The Coach

by: Bfboy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 18, 2009

Chapter 2
Hit The Showers

Chapter Description: Coach begins to assert his control over the boys. Gabe and Jackson find themselves in some awkward situations.

Gabe was all revved up for practice the next day. He’d spent the morning working out in the basement of his house. Sure he had homework he should have been doing for school, but one look at the algebra made his head hurt. Gabe figured getting himself pumped up for football was more important anyway. It wasn’t like anyone was gonna give him a college scholarship for his grades. The stuff they were doing in school these days seemed even more boring and complex than usual. He’d been a little worried after he stumbled over some very simple sentences in English class the past week, but the coach had assured him that some temporary bouts of confusion were a normal and very short-term side effect of the drugs helping him bulk up. Gabe was a little concerned but he trusted the coach totally, what were a few bouts of mental haze to deter him from being the star football player of the decade.

Feeling pretty tired from his hours long work out, Gabe leapt up the stairs out of the basement two at a time when he heard his mom calling that breakfast was ready. As he raced into the kitchen his mom held out her hand, “Hold it there tiger. You go take a seat at the table and I’ll bring your breakfast over to you. Okay sweetie?” she directed with a smile.

Gabe bent his six foot one frame over to give his mom a peck on the cheek. “ ?Kay mom,” he agreed, hurrying over to take his seat and get his food.

He watched eagerly while his mom scooped the scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, toast and waffles onto a giant plate all for him. Gabe noticed that his mom had that flute music CD in again. She’d been playing it nearly non-stop for a couple weeks now. He had no idea why she liked it so much, it actually annoyed him to hear the repetitive tones filling the house day after day but he couldn’t bring himself to upset his mom and complain. Especially not when she made such yummy meals for her growing boy.

“There you go dear,” she crooned, placing the plate in front of him.

Gabe dug in straight away barely managing to pick up the fork and knife. “Now don’t eat too quickly dear,” his mom admonished gently.

Gabe nodded automatically, stuffing more sausage in his mouth.

His mom turned around and called, “Steven! C’mon down before your brother eats your breakfast too!”

A moment later Gabe’s older brother Steven came bounding into the room. “Sorry mom,” he apologized, heading into the kitchen and making himself a plate.

Steven looked nothing like his little brother. While Gabe took after their father, tall and muscular with short black hair. Steven was more like their mother. He was about five foot nine, skinny as a rail with a messy mop of brown hair on his head. Though the twenty year old was at college he sometimes came home on the weekends for a home-cooked meal and a more comfortable bed.

Though it was past nine o’clock Steven was still in his pajamas, his hair messier than usual, sticking up here and there with bed head. Steven was more the academic type, never an early riser and in Gabe’s view lazy and weak. All through childhood Steven had had to put up with a little brother who was stronger and taller and picked on him. Steven brought his plate over and sat down across from Gabe, looking over his brother’s sweaty muscular form. Steven was used to seeing his brother walking about the house I nothing but his baggy athletic shorts. Gabe liked to show off his muscles. Steven seemed to be about to make another one of his snide comment about Gabe’s similarity to a gorilla, but instead he gave Gabe a disgusted look and shook his head in silence.

“Gabe, chew with your mouth closed sweetie,” their mother directed, in a kind voice as though this was a reminder she needed to give Gabe regularly, like a little kid.

Gabe realized his error and focused on chewing properly. He flushed red with embarrassment for a moment. Steven sniggered to himself and Gabe glared at him. He hated the haughty way Steven acted around him ever since he went to college, like he was so much more of a grown-up now than Gabe. He was only two and a half years older for goodness sake.

Gabe finished his breakfast quickly, eating it all down in minutes. Then he dropped his plate in the sink and rushed upstairs to get ready for practice.

Gabe was soon glad he’d had that huge meal because practice was grueling. Coach Taylor had them running and doing pushups for hours. It was damn hot out for this time of year too and Gabe drank loads of Gatorade to try and keep hydrated. It was in the middle of running through the tires that Gabe suddenly stopped in his tracks and grabbed at his crotch. Turning frantically to coach he announced “Shit coach, I gotta pee!”

There were chuckles from the other guys but coach just nodded understandingly. “Go ahead kiddo,” he said, giving his head a jerk in the direction of the locker room.

