated like an adult, Lisa. Anyone could see you don’t have the mental capacity to take care of yourself anymore, not since these tantrums of yours started getting out of control. Well, more out of control than they used to be, anyway. Personally, I’ve always thought you were just an overgrown little brat who needs a firm hand, and I’m legally your caregiver now, so it’s up to me whether you get disciplined or not.”

Lisa let out an ear-piercing shriek. “NO! NO! NO! NO! I’m an adult! I’m thirty! I don’t wanna be treated like a stupid toddler anymore!”

“Then stop throwing silly little temper tantrums like one, sweetie.”

“But I can’t!” Lisa wailed furiously. “You did something to me! You put something in my coffee, I know it! Before I drank it, I was fine! But now I can’t… I can’t…”

“You can’t control your emotions anymore?” he asked with a smirk.

Lisa burst into tears and started jumping up and down in anger. This wasn’t fair! She knew she looked utterly stupid, bouncing on the spot with her breasts jiggling about, wearing nothing but a nappy, she there was nothing she could do. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t control herself! She’d been declared mentally incompetent after a series of toddler-style meltdowns in the boardroom, ever since her assistant had given her that cup of coffee with that dark smile on his face, and he had been delighted to take her in. The worst thing was that nobody even seemed very surprised. She’d had a reputation for exploding with anger at her employees, and all of them seemed to think she was getting exactly what she deserved.

Suddenly, Lisa let out a gasp. Her bladder, which she had been clamping down on desperately while she tried to get past her new Daddy, finally gave in, and she felt a horrible warmth spreading across her crotch, soaking into the thirsty padding of her baby pants.

“Noooooo!” she whined pathetically, clutching between her legs.

“Awww,” her Daddy taunted cooingly. “Did baby have a widdle accident?”

“You made me!” Lisa cried, screwing up her face in disgust as she felt pee sloshing around in her pants. She hopped from foot to foot as if she were trying to get away from the icky feeling, but her diaper just swung pendulously between her legs and squished against her thighs. “Ew! Ew! Ew!”

“You’ll get used to it, little one,” her ex-assistant mocked. “In fact, after a while you won’t even be able to control yourself anymore! Won’t that be the cutest thing? The big bad boss turned into a helpless little pants-wetter. Only, I don’t think there are going to be any pairs of big girl pants in your future, Lisa. Just an awful lot of diapers.”

Lisa fought as hard as she could to stop herself from breaking down again, scowling furiously up at the man who’d turned her into a joke.

But he just chuckled. “You’re not scary anymore, silly baby. What are you going to do to me? Oh wait… I think I already know.” He grinned. “Go on, sweetie. Be a good little girl and show Daddy. You used to think you were real tough when you were the boss, but now you’re just a dumb baby in a wet nappy. So what’s the worst you can do?”

Lisa couldn’t stop herself. She showed him. She fell to the floor and started wailing at the top of her lungs, kicking her legs and pounding the carpet. Tears poured down her cheeks, and her pissy diaper squelched against her privates, and she did the only thing she could do when she got angry, the thing she’d never be able to stop herself from doing ever again – she threw the loudest, fussiest temper tantrum she could.

And when Daddy dragged her over to the corner and spanked her bottom and told her she wouldn’t be getting a nappy change until bedtime, all she could do was cry.



End Chapter 3

The Seven Deadly Sins

by: Mellow Sadistic | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 4, 2023


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