Trading Places: Sibling Edition 1

by: Destiny | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 6, 2008

As a brother gets picked on by his older sister. A wish stone is about to change there lives forever...

Chapter 1
I wish, I wish with all my stone.

Chapter Description: The wish is made.

"The last day of summer." Alex said as he stood up from his bed. It was a Power Rangers room. The eight year old liked Power Rangers. "I hate this. It’s the last day of summer and I am too young to enjoy it." Alex said as he entered his bathroom. He brushed his teeth and got changed.

Alex walked out of his bathroom. He stood in the mirror on his tiptoes. As his sister walked in. The ten year old was laughing at him. "Come on squirt." She told him as she walked away from the doorway. Alex stuck his tongue out. Alex went out to the living room following his sister.

Once he was out there his sister was on the couch. "What’s your problem Jade?" He screamed as she snickered at. He knew why. Alew wasn’t fully potty trained yet and still wet the bed.

"You know why." Jade smirked. "You still wet the bed, baby." She laughed.

Alex blushed. "How would you feel if you were picked on, huh?" He asked. "What if you were picked on by your older sister?" Alex asked again.

"That’s the thing. I don’t have an older sister."

"Your just a dumb ten year old anyway." Alex said giving up. He went back to his room to watch television. Alex couldn’t believe it. Why did he have to be the little brother. Why couldn’t he be older. He wished he was in the position as Jade.

Alex went up to his room. Inside a drawer in his desk was a stone. It was called the wish stone. It was the last thing his dad gave to him. His dad died about a month ago on a motorcycle accident. He started to cry as he repeated the last thing his father said.

"A wish stone, it will grant one wish. Then it will disappear once the wish is fulfilled." Alex chuckled. "Like a dumb stone can do that. Fine, dad you think it can fine. I wish I were like Jade older and picking on my little sister." Alex said. Then writing began to appear on the back.

Be like Jade...

To be continued...



End Chapter 1

Trading Places: Sibling Edition 1

by: Destiny | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 6, 2008


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