“Thanks coach!” Gabe yelled, running off the field still grasping his crotch the whole way, hearing the chuckles of his team-mates in the distance.

Gabe felt so relieved that he’d made it to the bathroom in time. For a moment there he was sure he was gonna piss himself in front of the whole team, and even worse, in front of Coach. But then, Coach was so understanding. He didn’t laugh at him or yell. Coach just wanted what was best for his players. Gabe zipped up and headed out into the locker room just as the others were headed in. The boys were all looking exhausted. Jackson seemed to have taken charge in Gabe’s absence. He wasn’t as tall as Gabe, but he was of a similar build. He did Jr. ROTC and kept his head nearly shaved, military style. Now he was barking orders at the other guys, telling them to get their gear packed away. As he saw Gabe coming towards him he smiled.

“Did you make to the bathwoom widdle guy?” he asked in a mocking voice.

Gabe wanted to disappear. Normally he always had a snappy comeback to any put-down, something to quickly restore his coolness. But right now his head was too muddled, probably from the concussion and the hard work-out he figured. He couldn’t think of anything to say and stood there feeling dumb until Coach stepped in, giving Jackson a stern look.

“And what are you laughing at boy?” he demanded.

Jackson looked a bit chastened. “Nothing sir,” he responded meekly.

“You shouldn’t mock your team-mates Jackson. Team unity is very important,” Coach lectured, watching Jackson nod contritely. Then coach leaned forward and placed his hand on Jackson’s shoulder. “In fact Jackson I think you need to make peepee right now too, don’t you buddy?”

The coach spoke with a kind but firm tone and Jackson’s eyes seemed to widen and glaze over, his gaze becoming distant. Jackson nodded and as the coach let go of his shoulder he reached down and grasped his crotch much the same way Gabe had earlier and began to hop back and forth from foot to foot. Gabe didn’t know what to make of this odd behavior as the coach turned to face him and placed his hand on Gabe’s shoulder. Something changed immediately. Suddenly all Gabe was aware of was the coach’s face and his voice, everything else faded into the background. All the noise of the locker room and the odd behavior of Jackson was gone from his mind, there was only Coach.

“Why don’t you take Jackson to the bathroom and help him make peepee. Then the two of you can join the others in the showers. Okay?”

Coach’s voice was so kind and it all made so much sense. He’d do whatever Coach asked of him. Gabe nodded and Coach withdrew his hand. The sounds of the locker room returned but Gabe ignored them, he had a job to do. He reached over to the still hopping Jackson and took his hand. “C’mon Jackson, let’s go to the bathroom,” he directed.

Jackson nodded eagerly, “ ?Kay” he agreed and allowed himself to be lead by the hand out of the room and into the bathroom. There Gabe led him right into the stall and closed the door behind them. Jackson stood there dumbly, staring at the toilet. Gabe reached down and inserted a thumb under the waistband of Jackson’s shorts and boxers on either side, then yanked them down, letting them drop around his ankles. Jackson’s exposed penis dangled freely and he seemed confused as to what he was meant to do now. Gabe needed to help him, like Coach told him. He rubbed Jackson’s back and encouraged him, “Okay Jackson, go ahead and make peepee now, you can do it.”

Jackson’s face relaxed further and soon tinkling sounds filled the stall. Gabe continued to rub his back as he peed. “There you go, that’s a good boy,” he crooned as though speaking to a toddler.

Soon enough Jackson finished peeing and began to lean over for his shorts. Gabe stopped him though. “No, no. Just leave those off buddy, we’re gonna have a shower now.”

Jackson nodded and mumbled, “ ?Kay” allowing Gabe to help him step out of his shorts and boxers.

Gabe picked up the pile of clothing and took Jackson’s hand again, leading him to a bench just outside the bathroom and sat him down, kneeling to take his cleats off. Jackson sat staring blankly at the wall while Gabe untied the knots on his cleats and yanked them off, then peeled away his long white socks. “Okay, arms up,” Gabe directed, standing back up.

Jackson complied immediately, his unfocused eyes still staring off thru the wall, swinging his legs back and forth brushing the bare soles of his feet across the tile floor while Gabe lifted his shirt up over his head, leaving him completely naked. That done, Gabe undressed himself and then once again took Jackson’s hand and lead him back into the locker room. The room was empty, everyone was in the showers already so no one was there to witness the odd sight of one strapping naked young man leading another naked and dazed looking young fellow by the hand like a little child.

