Shirley the Barbarian: A visit to the Sorceress.

by: username | Story In Progress | Last updated Jul 14, 2022

Chapter 3
Shirley’s Mommy visits the nursery

Chapter Description: The sorceress derives great entertainment from her daughter’s antics.

The sorceress cautiously stepped into the nursery. She wanted to do it quietly as it would allow her to observe Shirley for a few moments before she got noticed. The nanny looked up quietly as the sorceress made a silent "SHH!" with a finger on her lips.

Shirley sat on her leather play mat; she wore a woolen top that came down to her belly button and a thick linen diaper composed of several layers that allowed good absorbency. Their thickness came at a cost, as Shirley wasn’t able to close her legs or walk without a pronounced waddle.

She played with her wooden figures and composed an elaborate campaign to allow them to take over a toy castle. While not exactly “child’s play”, the more advanced and elaborate activity prevented her from becoming bored.

The lead general had taken her co-general to her tent for a little “pow-wow” before the battle. Their talk as they performed coitus was nothing less than spicy, at the very least.

The sorceress smirked at some of her daughter’s sexual gaffs. She wasn’t exactly an expert in love-making, but she got kudos for being inventive! A light snort at one of Shirley’s impossible body positions took Shirley’s attention from her game.

“Mommy!” said the teen as she got up with a delighted smile and waddled over to her. “I’m playing a game to take over the evil villain’s castle. You wanna see it?”

“Maybe later, dear. Right now, I need to have a talk with my teenage daughter.”

Shirley’s expression changed as she went from bubbly tot to angst-ridden teen. Turning to face the sorceress, she asked, “What is it, mother?”

“You’ve been in the nursery for over a month. Isn’t it time to come back to your duties and grow up?”

The unhappy teen sat down on her play mat with a soft squish. She no longer went to her nanny for a change; instead, her nanny had to check on her every few hours. The nanny had informed the sorceress of the large number of salves that were being used to treat her frequent diaper rash.

“But I like it here, mother! I play with my wooden figures and, and-” Shirley fell silent; she wasn’t advancing. She couldn't say that she wasn't doing anything more than acting like a toddler in a dirty diaper playing with dolls.

“Is it really that much more enjoyable than learning about the world and growing into a mature woman?”

The nanny approached the pair. “Begging your pardon, milady, I need to change out little Shirley’s diaper and she’s due for a nap otherwise, she’ll be cranky later.”

“I’m not cranky!” protested the teen as she crossed her arms across her chest and pouted. Her diaper continued to make squishy sounds as she rocked back and forth. The conversation was making her nervous.

“Is this what you want? To be a toddler again? If you’re certain then we have little choice.” The sorceress turned to the nanny and instructed her to bring the special potion.

“Wait!” cried Shirley. “Is there a way for me to keep my memories? That way, I might become tired of the whole baby thing.”

“If it’s what you want, my dear,” said her mother, and instructed the nanny to bring a different potion.

“You’ll keep any memories and have to experience growing up all over again. You’ll be bathed, fed, and washed for the first few years until you regain some control over your muscles and learn how to do it yourself.”

The nanny came up with a dusty blue bottle with clear liquid inside. The nanny handed a carefully filled glass of it to Shirley, and she didn’t hesitate to drink down its contents in a few swift gulps.

As she shrank down to an infant with a smile of pure happiness on her face, she looked at her mother gratefully.

The sorceress picked her daughter up out of her clothes and messy diaper. Little Shirley cooed and babbled happily. The nanny took her over to a changing table to clean her up and dress her in more appropriate-sized clothing.

"I have discovered a new baby aid they call 'Powder of Talcum'. Sprinkle it lightly on her diaper areas," instructed the sorceress.

“Yes, mum!” replied the obedient nanny. Shirly babbled on merrily throughout her being diapered and dressed.

“It almost sounds as though she’s singing,” remarked the sorceress.


“How’s my daughter doing?” asked the sorceress as she popped into the nursery.

The nanny attempted to put a spoonful of gruel into the child’s mouth and wasn’t having much luck. Baby Shirley had her arms crossed and looked back at her with a grumpy expression on her face.

“She’s not one for gruel, milady. Well, there’s nothing for it! I’ll just wait until her little tum rumbles. She’ll be plenty hungry by then!”

The sorceress sighed. “Have you tried putting a touch of molasses in the gruel? She likes sweet things.”

“I shall try it, milady!” the nanny collected the gruel and headed for the small kitchen cubby that was installed in a corner of the nursery. 

“How are you doing, Shirley?” asked the sorceress. Shirley smiled at her, waved, and blew a kiss with her clumsy hands.

“Are you enjoying your diapers? I hope the new powder feels good on your skin.”

Shirley smiled and kicked her feet in response. “Goo!”

“As in ‘good’?”

Shirley bobbed her head up and down in agreement. The sorceress became satisfied the memory portion of the potion was having its effect and that Shirley still had her memories.

A few more years down the road found toddler Shirley avoiding potty training as best she could. She clearly still enjoyed wearing her diapers.

“Shirley! We’ve been through this. You need to use the potty and be the big girl!” admonished the sorceress.

“Don’t wanna!” replied Shirley with her arms crossed while sporting a pout on her face.

"After all those diaper changes, are you telling me you still like them? What about all those rashes you got while wearing them? Don’t you think it’d be better to have a dry bottom and not smell of urine all the time?"

“Don’t care!” said a defiant Shirley, “I like diapees!”

“Then you’ll have to learn how to change them yourself. I’ll instruct the nanny to teach you how in a few months.”

“Then I do it!” with a triumphant smile on her face.

“Well, so much for that!” said the amused sorceress.




End Chapter 3

Shirley the Barbarian: A visit to the Sorceress.

by: username | Story In Progress | Last updated Jul 14, 2022


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