As soon as the pair entered the shower it was as though a spell was broken. They had completed the tasks set out for them by the coach and suddenly they felt very aware again. Gabe immediately released Jackson’s hand, feeling very self-conscious about what he’d just been doing. But then he remembered that he’d only been doing what Coach had told him to do and Coach always knew best. In any case his attention was now focused on the scene inside the shower.

Until recently the boys had mostly taken their showers silently and quickly, trying hard not to see anyone else’s junk and pretending they were somewhere else. Since the start of their ?enhancement’ treatment though, the guys had been less shy in the shower, Gabe figured they were more proud of their muscular bodies now. But today things seemed to have gone to a whole new level. Rob and Jeff were chasing each other around the shower playing what looked like a game of tag. Mack was stooped over leaning close to Jim’s butt holding his palms over his mouth and blowing, making it sound like Jim was farting. Mack giggled uproariously and pointed at Jim, then bounded away. Then Gabe noticed that for the first time Christian, their new young coach, was in the shower too! The skinny blonde 22 year old was standing there buck naked like the rest, directly below a shower head, with his head craned back and his mouth open so water was pouring straight into his mouth. After a moment he closed his water filled mouth, rushed over to Pat and tapped his shoulder. When the young man turned Christian squirted the water in his face! Christian turned and took off laughing as Pat gave chase, their free penises bouncing about as they ran.

Gabe didn’t know what to think of this scene. He looked over at Jackson and saw that he looked equally confused, now that his eyes were back in focus. “What the fuck is going on here?” Jackson asked Gabe.

“I dunno, guess they’re letting loose,” Gabe replied.

“Did they get drunk between practice and showers?”

“How could they?”

Jackson shrugged. “Let’s just shower and get outta here.”

“Agreed,” Gabe nodded.

The two showered quietly, ignoring the antics around them. Soon enough Coach called from the locker room that it was time to get out of the shower and go. Gabe and Jackson waited for the others to go first, then headed out to the locker room themselves. The others were mostly finished getting dressed by then, just pulling on their sneakers. Gabe noticed Mack seemed to be having trouble looping the knots. He tried over and over looking frustrated. Finally he kicked the sneakers off and peeled away his socks, stuffing them in the discarded sneakers and then throwing them in his bag. With a wave good-bye he hurried out the door in bare feet. Gabe soon saw that Mack wasn’t alone in that. Tying shoe-laces seemed to be a problem for a number of his team-mates and they seemed more than happy to settle for Mack’s solution.

Just as Gabe prepared to get dressed himself, Coach came out of his office. “Ah, Gabe, Jackson you boys missed your shots. Would you come in here to get them please,” he said waving the two over.

Gabe and Jackson complied immediately, heading into the office. The coach left the door open, there was no need for privacy for what they were about to do after all. The coach opened his drawer and drew out two syringes. He waved Jackson over first. Jackson complied readily. Then, to Gabe’s surprise, the coach actually drew the naked young man into a kind of a hug, wrapping one arm around his back and resting his chin on Coach’s shoulder while he plunged the needle into Jackson’s bum and depressed the plunger.

“I almost forgot to give you boys your shots today,” he chuckled. “The other guys all got theirs before their showers, lucky I caught you before you left. This is a very special shot today. It’s a new improved formula, you should see much faster, much more clear results,” Coach explained.

He let Jackson up out of his embrace, disposing of the empty syringe. Jackson nodded, “Thanks coach” Jackson stuttered and blinked, his pupils dilating and his eyes getting that faraway look to them again. “Coach... um... I feel funny... kinda y’” he stammered, looking lost.

“Don’t worry about a thing Jackson, the new formula just makes you a bit lethargic at first, you’ll be fine kiddo,” Coach assured him.

Jackson looked quizzically at the coach. “Latha... Letha...” he repeated, trying to repeat the word coach just said. Then he blinked and began to smile a bit, his face mellowing. Coach gave him a slap on the bum, “Now go get dressed and get home. Good practice today son!”

Jackson smiled more broadly and giggled as he ran confidently out of the office into the locker room. The coach reached over for the second hypodermic but was interrupted as Christian burst into the office.

“Hi Gabe!” he yelled in greeting, before turning to the coach. Christian was now dressed in t-shirt, baggy shorts and sneakers, but the long laces were undone. He pointed down at his shoes and said, “Coach can you do these for me? Knots are tricky!” he exclaimed.

Coach chuckled and waved him over. Gabe watched in awe as the assistant coach ran over and placed his foot in the older man’s lap waiting for him to tie the laces. As coach did that Gabe glanced over his shoulder out of the office and watched as Jackson picked up his bag, now dressed back in his polo shirt and baggy shorts again. But Gabe noticed that he too was now carrying his sneakers and skipping barefoot out of the locker room.

“Thanks Coach!” Christian exclaimed, running out of the office with his laces all tied.

Gabe looked back over to see coach beckoning him forward, needle in hand. For a moment Gabe hesitated, not sure if he wanted to go through with this, seeing the effects these shots had on the others. How badly did he want to bulk up? But the coach was asking him to do it and everyone else had. Gabe knew he needed to be a team player, he couldn’t disappoint his team mates. It was just a little temporary cloudy mindedness for long-term strength. He had to do it.

Gabe stepped forward and allowed the coach to pull him forward into his arms, his bare skin brushing against Coach’s shirt, the cold metal whistle stinging against his stomach. “There we go, you’ll feel much better in a moment kiddo,” the coach assured him.

He felt the pinch of the needle in his butt and pressure as the coach depressed the plunger. Then it was out and the coach was letting him go, looking up at his face with a knowing grin. As he wondered what Coach was looking at he felt it, a rush of sparkles and cotton candy filling his mind. He felt so dumb, and yet so perfectly content. He couldn’t help but giggle. Coach rubbed his arm. “There we go, not so bad is it?”

Enjoying the delightful mental haze Gabe just smiled and shook his head. “We’re gonna make you a big strong boy aren’t we?” he asked.

Gabe gave an exaggerated nod. “Uh huh!”

Coach gave him a firm slap on the bum. “Okay, get yourself ready to go home buddy.”

Gabe chuckled at the slap on his bum and raced back into the locker room. He almost walked right out the door when he recalled he needed to something first. But what? He focused real hard and it came to him. He needed to get dressed! He looked down at his dangling weenie and smiled at his silliness. He almost went running outside buck naked! He sure would have looked silly, a big strong boy like him all nakie. Gabe went back and pulled on his shirt. It took a couple tries, all the holes looked the same to him but his head wouldn’t go through. Finally he got the right holes and his shirt was on. Then he pulled on his boxers and shorts. Those were easy-peasy! He got on his socks next and then his shoes. But they wouldn’t go on! He looked at them a long time and finally it came to him, they went of the other feet. He felt a swell of pride for remembering that. Once they were on though he had the real problem. He couldn’t tie them and his fingers weren’t cooperating. He knew mommy... mom, had taught him some song to remember how to tie laces, but it just wouldn’t come to him now. He thought about asking Coach for help but he didn’t want him knowing his big strong captain was too dumb to tie his shoes. Then he remembered his friends Jackson and Mack and he knew what the solution was. He yanked off his shoes and socks and threw them in his bag. He could just go barefooted! That felt much better anyway, he didn’t need dumb old shoes. Gabe heaved his heavy bag on his shoulder and beamed with pride at what a strong boy he was. And soon he’d be even stronger.

He skipped out of the locker room and up to the parking lot where he was surprised to see mommy... er, mom, standing by her car waiting for him. Gabe ran thru the parking lot towards mom on his tippy toes. The pavement was really hot! He was glad to get to the shadow by the car. Mom looked down at his bare feet and asked, “What happened to your shoes sweetie?”

“I don’ like wearin’ shoes,” he half lied. Though it was true, it wasn’t really the reason. He didn’t want to admit to her he’d forgotten the special shoe-tying song she’d taught him.

Mom looked him over and put her hand to her mouth, trying not to laugh. Gabe stared at her in confusion, what was funny?

“Put your arms up for me Gabe,” she directed.

Dropping the bag to the ground Gabe complied and his mom stepped forward and lifted the t-shirt off him. It was only then that Gabe realized he’d had it on backwards and inside out. Mom put the shirt back on him the correct way and then watched with sufficient awe while he showed her how strong he was, lifting is bag into the car. “Very good dear! Now let’s get going we need to shop for the team barbeque tomorrow.”



End Chapter 2

The Coach

by: Bfboy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 18, 2009


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